World Occult User Guide

Chapter 166 Splendid Burial

"Through the use of mystery, the radiation value of [Mysterious Encyclopedia] increased by 0.2%."

Listening to the system's broadcast, Lin An looked at the sky.

The herbal medicine cured the abnormal tissue bulges all over the bodies of the spiritual portraits. Their crazy desire to kill weakened and their movements became slower.

Without consciousness and body, they are already empty shells of soul energy.

At the same time, Lin An felt that these souls had a mysterious connection with him.

White Witches Wicca, despite their modern harmlessness, continues the tradition of witchcraft and, like de Waal's spiritual iconography, is able to create or summon familiars or imps into servants.

But it was a complete set of witchcraft procedures. Lin An's entries included no method of signing a contract with a familiar or summoning a familiar. He could only temporarily control these spiritual portraits through the countermeasures of white witchcraft.

Moreover, spiritual portraits are not familiars. They consume the "aura" action of the saints' way and will dissipate once there is no continuous sacrifice.

Admittedly, raising all spiritual icons is not realistic.

Firstly, Lin An believed that adapting to this kind of "external incarnation" must be done step by step. Raising 7 portraits at once would cause him to suffer from schizophrenia. Secondly, the amount of blood consumed by the entire 7 spiritual portraits was by no means a small amount.

But he wasn't prepared to waste Unit 2's legacy either.

Lin An closed his eyes, his mind sank into the [Philosopher's Stone], and at the same time commanded the system.

"Use "Encyclopedia of Magic II-The Making of Alchemy Puppet"."

This is a new mysterious technique that Lin An suddenly realized when he was connected to the "Tao Fetus", and it is one of the ways to create alchemical life.

Homunculi, also known as the vase, artificial man, or golem, is an artificial life created by the alchemists headed by Paracelsus in Western Europe in the Middle Ages.

The Paracelsus record was produced as follows:

Put male semen, various herbs, and horse manure into the flask and seal it. The horse manure is fermented to keep it warm. After forty days, a transparent object with a human shape will appear in the flask.

The artificial life at this time has no body, only an illusory mist-like human form, so the alchemist must continue to feed it with human blood until the human form is nourished for forty weeks, and a living human baby will grow from it. come out.

It looks like a baby born from a woman, but has a much smaller body.

Paracelsus believed that these little people were born alchemists, highly skilled in the "art" and the best assistants to the alchemist, because "they are born through the transcendent art, So there is no need to learn from anyone”.

But in later generations, another alchemist, Rabbi Samuel, modified his formula and created some speechless and mentally retarded puppets to accompany and serve him.

His recipe is soul, blood, and an astral thought, and he pours them all into a sculpture made of clay or wax to complete the ritual.

The disadvantage of these puppets is their short lifespan, but the advantage is that they have no ability to think and learn, and will not lose control and pose a threat to the alchemist.

Lin An doesn't have clay, but a metal can replace tin, the basis for making puppets.

The small world of the Philosopher's Stone changes, the stars representing the seven metal elements rotate, the symbol of Jupiter emits a faint light, and the energy strikes Deval's body like a bolt of lightning.

The physical body became the medium, and Lin An separated the spiritual portrait that was originally floating behind De Waal and injected it into it.

Energy flows, and a string of characters called "emet" appears on the forehead of the corpse. It can be translated as truth, or "the mark of the saint", which gives the inorganic life form the power to act.

After doing all this, Lin An controlled the harmless mental portrait and rushed to various floors of the Art Institute, making scary roars and "dong dong" drum sounds.

The students who couldn't see Comerth's energy body were unaware, and the Foundation team sitting on the helicopter were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

"No! The ghost is on a killing spree!"

Following the sound of "Zizzizi", Reagan and his team members rushed to the Art Institute first.

The moment the teleportation ended, they quickly entered the classroom invaded by the spiritual portrait, telling the students to take refuge immediately.

The student suddenly saw four monster-like guys and thought it was a Halloween costume prank.

Before the commotion broke out, Reagan and Caroline showed their employee cards. Hector couldn't help but pick up the two students with his thick arms. Vanessa's blood-red hands flying in the sky grabbed the students and pulled them back to prevent them from being killed. Spiritual portrait kills.

At the same time, the sirens blaring downstairs reminded the students of the seriousness of the situation.

Reminiscent of the recent rumors, a small number of people noticed and evacuated under Reagan's command. The remaining students who were shouting were forcibly taken away by the police who rushed into the art college.

"Lin! Are you okay?"

As for Lin An, when he heard Barry's voice coming from the corridor, he didn't show off his acting skills and gave a short answer.

"I'm okay."

"Is that the ghost?" Barry glanced at Deval, who was standing there with his skin as smooth as metal. "No matter how you found him, thank you for your hard work. The captain asked us to cooperate with him to besiege the ghost."


On the other side, Simon jumped out of the helicopter with Mi Xi in his arms, drew a beautiful arc, and landed opposite De Waal.

"Ho ho ho..."

Hearing the strange noise, Lin An controlled the alchemy puppet to turn its body, stared at the two of them with empty eyes, and let out a hoarse and unpleasant roar.

Facing this legendary wanted criminal, Simon showed no fear, his dark gray wings spread out, a long sword with a faint luster appeared in his hand, and he shouted sternly.

"Today is the day you die!"

"No, that's right! Your days of doing evil in Detli City are over!" Mi Xi supported.

"Kill him quickly." Barry hurriedly joined them.

"Damn ghost, you can't escape! We must kill you here!" Lin An followed and shouted loudly.

The foundation's strongest team was dispatched, giving them enough cards.

In this way, [Ghost] can be considered a grand finale.

Although whether it is the previous [Ghost] or the current De Waal, it is me... Lin An thought silently.

Mi Xi lifted up her fluffy orange hair. The morning dew swirled and fell from the ends of her hair to the ground. The vegetation was growing, and the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant.

The ground seemed to be covered with a blanket of green plants, flowers burst out of the ground, and songs full of life rhythm slowly sounded.

“S nam bitheamaid uile d`leas Do’n r`gh bha toirt! (Be loyal to the queen and get gifts)!”

This sound blows into the enemy's ears, but it is a hypnotic countdown.

A fairy ring composed of mushrooms blooms like a flower at the feet of the alchemy puppet, and the atmosphere of the fairy kingdom surrounds it.

When Lin An controlled the alchemy puppet to move forward, he found that its steps were moving in circles, and it actually walked out of the figure horoscope and returned to the starting point without obeying the command.


Mi Xi's special training these days has been quite effective. Lin An thought happily.

Although the frontal lethality is not enough, in the battlefield, a moment's pause can kill people.

While the alchemy puppet was trapped by the fairy ring, a dreamy and cold light burst out. The silvery white of the moon and the bewitching purple of the dream surrounded Simon in the center, his long sword pointing straight ahead.

This improvised alchemy puppet was simply not good enough in front of Simon.

For the sake of authenticity, Lin An couldn't let the battle be too one-sided.

"The system uses the mysterious [ritual of expulsion of souls] from "Encyclopedia of Magic I: Death, Fertility, and the Dark Land - Hittite Worship Ritual."

"This entry cannot affect the selected target. Do you still want to use it?"


Just kidding, if it really works, wouldn’t the captain die?

I just want the ghost to be buried in a grand ceremony, but I don’t want the captain C to be buried!

However, I didn't expect that my radiation value had increased so much, but I still couldn't kill Sariel with the soul technique. Lin An fell into thinking, either there was a conflicting relationship between the mysteries, or it was the particularity of the "Lord of Dreams" medium.

A cold and ethereal energy came, and Simon suddenly noticed it. He saw the alchemy puppet raising its hand, and a pit appeared below him. It was as deep as hell and the fierce suction penetrated his whole body, almost destroying his soul. Pull away.

Simon was immediately unable to move as Medusa stared directly at him.

"Captain!" Mi Xi exclaimed, "What's wrong with you?"

Seeing Simon standing there, the Alchemy Puppet didn't take the opportunity to hit the target, and roared towards Misi and Barry.

"Hide behind me, Mixie!"

Although his rating is not good enough for a battle of this level, Barry is the only one in the team with close combat capabilities.

At the critical moment, Barry stood in front of Mi Xi, clenching his fists, trying to stop the alchemy puppet's charge with his arms.

"Let me help you!"

Lin An volunteered and raised his wand, creating a strong blast of air that made the alchemy puppet struggle to move.

"No...don't get close to it! That damn thing...must be fatal in one blow! Now! Now!"

A clear whistle came from behind. Lin An turned around, and a strange scene came into view.

A halo from heaven appeared behind Moon Angel's head, blurring his face like a mosaic, and then Simon's chest emitted an indescribable, sacred and beautiful flame.

The flames burned all over his body, trapping his soul like a golden rope. The aura of protection filled the air, eliminating the sun goddess's compulsive attraction from the underworld.

When Simon stood up, the blazing light almost blinded Lin An.

The handsome face of the young man is still serious, but this look is very eye-catching, because he looks so perfect that it is even difficult to tell whether he is a boy or a girl. He seems to be a combination of the two.

The illusion disappeared in a flash, and Lin An's tried-and-tested Hittite ritual lost its effect.

Although the [Soul Expulsion Ritual] was not the most lethal ritual, watching the soul vortex it created disappear into ashes gave Lin An a considerable shock.

What are the characteristics of Sariel...

It's more like "passive" than mysticism.

Lin An believed that he would never attack these three companions, but he had too much combat experience. Who knew if he would encounter other angels in the medium of "Lord of Dreams" in the future.

"Ghost, I will never let you continue to take away anyone's soul like you just did!"

Simon picked up the angel's sword, flapped his wings, and rushed towards the alchemy puppet again.

The moment Lin An asked him to raise his hand, Simon's figure suddenly changed position, teleported behind the puppet, raised his sword high and struck it down on the head.

At this moment, the wolf howled.


Barry pinched his throat, and the sound waves spread around. Lin An suddenly felt that his body was full of power, and Simon's moonlight surged and filled up, and the fireflies scattered in all directions, like the tail of a comet.

War cry?

Lin An narrowed his eyes while watching the battle. The "Lord of the Earth" could also enhance energy and mysterious power for others.

So if you get a bunch of "Lord of the Earth" mystics, can you increase your power infinitely?

After some twists and turns, Lin An felt that it was almost time to let the alchemy puppet go. Simon could not continue to fight, lest he discover his flaws.


The alchemy puppet seemed not to have expected Simon's attack, as its chest was pierced on the spot.

The purple flame burned from Simon's sword all the way to the puppet's wound, but was blocked by the tin and could not go any further.

This spiritual fire only works on humans.

Simon frowned. The light that represented purification and sealing had no effect on ghosts!

How evil this man must be!

If you look closely, the ghost's body is a bit...

It's a pity that Simon couldn't take a closer look and was suddenly hit hard. The ghost just snorted coldly, raised his hand tremblingly and pointed at Lin An not far away, as if he wanted to repeat the same trick on him and suck away his soul.

"Don't even think about it!"

Simon's pupils shrank sharply, and he exerted force with both arms. The long sword was pushed upward from the insertion wound, breaking bones and flesh. His wings flapped wildly and rolled up energy. Even the railings on the edge of the rooftop were blown to pieces by the strong wind.


The sound of muscle tissue being destroyed one after another sounded. The angel's sword moved upward until it drew a straight line. Simon's hand suddenly lightened.

It turned out that the ghost's body was split in two by him, and the scars extended from the center of the ribs to the left shoulder. The next moment, as if he finally reacted, blood spurted out.


When the long sword slashed down, Lin An sensed that the connection with the alchemy puppet was shaky immediately, and that the other side was on the verge of collapse, so he controlled it to retreat to the edge of the rooftop and cut off the connection at the same time.

The words on the head of the puppet turned into teme, the reverse carving of "truth", and the spiritual portrait flew out of De Waal's body and was collected by Lin An into the Philosopher's Stone without leaving a trace.

The surface of the tin regained its pale human color, and blood cascaded from the severed wounds.

Relying on inertia, De Waal took a step back with his increasingly weak legs and turned back down from the rooftop. The posture of falling into the abyss was the last scene before everyone's eyes.


A few seconds later, there was a slight muffled sound from downstairs.

At this point, the battle between the Foundation and [Ghost] came to an end.

Lin An and his companions lay down at the railing and took a look. They saw Der Waal's body twisted out of shape. He only stretched out a stiff hand, as if looking for something, but there was no one beside him.

Sangsang was picked up by an ambulance and rushed to the hospital.

After confirming his body, the group breathed a sigh of relief.

The [Ghost], which had cast a shadow on the Foundation for three months, was finally killed...

As De Waal died for the second time, Lin An took advantage of the white witchcraft's counterattack, chased the spiritual portraits of the students, paused, and floated out of the window.

The aura of the portraits was exhausted by Lin An's urging, and they slowly melted and dispersed, streaking across the sky like an aurora.

The four of them raised their heads and looked at the strange and sad scene in front of them. A mixed feeling of unreality flashed through their hearts. Only Lin An clapped his hands gently.

"There are so many Europeans."

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