World Occult User Guide

Chapter 176 Beware of Mosquitoes

There were three people standing in the cabin early, the captain's first mate and second mate, and seven or eight sailors were busy on the deck. Everything looked extraordinarily normal.

The giant ship came from Maple Leaf Country and belonged to a company that transported coal. Officials and the captain discussed the official documents and showed them to the St. Annilov Foundation without hesitation. The latter was not a civil servant and could only make perfunctory comments.

Seeing that the foundation was still not convinced, the captain called all the crew members and asked them to line up, take out their passports one by one, and record the correspondence.

The work was forced to stop, and the sailors who were reviewed lined up, complaining and swearing in a Jouard accent, and exuding an irritated heat that filled the entire cabin.

“Ostie qu’il m’énerve! AH, Tabarnack! (God damn, annoying!)”

No matter how you look at it, this is a legal and compliant cargo ship.

The key is not to mention the witch, there are more than two hundred people in the giant wheel, all of them have strong male hormones, and no one is without control.

Lin An glanced around. When he boarded the ship, the mystics had already gotten into the narrow cargo holds everywhere.

The giant ship has several layers of cargo holds. The main space transports coal recorded in official documents. The other spaces are scattered and it is unknown what is contained.

The official is not sure whether the giant ship is hiding mysterious people, but it is enough to know that these people are definitely not followers of [Witch], and the company behind it can also bring unimaginable benefits to the port authority.

Lin An was not interested in these fights. He turned the [Philosopher's Stone] and released the spiritual portrait. It sank into the deck and floated towards the nearest hidden cargo hold.

A conservative estimate is that there is at least something hidden there...

Before Lin An could count the light spots, they suddenly split. Hundreds of tiny light spots flew like chaotic comets, instantly disrupting the information obtained by the blow mode.


Lin An wasn't sure what happened in the cargo hold below, but he had already given instructions to the spiritual portrait.

"System, use [Motherly Sorrow] from "Ashes of the Saints II: Yemaya"."

This is the cry of Yemaya, the goddess of the sea, which can create a shrill and sharp cry that echoes like a drum.

The catch is that, in addition to consuming the medium, the mysticism must be performed with the help of a spiritual portrait as a medium.

The spiritual portrait in Lin An's hand has long been like a candle in the wind, almost dissipated. It needs blood sacrifices to maintain its aura, but Lin An has tried several times, but this portrait is inaccessible and difficult to work with.

It does not accept animal blood, hospital blood bags, or men's blood. Fresh blood from the back of the neck or wrist of a woman must be designated, and the person's age is preferably between 15 and 35 years old.

This is too troublesome for people like Lin An who feed turtle food to fish, turtles and shrimp at the same time.

It happened that another mysterious technique in "Ashes of the Saints II: Yemaya" could transform the dead souls into spiritual portraits. Lin An decided to abandon the old spiritual portrait at this moment and use the mysterious technique to replace it with a new one.

The portrait descended to the cabin where the mysterious person was, and screams pierced the sky. The spiritual energy exploded like fireworks, and its figure suddenly dissipated along with the sound waves.


The scream was like a sharp knife, full of endless pain and complaint, piercing the pretended peaceful atmosphere of the cabin. A bone-chilling chill rose from everyone's heart, making people feel the ultimate sadness.

The ones who were particularly affected were Mi Xi and a woman from the punishment team. Their eyes suddenly widened, and big tears flowed from their eyes. Three seconds later, they turned into heart-wrenching cries.

"What, what's going on?"

In the cabin of the ship, not only the foundation and official personnel, but also the captain and first mate did not expect the development of the matter.

Sorry, [Mother of Desire] is a ranged group attack skill.

Lin An patted Mi Xi's shoulder, who was accidentally injured, and was the first to break the silence.

"This is coming from below!"

"Even though the scream was so shrill, there was no vibration inside the cabin." The captain of the punishment team frowned, "This weird phenomenon belongs exclusively to the energy of 'Comes'."

"I'm afraid there's a mysterious person lurking below!" Another member of the punishment team said decisively, "Captain, can you lead the way?"


The captain wanted to say something more, but Simon suddenly raised his hand. The bright light of the moon turned into an exquisite crossbow, and the flames formed a purple-blue arrow out of thin air, aiming at one point and shooting out.


The arrow shot out of the air, stirring the steel and cables inside the giant wheel, blasting a passage.

Everyone at the Foundation could clearly see the trajectory of the energy and knew that it was Simon who took action. However, the officials, captain and sailors had no idea about it. They saw an explosion in the cabin and thought someone was targeting the giant ship with a missile, and their faces turned pale with fear.

"Mom! Mom!"

[Maternal Sorrow] was still in effect. Before anyone from the Foundation could explain, their rationality immediately collapsed, the fluids in their bodies were uncontrollable, and a stench filled the air.

The ease of the elite disappeared, and the officials fled in all directions shouting "Help!" for fear that death would befall them, leaving the cabin in a mess.

Lin An didn't expect that the captain, who had always followed the rules, would ignore the cumbersome negotiations and overturn the negotiation table, assuming a posture of "I'm going to investigate you today."

But if you think about it carefully, the captain is not a rigid person at heart.

In the process of transporting [Thunderbird], this product can race at a speed that can go to the Initial D set.

It was just that he seemed to have been caught by the Foundation and deliberately restrained the degree of pollution of the "Lord of Dreams", which gave Lin An an illusion of calmness.

"Simon, calm down! The foundation will continue to cooperate with these people in the future!" Barry said from the side.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." Simon put away the crossbow, his tone was cold and depressed, "That scream is a range of mysterious magic, they will only get in the way if they stay."

"Captain Simon, do you think there is a Free Mystic out there?"

The captain of the punishment team pointed at the blasted area. Cold and damp wind leaked out of the hole, and a half-remaining staircase snaked down, leading to the darkness without lights.

"To be honest, I have some impressions of this ship..." Simon did not explain, spread his wings and flew towards the stairs, "No, I should say, I am very familiar with it."

Everyone in the foundation looked at each other, and Lin An was the first to shout.

"I believe in the captain!"

After that, he followed Simon down.

Originally, Lin An found out that there were about a dozen mysterious people on the giant wheel. As a member of the Doris family, this number was considered normal.

But the moment he released his spiritual portrait, a dozen mystics suddenly dispersed into more than thousands of light spots.

It's unlikely that this was 1,000 Mystics - if Doris had such an army at her command, her previously secretive behavior would make no sense at all.

Therefore, Lin An believed that the scattered light points were a kind of mysticism.

In any case, the messy display disrupted Lin An's relaxation mode. After thinking about it, he decided to use a long-lost [Listening to Invisible Breathing] to further verify his ideas.

"There are 24 mystics around you."

The system's calm announcement sounded.

"Through the use of mystery, the radiation value of [Mysterious Encyclopedia] increased by 0.2%."

Subtracting the 8 members of the Foundation, there are a total of 16 mystics on this giant ship, which is similar to the number that was hastily detected before.

Those scattered light spots are probably a person's mysterious technique.

Seeing Lin An's actions, others reacted. The captain of the disciplinary team said something similar to "I will report your behavior truthfully" and decided to explore with Simon.

They spent some time comforting the emotionally broken female team member. When they reunited, Simon had already led Lin An to the cargo hold where the sound came from.

"Everyone, get ready for battle."

Simon took a deep breath, held the slender angel sword, and slashed hard at the closed metal door.


With the loud noise and dust flying, Lin An heard a dense, weird, and maddening "buzzing" sound approaching. They came from all directions and could not find the source.

Everyone gasped. Even Lin An, seeing this posture for the first time, couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

What flew out from the cargo hold was a dense swarm of large mosquitoes. It was conservatively estimated that there were about a thousand of them. Their countless long legs were woven into a net and they pounced on everyone without fear of death.

"Buzz buzz!"

The voice was thin, high-pitched, and haunting. Just listening to it for a few seconds made people feel like they were carrying a ray of light.

Everyone in the foundation let out half-laughing, half-screaming moans. Each person's exposed skin was immediately pierced by hundreds of mouthparts. Countless bumps bulged, and a numb and itchy feeling flowed through every inch of the skin. The unobstructed face was even more... It's swollen like a pig's head.

I go!

There are many black mosquitoes!

Lin An immediately understood the abnormality of the emptying mode. Each mosquito became a separate "light point", disrupting his cognition.

Is there such a mystery?

Similar to a clone... or a summons?

"Search...forget it, stop searching, use [The Commandments of Mount Sinai]! Quick, quick, quick!"

These mosquitoes only have a great visual impact and are not very powerful. Through the trace amounts of toxins contained in their bodies, a small amount can be added up to kill a mysterious person.

Even though everyone in the Foundation has been bitten hundreds of times, there are currently no signs of weakness or death.

But Lin An didn’t want to be bitten by mosquitoes, not even one bite!

The mythical mysticism turned into commandments and surrounded him. The Hebrew words divided the soil for protection, and the golden light shrouded the holy. The mosquito that entered it died instantly, and its body fell to the ground, turning into an insignificant particle of energy. Disperse.

Guy Agnimo never imagined that one day his mystery would be used as a mosquito killer.

After the initial shock, everyone began to activate energy to kill these mosquitoes.

Mi Xi raised her toes and drew a circle of fairy rings, causing the mosquitoes to collide with each other and spin in circles dizzily; Barry clenched his fists hard, and a layer of lush hair replaced the smooth skin, and the mosquito's mouthparts were inserted into Up there, it was difficult to move even an inch.

As for Simon, he had the physical protection of an angel, and mosquitoes invariably avoided him.

The mysterious man succeeded in the sneak attack and immediately controlled the mosquitoes to scatter. Everyone was unable to kill all the mosquitoes one by one, so they had to watch them "buzzing" and hide in the corners of the giant wheel.

"It's so's tickling me to death!"

After repelling the mysterious man, there was only one feeling left in everyone's mind.


It itches like crazy!

Lin An, as the "nanny" of the team, picked up the Philosopher's Stone and turned it back into a magic wand. The green energy overflowed and smoothed the red and swollen mosquito bags on the bodies of his teammates.

As a mystic, physical pain can be easily healed, but mental pain is difficult to heal.

According to the data given by the system, the pollution level of about five people increased by 1 to 3% after being bitten by mosquitoes. The most pitiful person was Mi Xi, whose pollution level exceeded the 10% limit due to mosquito bites.

And this tactic...

Lin An recalled the confrontation with Mrs. Ava. Some low-level mystics could not hurt the high-level mystics, so they would make full use of their own abilities and find ways to stimulate the other party's pollution value.

For example, Lin An himself, once he kills more than three people with the "Hittite Ritual" at the core of the Magic Encyclopedia, he will attract a "Presiding Judge" and add an additional 3% pollution level.

If it weren't for the addition of optional items, Lin An would have been killed by the "human sea tactic".


Before everyone in the Foundation could breathe a sigh of relief, a low-pitched beast gasped.

In the darkness of the cargo hold, five pairs of faint green eyes flickered. They formed an encirclement and pounced on Simon and the captain of the punishment team at the front.


Lin An, who was assisting from behind, could see the outline of the black shadow clearly with the help of the angel's light.

They were five tall, snow-white giant animals. Their heads looked a bit like brown bears, and their bodies clearly belonged to the canine family. Their sharp teeth were glowing white, and they made no secret of their bloodthirsty desire.


"These people are crazy!"

Officials rolled and crawled out of the cabin. In the chaos, the sailors ran to the cockpit and parted ways with them.

The inexplicable grief and sadness faded away, replaced by the fear of losing their jobs, and several people suddenly felt helpless.

"I didn't expect that Boss Bennett really has contact with the recent superpowers..."

"Just replace the mercenaries with super-powered mercenaries. They are all boss Bennett's thugs. There is no difference. The problem is that the policies of the newly appointed Washington faction and parliament are obviously better than..."

"I can't control the St. Annilov Foundation. Boss Bennett is also unruly! He repeatedly confirmed with us that the hull is light yellow, but in the end we chose such a pitch-black ship!"

"Speaking of which, is this ship too dark?"

They looked at the deck under their feet, which seemed to be stained with ink and had no reflection at all. Then they looked up and saw a man standing in front of them with his hands behind his back.

"President Avia Emmanuel?" an official asked in confusion, "Why did you come up here?... Where were you just now?"

"I was knocked unconscious by a slap. I just woke up." The man yawned. He was obviously a middle-aged man in his fifties, but his posture showed an extremely contradictory childishness. "I didn't want to be obedient, but you guys disturbed me." I’m watching a show.”

"W-Watch a show?"

What nonsense is this president of the St. Annilov Foundation talking about?

The next moment, the man suddenly turned against him and set off a strong wind that blew them off the ship.

"Go ahead and kiss Hela's ass!"

Before he could react, the whole world was spinning. Officials were struggling and flopping in the cold river water, shouting for help, but no one on the shore even glanced at them, and no matter how hard they swam, they seemed to be staying put.

The man spread his hands to the people waiting on the shore and easily persuaded them to leave in the car.

At the last glance, the official saw the man turning his head and narrowing his eyes mischievously.

The dizzying purple flashed away. (End of chapter)

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