World Occult User Guide

Chapter 180 Before Morality

Hellhound, also known as Cerberus, is the guard of the entrance to hell and the servant of the devil.

Essentially an ominous symbol, in popular culture it is also the guardian of treasures or souls in the world of death.

Myths about Cerberus can be found all over the world, such as Garm of the underworld goddess Hela in the mythology of the North West, and Cerberus, the hound of Hades in the Greek mythology.

Cerberus smell like sulfur and are ablaze with fire, leaving burnt areas on the ground they walk on.

But after entering the black ship, Lin An did not smell the smell of hell, so he concluded that the red-eyed monster he encountered was not a hellhound, but the legendary "black dog" in the Eagle Kingdom.

Since the 19th century, hellhounds have followed colonists to the New World and have combined with local myths to form this new superstition called "black dogs."

It is found in hanging mountains, rocky ridges and canyons.

The Black Dog is described as a slightly larger wild dog with glowing red eyes, black fur and ghostly speed.

Folklorists believe it not only combines Western and native mythology, but also draws on Celtic "fairy hounds."

Westerners believed that looking directly into the eyes of a hellhound three times would lead to death, and the Eagle Country continued this legend. The Connecticut Quarterly described the appearance of a black dog as an omen of death.

"If you meet a black dog once, you will be happy; if you meet a black dog twice, you will be sad; if you meet a black dog three times, you will die."

The second person to see the black dog was Mi Xi. Unlike the captain of the punishment team, she let out a scream and fell to the ground.


Seeing her companion fall, Lin An was frightened, and then realized that the link between her and the [Philosopher's Stone] had not been severed, and she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Mystics above the legendary level are not so easy to die.

I saw a strange vision independent of the dark and moist cabin. The light of fireflies kissed Mi Xi's pale face. Her curly orange hair was decorated with flowers and plants transformed from energy: bluebells, foxgloves, hyacinths and delicate reds. Dog roses complement each other.

Each flower has the color of crystal or glass, comes to life, and emits the same light music as a glass bell.

The black dog's omen of death cannot erase the Fairy Queen in Fairyland, because fairies live in a strange kingdom between life and death.

"Mixi! What's wrong with you!"

Seeing this, Barry violently cut the throat of the confronting Lelou Garou with his claws and rushed towards her.

The scene in front of him suddenly fell into a weird distortion, sleepiness came over him overwhelmingly, and Barry passed out uncontrollably.

Through the legend of the black dog, Lin An guessed that its mystery can only be effective through "witnessing".

Without further ado, he immediately turned the [Philosopher's Stone], using the illusion of the mind to change everyone's vision, and then sang the [Song of the Other Side of the Mountain], lulling his companions into sleep.

The only remaining Lelu Garu was affected by the range-wide effect of "Mother of Desire". His huge body swayed, his claws were in the air, and he fell asleep in a standing position.

Lin An also used mental illusions to change his vision to prevent him from seeing Cerberus with his own eyes.

Entering the venting mode, he unexpectedly found that the "mosquitoes" that were originally all over the cabin disappeared, and the few remaining light spots clearly showed the positions of the enemy and ourselves.

Captain killed the mosquito controller?

In this way, the annoying things that interfere with cognition finally disappear.

Lin An picked up the debris floating on the water, threw it at the remaining werewolf in the direction of the light spot, and used air flow and metal conversion to kill the Lelu Garu in the same way.


Due to the threat of Cerberus, Lin An failed to regain his true vision and missed the first three times. Lelou Garou was awakened by severe pain and roared at Lin An, but the latter's blow penetrated his brain from his right eye. .

"The entry "Research on Cryptozoology III: Lelu Garu" has been included. You have obtained the medium 'Lord of the Earth' x2 and 'Natural Sacrifice' x1."

"Now that you know the system, quickly attach the entry for 'Cerberus' to it."

"You need to witness the mystery and unlock the corresponding illustrated book."

"Didn't I just witness it?" Lin An frowned, "By the way, as a source-level mystery, why don't you have a useful passive? Black Dog's rating is about disaster, but it is blocked with a 'death on sight' My vision, is this ridiculous?"

"You have not yet understood the mystery, so the data panel will not be displayed." The system retorted calmly, "By the way, I do have the 'reincarnation' function, but the radiation value is too low and it has not been unlocked yet."

"Reincarnation?" Lin An's eyes widened, "It means that if I die, you can take my soul to find a new body and let me live a new life as a baby?"

"Well, it seems to be a translation error. To avoid ambiguity, please switch the language to Romance."

Too lazy to argue with it for the time being, Lin An fell into deep thought.

There should be mystery without knowledge...Isn't that guy a 'black dog'?

The black dog is similar in size to a medium-sized dog, so it is theoretically difficult to escape from the system's lock, but when encountering Wasila and the demon monkey, its figure disappeared into the darkness many times.

No, it didn't actually disappear out of thin air, but changed its shape and ran away.

What was everywhere back then was...mosquitoes!

A mysterious person related to transformation!

Suddenly, Lin An heard the lazy and hoarse female voice with a French accent.

"It's a pity that you killed one of my followers. She saw my achievements in the newspaper, and she couldn't help but be obsessed with me. In the end, she abandoned her family and was willing to work for me for free, and even gave her life. Simon , does anyone support you so unconditionally?”

Her soft and seductive voice echoed in the corridor of the sailors' dormitory, making the cold water tremble slightly.

None other than Carlo Bennett!

"I will never...let you go!" Simon shouted.

"Good boy, stop showing off your sense of justice. All human beings long for a psychedelic journey. They are the only means to escape from the desperate and gloomy prison of materialism. This makes DMT so extraordinary."

Just as Lin An was about to join the captain, he suddenly felt the waves of Canaan magic belonging to Doris coming from him, and a faint blue curtain emerged in an oval shape, shutting Simon in the middle.

No wonder even though he was furious, he was unable to do anything to the desperate Bennett.

The deadly source-level mystery is like a trench, clearly separating the two.

"You've asked me this question before: Why did your fiancée become a drug addict?"

Bennett held the ancient stone slab between his index and middle fingers and propped up his chin gracefully.

"The answer is, no one wakes up one morning and makes a decision. It takes at least two shots a day to develop a habit, quite literally, about a year and hundreds of injections to become addicted."

"The reason why a person becomes an addict is because they have no strong motivation in life. So does it make sense to resist the desire of the self? Is resisting the flow of desire a kind of unfreedom? Does resisting the destruction of the physical structure to achieve spiritual satisfaction stand? Can you stand still?"

"This is what thousands of people ask themselves when faced with problems such as smoking, drinking, doping, sexual deviance, etc. They actually realize what the problem is and make a decision that they want to stop."

“But when tomorrow and the day after tomorrow come, people tend to forget their vows, and their self-exile continues to dominate morality, turning them into social losers or desperate scapegoats, pariahs.”

"In other words, I just provide a natural selection-style survival of the fittest, and only the weakest and most morally corrupt people will succumb to it - those people are already losers in society because they either don't love themselves enough or are not strong enough."

The soft words were the last straw that overwhelmed the boundary between divinity and humanity. The data belonging to Simon flickered and jumped, and Lin An took a breath.

Captain, hold on!

"Bay! Nai! Te!" Simon gritted his teeth and squeezed out the syllables.

"Oh la la, this is the truth, my friend, the two worlds in your mind, society and the army. The army has left you, but society is a cruel truth that goes against your beliefs."

After saying this, Bennett took two steps back and left without looking back.

She knows that as time goes by, Simon's pollution level will eventually exceed 60%, he will lose his mind, and he will actively hit the colorful barrier. What awaits him is the separation of body and soul, and his soul will be scattered.

It's time to activate the emergency plan, bring the necessities and meet the lady. she thinks.

Lin An on the other side finally understood the ins and outs of the encounter on the black ship.

Carol Bennett hid in the collective, used transformation, and escaped from Lin An's lock many times. Then he separated from the Foundation and Simon, turned into a black dog and killed the former, and then trapped Simon to death with the magic left by Doris, and ended fighting.

If it weren't for Lin An, the foundation would really have been destroyed this time at the hands of this criminal leader.

Carlo Bennett was worthy of being from the Gulf Cartel, and it took him less than 10 minutes to set up a game that was difficult to crack.

Shaking the key at his fingertips, Bennett regained his calm expression and hummed a French song like a curse, with soft legato and tongue flicking as if he was drunk.

Angel, angel, God bless you,

I'm like a sign of death,

But even now I will become a woman.

For this unscrupulous criminal leader, the arrival of "Comes" brought about an earth-shaking new order, but human nature has hardly changed much in just ten years.


Carlo Bennett's lazy eyes moved to the place where the sound of water was heard, and a young man with black hair stood in the darkness with his hands behind his hands, soaked all over.

She remembered him, the foundation's "medic" who was responsible for logistical support and treatment of the wounded. For some reason, he didn't die under the gaze of the black dog.

The young man stretched out his hands and groped closer like a blind man.

"It's so pitiful. He turns out to be a blind man." Bennett stroked his smooth chin. "Are you alone and want to avenge your companions? What have you done as a healer? Try to use your kindness to influence my little heart. ?"

She could almost imagine the despair and sadness of the young man. He watched his companions fall into the abyss, but was unable to do anything. He had to exert powerless healing energy over and over again.

But he could save nothing.

Without the protection of others, he was just a helpless military doctor at the moment.

What Bennett didn't expect was that the young man raised his head, his face expressionless, and spoke in an indifferent tone that was completely different from what she expected.

"The medical department is the medical department. Brother, guess who invented Gatlin?"

"...Huh?" (End of chapter)

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