World Occult User Guide

Chapter 155 The Foundation’s Old Man


When Lin An and Simon walked into the foundation hall along the gravel road in Dietrich City, the sound of crackers and fireworks rang out, and colorful confetti was sprinkled on them.

The foundation here heard about their deeds at the headquarters, and in order to celebrate, they specially prepared a grand party.

Colorful flags, crackers, cupcakes, and colorful happy water are all available.

Standing in the center were the four major ministers - the branch president of Ditry City still did not show up. The person who came forward in his place was Lin An's old acquaintance, Reagan Modirich.

After not seeing each other for a month, his pollution level was under good control. Not only did it not increase, it actually decreased by about 3%. From the sizzling black mist particles, one could vaguely see Reagan's original facial features.

After the riot, the punishment team was completely wiped out, Simon embarked on the journey to transport Thunderbirds, and Reagan took over the banner of the direct confrontation department. As Lord Arthur said, the "God of Farming" medium is linked to "help and work" .

It seems that diligent work can really reduce the pollution value.

It’s just that the hairline seems to be receding.

It would be too miserable for the mysterious person who awakened the God of Farming.

In the crowd, Lin An officially met the logistics minister who replaced Joelna Cardenas.

He is from Zhongzhou, has a Mediterranean hairstyle, a short build, and looks to be in his forties or fifties. He has a humble and polite smile and stands with his hands and feet shrinking.

The foundation has many foreign employees, including Lin An himself.

Originally, you would get a residence card as soon as you join the job. After working for one year, you can apply for permanent residence and you can choose to join Eagle citizenship.

After being taken over by the Dawn Association and the government, this job became increasingly separated from the scope of private companies and consortiums, and became a serious civil servant.

Unfortunately, within the next ten years of the radiation from "Comes", Eagle Country will definitely not be suitable for emigration.

In addition to the logistics director, there are many unfamiliar faces in the foundation, all of whom are new employees joining this month, totaling nearly a hundred people.

The civilian minister cleared his throat and brought Lin An back from his thoughts.

"Formally introducing to you, this is Captain Simon Lloyd of our direct-facing department's control team, and Captain Ann Lin of the new advisory team. They have just completed a 20-day delivery mission for the headquarters, and have received the support of the current General Assembly A long compliment.”

"Captain Lloyd will continue to serve in his original position. He is one of the earliest employees of the control team and has been commended by the headquarters many times. As for Captain Lin, although he has only joined the team for a short time, he has demonstrated excellent ability in tasks and is a key member of the Foundation. A well-deserved role model.”

“It is with great enthusiasm that we welcome you both back to the Michigan Chapter of the St. Annelov Foundation!”

The applause was warm and resounded throughout the hall.

After the simple speech, a dark figure rushed towards Lin An and Simon. It was Mi Xi, and behind her was Barry who was carrying a plate of cupcakes.

"Captain, Lin, long time no see! Just looking at the reports from the headquarters and the news from San Francisco these days, I am almost worried to death! Although I have confirmed that you are safe and sound, seeing is believing. I feel more at ease!”

Seeing his excited companions, Lin An burst into laughter.

"We've only been apart for a week."

"Time passes at a different speed." Mi Xi said seriously, "The set you went to was The Avengers, and I was participating in Waiting for Godot!"

"So, what are Gogo and Didi doing during this time?"

Lin An took a look at the green data of the system. The radiation values ​​of the two increased slowly, but after all, it had only been a few days, and the effect of reaching the sky in one step had not been achieved.

"Train the newcomers and perform tasks with them." Barry divided the cupcakes between the two of them. "Who would have thought that in just a few months, we would transform from newcomers to trainers of newcomers."

"Lin has also become the captain. I believe that in the near future, you will all be your own commanders." Simon picked up the cupcake, his tone full of relief.

"Captain, are you retiring? Are you not of legal age yet? Can you get a pension like this?"

"You're such a considerate person, Melissa."

While Lin An was chatting with his companions, he was dealing with the employees who were talking to him one after another.

"You are Captain Lin, whose name I have admired for a long, long time."

"Lin, when are you going to organize us to do Tai Chi together? I haven't done Baduanjin recently, and I feel like my back pain is coming back."

"Do you have social media? I want to be your fan."

Under the management of the inspection team, the direct-facing departments are covered with a sacred and hidden veil. They are in the basement every day and have basically no contact with ordinary employees.

After Dawn Association took office, it canceled the warning in the employee handbook, deliberately downplaying the gap between mystics and ordinary people, and eliminating society's fear of "Comuth" radiation.

The old employees welcomed Lin An's return. After all, they had known each other well before; the new employees were awe-inspiring and cautious. They had just joined the foundation and were unfamiliar with everything here, so they were always at a loss.

Especially bombarded by reports from the headquarters and rumors from old employees, the newcomers unknowingly idolized Lin An in their hearts.

They were relieved to find Lin An very approachable.

At the same time, both new and old employees were sizing up Simon. Due to the rumors in the past, no one dared to talk to him, and they just talked about it privately.

"Although I have watched many videos of the battle, this was the first time I saw it in person."

"Let's face the two captains of the department. One is extremely handsome and the other is extremely handsome."

"Fortunately, these feathers are not real. Once they fall off his wings, they will disappear quickly. Like Captain Reagan's smog particles, they are the embodiment of 'Comuth' energy. There is no need for the cleaners to worry about this. ”

As employees of the foundation, the three major departments already know a lot about the occult, so they are not very afraid, but rather curious.

An ordinary person would not be able to accept it easily.

But that's what the Dawn Association and the government are thinking about.

Lin An took a bite of the cupcake and was just about to enjoy the long-lost party when someone suddenly touched his arm.

"Mr. Lin, can you come with me?"

"Sir Caroline, we have known each other for so long, it would be too foreign to call her sir." Lin An recognized her.

Under the new policy, mystics do not need to hide to prevent others from awakening due to direct witnessing of "Comes". It is better to say that the Dawn Association hopes to reach the era of "universal mystics" as soon as possible.

Caroline no longer had to tighten her wings and down. She changed into loose clothes, but she still wore special glasses to cover her bright red eyes.

A pair of flawless snow-white wings stretched out from Caroline's back, and her arms and waist were covered with a layer of soft and slender down, which seemed to be very warm.

The system presents her mystery in the form of data.

[Name]: Mothman

[Rating]: Kaitan E-class

[Radiation value]: 31.3%

[Pollution level]: 44.2%

[Media]: Lord of the Earth

This is a half-human, half-bird creature, like a giant moth. Its most obvious feature is a pair of "red-glow" eyes, whose light has a hypnotic effect.

So Caroline also wears special glasses to prevent accidental injury to her own people.

The Mothman is Barbatos, the angel of virtue and order. As immigrants entered the Eagle Country, he merged with the image of the large Eagle Country Crane. It became a widely spread urban legend. Together with Bat Boy and the Flatwoods Monster, he was also called West Virginia. Three monsters.

It is said that Barbatos can "know the past and the future through the singing of birds", and the Mothman is a strange story derived from it, so he can also see some scenes that ordinary people cannot perceive.

During the pool party, Caroline noticed April's future awakening; she could also see Reagan's normal appearance in the past.

This mysterious technique is very easy to use, but unfortunately the Mothman rating is too low and the priority for taking effect is not high.

It would be nice if there was a way to level up. Lin An thought.

Hearing his teasing, a trace of embarrassment flashed across Caroline's face, recalling the slightest bit of unpleasantness when they first met, and she waved her hands awkwardly.

"The ministers have something to tell you."

The four department managers were all waiting for Lin An. The first one to come up was the logistics director, who took the brunt and bowed.

"Are you Captain Lin? Please give me more advice in the future. My name is..."

"You guys can get to know each other via email later." The research director interrupted him, "Or do you have something urgent?

"Private Mas..."

"Captain Lin, we just received an email from the president." Reagan took over, "He asked you to come to his office."

"Why doesn't the president greet us in person? I thought he was on a business trip again." Lin An asked doubtfully.

"Because the president is always busy, we are embarrassed to bother him." Reagan said matter-of-factly, "Of course he will not attend these employees' parties."

"What is he busy with?"

On the way to transport the Thunderbird, Lin An entered various branches to rest. No president was like Detli City. Employees did not dare to disturb him all year round, and they did not even dare to take the initiative to send him emails or call him.

I don’t know what the situation is in Jericho. When Lin An pretended to be Joshua, he had to receive more than a dozen videos from his subordinates a day, reply to hundreds of emails, and go to the scene from time to time to do it himself.

You have greater official authority than the previous president and the leader of the inspection team.

No one answered his question. The civilian minister patted Lin An on the shoulder: "The research minister will show you the way. The president is waiting for you in the office. You did a good job this time, Lin."

"Huh? Who are you?"


"You're kidding, dear minister." Lin An blinked, "I have complied with my agreement with you."

The civilian minister did not expect that Lin An actually remembered his casual words of "becoming captain" and actually realized it, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion in his heart.

"Could it be that, for me..."

"And now the salary is double yours."


After losing sense of the future.

Most of the employees went to the welcome party, and the building was fairly quiet, with the two of them looking at each other in silence the entire time.

Except for a brief exchange when Zomo Rabbit escaped, Lin An and the minister had no interaction at all.

"Ding dong."

The elevator door opened, and Lin An followed her. She wanted to ask a few questions about the president. After all, there were rumors that the research director was the president's wife.

"Do you know what the president wants from me?"

"He didn't tell me in the email." The research department said in a steady mezzo-soprano.

"By the way, I will be leaving the foundation recently and have already submitted an application to the president. When will he approve it?"

Lin An took a private plane from San Francisco. After landing, he was picked up by a special car. He had no chance to go home, so he was hurriedly brought to the Detli City branch.

"As expected, you can go home tonight." The research director used his fingerprint to unlock a dark wooden door in the center of the fourth floor. "Captain Lin, the president is waiting for you inside."

"All right."

Lin An pushed the door open and entered. To his surprise, the office was dark and had no lights.

Fumbling around on the wall, Lin An pressed the switch.

The light illuminates an elegant office, which is small and full of solemn atmosphere.

The first thing that caught his eye was the oil painting facing him, which was painted with richly colored fruits, as lifelike as a still life by Rubens. However, there was a white skull in the middle of them, which was creepy.

There is a line of Latin inscriptions engraved on the edge of the oil painting:

Memento mori.

"Remember Death", or Don't Forget Your Mortality, is a common theme for oil paintings in Western Europe during the Middle Ages and Renaissance.

Below the painting is a desk decorated with a brass planet and a vintage-style leather chair.

There was no one here, except for a solitary letter lying on the table, as if inviting Lin An to pick it up.

“Hello, President Avia Emmanuel?”

Lin An couldn't help but frown.

It was obviously him who asked me to come, but he was not there.


Because he is very busy at work and cannot receive his employees in person?

In desperation, Lin An had no choice but to walk to his desk, pick up the letter, open it with a letter opener placed nearby, and found a stack of documents inside.

After a quick glance at the text, Lin An made a summary.

Roughly speaking, the Ditry City branch has expanded and new facilities have been built in the urban area. Lin An, as the new head of the advisory team for the direct-facing department, will soon work there.

However, it is not completed yet, and Lin An can first familiarize himself with the responsibilities of the advisory team in the old facility.

You want me to go to a new office building?

Is this little thing worth the trouble of calling people out?

Lin An rubbed his eyebrows. He always felt that something was wrong, but couldn't think of a specific reason. He stood there doing nothing for a long time, then simply turned around and left the president's office.


The door slowly closed, and he found that the research director was still waiting outside.

She looked Lin An up and down and said, "Captain Lin, the foundation has appointed an assistant to help you complete the handover, and then you can move freely."

Lin An's already broken thoughts were directly interrupted by her.

"Is it……"

"Hey, Lin from the Dragon Kingdom, long time no see." A big man with a nose ring came out from the corner, scratching his short hair, "You have a lot of tan. Do you feel comfortable traveling at public expense?"

"Mike?" Lin An said in surprise.

"Yes, boss!"

This careless young man couldn't help but give Lin An a bear hug.

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