World Occult User Guide

Chapter 175 Black Ship

Lin An, who was behind the monitor, saw Joshua's actions and felt waves in his heart.

He is truly a born "presiding judge". Even if he loses his memory, his killing and silence combos are still so smooth.

However, Joshua's memory showed no signs of recovery. Lin An asked him to wipe the blood stains on the lens and ordered: "Go and see what those goods are."

"Okay, teacher."

Joshua closed the door, and the sailors outside only heard the sound of gunshots, thinking that their companions had executed a "rat" who was waiting for an opportunity to sneak in. No one came to take a closer look.

There were no lights in the bungalow. Joshua followed the natural light leaking from the holes and walked towards the neatly stacked goods. The boxes were made of compressed wood and coated with a layer of waterproof oily material. The labels were labeled with numbers and the sizes of the boxes were the same. volume change.

After a brief try, Joshua found that their openings were tightly sealed, and an electronic lock with a flashing green light closed the box tightly, making it impossible to open it with brute force.

After discussing with Lin An, he began to look for clues around him.

After searching for about ten minutes, Joshua found a stack of folders with half a triangular shape exposed from under a box of goods. The staff probably forgot to take them away while they were busy and accidentally dropped them on the ground.

Joshua pulled out the file so that Lin An could view it on the monitor.

It contains information about the logistics company of the goods and other information. The most important thing is the time when they will be transported away, which is exactly 5:00 on March 3, 2038.

In other words, Domondo's Dream's ship will dock at the port of Eagle Country at exactly five o'clock tonight.

It is now two o'clock in the afternoon. According to the distance from the estuary to the port, the ferry has now sailed into the Eagle Kingdom. Due to the Foundation's actions against the witch, the estuary is about to be completely blocked. It has surrendered itself into a trap this time.

Combining the map of the river, Lin An roughly confirmed the current location of Domundo's Dream. Joshua flipped through the documents to see if there was any other useful information.

Sure enough, the two found a deep purple seal at the end of the document.

It was an abstract wolf head, with its eyes shining fiercely and its mouth wide open, which made people feel terrified.

Lin An silently wrote down the pattern, and was just about to ask Joshua to find other information in the warehouse, when he heard a rustling sound and the cargo box beside Joshua suddenly moved.


The two were a little surprised.

Could it be that the cargo box contains living creatures?

"Open it and take a look." Lin An, who was not too concerned about the excitement, gave the order from the air.

This made Joshua a little embarrassed, but when he thought that this was a test for the substitute messenger, he took a deep breath, put his hands on the electronic lock, and slowly activated the increasingly active energy inside his body.

A subtle, shattering cutting sound sounded, the electronic lock invisibly transformed into five petals, cracked into pieces, the green light stopped flashing instantly, and the lid of the cargo box was lifted as if it was equipped with a spring.

Dust hit his face, and Joshua coughed a few times before he saw the strange scene in front of him clearly.

A black rabbit covered with exotic patterns twisted and struggled, its limbs fluttering vigorously. If the whole body was not restrained by the commandments flowing with Hebrew words, it would have broken free from the shackles and jumped out to run around.

"What the hell is this?" Joshua and the black rabbit stared at each other for a long time, frowning deeply, "Teacher, what should I do?"

There was no response from the earphones.

Another trial?

For some reason, the words and shapes of the restraints seemed familiar to Joshua. He couldn't help but stretched out his hands, and with a "snap" sound, the restraints broke layer by layer under his control.

The rabbit didn't stop in place for half a second. The space was distorted and its fat body disappeared.

Joshua was simply baffled. When he closed the cargo box and was about to continue exploring, a cold hand suddenly put his shoulder, and a feminine and playful voice sounded.

"Unless Santa Claus, it is very impolite to secretly touch other people's gifts."

As soon as he turned around, Joshua instantly fell into a pair of dreamy violet eyes, as if he had been thrown into a complicated maze.

He stepped back and asked sharply.

"Who are you?"


"Well, the picture is broken?" Lin An looked at the surveillance video on the snowflake screen in confusion, "Steve, what happened over there?"

After trying for a while, not only the camera but also the Bluetooth headset had no signal.

Either the Mystic Guards from Domundo's Dream discovered Joshua, or there was a hidden arrow in the cargo box that destroyed his camera the moment it was opened.

However, Lin An is not worried about Joshua at all. This guy is the ceiling of combat power for the mystics of Eagle Country, and he can also be ranked high in the world.

Even if he unfortunately dies, Joshua can be resurrected indefinitely to ensure his own safety.

Lin An sent Joshua to Doris' Dream. In addition to exploring the secrets of Doris, Lin An also guided this time bomb-like guy to explode on the spot and destroy Doris' stronghold. The only thing he didn't expect was that the two of them "lost each other." "Connected" so quickly.

Could it be that Doris's fourth ability is "isolating space"?

In any case, Joshua's intelligence allowed him to estimate the ship's location, and Lin An put the phone in his pocket.

"Is it time to prevent addiction, Internet addicted boy?" Mi Xi's teasing came from the front.

"Oh, my teammate is offline and hung up, so we won't fight anymore."

Lin An waved his hands repeatedly and followed them three steps at a time.

There used to be people coming and going along the river bank, but now there are almost no people. The government has already blocked the road, and except for official employees, no one can enter or leave.


There was a clear beep from Simon's communication device. He picked it up and took a look. After preliminary screening, the officials locked the locations of all the black ships.

"As cumbersome as a spider's web." Barry glanced at the red dot marked on the map.

"This is just the first step, and it does not include the encirclement and suppression afterwards." Simon said, "This operation will last at least a month, which is longer than transporting the [Thunderbird]. You must be mentally prepared."

"It's okay. Anyway, there is overtime pay, and even three times the salary on Easter." Mi Xi was very motivated.

"This part-time job is affecting my studies more and more." Lin An joked half-complainingly.

“You might as well apply for a ‘gap year,’ or take two to three years to complete your graduation credits,” Barry suggested. “Some people I know took eight years to complete their master’s degree.”

"Oh, it's really hard. Sometimes I almost forget that you are just a child." Simon shook his head, "I'll treat you to coffee afterwards."

"How can I treat you, Captain? As the saying goes, employees who don't know how to take advantage of the company are not good employees. We must ask the foundation to give us coffee machines and beans, and start with one ton of staff."

"One ton...Lin, do you have any idea?" Simon smiled helplessly, "Mold will grow before you finish drinking."

"I'm totally OK." Mi Xi supported in a dignified manner, "My father, mother, nine brothers and sisters, more than a hundred cousins, uncles, aunts and their relatives, one ton of coffee beans can't last a year. "

The chat eased the atmosphere before the decisive battle, and a gentle smile appeared on Lin An's lips. Although he had no doubts about his belief in the St. Annelov Foundation, if he did not join this organization, he would also lose the opportunity to meet the three people.

Lin An believes that it will be a big loss in life.

Of course, exploring the world of "Comes" is also a top priority.

According to the plan, the foundation's direct contact department will stop every black ship with official assistance and investigate it in detail.

It starts at the mouth of the sea and ends on the other side.

Ships that pass the test will be docked in a temporary harbor to prevent being drawn into a possible Mystic war.

About half an hour later, the foundation's route gradually overlapped with the "Domundo's Dream" calculated by Lin An.

The outline of a giant ship appeared in front of it. Its appearance was tall and majestic. It obeyed the government's orders and quietly leaned on the shore. Wisps of white smoke came out of the chimney and drifted away in the sea breeze.

The hull had a cold metallic light color, which was completely different from the "black ship" described by the girl, but it firmly attracted Lin An's attention.

I saw a flag with a white background and red stripes on its bow, with a roaring wolf head printed on it, fluttering in the wind.

Lin An immediately closed his eyes. In the idle mode, about a hundred light points gathered densely on the giant ship. There were at least three or four mysterious people active in the cabin alone.

This giant ship is Doris' stronghold.

The only thing that surprised Lin An was that the wolf head pattern was slightly different from the seal he just saw. The one on the document was a wild wolf, and the hanging on the bow looked more like a dog.

Doris seemed to have greeted the officials in advance. The officials who opened the way ignored the giant ship and moved towards the next target on the map.

Anyway, the giant wheel is not black, so there is no need for the St. Annilov Foundation to investigate it.

No wonder you never catch Doris, money can make all the difference.

Lin An thought as he settled his consciousness on the [Philosopher's Stone]. The statue in the center of the small world began to move. It had two male and female heads on its body. It was wearing a mask and slowly raised the double snake cane in its hand. .

【Fantasy of the Soul】.

The brown energy radiated from Lin An as the center, crawled into the eyes of foundation employees and officials, and covered it with a curtain of distorted cognition. The light they imagined and longed for at this moment gradually left their hearts and tainted the scope of reality.

Looking for the black ship...

"Wait a minute, isn't this ship... just black?"

Mi Xi pointed at the giant wheel and screamed in surprise.

"Why don't you stop?"

"Uh, it, it's black?" The official staff looked out the window. The iron-clad "fact" prevented them from pretending to be deaf and dumb, and cold sweat dripped down their foreheads. "But it's not marked on the map. Please allow us to confirm it with our superiors." Fan."

No matter how they defended themselves, under the pressure of seeing is believing, the group stopped and looked at this "black ship" that had evaded the official search warrant.

"Is it the witch's base camp?" Mi Xi murmured to herself.

"Not necessarily, but -" Simon's voice was a bit cold, and he turned to the officials who were whispering, "The foundation's order is to search the 'black ship'. No matter what, we cannot let go of this perfect ship in front of us. A giant wheel that fits the clues.”

"Please wait a moment." One of them stopped him quickly, "There may be some misunderstanding."

"We were just following orders."

After negotiation, the officials were unable to defeat the persistent foundation, so they had to take Simon's team and another punishment team as the vanguard, and landed on the giant ship together.

"Buzz buzz..."

Before entering the cabin, a big fly flew towards him, and Lin An subconsciously waved it away.

It wasn't until it flew away that he was slightly stunned.

Is it an illusion?

The fly's eyes appear to be purple. (End of chapter)

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