World Occult User Guide

Chapter 152 Casualty Report

Lin An found Simon in the president's office.

After the three deacons were forced to evaporate, he found that the road leading to the upper level of the headquarters was no longer white mist and sand, so he quickly found other senior officials and passed the news to the branches.

Although Simon wanted to control the chaos in San Francisco with the rescuers, his condition was not good, so he was rejected by the senior management and could only stay here.

When they merged, Lin An discovered that Simon's pollution level had increased by 5%, reaching a very dangerous 53%.

His appearance has also changed. Not only has he gained a pair of dark golden wings, but his body has become shorter and shorter - not a reduction in juvenile form, but a change in the terrifying direction of the Old Testament - his feathers no longer fall off, There was a faint vision inside.

It's like brewing prying eyes.

Simon was very happy to see Lin An.

"Lin, you are safe!"

"I wandered around the 'Basic' hall and spent the whole night in a daze. I didn't know anything. Captain, why are you here?" Lin An asked first.

Simon squinted his eyes, and his dark gray pupils were divided into four from the inside, showing five triangles. They were covered by thick eyelashes, making it difficult for others to see clearly.

"After saying goodbye to you, I met the deacons of the inspection team... For some reason, they suddenly started fighting with me. They seemed to suspect that I had just come down from the 'Priestess' floor and caused X's paralysis; I don't know why they There is this misunderstanding.”

The inspection team didn't know about the deal between Jericho and [Xi Yong], but why should they suspect the captain? Lin An thought.

"I was defeated by three people joining forces, and I didn't want to conflict with them. Unfortunately, they couldn't listen to my explanation, and the battle was inevitable. When I was dim, I seemed to see a person..."

"Who?" Lin An had an unknown premonition.

"I don't know. It was a humanoid figure with a green light all over its body, whose features could not be seen clearly. It flashed through the darkness of the 'Virtue' area like an aurora." Simon frowned tightly, "I don't know who it is, and the Foundation doesn't have it either. Information about it.”

Were you still awake at that time?

Lin An was glad that he did not remove the code.

"This person was like a ghost outside the a daydream I had when I was comatose and awake. In the end, it did not hurt me. Instead, it healed my injury by some means and left."

"It sounds like a kind-hearted person!" Lin An said quickly.

"Perhaps treating me is just a manifestation of its will." Simon sighed softly, "I reported this sighting to the higher-ups. They believe that this person is most likely to be the strong humanoid light in the sky whose face cannot be seen."

"Wait, why did you come to this conclusion..."

"They are equally mysterious and powerful, and the direction the human figure left is clearly the road leading to the 'Crown' area. Combined with the subsequent battle above the foundation, the person I saw was most likely the body of that terrifying light. .”

Simon couldn't help but feel a chill rushing up his back as he thought about the memories in the darkness.

"Lin, don't ask anymore. This mysterious person is definitely one of the most terrifying existences in the Eagle Kingdom, no, even in the world. At that time, it had a terrifying battle with two unidentified people. Don't tell anyone else. Intervene and blind everyone who dares to look directly."

"Yes, young people, as in Howard Lovecraft's novels, investigators who become interested in things that are far beyond cognition will eventually end in tragedy."

A civilian employee came over and intervened in the conversation between the two.

"You should be glad you didn't see that light with your own eyes."

"Light..." Lin An knew that she was referring to Adam Kadmon of Jericho.

Civilians talked about that battle in the sky. For ordinary people who didn't know the ins and outs, it was undoubtedly the most terrifying scene they had ever seen in their lives.

"We still don't know what it is fighting. Both parties are undoubtedly mystical beings above the source level. However, the Foundation has unanimously decided not to study it in depth to avoid entering an unspeakable realm."

"Because it is unobservable, once seen, loss of vision is only the mildest symptom. That bright light can even cause cognitive impairment and madness in those who observe it."

"The memories of the surviving witnesses were severely damaged and they were unable to recall the specific scene. They only knew that at that moment, they saw a strong light that spread like the Tyndall effect."

Simon continued, warning in a cautious tone.

"Although I don't know why it left me alone, mystics of this level are undoubtedly gods. Their thoughts, behaviors and practices are beyond anyone's imagination. Lin, please don't inquire about information about it out of curiosity. !”

It’s not a question of whether to explore or not, Captain, the first ghost you mentioned is me, and the second ghost has probably been raised by Brother Lei Zi and Little Dog Ya.

Lin An, who was described as "indescribable", had complicated emotions.

"We have temporarily given this mysterious person a referential name, 'Ghost Light'." The clerk said.

Lin An could hardly hold back anymore and said, "Listening to what you just said, wouldn't it be more appropriate to call it 'Cloud Gap Light' or 'Mass Matt Light'?"

How much do you like this pronoun? Is this some new Eagle Country trend that I don’t understand?

"The holy Lord will not rashly burn the eyes of believers. Only the light of the devil is unbearable." The clerk pushed up his glasses, ended the topic, and sent the information in his arms to the two of them, "Someone asked me to send these Over to you."

"There is also a [Ghost] in Ditry City..." Simon murmured as he took it.

That's enough, let's put aside this stack of buffs!

Am I a ghost or a synthetic scapegoat?

Lin An's mouth twitched and he interrupted the captain's imaginings: "Madam, who asked you to give these documents to us?"

"Representatives sent by the Washington Congress to assist the foundation." The clerk said, "I don't know the specific situation. You should read this information first. The situation is very chaotic now. You are not employees of the headquarters. It is best to stay where you are. "

"Okay, I understand now, thanks."

Looking through the information, the first thing that comes to mind is tonight's casualty report.

Figures even more terrifying than those of the Detli City branch appeared on the paper, and they depicted bloody battlefields in which Lin An did not participate.

515 people died in the civilian department, 385 people died in the logistics department, 127 people died in the research department, and 79 people died in the direct department.

That's almost a quarter of the workforce, a total that continues to rise as rescue operations begin.

This does not include the people in the Inspection Team office. Except for Team Leader Joshua and six deacons, many ordinary employees of the Inspection Team unfortunately died in the riots. They were all elites in the research department and the direct-facing department.

Civilian authorities have not compiled specific reports as out-of-control mystics roamed surrounding towns and the city of San Francisco.

No one knew that the root cause of this disaster was simply that their president wanted to perfect Adam Kadmon.

There may be factors in the transaction between Xion and the Dawn Association. After all, the root cause of the loss of control is that Xion took away the core of X and failed to complete a peaceful handover with the Dawn Association.

As for whether they had broken down or had agreed to carry out a hard-core "layoff", Lin An didn't know.

In any case, only ordinary employees of the Foundation and the people of San Francisco suffered. The Dawn Association or Xion probably got what they wanted.

"Brush it."

Lin An turned to the next page of the report and found that it was a schedule.


"Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, members of the St. Annelov Foundation."

"In the riots, we lost too many, including former President Jericho, inspection team leader Joshua, and many more soldiers. Pray that God will bless their time in this world."

"Their sacrifices were not in vain. Saint Anilov has overcome the painful darkness and is about to usher in the dawn of new life. Let us always remember the sacrifices of the deceased and inherit the belief to protect people's lives and property, as well as" Comers' coexistence and hard work."

The day after the turmoil subsided, the logistics director of the headquarters gathered all the surviving employees in the "Virtue" area and held a grand memorial ceremony.

After speaking, he saluted to the three flags outside the window that were lowered to half-staff.

"God bless the Eagle Nation."

Hymns and national anthems were played one after another, and people in the audience whispered prayers, praying to God to bless the souls of those who died in the night.

Not everyone was immersed in grief. Many people looked at the figure sitting on the stage with curious eyes, and uncontrollable thoughts were swirling in their hearts.

Most of the familiar high-level officials were still there, but there were more than a dozen faces they had never seen before. The original inspection team was either dead or missing, and they were replaced by a group of strangers.

I heard that these people are the new inspection team sent by Washington to assist the "Special Investigation Team".

"Dawn Association".

Not only that, there were some people in suits and ties among them, and their movements revealed an inimitable military temperament.

The changes made employees feel anxious and uneasy.

Without the president and the leader of the inspection team, where will the foundation go under the new leadership?

Sensing their doubts, the logistics director quickly introduced them.

"Then come the representative from the parliamentary side of Washington, Lord Arthur Williams. You will join me in welcoming him with a round of applause."

A middle-aged man with a full forehead, aquiline nose, and thin lips took the microphone. His blond hair was so light that he looked bald from a distance.

“What a great place this is!”

He first praised the bravery of each foundation employee.

"For my own part, though I have only been in this place two days, I have seen more in the titles I have held than I have hitherto had."

"It is with pride and honor that I temporarily accept the responsibility of leadership, and there is no one in this magnificent fortress who is not moved by its atmosphere, a legacy that undoubtedly reaches back into the mists of history."

"The St. Annilov Foundation has given birth to many brave people in the past two years. They are princes, knights and great guardians. I hope and believe that I can make my contribution in time, and for this I seek Ladies and gentlemen for your cooperation and understanding.”

"Social conditions have changed since two years ago with the approach of Commerce, and are, of course, still changing. The government's requirements for the foundation have changed, but I am determined to serve and do my best to meet those requirements, whether now, or An uncertain future.”

Although this false and empty speech was without nutrition, the Lord's words were quite impassioned, causing the audience to burst into warm applause.

The Lord bowed deeply, sat back down, and asked the secretary beside him.

“What’s next on my schedule?”

"You will have a follow-up meeting with the captain from Detli City who completed the mission of transporting the Thunderbirds, and his team members to implement the new policy."

The secretary clicked on the tablet in her hand with the tip of her tail to bring up the calendar.

"Well, very good, great!" The Lord glanced at his watch, "It's almost two o'clock in the afternoon, let the tea lady prepare some tea for the two gentlemen, Crowley."

"I am not Crowley, my lord."

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