World Occult User Guide

Chapter 161 Beware of Internet Scams

Ranger_12: Ahem, the title is just to attract attention.

Ranger_12: I have a friend who is crazy about a certain type of occult science recently and sends me 99+ messages every night. Although she is my favorite, the content is too bloody and primitive, and my little heart can't stand it.

Crymson_Ghost: Come on, where is the pure female college student, and why is your animated picture not moving?

Ranger_12: I would like to ask if you have any social groups dedicated to studying it, or some offline societies, etc. The coordinates can be within the scope of Detli City.

ChamomileBrownies: I can’t answer the specific topic without you telling me.

Ranger_12: I don’t understand the special terminology. The key words are illusion, control, soul, blood drawing, and mysterious rituals. By the way, last time I saw her posting a picture of her hair being washed in a toilet.

EdHot6173: Ugh, I shouldn’t be checking my phone while eating.

i_have___milk: Wash your hair in the toilet? ? ? Whose occult society would have such a thing?

Schindlers: It’s a headline-grabbing and popular person, and it also specializes in the lower third lane. If you report it, it’s up to you to see if the administrator bans you.

FRENZY!!!: Don’t be so extreme. The poster did ask about a topic related to occultism, so there’s nothing wrong with it.

FRENZY!!!: Poster, would you like to have a private chat with me first?

arctanx: Add another keyword - Eagle Country. Because in this way, we can use the immigration tactic of crowds to expand the scope of the lockdown to the whole world.

arctanx: But I can actually see something from this nonsense vocabulary...

arctanx: Isn’t this friend of yours a bit dark?

foexa~: It’s the Hudu Cult!

Heviaaaa: I have an objection! Just washing your hair in the toilet is already disqualified as a hoodlum!

Graustrak: Santeria? The one in Detli City that has been doing a lot of offline activities recently?

zquizzicul: A term I have never heard of, no wonder the poster couldn’t explain it clearly.

pecuchet02: I don’t even know how to pronounce, three...Telia? Where are the retroflex and accent?

29thIflux: If you read it correctly, the translation of this term is Santería, which is a mixture of Yoruba, Bantu and Spanish.

Pastadseven: I urgently need an explanation from a master.

Luculumi_77: This believer came uninvited. First of all, the way of the saints originated from the Caribbean Bay. It is a unified religion that combines the Savior of the West, the Greek Pantheon, and the Yoruba of the South.

Luculumi_77: The highest deity here is called Orisha, and there are seven different saints orishas, ​​similar to angels, who are messengers between the human world and the divine. Believers can connect with gods through spiritual practice, and the latter will bless his followers.

Luculumi_77: Using sacrifices, believers can get closer to the gods. If He accepts the sacrifice, He puts the believer into a trance and gives them one of the witchcrafts of the Seven Saints.

Luculumi_77: The more sacrifices are made, the stronger the aché - the word means soul or aura - and the stronger the witchcraft attached to the body.

Luculumi_77: These sacrifices, called ebbó, included fruit and wine, flowers, or slaughtered animals—especially chickens and pigeons—whose throats were cut and bled; for more important rituals, the sacrifices were usually cattle or sheep. of large animals.

Luculumi_77: After "eating" the blood of the sacrifice, the latter's life force can be transferred to the believer, thereby enhancing their aura.

Luculumi_77: But we don’t kill people! Just using four-legged animals instead of sacrifices, although that would not make an "egun cuadro espiritual"...that's not true. Faith, in the final analysis, is to provide sustenance.

Luculumi_77: By the way, in preparation for the sacrifice, the head of the sacrifice was bathed in the bathroom sink. The site was chosen to allow ancestors to travel between the realms of life and death through the water in the pipes.

Luculumi_77: This is probably the origin of the so-called "toilet hair washing"? Although we use the sink most of the time.

Vgerfox233: Oh my god, I can’t speak while you’re typing!

Vgerfox233: With all due respect, isn’t this a variant of Hoodoo!

SharpSoda: The blood sacrifice must be the blood sacrifice! And I heard that children are often sacrificed over there in the Caribbean Bay!

Luculumi_77: No, no, no, the teachings of the Way of the Saints have been improved a long time ago... Well, occasionally there is still a bit of blood, so I am often chased and reported by International Animal Protection.

salad-poison: I took a deep breath. If it is true, I hope it is false, and I suggest the poster to stay away from you as a friend!

Trampusdog: That’s right, it doesn’t sound like a serious religion! I am still a staunch spiritualist!

ColonelOfSka: There is indeed this religious activity center in Detli City. Don’t be a keyboard warrior on the Internet. Go and see for yourself. I personally feel good about it. At least only supplies are accepted, no forced donations.

Dungeon: Opinions vary...

ScottsBrix: Unable to accept the blood sacrifice! Even animals! Are chickens and pigeons not living things?

12Siege: Well said, as a punishment, you will not be allowed to participate in Mad Thursday in the future.

Lin An deliberately set the post to be visible only to Detli City. Unexpectedly, in addition to catching a person who chatted with him privately, he also accidentally obtained some local belief information.

Due to the increase in the number of people on the forum, in addition to discussions on "The Way of Saints", there are also various speculations on the posts. In just a few dozen minutes, more than 100 posts were made, including but not limited to Esotericism, Lower Dongzhou Myths, Nannan Continental and fusion folklore and more.

After brainstorming among netizens, the more Lin An looked at it, the more he felt that Unit 2 was a believer in the way of the saints.

This religion seems to be unexpectedly popular in the city of Ditry and has spread so widely that many people have heard its name more or less in real life.

"Bang bang bang."

Lin An raised his hand and knocked on the dormitory door.

"Sasaki, it's me, Lin An."


The door handle turned, revealing a pair of slender black eyes, which confirmed Lin An's figure before opening the door.

The weather is getting hotter, and a picture of a cute girl in a swimsuit eating watermelon appears on Sasaki's T-shirt.

"Lin Sang, long time no see. Where have you been to pick up girls lately? I send you messages every day and don't reply, which makes me unable to complete several tasks of inviting new people to register."

"Have you seen the fifth part of JOJO?"

"Of course, what?"

"Well, I probably did something similar to Giorno." Lin An walked into Sasaki's dormitory and put the plastic bag on his desk, "I'll lend you your computer for twenty minutes. This is the reward."

Sasaki impatiently rummaged through the bag full of snacks, making a "squeaking" sound, then picked up a pack of persimmon seeds and jumped back onto the bed, lying on his side and continuing to play games.

"How are you?"

Lin An logged into the administrator account of "Two Ravens" and started talking to the fat man.

"A sunken ship guarantees the bottom line."

Originally, Lin An wanted to remind Sasaki not to wander around the campus recently, but then he thought about it. It might be difficult for him to walk out of the dormitory door.

As long as I stay home enough, death cannot catch up with me.

Recalling Sasaki's words, Lin An actually realized a hint of truth. The radiation from "Comes" was about to spread, and his lifestyle was one of the ways to avoid death.

After entering a line of code, Lin An opened the administrator interface of the World Tree Forum and continued chatting with the uninvited user using a trumpet account.

FRENZY!!!: Are you there? What are you doing now?

Ranger_12: Are you okay?

FRENZY!!!: Just chatting among netizens. I only know from the post that your friend is very interested in occultism, but do you have any hobbies?

Ranger_12: I like traveling. Feel the green mountains and green waters of nature.

FRENZY!!!: Are you beautiful? I also really like traveling! It gives people a very relaxing experience, as if the soul has been cleansed.

Ranger_12: Yeah.

FRENZY!!!: Looking at the address of the post, are you from Deterrie?

FRENZY!!!: What a very tolerant city. I am not a native, but the integration process was surprisingly smooth.

Ranger_12: I'm not a local either.

FRENZY!!!: Oh? Are you here to work or study abroad? Alas, I once came here to pursue love, but unfortunately my relationship never went well... How are you doing? Do you have time to chat?

Ranger_12: Study abroad. Although the city of Detli is very nice, I still miss the blue sky and white clouds in my hometown and the leisurely days spent with my grandfather.

FRENZY!!!: You are such a filial girl.

Ranger_12: Hee hee...

Ranger_12: Grandpa is a tea farmer. I used to help him pick tea leaves in the mountains. Every time I think about how hard he will have to work alone after I leave, I feel very distressed.

FRENZY!!!: That’s right.

FRENZY!!!: I am also an international student. Which university are you studying at? Maybe our campus is very close.

Ranger_12: I still have some tea from my hometown. If you have time to meet me, I will bring some for you to try.

FRENZY!!!: No, no, I feel really embarrassed.

Ranger_12: 5 grams, 199 Daole, how much do you want?

FRENZY!!!:! ! !

FRENZY!!!: Damn, you want to cheat me!

Ranger_12: Twenty pounds of tea, right? Thank you for ordering. It will be delivered to your doorstep immediately.

After typing the last sentence, Lin An blocked him and dragged this person's IP address to the memo.

29B-02, 5th Floor, Aquamarine Fantasy Dormitory, 72 Ivy Street, Ann Arbor University Campus, Detrey.

After finishing his work, Lin An leaned back on the chair and entered the relaxation mode.

He wanted to take a look at the dormitory building to see if there was any mysterious person hiding there. Maybe the Ghost Unit 2 was hidden here.

Countless light spots appeared, but there was no new discovery that stood out to him. Lin An turned to the one representing Sasaki at random. He was about to call up the mysterious tree diagram, but was shocked to find that there was no such data.

Sasaki is... a mysterious person?

If you look closely, you can see that there are only half of his light spots, which look like magatama and flicker lazily.

Leaving the transparent field of vision and looking at Sasaki who was indifferent and immersed in playing games, Lin An fell into thinking.

According to the rules, he had to report Sasaki's case and recruit him into the direct contact department. But once Sasaki was forcibly dragged out of the dormitory, he would be like a goldfish that jumped out of the water tank and suffocated to death due to social fear.

The light spot was dim, which should mean that Sasaki's rating was very low, with almost no radiation value.

Lin An ran through a few guesses, but the system did not jump out of the panel.

Is it a modern prototype of Sakura Country?

Sasaki didn't seem to have used a trace of energy. He was probably the future human being that Joshua was looking forward to. Although he had awakened to the mystery, he was unaware of it and continued to live his life in a muddle until the star orbit of "Comoth" shifted.

If something happens to the World Tree Forum in the future, he will still need Fatty Wang's support.

"It's done."

"Let's go slowly without seeing you off, Lin Sang." Sasaki took time out of his busy schedule to make a gesture.

After spending the night in Mike's empty dormitory, Lin An met Barry on time the next day.

"The planned patrol route is..."

Barry took out the map and drew a red line on it.

Since losing X, the technology tree has plummeted, and employee cards and roadmaps have become paper materials.

"Before that, I have a place I want to go." Lin An pressed his hand and showed a friendly smile, "There is a classmate waiting for us to send him warmth."

Thank you for your monthly votes from Fengxun Qiqi, and thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

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