World Occult User Guide

Chapter 186 Ghost Shadow

The scenery outside the window flew by, and the car crossed the roads of Detli City and drove all the way to the International Bridge.

Doris, who was sitting in her seat, had just received news that the Foundation had sent people to attack Cassandra and Carol Bennett's giant ship.

Unexpectedly, less than ten minutes later, she received another bolt from the blue—her warehouse also suffered.

Fortunately, no one discovered the real secret of the warehouse...

But who did this? Doris thought, for what purpose?

It shouldn’t be the [Witch of Bavomet], she has already made a good-for-nothing deal with me.

As for the St. Annilov Foundation, although that kid likes to ruin my good deeds, he also knows how far it goes.

So, could it be...

A name that has been lingering in Doris's mind recently has emerged. It is not only a serious problem for her, but also the number one enemy that the Foundation has been pursuing for many days to no avail, and the case was finally closed hastily.

[Ghost] of Detli City.

Suspected source-level "wild" mystics who do not belong to any known force.

Doris will not be able to sleep peacefully until its true identity is revealed.

Sure enough, the premonition came true. At the most critical moment of her voyage, the presence of a suspected ghost destroyed everything she had prepared in just two hours.

Doris was a little surprised when she received the news that the St. Annilov Foundation had attacked the black ship, but she was not unexpected. Anyway, the brat would not let her leave the city of Ditry in a big way.

"Contact that guy and ask him to report the number." Doris had already given instructions to her subordinates. Now she took the communication and went into battle in person, "Foundation, who killed the people I left near the port?"

"I don't know him, I don't know! I followed him specially before, preparing to ambush him in your warehouse - but he was beaten badly!" A strong male voice answered in an awkward childish tone.

"He killed your clone?" Doris narrowed her eyes, "And, you entered my warehouse?"

"Don't worry, I was beaten to death as soon as I came over. I didn't have time to do anything."

"Your energy fluctuations blocked the signal from the warehouse surveillance video. Otherwise, I could remotely see the whole story."

"Do you still want to make a deal, Doris Wood?" The voice suddenly became stiff and cold, "Don't forget that your ship has sunk into the sea. Now only our foundation can provide a ferry to sail."


"Hahaha, you must be scared! What do I want? Of course, to watch your show." The voice chuckled, "Hurry up and fight with that person! Only you who win are qualified to contact me again, bye! "

"That [Ghost]?" Doris muttered to herself and cut off the communication.

On the other side, a man held a rabbit covered with inscriptions. Its blood-red eyes dimmed and no sound came out.

He bit the nail of his thumb, as if he had found a new pleasure.

"President Emmanuel, the matter has been resolved. Do you have any other instructions?"

A deep female voice sounded from behind, and the man turned around. The coroner, wearing a heavy cloak and a titanium alloy mask, was waiting for his order.

"Vanessa, come here, let me show you something nice."


Opening the door to the warehouse, the smell of blood hit your face.

The tragedy of the scene made Doris's entourage retching, trying to control the surging gastric juices.

"Oh, you did such a scary job!" The woman wearing a suit jacket covered her mouth and nose with a silk scarf, letting the incense dissipate the stench of the scene, "Ms. Wood, you really can't tell a person's face."

Doris glanced at Adelia beside her.

This woman had just been "kidnapped" from the university campus not long ago, but she behaved calmly along the way, maintaining a noble and elegant temperament, and even at this moment she maintained a good education.

"Professor Hughes, destroying an extraordinary person like you with your own hands is no less than entering the temple in Jerusalem and setting fire to it. I am sorry and heartbroken. Unfortunately, I have no choice."

Adelia coughed lightly and wiped the corners of her mouth with a silk scarf.

"I would like to have the opportunity to say goodbye to my husband and son, especially the latter. I never fulfilled my obligation to support him, and I sometimes regret this decision. In any case, at least he deserves to know that his mother is dead."

Doris narrowed her eyes. She had investigated Adelia and knew her background.

If it weren't for the ironclad report, Doris would never have imagined that Adelia was Lin An's mother. Her resume didn't look like that of a woman with children.

"From what I've seen, you don't care much about your son."

"Miss Wood, the older a person gets, the more they crave certain comforts. These comforts are not all reasonable. They are just to continue living." Adelia smiled slightly.

"I don't understand; it sounds more like a physiological need for old age care."

"This is an interesting statement. Instinct is a wonderful subject. It cannot be explained in just a few words, but its importance to human emotions cannot be ignored."

Lin Jingjing in the container listened quietly to her mother's cold voice, and her eloquent words actually revealed a bit of loneliness, as well as her gradually awakening, belated motherhood.

Fear gripped Lin An, making him extremely frightened.

He was afraid of the uncontrollable beating heart in his chest. He could not control the surge of pure joy, and at the same time he felt aggrieved because it was a betrayal of the past 21 years of his life.

Her mother abandoned Lin An when he needed her. What right does she have now to start repenting when she is getting older and needs help?

Stop thinking about it!

Lin An said to himself.

The world is so vast and mysticism is so magical, so why bother clinging to the meager love of my mother.

"Professor Hughes, I really hope to get along with you as a teacher and student." Doris said. "But I can't fulfill your request. It would be better to let him live without knowing anything."

Adelia smiled and said nothing.

Doris felt terrified in her heart. Facing this woman who had almost no mood swings, even she found it difficult to resist.

If she hadn't been 100% sure that Adelia was a pure ordinary person, Doris would have thought that she had a back-up plan.

"Teacher, who are they?" Joshua listened to the noise from the outside and asked in confusion.

"The final boss of the newcomer trial, defeat them, and you can join our organization." Lin An said expressionlessly, "Steve, are you willing to accept the test?"


"Because they are strong, I will supervise the battle here to prevent you from being seriously injured."

"I will do my best to live up to your hard work, teacher." Joshua nodded, "And what exactly are these statues..."

"They are just stand-in messengers from the headquarters, similar to surveillance cameras. They remotely observe your performance and give you scores."

Lin An explained quickly, only to hear the footsteps at the door of the container. Doris had discovered that someone had entered the treasure house, and the terrifying pressure came overwhelming like a tsunami.

Open the door and let Joshua go!

The former leader of the inspection team and the ceiling of Eagle Country's combat power lived up to Lin An's expectations and walked out proudly. Doris and her men looked stern when they saw this person.

Is he a ghost?


Doris suddenly discovered that the flow of Hebrew characters was slow and the color of the pentagram was dim, which meant that her "hidden space" magic was broken!

Not only that, there were figures swaying in the gaps between the containers, and an unusual atmosphere filled the air.

There is a mysterious person inside!

In an instant, Doris thought of a fatal possibility!

The man in front of her is just a subordinate of the ghost. The real [Ghost] has cracked her secret and is currently inside the treasure house, wondering what she wants to do!

This mysterious guy...could he be here for her from the beginning to the end!

The hidden space was exposed, and Doris was extremely anxious. She wanted to kill the ghost immediately, but she did not dare to launch a large-scale attack that would affect the ritual sacrifices, so she decided to rush into the container first.

However, the men sent by the ghost stood in the way of both.

"Something in the way!"

Doris snorted coldly, and the dazzling Hebrew words rose into the sky. A faint blue luster covered Joshua's head like a furnace, and the breath of death filled the air.

This is the slate she gave to Carmen, the magic that burns the soul!

The ethereal hymns were heard endlessly, transforming into the shadow of an angel, and a circle surrounded Joshua. The latter's expression remained unchanged, and his fingers pointed at the light mist in the air.


The twisted brass inscription climbed up the angel's body, and the blue Hebrew text suddenly froze and slowly disappeared, making Doris's pupils shrink.

What a powerful and majestic force...

At least it will start at the myth level, and there is even a small chance of reaching the source level!

So, this man can't be the ghost's subordinate, but the ghost himself?

After a failure of underestimating her enemy, Doris played with her silky short hair and spoke tentatively.

"The ghost of Detli City, it is very rude to come uninvited."

"Ghost?" Joshua shook his head, "I'm not a ghost."

Doris was stunned for a moment and looked Joshua up and down. She did not connect him with the members of the two major factions in Detli City. She thought to herself: If those ancient dynasties send people to Eagle Country, my father will remind me, so he It must be the free mystic, [Ghost].

Maybe he doesn't know his code name?

Feeling Doris's gaze, Joshua glanced back at the container and had a sudden realization.

"My name is not important. The person over there is my teacher. In fact, I don't know his real name. Maybe he is the [Ghost of Detli City]."

Joshua, who was telling the truth, didn't know that his words set off a huge wave of waves in Doris's heart, so he continued speaking on his own.

"Teacher is supervising my battle and will only take action when there is a crisis, because I am going to try to solve the crisis alone first. Are you going together, or one by one?"

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