World Occult User Guide

Chapter 173 Return to the International Bridge

Things went smoothly beyond Lin An's imagination.

He expected that Joshua would follow him unconsciously due to the fluctuations of the mysterious person, but he did not expect that his amnesia would be so severe that he would even forget his own power and identity.

But it doesn't matter, Lin An just has the "experience" to fully develop his residual value.

Early the next morning, Lin An and Joshua met at a coffee shop near the International Bridge, where he first saw the Wendigo.

The cold weather gradually warmed up, and the cold wind disappeared. White seagulls flew across the sky and landed on the river bank near the International Bridge in twos and threes. A rickety old lady pushed a cart, scooped out grains from it, and spread it to these greedy people like chickens. Eat thieves.

The cafe is open 24 hours a day and serves crispy bacon sandwiches, buttery bread and a variety of coffees for breakfast.

Joshua ordered a table full of various breakfasts and paid Lin An a total of 55 dollars.

It's okay, it's your salary anyway. Lin An thought.

While Joshua was eating, he asked the system to open its own panel, and green data appeared in front of him.

[Name]: Mysterious Encyclopedia

[Rating]: Source Class B

[Radiation value]: 9.6%

[Pollution level]: 20%

[Medium]: Seekers of knowledge

[Inventory]: Seeker x4, God of Truth x1, Visionary x1, Seer x4, Judge x12, Nature Sacrifice x4, Mother of Desire x11, War Emperor x4, Lamp Goddess x1, Lord of the Earth x3, God of Farming x5

The media reserve is quite sufficient.

After consumption, the radiation value has almost exceeded double digits.

The higher the radiation value, Lin An found that the second button of the vent mode became clearer and clearer. He estimated that after 10%, the system would unlock new functions.

"Knowledge seeker" is really not a medium suitable for head-on confrontation. To this day, the system only has two attack methods: wrapping the whole body with data flow to slightly block energy attacks, and displaying data to disrupt other people's vision.

It is far different from the medium that is good at fighting.

According to past experience, the all-powerful "Lord of Dreams" ranks first in combat effectiveness, followed by the "Presiding Judge", and the "Mother of Desire" and "Emperor of War" rank third overall.

Lin An originally wanted to develop a strategy by slowly gaining information on Doris' abilities, but Joshua's divine assist fell from the sky, and he decided to take action. Being timid has never been his style.

After eating breakfast, the two walked to the river bank, and Joshua couldn't help but ask.

"Teacher, what should I do now?"

Lin An told him the origin of the mysterious person half-truthfully, but he deliberately replaced the key words, such as calling "Comes" "insect arrow", calling "mysterious person" "substitute messenger", and " Radiation" is called "the power of the stand-in".

This time, the possibility of Joshua's memory recovery was completely eliminated.

Lin An told Joshua that since the substitute messengers were a minority, the official did not make it public and instead established a special management agency.

Lin An claims to be a member of the agency and has reported Joshua's situation, but before he can be recruited as a regular employee, his superiors need Joshua to complete an assessment to prove his ability as a stand-in.

"This is a trial."

Lin An calmly talked nonsense: "Before I accept you as a member of the organization, you need to complete a novice task."

"Okay, teacher."

During the period of amnesia, Joshua lived in various parts of the Eagle Kingdom, suffering cold looks and contempt from people. Yesterday, his life was hanging by a thread. He only survived thanks to the help of the people in front of him, so he trusted Lin An very much.

Moreover, he had a hunch that this person was closely related to the mission that lingered in his mind.

Lin An called up the IP of "Domundo's Dream" in the World Tree Forum, entered the port address into the navigation, and handed it to Joshua.

It is the largest harbor north of the city of Detli and consists of several cargo terminals. Generally speaking, the most valuable cargo is steel, as well as ore, coal and cement handled by tonnage.

However, due to the transnational nature of Detli City, extraordinary transactions occurred at this time.

"Steve, your mission is this..."

Lin An adopted Ruan Ruyun's nickname, installed the GoPro camera purchased online on Joshua's head, and put on the Bluetooth headset for him. He manually completed the [always on target] field of view, and explained to him the uses of the two devices. He listened to about Shua's eyes shone.

"It's so high-tech!"

Generally speaking, it is far worse than your X. Lin An secretly thought.

"Listen, everyone you face next are our staff. Their acting skills are just to test whether you have awakened the 'substitute messenger' and whether you can control the 'substitute ability'."

Lin An raised his finger seriously.

"You must obey my instructions at all times."

"I see."

After watching Joshua's back disappear, Lin An glanced at the synchronized surveillance video on his phone, and spoke a few words to him through the Bluetooth headset to confirm that the device was in good condition.

With no one around, Lin An sank his consciousness into the [Philosopher's Stone], waiting for the "Dreamer" Witch to arrive in the realm of bliss.

A full five minutes passed and nothing happened.

It seems that the basilisk's gem has gone through too many [Transcendent Art] evolutions and has been continuously refined and evolved by alchemy. It has lost its original foundation, and even the witch can no longer detect the remaining aura of its companion.

Alas, it's a pity that I couldn't contact her.

After thinking for a moment, Lin An sent a text message to Ruan Ruyun, asking her to take the senior sister to the library to study together, hoping to distract the senior sister from joining the gathering of the Free Mystics recently.

Because Lin An participated in the foundation's video conference last night, the research department and the direct contact department formulated a series of formal plans for the witch crusade in detail based on various information from the civilian department.

Action will begin today.

Before joining them, Lin An looked at the surveillance video again and found that Joshua was already close to his destination.

The ship's engine creaked rhythmically, the waves hit the port walls like bombs, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of fish.

The city hall bell struck ten, the sun poured down from the sky, and the reflection on the water was dazzling.

The first thing that caught Lin An's eyes were rows of tall and heavy containers, stacked into mountains and contrasting with the blue sky. They were like building blocks in the city. They were printed with various colors and labels, which roughly represented the types of goods and their belongings. Logistics company.


The whistling sound was accompanied by a faint black exhaust gas. Giant ships docked at the dock. The workers were busy carrying goods, loading and unloading, and had no time to talk to Joshua who was wandering around.

The number of kilometers navigated gradually decreased, and Joshua stopped at a harbor.

In front of him was the endless sea, and behind him was a rusty low bungalow with several cars parked at the door.

The workers here seem to be particularly leisurely, and they cast prying eyes from time to time, which is completely different from the indifferent sailors.

"is it here?"

Joshua asked a tentative question from the other end of the Bluetooth headset.

"That's right, just do as I say." Lin An ordered, "I will always observe your every move on the monitor. I hope you can successfully pass the test assigned to you by this organization."

"I will try my best, teacher."

After explaining to Joshua, Lin An put his cell phone in his pocket, took a taxi and came to the gathering place designated by the foundation.

This was once an abandoned factory or warehouse. It was very hidden. After verifying Lin An's identity, the guard at the door let him in.

Only half of the employees in the direct-face department were Lin An's old acquaintances. Except for the Reagan quartet, he only knew the new control team and the punishment team who were stationed in the branch. The remaining 14 faces were all strangers.

After meeting Simon and others, they made some inquiries and found out that these strange and mysterious people were employees of the Foundation who were previously stationed in southern Michigan.

After the headquarters made up its mind to "encircle and suppress" the witch and the free mystics who followed her, the headquarters came out in full force and mobilized all the forces in Detli City.

In the meantime, chapters in the next three states will temporarily be responsible for handling mysteries within the confines of Michigan.

Lin An counted the numbers. Recently, the foundation has expanded its recruitment, and the number of people in the direct-facing department has exceeded 30, including Simon, a mythical level, Mi Xi and another legendary level, 7 disaster level and 20 ghost story level.

They are all regular employees, and newcomers such as Sangsang who just joined are not among them.

Every member here has accumulated a certain amount of radiation, and they also know how to control mystery and cooperate with each other. As a force that is not from an aristocratic family, Saint Anilov is indeed a behemoth.

Entering the short-term mode, Lin An did not find the legendary President Emmanuel.

Did he agree to join the action?

However, Lin An was glad that this "prophet" did not come, otherwise he would not be able to maintain clear logic.

Loud clapping came, interrupting everyone's whispers, and Reagan Modric stood on the wooden box and spoke with a firm and loud voice.

"Through your efforts, we successfully transported Alpha-001's [Thunderbird] to the headquarters, and also killed Alpha-002's [Ghost] in the past forever. Now we will work together again to encircle and suppress Beta-001's [Ghost] The Witch of Bavomet].”

"This evil mystic has been operating in the city of Ditri since April last year. With her strong personal strength and the ability to travel through space through the 'Dreamer', she has repeatedly escaped the pursuit of the Foundation and has still not been caught by the law. "

"Not only that, her leadership and appeal are quite terrifying, and she has cultivated a group of fanatical followers in just one year. They call themselves the so-called 'mysterious liberals', trample on life wantonly, and never take the law into consideration. A group of extremely vicious people who are anti-social and anti-order.”

Reagan looked around and loudly announced the start of this siege.

"For the sake of justice, peace, and the stability of order, our St. Annilov Foundation will kill [The Witch of Bavomet] and all her followers at all costs!"

Some members of the direct-facing department raised their hands and shouted in agreement.

"God bless the Eagle Country!"

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