World Occult User Guide

Chapter 154 The eagle spreads its wings and says so

Lin An stayed at the headquarters for about five more days, during which he conducted special training with the new inspection team.

Not long ago, he submitted an application to become the team leader of the branch, and it was actually approved by the Dawn Association.

Although Lin An's original intention was to stay with Thunderbird, now that the application was approved, he did not refuse.

After becoming the captain, he will have more time at his disposal, and the Dawn Association's policies will amplify his freedom.

Currently Lin An still belongs to Simon's team, and he will be able to officially complete the handover when the team members are gathered.

The new inspection team took office, and the direct-facing departments also had new responsibilities.

Compared with the simple and crude three categories of punishment, control and defense in the past, it has now expanded to seven categories, and on the original basis, instructors, publicity, assessment and advisory teams have been added.

Lin An is the first captain of the new advisory team of the Ditry City branch.

Facing the department is only one of the reforms. The handover between Dawn Association and Xion has brought about various changes, such as the foundation's core control device-the restraint belt.

The object itself is a Mishnah-like "Judge" commandment, crafted by Zion and Joshua.

Lin An still doesn't understand the principle, but he can probably guess a thing or two.

The inspection team will only select low-rated mystics. Lady Ava said that Mother of Desire is the only one that passively improves the ratings of others. Thunderbird mentioned that Xion gave it an item that transferred the pollution value...

All these evidences show that one of the key words of the Mother of Desire is "grafting". They can transfer mysterious prototypes, pollution values, and even radiation values ​​from one individual to another, and cultivate a group of subordinates simply and crudely.

Zion is a family with the "Mother of Desire" as its core, and the mysterious prototype of Joshua made a promise with God on Mount Sinai.

Therefore, the previous members of the inspection team were first selected by them and went to the headquarters to get "affirmation" from Joshua, just like the deacons of the inspection team. Then Xiyong used "transfer" to let the new mysterious prototype cover the original mystery. prototype.

However, this grafting also has limitations.

The "offspring" rating favored by the Mother of Desire cannot surpass the "mother" who performed the ritual, and once given, it cannot be taken back.

Even though Xi Yong withdrew from the foundation bit by bit, the remaining branch heads and inspection team retained their prototypes.

This is Lin An's tentative conclusion.

With their existence, the production of restraints can continue, but it will slowly fade out of sight. Under the governance of the Dawn Association, the controlled mystics can truly be treated, their conditions improve, and they regain their sanity.

The price is to be used as a labor force by Dawn Association and the government and work for them for at least ten years.

While completing the simple assessment and special training, Lin An paid attention to Lord Arthur's emails. Until today, the black tea man finally approved Lin An's request.

Lin An applied to borrow the notebook that Mrs. Ava had handed over.

The owner of the note is suspected to be a member of a certain "prophet" family. He came to the West during the gold rush and unfortunately died on the way. He died in a foreign country.

Lin An originally wanted to borrow the original notebook because it might be an ancient mysterious item.

Unfortunately, the research department told him that this notebook had been classified as taboo by the inspection team and had been destroyed.

Since the inspection team often uses taboos as an excuse to destroy, confiscate, and transfer some items and materials—Joshua does not want “Comes” to be widely recognized, nor does he want to treat out-of-control mysterious people—several leaders of the research department Presciently and secretly left a backup.

Now that the Dawn Association has opened its policy, they can finally officially develop them.

After receiving a scan of this 19th-century notebook, Lin An read it that night.

The note is not long, about three hundred pages, two-thirds of which are the author's travel experiences, and the content about "Comes" is only over one hundred pages.

It is mainly about how the prophet can increase the radiation value and maintain a beneficial pollution value.

The increase in the prophet's radiation value comes from "making a prophecy", and the way to decrease it is "witnessing the moment when the prophecy comes true".

This medium needs to blend in with the crowd and society, create or join a religious-like personal organization, collect the trust and admiration of the group, and make people sincerely believe that the words spoken by the prophet must be the destiny to become reality.

This kind of strong psychological suggestion can affect the thinking of people around you, just like the 2012 doomsday prediction from the Maya in the past. Even if it is not true, because it has spread so widely, some people still believe that it will definitely happen.

At the same time, the more people trust the prophet, the wider and more powerful the psychological implications of the medium will be, and the more likely they will be able to influence the uncertain future.

As the radiation value increases, even fate itself can stand by their side.

There are also notes from the research department on the last few pages of the notes.

The energy of the prophet comes from the collective unconscious mind.

In a way, it represents the entire consciousness of a collective, expanded to the archetypal level, thereby resulting in the electromagnetism of the spirit within physical reality and the reflection of consciousness projected into physicality. matrix.

"Prophets" rely heavily on the opinions of third parties. They use mystical techniques to obtain prophetic inspiration, spread it out, and influence the psychology of others. At the moment when the collective recognizes and trusts it, the spirit jointly realizes the predicted results.

This medium is an example of both mystery and mystery among the 11 media.

The note also mentions the discovery of the seer's weakness.

A prophet is surrounded by faith and goes to the altar, but he can also be thrown to death by faith.

Precisely because its ability comes from "third-party" observation, when the prophecy spreads, everyone has the ins and outs, cause and effect, and picture of how it should be realized.

For example, regarding the predictions for 2012, some people think it will be a major flood, some people think it will be a meteorite falling, and some people think it will be World War III.

Although the results are all "world destruction", there are many reasons. After all, prophets can only influence people's thoughts and cannot completely control the process by which these people reach specific conclusions.

So that before the results are officially born, various problems will arise in the calculations of the prophets, and new predictions will even be born during the period. In the end, the huge cause and effect swallows up the prophets themselves.

The notes suggest that after "Comoth" arrives, the prophet should act together with the "War Emperor" and use their army and territory to assist.

The Seer can easily deal with the Lord of the Earth and the God of Farming, but among other things, it is a self-proclaimed natural enemy of "seekers of knowledge."

Seeker mediums easily fall into the influence and trust of seers out of curiosity, and once recognized, it is difficult to avoid them because their minds are active.

No wonder……

If you see a prophet in the future, run away. Lin An thought.

One of the natural enemies of prophets is "fantasists" who think outside the box and act uncontrollably.

The owner of the note claimed that conflicts with them should be avoided to prevent the prediction from being distorted, causing backlash from third-party observations and causing unexpected events.

They are also not good at dealing with the "God of Truth" and the "Lord of Dreams".

The former always maintains a state of inaction and is indifferent to the prophecies; the latter will use their own self to influence the prophecies, like the Sun Wukong who resists fate, and it is difficult to achieve the expected results.

Sun Wukong?

Lin An was stunned when he saw this. The owner of the note seemed to be from Central Continent, or had contact with Central Continent culture.

Could it be that there is a family in Central Continent with a "prophet" as its core?

In addition to the Central-Continent metaphors that popped up from time to time, the notes mentioned a concept that shocked Lin An.

In ancient times, when "Comes" first came, people never called radiation radiation value. This term was too modern, scientific, and too cold.

Mystics four thousand years ago believed that there are two opposing energies flowing in the body, one is divinity and the other is humanity.

Divinity…and humanity?

Lin An put down his notes and started thinking.

Radiation is the energy produced by correctly controlling the divine medium, imitating the behavioral logic of another planet; pollution is the energy produced by misinterpreting the laws of Commerce, but this cannot be avoided because humans always have seven emotions and six desires.

Products without human nature are machines and artificial intelligence.

Even Lin An, who yearns for "Comes" extremely much, cannot always maintain the mentality of a seeker of knowledge and never change.

Sometimes he is the confused lord of the earth, sometimes he is the helpful god of farming, he is the neutral god of truth, he is the murderous judge, and he is a gullible prophet...

Lin An couldn't help but stroke his hot forehead.

A few days ago, Thunderbird placed an icy kiss on it.

"Life is always moving, flowing from one place to another like water..."

In the philosophy of the native people, God never arranges specific roads for people. They are just illusions that appear suddenly - a kind of luminous road sign. Then it lives among the crowd, watching the creatures on the earth tread in different ways. On the journey of life.

For me, Commerce is a "signpost".

But after all, I am not the god of that world, and I need to pursue it in a human way.

I don’t want to be Jericho...even if I understand what he does very well and am on the same page as him.

It is true that I will continue to look for ways to reduce the pollution of seekers and explore the world of mystics, but before that, I should also think carefully about the balance between the two worlds.

How to obtain divinity from human nature, and how to understand human nature from divinity.

This can also unlock the secret of the mutual conversion of radiation values ​​and pollution values.

Lin An silently made up his mind.

The journey along the way has been so wonderful, and I feel happier than ever, and not just because of the arrival of Commerce.

The neon-lit Bode Street, the international-style New York, the green Virginia, the pure and simple Xunlang tribe, the yellow sand sky of New Mexico, the superstitious and fanatical séance, and the joyful city that never sleeps Las Medos, the MGM owner with a gambler’s mentality…

Every place has its own unique occult culture.

And I am a Cosmos seeker walking on Titan.

"Didi didi——"

The phone's light-up interface rang, and Lin An discovered that Green Pao had an additional friend request.

1: Lin An?

Cabin in the Woods: Are you Little Dogtooth?

The other party wore the default avatar and slowly typed in text. All the words he sent out were wrong sentences. He thought he could only speak English but couldn't spell. Lin An made the video funny.

The little canine was startled at first, and then his eyes widened.

"Lin An, how are you? I'm glad to be here to talk to you!"

"I'm fine, what about you? How about the eagle spreading its wings, the high horse, and guarding the tent?"

"I'm already in Lower Dongzhou!" Little Canine showed his white teeth, "Lin An, listen to me..."

She only chatted with Lin An for a few minutes. The sound of flapping wings came, and Lin An saw the majestic form of the Thunderbird from behind her.

It communicated a few words with Little Canine in the way of thunder, and the latter said regretfully: "I'm leaving, Lin An. I will continue to chat with you on my mobile phone in the future!"

"I wish you all the best." Lin An waved his hand, "Brother Lei Zi, don't you want to say a few words to me?"


Comoth's energy could not be transmitted through electronic signals. Although Thunderbird nodded, Lin An only saw a big face that was too close to the camera occupying the entire screen.

The black pupils reflected countless images of him in the foundation, like a faint mirror.

I don’t know what the thunderbird said at the end. On the other side of the picture, it spreads its wings and soars freely in the blue sky, like a touch of colorful paint.

Looking at its back, the emptiness that was shouting deep in Lin An's heart finally found its way out. Some words need not be said, he already knew it.

He opened the door and got into a taxi heading to the airport.

The golden dawn rises on the distant horizon, and a new era is coming.

Thank you to the world's smartest and cutest poi and book friend 20221004202129819 for your monthly votes. Thank you all for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

The Thunderbirds chapter ends here.

In the process of writing the book, the author also deeply felt his own shortcomings. There is still a lot to learn and improve in popular online writing.

Especially the last section, because there are too many settings thrown out at once, it feels complicated and lengthy. The author is deeply reviewing it and trying to reveal the secret more step by step in the next chapter.

The author is not a full-time writer. Due to the daily update, looking back at the past chapters, it is true that some parts were too rough and the overall writing was not detailed enough. The author has also deeply reflected on this.

In the future, I may reduce the amount of updates and polish the quality more carefully. I hope to bring you a better reading experience and present my worldview to you more completely.

The birth and growth of this book are inseparable from the love of readers. Thank you for your continuous support and encouragement along the way, which makes me full of motivation to write every day.

A big chapter will be released at the same time tomorrow, entering the latest small node of the first volume [New Tower of Babel].

Lin An will return to the original city of Ditli to explore the mystery of his life and family. Characters such as Ruan Ruyun, Doris, Sasaki, branch president, professor, Adelia, and the witch will also appear one after another.

Finally, thank you again for your support! ~o(〃'▽'〃)o

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