World Occult User Guide

Chapter 160 Campus Mystery

Ghosts at my college?

Lin An's first reaction was that the Foundation knew what he had concealed before. Then he thought about it, and there was a high probability that the Ghost Unit 2, which had inherited the codename, was causing trouble again.

After confirming the details of the mission with the captain, Lin An cut off contact and fell into memories.

After he left Ditry City, this [Ghost] who took his name frequently went around killing people in Ditry City.

In just one month, there were more than ten cases.

In Coroner Vanessa's report, the cause of death of the deceased was soul damage. Unfortunately, due to rating restrictions, she was unable to obtain more information and could only confirm that the rating of [Ghost] was above disaster.

A large amount of blood was also taken from the victims. After examination, about 2000 ml of blood was taken away from each corpse by [Ghost]. The death state was extremely miserable, like a mummy.

However, every time the ghost commits a crime, he leaves no evidence and disappears without a trace.

It has been more than three months since the initial crime, and the Foundation does not even have a single sighting record of [Ghost].

Although it is unknown whether Ghost is a source class like Thunderbird, due to its increasingly frequent killings, the Foundation believes that [Ghost] must be captured and imprisoned as soon as possible, so it has been upgraded to Alpha Wanted.

Looking at the bloody records, Lin An shook his head. The Ghost Unit 2 was really too extreme.

The targets this person targeted were all women, ranging from 14 to 35 years old.

More than a dozen families were torn apart, not just in Michigan. The ghost specifically targeted helpless international students. Many parents overseas received the bad news and could not even see their daughter's body with their own eyes.

As the saying goes, the more you do, the more you make mistakes. Although the Foundation was still unable to confirm the true identity of [Ghost], it collected a large amount of information about its activities and narrowed its scope of operations infinitely until it reached Ann Arbor University.

Of course, the ghost's impunity is also related to the fact that the rating of the existing direct-to-face department is too low, and the president is a war-scum prophet who dare not meet people.

So when Simon returns, the Foundation decides to launch a surprise raid.

They want to take down this lingering serial killer in one fell swoop.

Ghost Unit 2...

The corner of Lin An's mouth curled up.

Let Ben-I meet you impostor.

Seeing his smile, Sang Sang next to him misunderstood, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he jumped three feet high.

"Lin Dou! You agreed to join Two Directions!" She shouted loudly, "Tomorrow you can come to our practice room to play together first! It's settled, I'll wait for you, idol."


Half an hour later, Lin An arrived at the meeting point.

The crime scene is located on the edge of the campus, in a place that is closed during the day and serves as a bar at night.

The yellow line pulled out a no-entry banner, and the sound of police cars "whirring" could not be heard. The police and security guards kept driving away the college students who were watching the excitement outside.

"Good evening, police officer." Lin An showed his newly issued paper employee ID card, "Special Investigation Team."

Entering the bar, the psychedelic smell of alcohol and perfume hits your face.

Don't stop, have fun,

DJ makes me so excited,

Tonight, I want to have a good time,

Until the sun rises.

Lin An walked across the flashing colorful floor, and the dynamic background music was still playing, but no one was bouncing and dancing to its rhythm, and the ballroom was empty.

Tonight's victim died in the women's restroom of the nightclub.

Simon was talking to a police officer, while Mi Xi and Barry were discussing the whole story. When they saw Lin An coming, they briefly talked about the investigation so far.

The deceased was a 22-year-old college student from another university. He went to the bar to dance with his friends last night. He went to the toilet at 5:36 in the morning and never came back.

Her friend drank herself unconscious and left to mind her own business, before a horrified cleaner called the police.

When she was discovered, the body's head was completely pushed into the toilet, and she remained kneeling on the ground. Her body was shriveled to the point of being skinny and bones. Her hair was disheveled, and her long hair covered a strange scar on the back of her neck.

This was also the only wound on her body, and the murderer "sucked" her blood from here.

At this time, nearly 10 hours had passed since the time of death, and the autopsy report had come out.

The cause of death was excessive blood loss from a wound on the back of the neck, but looking at the pained expression on the corpse in the photo, it was clear that he had experienced some supernatural torture before his death.

There was no surveillance in the toilet cubicle, and the nightclub was crowded with people. It was difficult for the police to locate the murderer's fingerprints, but they could not continue to research further.

Because the final video showed that the woman ran all the way from the nightclub to the bathroom.

As if she was running away from something, she rushed into the cubicle, poked her head out to look around, and then locked the door in horror.

No one entered her or the cubicle next door, and there were no signs of ventilation ducts entering or exiting.

But the woman never came out and died inexplicably inside.

It's like being controlled by a supernatural force...

After preliminary investigation, the police station immediately contacted the St. Annilov Foundation, which determined that this was the work of [Ghost] and quickly dispatched Simon's team.

"Why can we infer from these clues that it was the ghost who did it?" Lin An followed the three people into the scene. "The characteristic of the ghost is the mysterious technique that hurts the soul. At least I can't say it was it just by listening to the description and photos. hand."

Simon said in a cold voice that Lin An had never heard before: "Actually, since February, a small amount of powder has been detected in the blood of all the victims who were attacked by the ghost."


"This is a special kind of hemp from the Maple Leaf Kingdom. It corrodes the nerves through the blood and creates hallucinations. The ghost may use this method to deceive emotionally frustrated children and make them fall into a trance to achieve a certain purpose."

Lin An understood why Simon became so angry when he mentioned [Ghost].

The ghost of Emotion not only uses mysterious techniques to kill people, but is also suspected to be assisted by modern biological and chemical weapons.

For Simon, a former drug police officer, this man undoubtedly touched his bottom line.

Unit 2, your image is getting worse and worse.

In the bathroom, there were actually four mysterious people standing there. They were the four members of the Foundation that Lin An first saw, Reagan and three team members.

They nodded in greeting to Lin An and his party, gesturing for them to look towards the open compartment.

Very clean, this was Lin An's first impression.

It’s not that it was cleaned very well. The toilet walls were covered with graffiti and small advertisements that had been torn and pasted. The toilet also had various traces. The outline of the body was outlined with white lines by the investigators, but as a murder scene, this place was Surprisingly clean.

He obviously died of blood loss, but there was no trace of blood at the scene, and there were no signs of struggle, fight or escape.

Where did the blood that was extracted go?

What was the murder weapon?

Why didn’t the victim resist?

She was almost like a vampire who had the misfortune to be a monster in the legend of Xizhou that was charming and fed on blood.

Only the power belonging to "Comes" can subvert the material laws of Titan.

The police said that based on clues provided by the deceased's friends, the woman met a man with similar interests offline through social media a week ago.

However, her date with the man did not go well, and they stopped interacting with her after that.

But after that meeting, the woman's mood became unstable. She always talked to herself in the air. Several girlfriends wanted to take her to a nightclub to change her mood, but unexpectedly something happened.

Friends suspected that the man had evil intentions towards her and had tampered with her during the date. After being exposed by the woman, he became angry and wanted to harm her.

Another strange thing is that the woman has no record of purchasing illegal drugs, but a small amount of white powder was found in her blood, which was confirmed to be caused by recent consumption.

"Have you contacted the administrator of that website and retrieved the IP address of that man's account? I think he is most likely the murderer!" Mixi said.

"We logged into that forum as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it is a very hidden dark web. We can't find its server location, let alone intrude or trace the creator's clues."

"Even your hackers can't do it?"

"At least there's not enough technology here."

"What's the name of that website?" Mi Xi asked curiously, and Lin An also pricked up his ears.

"World Tree Forum."

I go.

The corner of Lin An's mouth twitched, and he returned to my happy hometown in a roundabout way.

"Could the ghost be the founder of the World Tree Forum?" Barry said abruptly.

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Ann Arbor University, World Tree Forum, the invisible soul technique of killing people...

Unit No. 2 doesn't know that I am the ghost, but what it does always coincides with mine unintentionally. If this continues, the Foundation may accidentally find out some information about me.

Using the powerful power of imagination, who knows how many strange labels they will add to me.

In addition, the No. 2 unit did a terrible job, and now [Ghost]'s life is at stake.

After thinking for a while, Lin An made up his mind.

——This child is so terrifying that he must not be left here.

Reagan and Simon did not hold on to the World Tree Forum. The Foundation had already confirmed that the ghost was lurking in Ann Arbor University. In the next few days, the two control teams will launch a blanket investigation.

Just like looking for witches along the International Bridge, there are four patrol groups with a six-hour rotation system.

Lin An applied for the morning shift and was paired with Barry again.

It was already 11 o'clock in the evening when we left the crime scene. The first patrol team set off, and the others stayed in the dormitories provided by the university tonight.

"No, I have other places to go." Lin An politely refused to go with them.

The evening breeze in early spring brought a bit of moisture and coolness, and it was about to rain again. The clouds blocked the bright moonlight, and the path to the dormitory was filled with deep darkness.

Walking on a familiar road, Lin An took out his mobile phone from his pocket and clicked on the forum with a black background.

Ranger_12: A lonely female college student, looking for a occult chat partner online. [video]

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