World Occult User Guide

Chapter 172 The little white rabbit walks into the dark forest

Lin An's first reaction when he saw Joshua was shock.

Wasn't he killed by me?

Then I thought about it, even a "wild" mystic like me has obtained the "Dew of Heaven" that revives people from death. It is not unusual for Joshua, a member of the aristocratic family, to have one or two means of rebirth.

Sure enough, source-level mystics are difficult to kill, especially when they have mastered ancient inheritance and resources.

However, since Joshua was still alive, why didn't he return to the headquarters to join the battle that day?

Observing Joshua's current situation, Lin Anxin realized clearly that something was very wrong with the former leader of the inspection team. There was no sharp anger in his eyes, but a bit more confusion and hollowness.

It seems that resurrection comes with a price.

It was useless to think too much, so Lin An decided to test Joshua personally, since the other party didn't know him anyway.

While going to the restroom, Lin An asked the waiter to bring Joshua a chocolate donut and a cappuccino.

When he saw the waiter bringing the dessert, Joshua was stunned and frowned in confusion.

"I didn't order this."

"It was given to you by the guests at that table."

With the temperament of the original leader of the inspection team, even if he fell down due to unknown reasons, or he was performing a mission of pretending to be a lurker, the proud Joshua would never accept a gift from others that was almost a charity.

Under Lin An's interested gaze, Joshua took a bite of the donut, his pupils dilated slightly, and then swept away the dessert in a whirlwind, quite like he was competing with Ruan Ruyun, a big eater.

Sure enough, he had lost his memory. Lin An thought, the question is, how far has his "amnesia" reached?

After eating, Joshua thought blankly for a few minutes and walked towards Lin An, who pretended that nothing happened and continued chatting with Ruan Ruyun.

"Thank you for paying for me," Joshua said. "The donuts are delicious."

"It's almost Easter, and I hope everyone can spend every day with a smile. You've worked hard too, so enjoy some dessert and be happy." Lin An replied kindly.

Joshua was startled. This Virgin's speech could not deceive him in the past, but it moved him deeply now.

"I didn't expect there to be a good person like you in the world, who is willing to show unreserved kindness to strangers. I haven't seen such a kind person like you in a long time."

"Ahem..." Lin An cleared his throat, "Meeting by chance is fate. How should I call you, sir?"

"I'm ashamed to say that I don't remember my last name. The owner of this amusement park took me in as a homeless person; they called me 'Hopo' because I was a homeless person."

Hearing this, Lin An felt sour in his heart.

I'm sorry I didn't kill you cleanly.

Without Brother Lu Zi's time and space retrieval, Lin An would not dare to act rashly. Joshua is one of the top mystics in the Eagle Kingdom, and he is also the "Judge" medium known for his combat prowess. It is only his amnesia that makes him appear incompetent. Harmful.

"Senior Lin, do you know him?" Ruan Ruyun asked from the side.

Lin An shook his head: "It's just kindness that comes out occasionally."

"It's really unfortunate." Ruan Ruyun couldn't bear to pull out the chair, "If you don't mind, please sit with us. These are all for you to eat, I haven't touched them yet." After a pause, she asked again, "You How long have you been homeless? No family is looking for you?"

"I may not have a family."

No, your family is worse than none. Lin An thought.

"Well..." Ruan Ruyun couldn't help but be speechless for a moment, "Do you remember anything?"

Joshua blurted out: "The only thing I know is that I was called to something."


"I don't know when it needs me and what I should do, but it is closely related to the fate of mankind. The reason why I live in this world is that I still want to implement my determination to safeguard world peace and protect all mankind."

These words made Lin An, who knew the whole story, twitch the corner of his mouth, and made Ruan Ruyun quite helpless.

"Well, you weren't an online novelist before, right?"

"you know me?"

"I just feel that your wishes are as grand and grand as the protagonist of the Internet article. I hope you can get on the right track of life as soon as possible." Ruan Ruyun whispered softly and changed the subject in Chinese, "Senior, you are here, why don't we play in the amusement park for a while? "

"So this is your purpose." Lin An smiled.

"Study and entertainment combine work and rest." Ruan Ruyun opened the map of the amusement park, "The closest ones to us are the rotating tea cup and the haunted house."

Joshua watched the two men get up and leave. For some reason, he felt a strong desire and couldn't help but take off his doll clothes and follow the young man.

To avoid being discovered by the two, Joshua kept a distance of about fifty meters from them.

The two men and women went to the haunted house first.

As an employee of the amusement park, Joshua greeted the ticket inspector and followed him in secretly.

The decoration of the haunted house is full of stereotypical horror elements, with gloomy skeletons hanging on the black walls, disgusting reptiles and spider webs, as well as torture instruments such as iron chains and soldering irons.

Cold air emerged from the ground, and Joshua walked through the narrow corridor. Horrible sound effects were heard from both sides from time to time, such as low roars, sharp cries, and creepy sneers, making people feel like they were in a real horror movie. .

However, Joshua never felt fear, as if he was used to this kind of situation.

In the dead of night, Joshua often thinks about what kind of person he once was, but the memory of the first thirty years of his life seems to have been erased by an eraser, without any fragments.

Now, he instinctively felt that the young man was unusual.

Maybe that's the key to his past.

Following the footsteps of the young men and women, Joshua unknowingly came to a more remote area.

The walls are hung with images of living people turning into rotten corpses. In front of them is a staircase with a huge coffin placed on a raised platform.

The set features a vampire lying inside, who pops up to scare visitors as they pass by.

Sure enough, when Joshua passed by, the lid of the coffin opened with a bang, and a terrifying skeleton emerged from inside, making a piercing and terrifying scream.


Joshua showed no expression, it was just a spring-loaded toy.

The next moment, a scene that shocked him happened.

The skeleton that was supposed to be lying back in the coffin suddenly crawled out uncontrollably. The bones all over his body clicked, and he lunged at Joshua with his teeth and claws open as if he were alive.


Before Joshua could react, the skeleton's steel-sharp claws scratched across his shoulder, leaving a flesh wound, and the blood stained the washed-white employee uniforms red.

Pain surged through him, and Joshua felt an unreal trance.


The skeleton kept doing nothing, clamping his arms around Joshua's arms like iron pincers and pressing him to the ground.

The back of Joshua's head hit the steps hard, and his vision went black.

This skeleton was originally made of plastic, but at this moment, it was as heavy as metal!

Although there was still no fear in his heart, Joshua struggled wildly instinctively.

No matter what happened, if you don't run, you will die!

A certain energy flowed to his fingertips along with his desire to survive, and a tattoo of a brass-colored snake "hissed" and spit out its core, wandering around Joshua's body.

At the same time, a strong wind blew up in the closed haunted house, making the scenery roar. The picture frame made a sad creaking sound, and an irregular gap opened in the middle. The horror video tape that was playing continuously went black for an instant, and a holy and beautiful seawater oozed out. luster.

In an instant, Joshua saw the young man appear again.

He walked at a leisurely pace, flexed his fingers, and flicked the crazy skeleton gently, and its metal shell dissipated with a clang, scattering into plastic decorations on the ground.

As Joshua calmed down, the vision was taken back into his body. The haunted house was extremely quiet, with only the light of candles flickering.

All electronic equipment had been destroyed by Joshua in one second.

However, the initiator does not know the ins and outs of all this.

Joshua looked at Lin An in front of him, and felt that his black eyes were as deep as the stars in the sky, and the bright light was looming. He just stood there so indifferently, and the remaining breeze blew through the corners of his clothes, blowing away the dust that was in his way.

After a long silence, Joshua spoke with a trembling voice.

"Did you save me?"

"That's right."

Lin An secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Joshua didn't seem to be faking shock.

The coercion of the "Presiding Judge" just now was overwhelming, but this power was disordered and aimless, and it did not rush towards the alchemy puppet that attacked him at all.

Very well, the former team leader lost his memory so much that he even forgot the identity of the mysterious person.

Joshua seemed to attribute the recent vision to Lin An, with a look of reverence on his face. He was not sure that he had unconsciously activated the energy in his body.

"Is that skeleton...a supernatural phenomenon? What is happening in this world?"

"Get up first." Lin An half-bent down and stretched out his hand to Joshua on the ground, "It's very dangerous here. Let's talk somewhere else."

The staff and tourists thought there was a power outage, and flashlights shone from a distance. Joshua and Lin An escaped from the haunted house in a familiar way.

Ruan Ruyun was waiting outside. When he saw the two of them appearing together, his expression was a little subtle.

"Senior Lin, he is still here."

"Today this gentleman is our royal cameraman."

At the end of the day, Joshua liked to mention Ruan Ruyun's new nickname "Steve" until Lin An watched her disappear into the sunset, turned around and said to Joshua.

"As you can see, this world hides many mysterious events that ordinary people cannot recognize. They are like shadows that cannot be illuminated by the sun, hiding under the illusion of social peace. They are extremely dangerous, and you can easily lose your life if you are not careful. .”

As he spoke, he suddenly approached Joshua, grabbed his arm, and rolled down his sleeve without any doubt, only to see that the brass snake tattoo had changed its position.


Joshua's eyes widened. He remembered that his tattoo was clearly located on his chest, but now it "climbed" to his upper arm!

"Unfortunately, when you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring back." Lin An said in a sad tone, "You are entangled by it and can no longer escape."

"Then what should I do?" Joshua quickly held Lin An's hand, "By the way, you can use that power...can you teach me how to fight against those unknown crises?"

After some willing tugging, Lin An sighed.

"Okay, I think I can help you lead the way." His smile was sincere and warm, "After all, I can't bear to let a poor person die inexplicably."

"Thank you so much, teacher!" Joshua said gratefully, "You are really the best person I have ever met."

Thanks to Qingming Kejian, Tianying x Wuming, Book Friends 20210301106605444250, Book Friends 20220424125231134 for their monthly votes, thank you all for your recommendation votes and subscriptions

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