World Occult User Guide

Chapter 179 The Third Lelugaru

"The owner of this ship...his original name was Carlo Bennett."


Mi Xi's eyes widened, and Lin An asked in a low voice: "Do you know this guy?"

"Carlo Bennett was well-known at the newspaper where I used to work." Michie told him. "His nickname is 'Chameleon,' and he is a well-known criminal gang leader on the border between Maple Leaf Country and Eagle Country."

"His gang began as a private militia that first joined the Gulf Cartel. Chameleon has since used connections to grow it into its own independent organization, not only trafficking drugs but also responsible for assassinations, human trafficking and money laundering."

"Chameleon's main range of activities is in the northern part of Eagle Country. The DEA said that his methods are very advanced and he has built up connections from all walks of life. His gang has received paramilitary technical training. It is very difficult to deal with and cannot be caught at all."

"About five years ago, he was finally caught in a small town in Michigan. Federal prosecutors estimated in court documents that Chameleon handled 600,000 kilograms of white powder and 420,000 kilograms of hemp grass, with a total transaction value of more than $11 billion, although this was not His profit."

"You mean Chameleon?" the captain of the punishment team said in surprise, "But wasn't he sentenced to 85 years in prison? He will probably stay in prison for the rest of his life."

"Of course I know he was arrested, because I was the one who sent it in." Simon said coldly, "Similarly, I was also the one who saw it being released with my own eyes."

"The chameleon is out?"

"Captain, you sent him in?"

Two questions came out of everyone's mouth at the same time. Simon seemed not to want to say more, waved his hand and only answered the first question.

"The last time I saw it, the chameleon was undergoing extensive plastic surgery, changing its appearance, gender, and forging a new identity. Its whereabouts have never been known since."

Compared with the elusive mysterious person, the cruel criminal makes everyone feel a chill in their hearts.

They have been mystics for no more than half a year at most, but they have spent decades as humans.

"Then Captain Simon, why do you know so much about this ship?" The captain of the punishment team regretted his previous question, but was driven by curiosity to continue.

"Crashing... crashing..."

The standing water rippled under the feet of the group of people. Simon fell into silence and avoided answering. The captain was too embarrassed to ask about this unforgettable past for him.

However, the painful memories of the first half of his life did not let him go.

A chuckle rang out, and a lazy and hoarse contralto echoed. She had a thick, romantic French accent, as if she was exhaling fragrance in everyone's ears.

"I'm so happy to meet you again, my friend with the pseudonym Raul Olympe. After all, you were on a black ship with a similar structure... and stayed undercover for 14 years."

"Bennett!" Simon's pupils narrowed suddenly, "It's really you!"

"It's strange. I painted this boat a beautiful beige color, but why are you still haunted? Alas, didn't you ruin your fiancée's family back then? Do you hate me so much? There are so many women. ——Hehe, you can make do with me now!"

"I'm going to kill you myself, Bennett!"

Simon was furious, and even after many years, time still had not healed the pain.

"Kill me and the world will agree to the order you want? If only everything were that simple; if only there were always bad people somewhere doing bad things for no reason; just separate them from everyone else , and just destroy them.”

The woman's lazy voice bounced left and right in the dark passage, scratching her heart and lungs like a kitten.

"I made a small mistake, but did I atone for it? Don't forget, I was the one who led you into the religion back then."

"shut up!"

Six wings spread out in Simon, and as the feathers flew away, the cold and terrifying sight dimly lit up. He was holding a long sword, and a halo appeared behind his head, illuminating the face that became more and more beautiful and out of reach like a bright moon. young man's face.

Lin An narrowed his eyes slightly, and those sights hidden behind the wings reminded him of the most evil legend about Sariel.

——Evil eye, an angel with an evil eye.

"Captain, wait for us!"

"Captain Simon, please calm down!"

The two teams chased Simon, treading on the river water that had unconsciously reached up to his calves.

The crowd's calls calmed Simon's impulse a little. He gritted his teeth and forced himself to pause in mid-air.

They cannot be abandoned.

He wants to protect every citizen.

Never open the door to any evil thought, for this will allow greater evil to follow.

"Hemp grass is legal in Michigan, and the Maple Leaf Country has approved the transaction of less than 2.5 grams of white powder. I am so unlucky. I have been doing business all my life, but you sent me to jail and removed my private parts!"

The woman's voice suddenly rose, sharp and passionate, blasting into Simon's ears.

"Without the taxes I paid, this city would be messier, dirtier, and poorer! The New Tower of Babel wouldn't be so grand!"

There was no broadcast in the giant wheel, so the woman's words undoubtedly exposed her position.


She deliberately took a long step, causing a splash of water, allowing Simon to clearly see her turning and running towards the door at the end of the sailors' dormitory.

"He wants to lure you over! Simon, don't be fooled!"

As soon as Barry finished speaking, someone suddenly grabbed the corner of his clothes. He turned around and saw that it was Lin An.

"The captain knows what he is doing every time, so there is no need to worry about his safety. On the other hand, if we cannot survive as soon as the captain leaves, wouldn't we become a burden?"

The system clearly monitored everyone's data, and Lin An discovered that once Simon stopped to wait for his teammates, the pollution value immediately went up.

Although I don’t understand how to control the “Lord of Dreams”, if you don’t let him kill Carlo Bennett, the captain may lose control!

"You, you make sense!" Mi Xi was the first to be convinced, fiercely grabbing her curly orange hair, "I want to be the captain's helper, and I don't want to hold him back!"

"Perhaps we are too dependent on him." Barry was stunned and sighed, "It's time for him to be as crazy as he wants."

"But Captain Simon has an obligation..." The captain of the punishment team wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a rustling sound.

Sure enough, as soon as Simon rushed into the captain's cabin in front, the pursuers immediately surrounded them, their hungry yellow eyes flashed, and the sounds of swallowing were heard one after another.

Mi Xi sprinkled a handful of fairy powder, and three tall and sturdy creatures appeared.

They are two meters tall, covered in thick gray hair, with wolf heads and upright legs.


No, it is one of the legends of Maple Leaf Kingdom.

Lin An's mind flashed with speculation, and the system posted the data of these "Lords of the Earth" as expected.

[Name]: Lelou Garou

[Rating]: Kaitan E-class

[Radiation value]: 40.2%

[Pollution level]: 87.5%

[Media]: Lord of the Earth

Loup-garou literally translates to werewolves. Quebecers believe that they are a group of derelict believers who were punished for failing to complete their religious obligations in time for Easter for seven consecutive years.

In addition to werewolves, Lelu Garou can also take the form of other animals, such as a calf, pig, cat, dog or owl.


Facing this group of ferocious and brutal werewolves, the pressure on everyone who lost Simon increased sharply. The three Lelou Garou's radiation and pollution values ​​were very high, and they cooperated with each other, putting everyone in danger.

At the cost of several wounds, they gradually gained the upper hand. The captain of the punishment team raised the ancient spear and thrust it at an unprepared Lelu Garou, with the target clearly being the center of its eyebrows.


The blood dyed the water scarlet, and the smell of rust filled the air.

"Great! Victory is right in front of you!" Mi Xi encouraged Barry while assisting Barry to deal with one of the Lelou Garou, "The captain will be very proud!"

Lin An turned the Philosopher's Stone, and the green energy brushed through the wounds torn by Lelou Garou, and suddenly he noticed something strange.

After the captain of the punishment team killed Lelou Garou, he stood stiffly on the spot, like a statue.

Not only that, the healing energy could no longer enter his body.

died? !

A familiar strange sound came, and Lin An recognized that it belonged to the mysterious animal with red eyes!

It ran nimbly in the melee, and its figure, which was quite similar to Lelou Garou, inevitably attracted everyone's attention.


The second victim was born, and Lin An did not look back rashly because he roughly guessed what it was.

The skinny Vasila, the dog-faced demon monkey, Lelu Garu submerged in the darkness, and the flag with the roaring dog's head that originally fluttered in the wind...

Eagle Country Cerberus—Black Dog!

"If you meet a black dog once, you will be happy; if you meet a black dog twice, you will be sad; if you meet a black dog three times, you will die."



The door was kicked open by Simon, and the captain's cabin was in front of him.

Strange charts were posted on the walls. Only Simon knew the sinister meaning of these numbers. There was a person sitting behind the dark wooden desk.

Her chair faced away from Simon, looking at the half-covered electronic screen behind her.

"Haha, you're here..."

The husky female voice was different from the sharp male voice in my memory, but her tone was still playful.

Simon raised his sword high, and purple light cut through the dim space. First, a streak appeared on the back of the chair, and then its spring and a head flew high together.


The head fell to the ground, and the lingering "buzzing" sound of mosquitoes suddenly disappeared.

Simon's eyes suddenly opened up, but in front of him was not the endless water, but the words left on the electronic screen, as if they had been waiting for him.

"Simon Lloyd, your future has reached its end, just as it did last time."


Screams sounded behind him, and Simon recognized the sound as belonging to his team member, Mi Xi.

He turned around, as if he had returned to that night again. (End of chapter)

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