World Occult User Guide

Chapter 153 Lord Arthur

St. Annelov Foundation headquarters, "Understanding" area.

In a gorgeous office, Lin An and Simon were sitting on the sofa near the display screen.

X was once connected to the core of the screen and played surveillance footage of the entire Foundation. Now times have changed and the machine has been modified.

Several engineers tapped on the keyboard, making a clicking sound.

On the other side of the room was a huge desk that seemed to weigh hundreds of kilograms.

That "Lord Arthur" made an appointment with them for a meeting at three o'clock in the afternoon. Lin An and Simon were currently reading the new attachment received in the mailbox.


The door was opened, and the two stood up from the sofa. They saw a secretary who was meticulously dressed and wearing gold-rimmed eyes pushed the door in, followed by a middle-aged man.

"Please allow me to introduce to you Lord Arthur Williams, the 'leader' or 'regent' of the Dawn Association, the representative of the Eagle Country Superpower Association, the head of the foundation's new inspection team, and also the president. President’s temporary agent.”

The secretary spoke in fluent English.

"Hello, Lord Williams," Simon greeted.

"It's not Williams, it's Arthur Williams; my name is John." The Lord shook hands with him. "Thank you for participating in this meeting, Simon Lloyd and Lin from Ditry."

Lin An ran through several prototype guesses in his mind, but the system showed no response, and no obvious changes in Lord Arthur could be seen with the naked eye, so he had to give up.

"Two gentlemen, please take a seat." Lord Arthur winked. "This is not a 'standing' council (Standing Committee Standing Council)."

His cold joke made the two of them awkward. Fortunately, someone came in with a cart of tea and snacks, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

Lord Arthur picked up the teapot and poured the black tea into the bone china cup. Sweet steam rose. Then he added cold milk and stirred it with a golden spoon.

"On the tea table in the Lion Kingdom, one's social status can be seen from the order of adding milk and tea. Putting milk first and then tea means rudeness and poverty; on the contrary, pouring tea into the cup and then adding milk A testament to an aristocratic upbringing.”

"I want to drink coffee." Lin An said.

"Come, come, for the health of Her Majesty the Queen!"

Seeing Lord Arthur's leisurely and contented look, Lin An felt the urge to pour the black tea upside down on his head.

Dawn Association, you paddling organization!

I thought you guys were so powerful, but during the duel with the inspection team, I kept fishing and never stopped!

Simon was not good at dealing with Lord Arthur, so there was a natural pause in the conversation, and Lin An took the opportunity to speak.

"Lord Arthur, you must have gathered us here for more than just afternoon tea."

"Oh, that's right!" The Lord motioned to the secretary, "Your team has made outstanding contributions in the mission of transporting Thunderbirds, and the Dawn Association would like to formally award you with the honor. Regardless of the absence of the other two employees, I am here to honor you first. You give out awards.”

The secretary opened a box, and inside was a sparkling, beautiful cross. It lay in a rose-colored ribbon, so exquisite that it caught the eye.

"This medal is awarded specifically to you, Mr. Lloyd, for your personal dedication, leadership and commitment in assuming a position of authority on this mission."

The Lord put it on for Simon, who was quite flattered. He touched the heavy medal on his chest, and a blush of excitement and confusion flashed across his face.

“Your extraordinary achievements are a reflection of the values ​​of the St. Annelov Foundation, and on behalf of the new inspectorate, I recognize your talent and potential as one of its members.”

"Thank you, my lord."

Lord Arthur observed his reaction with satisfaction, turned to Lin An, and took out a medal as usual.

"And you, my foreign friend..."

As soon as his finger touched Lin An, the latter dodged it.

"Mr. Lord, can I not give up the medal and exchange it for another reward?"

"I insist that you accept it. This medal represents Dawn Association's most heartfelt congratulations to an outstanding employee. May you perform your duties with kindness and integrity and uphold the values ​​of the Foundation. Make the world a better place."

"Your Majesty, thank you for the award. I don't think I can be considered a role model for the company." Lin An waved his hands repeatedly.

"Mr. Lin, your wonderful performance in the task is enough to prove that you are one of the most outstanding employees of St. Annelov in the past two years!"

"Speaking of missions, I'm recalling bits and pieces of the past. When our team met the Dawn Association, the gentlemen of the Dawn Association clearly lurked in the New Mexico branch early, but they did not stop Deacon Ruben from taking away me and Another team member.”

These words made Lord Arthur's smile freeze.

"Then, the elder asked two knights to follow us." Lin An pretended to be confused and said, "The Dawn Association is so foresight. If my companions and I died at the hands of Deacon Ruben, this number of substitutes would be a perfect match. "

As expected of a Lions organization, it has always been bad at being a bad person.

"What a terrible guess you are talking about!" Lord Arthur glanced at the thoughtful Simon and interrupted quickly, "How else can we commend you for your achievements, Mr. Lin?"

"I want to buy it for zero yuan from the research department at the headquarters."

"Understood, your suggestion is being actively considered."

Lord Arthur sat back in his office chair and cleared his throat.

"You are no stranger to the new policy that Dawn Association is about to promulgate. After all, we have had several contacts. I also sent a copy of the draft to your mailbox."

Lin An had just finished reading the lengthy and cumbersome bill.

Generally speaking, it is contrary to Joshua's approach, normalizing the awakening of mystery, harnessing the energy of "Comes", and formulating a complete set of laws based on the society of mystics per capita.

"Such a huge disaster occurred in San Francisco, affecting more than one million people. Even the government would find it difficult to suppress the media. The public will know about the arrival of 'Comes' sooner or later. It is better to educate them in advance to avoid unnecessary births. panic and conspiracy theories.”

Having said this, Lord Arthur paused slightly and waved to the secretary on the side.

"It reminds me, Robin, to contact a Hollywood producer to make a popular science education film about 'Kemmers' based on the collapse of the Golden Gate Bridge."

"I'm not Robin, sir." The secretary recorded his itinerary on the tablet, "Are you copying Pacific Rim?"

"Oh, I thought I was original." Lord Arthur took a sip of black tea, "Are you okay with this part?"

"I want to know when I can get my reward." Lin An said.

"Ahem..." Simon tried to smooth things over, "Mr. Lord, I don't object to the Dawn Association's proposal, but the laws of 'Comoth' are very dangerous, and you will die if you are not careful. What should you do once it spreads on a large scale?" What about controlling people’s pollution value?”

"Good question, Mr. Lloyd. Before answering, I want to make sure you understand this concept. About 80% of the people in the world will attract the God of Farming and the Lord of the Earth. The former is a person whose moral level is above the average line, and the latter is People whose moral standards are below average.”

"After statistics, the Lord of the Earth and the God of Farming do account for the majority of the total awakenings, especially among the free mystics." Simon pondered, "What does this have to do with the level of pollution?"

"Generally speaking, both mediums can remain safe as long as they live normally."

Simon said in surprise: "But the pollution value of the mysterious beings controlled by us always increases little by little and never decreases."

"The pollution values ​​of these people remain high. The fundamental reason is that they were put into isolation rooms, away from the crowd, and their thinking became increasingly deviant from normal. On the contrary, they were unable to suppress the pollution."

"what happened?"

"Let's talk about the God of Farming first. Their way of maintaining the pollution value is to 'help', so they have to work. You see, there are no cases of foundation employees of the God of Farming dying due to pollution, right? That's because they are all here work hard!"


Lin An's eyes widened.

What a tragic fate this is for working people!

"As for the 'Lord of the Earth', as long as you understand the mysterious prototype and maintain the original rhythm of life." Lord Arthur spread his hands, "In other words, what these two media need is not imprisonment, but comfort, science popularization, education, and subsequent distribution. A job.”

After a moment of silence, Simon asked: "What about the other nine media?"

"This is the focus of this meeting." Lord Arthur tapped his fingers on the table. "You are familiar with the recent murders in Ditry City."

"Alpha-002's [Ghost]." Simon's tone was deep, and Lin An's eyelids twitched.

"The new policy will be implemented first in San Francisco, and will be revised based on the results of public opinion, striving to create a method to adapt to the new era and deal with 'Comes'." Lord Arthur said awkwardly, "It is bound to be implemented nationwide. ,before that……"

"Obstacles that endanger society must be removed." Simon said what he meant, "Whether it is [Ghost] or [Witch]."

"Before that, when can I go to the research department to choose my reward?" Lin An said without mercy, "And how can the other nine media reduce contamination?"

"Mr. Lin, your attention is always so sharp. I fully respect your right to ask any questions. If we have more progress, we will notify you as soon as possible."

Playing football, right?

Unable to figure out the details of the Dawn Association, Lin An did not pursue the question aggressively.

The preliminary guess is that Dawn Association plans to use this information as a reward and put it into the exchange system to encourage other media to work.

Lin An also doesn't believe that reducing the pollution of the "God of Farming" can only be done by lawful part-time workers, otherwise unemployed vagrants like Sister Shuzi would have been polluted and died.

I can only be sure that the medium is related to the concept of "helping".

The "Lord of the Earth" should maintain his original intention and live in a familiar "group and environment".

So far, the Dawn Association's policies are much more moderate, rational, and thoughtful than those of the extreme inspection team. Some of the concealment and use are also to stabilize people's hearts and weather the social unrest as smoothly as possible.

And unlike the local snake inspection team supported by the chaebol, the Dawn Association is meddling in the internal affairs of Eagle Country and is an "ambassador's advisor". Lin An believes that the government knows better than him about how to manage the country in the future.

When it comes to mystics, the Dawn Society will neither randomly capture people for sacrifice like Jericho did, nor hold the "Hunger Games" every day like Joshua did.

Their privileges, allowances, compensation, etc. have not been lost. The Dawn Association also allows awake mystics to contact ordinary people, even if the person has mutated due to the degree of pollution.

For example, the captain with wings can also enter the cafe.

Forged into a Philosopher's Stone, he saved all the mysterious people in the Eagle Kingdom. Lin An thought, if you want to shoot Pacific Rim 3, why not shoot Captain Dragon Kingdom with me as the prototype?

Seeing Lin An's silence, the Lord immediately ended the meeting.

"If you gentlemen have no doubt..."

"Wait a moment, my dear lord."

Under the Lord's resentful gaze, Lin An spoke quickly.

"Please approve my request to go to the research department to select rewards now. After all, I am such an outstanding employee of the foundation."

Thanks to Yi Li Zhou and Book Friends 20230304140108080 for their monthly votes. Thank you all for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

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