World Occult User Guide

Chapter 171 Rabbit in the Amusement Park

Ann Arbor University's School of Science is located next door to Panda Delivery. When the automatic door opened, a bunch of men and women with Chinese faces walked out. They were in a hurry and rarely interacted with each other.

Ruan Ruyun stretched out and rubbed his sore shoulders. As soon as he raised his head, he saw a young man standing under the shade of a tree. Just as he was about to hide behind the door, he was recognized by the other party.

"Good evening, schoolgirl."

Ruan Ruyun greeted him with wandering eyes.

"Senior Lin, long time no see."

Lin An asked Mike's friends about the course schedule of the School of Science and came over specially to wait for Ruan Ruyun to finish class.

Scanning her light spots, he shook his head regretfully. Ruan Ruyun hadn't awakened to the mystery yet, so what was going on with her abnormality?

Lin An had another feeling when her eyes fell on Ruan Ruyun. She suddenly lost her temper, crossed her arms, and snorted half-seriously.

"Hey, you still know how to complain to me. Play more tricks with Miss Wood."


"Senior, you clearly said that you don't have a girlfriend, but you and Miss Wood have a good relationship! Let her know that we chatted for so long in the Green Bubble. Your girlfriend won't be angry, right?"

Lin An finally knew why Ruan Ruyun suddenly had an quarrel with him. It felt like she had misunderstood Doris's behavior last time, and she couldn't help but laugh and cry.

"Xuemei Ruan, you have a huge misunderstanding. Doris and I have nothing to do with each other!"

The two of them spoke with the accents of their hometowns and laughed in unison.

"I just want to confirm your safety with my own eyes. You have heard about what happened at the university recently."

"Don't worry, Senior Lin, I have my own sense of caution." Ruan Ruyun nodded, "The Art Institute is far away from us! Senior, you should be careful. Are you still busy with that part-time job?"

"I'm taking a short vacation." Lin An smiled, "By the I owe you a meal?"

"Well, I've been busy catching up on deadlines recently, and I won't have time until tomorrow morning." Ruan Ruyun closed her hands and made a sorry gesture, "I really don't have time now! I haven't eaten Kangshuai for several days. Something other than Fu!”

"You invited me last time, and this time it's my turn. Is there any restaurant you want to visit?"

"Songguo Dessert Shop!" Ruan Ruyun reported the name of the dish without hesitation.

"Okay, let's go."

At the appointed time, Lin An set off to the so-called "Song Guo Dessert Shop".

The store is located in a small amusement park, with the enticing aroma of fried food filling the air, and the cheers, shouts and laughter of tourists coming from the towering Ferris wheel and roller coaster in the distance.

Lin An arrived five minutes early, but he didn't expect Ruan Ruyun to arrive earlier than him.

She was wearing a bright yellow dress with puff sleeves, and her long black hair was styled into two thick braids. She looked as fresh as the clouds in the mountains from a distance.

Seeing Lin An's arrival, Ruan Ruyun waved to him.


After the two met, they studied a map for a while and then decided on the route.

"Do you want to buy balloons?"

Just as they were about to set off, a voice suddenly sounded. It came from a man wearing a baby pink bunny costume. He was holding a colorful egg balloon in one hand and a cartoon carrot in the other hand. He had a round and chubby head. And the body is very cute.

Speaking of which, Easter is coming soon, no wonder there are rabbit-shaped mascots everywhere in the amusement parks.

"Sorry, no need."

Ruan Ruyun declined his promotion and took Lin An straight to the address of the Pinecone Cafe. The latter glanced back. For some reason, he was inexplicably concerned about the rabbit in a doll suit.


Wind chimes welcomed the two into the Pinecone Cafe, and a rich sweetness and the aroma of coffee hit their faces.

The decoration style of the store adopts soft tones, and the walls are covered with various hand-painted and girly decorations, and are covered with naive squirrel wallpapers.

Ruan Ruyun was lying in front of the glass cabinet on the counter, his eyes shining. There were desserts on sale, including cakes, pastries, breads and candies of various shapes and flavors, as well as specialty donuts.

They are cute in appearance, crystal clear in color, and look rich in fillings.

"Can I get five different snacks?" Ruan Ruyun turned back to Lin An and said.

"As long as you promise not to waste food." Lin An took out his credit card, "Waiter, follow her instructions and add another chestnut cake and ice eagle style."

The two chose a seat by the window, and the sun shone brightly from the amusement park.

Lin An squinted his eyes slightly, feeling a rare sense of relaxation and comfort.

"Senior Lin, I always feel..." While waiting for the waiter to prepare the dishes, Ruan Ruyun nervously played with the tableware on the small table and said quietly, "I'm afraid you are not an ordinary person."

"You guessed it right, I used to be in the second class."

"It's not a joke!" Ruan Ruyun almost broke the plastic tableware in his hand, "From the first time we met, I felt that your temperament and behavior are not like what an ordinary college student should... Most people would think of using a spoon as a knife. Threaten others?"

Lin An turned his gaze to her and asked casually: "So what?"

"So every time we go out for dinner, I can't help but think... Senior, do you really want to be friends with me, or do you just agree because you can't stand my constant pestering?"

As expected of a science student, Ruan Ruyun's question was very straightforward, breaking the tacit understanding between the two. Lin An gathered his thoughts and spoke.

“Do you know Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘Vitruvian Man’?”

Ruan Ruyun's expression was a little disappointed. After a moment of silence, he responded tremblingly: "I don't really understand."

"The Vitruvian Man is a sketch of a nude male with his arms and legs in a superimposed position so as to touch the perimeter of a square and circle. It is one of Leonardo da Vinci's most famous works, the iconic A masterpiece of 'human perfection'."

"Yeah." Ruan Ruyun's eyes turned slightly red, and she could hardly stand listening anymore.

If you refuse, refuse!

Even if her first love died violently, she could still hold on!

"However, the reason why the Vitruvian Man has endured in the field of art is not only because Leonardo da Vinci gave later generations a kind of golden ratio painting method, but also the concept he elaborated behind the sketch - a kind of golden ratio from the Renaissance. The golden spirit.”

"In the dark middle ages, people in Western Europe believed that they played a passive role in the universe. The world belonged to God, and they were just guests whose fate depended on His arrangements. Until the 15th century, the Renaissance masters re-examined classical Greece Philosophy set off a wave of humanism.”

“One of the core ideas of humanists comes from Protagora, who advocates that ‘man is the measure of all things.’”

"In this sketch, Leonardo placed the figures within perfect circles and squares. Not only was he emphasizing the importance of proportion and mathematics, he was also alluding to 'man' being at the center of the universe, a human body, The mind and soul can shape destiny.”

Lin An stared into Ruan Ruyun's slightly confused eyes.

"It is my wish to find 'the seat of humanity'. So far, I have met two examples of the Vitruvian Man. One is a man named Simon Lloyd; the other is you, schoolgirl."

Ruan Ruyun was stunned immediately.

"Bah." The waiter brought a dazzling array of cakes and a cup of coffee, "I wish you both a pleasant meal."

Until the waiter left, Ruan Ruyun suddenly covered his cheeks hard to prevent Lin An from noticing the hot red glow on his face, and made a meaningless groan.

"Senior, you, you praise me as a perfect person?"

"Tell the truth." Lin An picked up the Ice Eagle and took a calm sip.

Ruan Ruyun's voice leaked out from between her fingers even louder.

"Sir, would you like to buy some balloons for the lady?"

Just when the atmosphere was ambiguous, a voice suddenly interrupted. The two of them looked up and saw the cute rabbit they saw at the door again.

"Sorry, we don't need balloons." Ruan Ruyun politely refused him.


A melancholy sigh came from the rabbit hood, and Lin An frowned. He always felt that he had heard this person's voice somewhere.

While Ruan Ruyun was feasting and pretending to cover up his recent gaffe, Lin An fell into the emptying mode. The transparent world turned each individual into an intuitive and abstract point of light. He observed the rabbit.

His light spot contains a fierce and powerful aura, but the light spot that should be burning as hot as the sun is covered with a gloomy and airtight cloth, blocking the light so tightly that it almost Become one with darkness.

Lin An tentatively touched the light spot with his consciousness, but no tree diagram popped up next to it.

This guy is indeed a mystic.

Opening his eyes, Lin An's eyes followed the man in the rabbit suit. He found a few more couples to sell them, and finally someone bought the remaining balloons in one go, relieving him of his burden.

After shouting around all morning, Rabbit seemed tired. He sat down not far from Lin An and Ruan Ruyun and asked the waiter to bring him a glass of ice water.

"Bah chi."

The man took off his bunny hood, revealing a face that seemed familiar, but slightly different.

He has handsome features, but he is slovenly dressed, with an unkempt beard, messy and haggard hair, and only a pair of dark eyes, as clear and bright as amber.

Without the change of voice caused by the hood, when the waiter brought him ice water, the man said "thank you" in a low voice, which was like thunder exploding in Lin An's ears.

His fingers holding the coffee cup trembled slightly, holding on to the last unrealistic hope as thoughts flashed through his mind.

"Brother Tongzi, this guy seems to be...who is that?"

"Because the rating of this mystery is higher than the [Encyclopedia of Mysteries], it will not be displayed." The system calmly said something that made Lin An completely give up.

I wipe it!

It's really him!

This guy wearing a cute bunny suit and soliciting customers everywhere is none other than Joshua, the former inspection team leader of the St. Annilov Foundation!

Do you still remember our heroine?

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