World Occult User Guide

Chapter 167 It’s over for now

After performing this double act, Lin An breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, the Foundation can finally stop hunting and investigating [Ghost].

It wasn't so much that he was afraid of becoming an enemy of the Ditri City branch, but it was mainly because it would be inconvenient for Lin An to carry out his next actions if he was separated from the foundation's current identity.

He had a hunch that Doris's entry was crucial to improving the rating of the "Mysterious Encyclopedia", but Lin An didn't want Xi Yong to be aware of his existence.

Therefore, this attack must be clean and tidy, leaving no traces. It is best to muddy the water and confuse the Canaan family's sight.

As long as he can trace the origins of Canaanite magic and Hittite rituals and upgrade the system, Lin An will consider leaving the Eagle Kingdom.

He does not want to be involved in the "catastrophe" predicted by the Golden Kingdom.

Hearing the piercing siren of the police car echoing, several unknown mysterious people gathered around Deval who fell from the building. They were the foundation's disciplinary team. They were not in the facility when they received the news, so they arrived late.

They confirmed Derval's death and sent a transmission to the remaining two captains.

"G-Ghost, are you dead?" Mi Xi asked with wide eyes.

"Yes." Simon nodded and couldn't help but smile from the bottom of his heart. "This guy who has done many evil things has received the death penalty he deserves."


Lin An, the editor, director and leading actor of this play, echoed his companions and suddenly discovered that after killing the so-called "ghost", in the data given by the system, the captain's pollution value dropped by a full 3%. The radiation value increased by 0.5%.


Do you think the way the "Lord of Dreams" eliminates pollution is by "punishing evil and promoting good"?

This was beyond Lin An's expectation.

Writing down the new findings, Lin An continued to evacuate and rescue the students, teachers and staff of the School of Art, and took a break to think again.

From Carmen who stole fat in the beginning, Jin Zhien who used the golem to extract intelligence, and now Derval who uses witchcraft to extract blood...

They all targeted women, and each targeted a material that makes up human life.

Could it be that Doris Wood wants to use these materials to create a brand new human body?

It is quite similar to my Little Man in a Vase.

But if she just made artificial life, she would have to spend a lot of time.

Could it be that Doris approached my mother because she wanted to know the secrets of the Hughes family, or because of her mother's bloodline...

It seemed that the battle between him and her was imminent.

Thinking of Lord Arthur's previous mission, which was to kill the [Ghost] first and then capture the [Witch].

The next step for the foundation is to the International Bridge...

Lin An glanced at the wand on his waist.

After several times of alchemy, the basilisk's gem has long been unrecognizable, and I don't know if I can still contact the witch.

The square of the Art Institute was already filled with trembling students. They had no idea what was going on. Combined with the continuous horrific news in Ditli City, the more they thought about it, the more they became confused. Cries, screams and cries of collapse came one after another.

But it is not Lin An's responsibility to accommodate them.

Employees from the logistics department arrived in a special service vehicle and discussed solutions with the local police station.

If nothing else goes wrong, these people will naturally become the first batch of students in Ditry City to receive "popular education in occultism."

After a busy day, Lin An and the rest of the foundation parted ways and returned to the apartment.

As soon as I turned on my computer, a report about Ann Arbor University came into view.

This time, the foundation only intercepted some third-rate media. Lin An saw that many mainstream official media completely wrote the ins and outs of the incident from an objective perspective.

At that time, a murderer broke into the art college. In order to prevent him from harming the students, the officials had to take a forced evacuation.

As for the "monster police" people call it, it is a newly developed "super energy" developed by the United Nations. It is currently in the experimental testing stage, so it is not allowed to be disclosed or photographed.

Officials also promised that this technology will be gradually promoted to the public in the future and enter thousands of households.

Not only the reporters from Eagle Country, but also the international news unified the caliber of "super energy", even other countries have successively exposed the cases created by the mysterious person, step by step leading the public to accept the arrival of the era of the mysterious person.

After reading the report, Lin An closed the web page.

Not only the Dawn Association, but also aristocratic families from all over the world are trying to make the world aware of "Comes".

The more mystics use energy, the greater the gravity of Titan, the wider the channel between the two planets, and the higher the radiation limit for those high-rated mystics.

For the family, this is undoubtedly a good thing.

No matter where Titan's future goes, Lin An has to solve the matter at hand first.

When I opened the foundation's mailbox, the first email was from the civilian minister, saying that they were sorting out information and intelligence about [The Witch of Bavomet] and expected to formulate a complete combat plan in three to five days. .

At that time, the foundation will summon all members of the direct-face department in Michigan to launch a full-scale siege against the witch. Even the president is ready to join the battle.

President Avia?

Lin An thought that this prophet of the Five Scumbags of War would always hide behind the scenes and not participate in any actions.

Speaking of the president, his eyes darkened slightly and he clicked on the email below from the headquarters.

“Investigative Report Regarding Avia Emanuel, President of the Detrey City Chapter Foundation.”


In the Foundation's facilities, De Waal's body was tied up with black restraints and placed in a transparent glass cover, awaiting further research and dissection.

To ensure that he was dead, the defense team monitored the isolation room 24 hours a day in batches.


The door was opened, and the four members of Reagan's team showed their employee ID cards to their colleagues in the defense team, and then surrounded the glass cover where Deval was placed. Looking at his hideous face with a dead look, Captain Reagan was filled with emotion.

"Unexpectedly, the [ghost] that has plagued Ditli City for three months is actually such a young college student. The radiation from 'Comuth' is really a terrifying weapon."

"He is dead. We are relieved." Hector said briefly.

Just as the two were immersed in joy and sense of accomplishment, Caroline let out a discordant sigh.

"I always feel that everything is not over yet..."


"Have you ever thought about a possibility." Caroline poked her sweetly curved chin with her finger, "There's more than one ghost...?"

"What do you mean?" Reagan asked.

"We are the first team to come into contact with [Ghost], and we know his methods best. Ghost is a smart, indifferent, lucky, but extremely self-centered, casual and nonchalant person. Many times, he does whatever he wants, There is no specific purpose.”

After hearing what Caroline said, Vanessa also intervened.

"When the ghost first killed someone, no matter how messy the scene was, the victim had no scars except a shattered soul, and that was how he truly came and went without a trace. However, since the ghost started to 'suck blood,' he has not So hidden.”

"The power of the mysterious person cannot fade with the passage of time. On the contrary, it will only grow. This is very strange for a ghost." Caroline hesitated, "Besides, Captain..."

"What?" Reagan asked doubtfully.

"At first when I was chasing ghosts, besides anger, I felt a deep fear and helplessness because there was no resemblance between the victims; but recently that invisible awe disappeared, as if we already knew that the person we were hunting Just a simple murderer."

"He always looks for lost women in nightclubs and bars in Dietrich City or on dating forums as targets, has a brief contact with them, and then separates. When you hear this, you may have imagined a specific image of a killer in your mind. .”

"At first, the ghost gave us a different feeling. It was truly mysterious and unpredictable. He had no plan. Most of the time, he seemed to be exploring around out of 'curiosity', so it was even more creepy."

Vanessa took over the conversation and announced the conclusion to everyone.

"In other words, he changed from a 'ghost' to a 'human' at some point."

"There is another doubtful point. The ghost clearly targets mysterious people and never affects ordinary people... but then it kills people who have no power to resist." Caroline added.

"You are thinking too much." Reagan shook his head. "Probably his mentality changed after being exposed to radiation from 'Comuth'. This is true for many mystics, isn't it?"

"Well, I can't rule out this possibility."

"Besides, why do you always think that he has no desires? The ghost's single combat power is so strong. The foundation initially judged him as the Lord of Dreams, the Mother of Desire, the Chief Judge or the War Emperor. In fact, he is indeed The mother of desire.”

Reagan smiled, his tone teasing.

"Out of curiosity... how is it possible! Does the terrifying ghost belong to a medium with little lethality like a 'knowledge seeker'? Hahaha!"

"The combat power of knowledge seekers varies from individual to individual and is very random." Vanessa frowned and retorted.

"It's not specific, Vanessa, you are the most skilled seeker in combat that I have ever encountered." Reagan joked, "Even at the San Francisco headquarters, most of the 'knowledge seekers' serve as auxiliary investigators, document archiving, and rear support. Work."

"What the captain said makes sense." Caroline was convinced. "Maybe I scared myself."

"Today is a memorable day." Reagan clapped his hands vigorously to liven up the atmosphere. "Don't think too much. No one has ever seen a living ghost. Who knows who he is. We are not lawyers. There is no need to study the psychological journey of murderers. .”

"Okay Captain, I listen to you."

Caroline stuck out her tongue and gave up the conspiracy theory. Reagan looked at the coroner thoughtfully.


"Oh, it's nothing. I shouldn't affect your mood." Vanessa held the phone with her floating hand and wrote a few lines in the memo, "Let's go and celebrate." (End of Chapter)

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