World Occult User Guide

Chapter 187 The man in the bottle

He calls [Ghost] teacher?

Doris frowned, murmuring in her heart.

Even though the students of Ghost are so powerful, what is his origin?

Relying on [Xi Yong]’s relationship, Doris knows the current trends of ancient dynasties around the world. She can be sure that [Ghost] does not belong to any of them!

Stopping her panic, Doris pulled the ends of her hair.

Don't think too complicatedly. You may not know what weird magic the man in front of you used.

Taking a closer look, there is something wrong with Joshua's situation. Although his mystery is powerful, his manipulation methods are very green and immature, and his usage is also very unskilled.

Abominable ghost...

What exactly is your purpose?

Once this mysterious man wandering around Detli City is involved, things will always become weird and unpredictable, and accidents will happen one after another.

In order to obtain more information, Doris made a brief gesture to the men around her.

"Hold him."

At the same time, a new sutra appeared in her palm, twisting and turning like a tadpole, creating a regular square, which then collapsed inward.


The container not far away vibrated slightly simultaneously. As time went by, the frequency matched the speed at which the square in Doris' palm collapsed.

Before the magic took effect, Lin An glanced at the evenly matched battle between Joshua and Doris through the crack of the door, then immediately withdrew his gaze and raced against time to walk towards the long table of "The Last Supper".

The system beep sounded in my mind.

"You maintained a stance of staying aloof from the incident, even refusing to save your mother until she died. Your standing by and watching attracted the medium 'God of Truth' x1."

"Due to the radiation from the 'God of Truth', your pollution level has increased by 1.5%."

"I'm not desperate, it's just that there are more important things for the time being." Lin An clicked his tongue, "Your notification tone is sometimes completely different from what I think."

"Lin An, what are you doing?" The system changed the topic.

"Ever since I understood that entry, I have been looking for materials to make 'Hall Monks'..." Lin An activated the airflow technique and blew the door of the container tightly shut, "These Doris are prepared for the Holy Grail ceremony. The synthetic humanoid is worth a try.”

After saying that, he turned his back and stretched his hand into the bay.

Alchemists were as obsessed with one area of ​​knowledge as they were with creating the Philosopher's Stone: the creation of life.

Homunculus, literally "little man," an artificially created golem, is often described in alchemical writings as a small humanoid creature in a flask.

The first record of an alchemical homunculus is in an Arabic work, the Book of the Ox, which states that the materials needed to create the homunculus included human semen and the womb of a ewe.

Pregnant animals give birth to an unformed substance.

Alchemists cultivated it in a powder made of ground sunstone - said to be the elixir of phosphorescence - and sulfur, magnets, iron sulfate and white willow sap, a concept known as " Takwin”.

Lin An learned that the creation of Hallmonks required the [Philosopher's Stone] and the assistance of the Sunstone, followed by a wealthy uterus, a magnet and male sperm.

The round Philosopher's Stone floated in front of him. Lin An raised his thumb with his right hand and smeared his semen on the foreheads of the 12 girls next to "The Last Supper".

"Brother Tongzi, start making [Hallmonks]."

"According to the entry "Encyclopedia of Magic II: Alchemy and the Philosopher's Stone - The Metal that Creates Life", a solution that meets the conditions was found - [Generation of "primitive" soil]."

"Do you want to consume the media 'Seeker' x2, 'God of Farming' x1, 'Lord of the Earth' x1, and 'Mother of Desire' x2 for use?"


The phantom of the phoenix rose from the girl's body, found the right position to merge with each other in mid-air, and evolved into a flaming salamander, as if they were born as one.

They represent the destruction of the previous body of the mother body, thus giving energy to another immortal body.

In the alchemical process, the salamander is also a symbol of the original substance, symbolizing sulfur and fire. It ignites the secret fire and helps the substance being transformed to be further perfected. It is called a "philosophical tincture".

The Philosopher's Stone floats above, and all visions rotate at the same time, using its own perfection to intervene in this sealed work, so that life and passion can be sublimated. Death is dark and calm, and then resurrection and life reach perfection. red.

The salamander was impaled by the statue inside the Philosopher's Stone and died. Its head fell off and turned into a huge uterus, with a line of Latin inscriptions engraved on it:

Lapis itaque ut Homo (Homo made of metal).

As the Phoenix flew up, the 12 girls were like wax statues swallowed by flames. The pieces of flesh fell off their bodies like tears and sweat, turning translucent yellow, like flowing amber. Finally, they melted completely, leaving only a pool. Crystal clear oil.

Looking at this scene, Bennett in the Philosopher's Stone couldn't help but feel a chill.

The scene in front of me is too weird and disgusting!

Damn it, that kid is really an unscrupulous devil!

Suddenly, Bennett felt uncontrollable silk threads wrapping around her limbs and forcibly pulling her out of the relatively safe Philosopher's Stone. The strong fire of secrets licked her soul, causing her to scream. screams.

"What's wrong! Please spare me!"

"According to the records in the Book of Ox, the little man in the bottle also needs a 'magnet' to stick the pieces together." Lin An said slowly, "That's you, Zhang San."

"What-what are you going to do!"

"Don't be afraid, I just put you in the [Little Man in the Bottle] as an adhesive." Lin An shook his finger, "In ten years at most, you will be free after 'Comes' is over."

Bennett's pupils shrank to pinpoints. Just being touched by the secret fire, she could no longer bear the heartbreaking pain, and Lin An actually wanted to get her in and torture her for ten years!

You can't live but you can't die!

She can't hold on - she will definitely go crazy!

"I was wrong! I was really wrong! Please have mercy! I am willing to go through fire and water for you and give you advice! Oh, Holy Mother, what have I done to make you want to hurt me so cruelly! "

"Didn't the court sentence you to 85 years in prison?" Lin An calculated the time of transformation and found the right opportunity, "It's only been ten years, and it has not reached one-fifth of the sentence - go in!"


The secret fire swallowed up Bennett's struggling figure, and the scattered elements were attracted, sticky and attached to a center.

Philosophical tincture and semen are mixed together, yin and yang transform, ice and fire blend, just like the birth of the giant Ymir in Norse mythology, through this conception, transmutation and physical transformation occur rapidly.

A hazy mist emerged, its edges blurred and trembling.

"In order to perfect the creation of the [Little Man in the Bottle], should the medium 'Goddess with the Lamp' x1 be consumed to produce the final life result?"

The system spoke suddenly.

Want the goddess with the lantern again?

There happened to be one medium left from the Holy Shroud last time, and Lin An nodded.

Uncatchable hands flew out from his body, stroking the concept struggling in the mist, giving it the strength to break out of its shell and reveal its true form.

"This mysterious item absorbed your 'knowledge seeker' original energy during the birth process, and the [Mysterious Encyclopedia] radiation value dropped by 1%."

"Through the use of mysticism, the [Mysterious Encyclopedia] radiation value increased by 0.4%."

Lin An stretched out his hand to hold the "uterus" that expanded due to heat expansion and contraction, and became smaller in size. At this moment, it was purely composed of the energy of "Comes" and looked more like a glass bottle. It was shaped like a gourd cup and was completely transparent, with a hint of light. of steam, sparkling with crystal luster.

The bright red color of the Philosopher's Stone gradually faded, and the secret veil inside the bottle was opened.

An embryo with fair skin and closed eyes appeared. It was round, small and cute, and looked like a boy of about five or six years old.

It has complete human skin, fat, muscles, veins, arteries, ligaments, nerves, cartilage, bones, bone marrow, brain, glands and organs.

Just like a walnut tree, the little man in the bottle is Lin An's creation and his child, so he has a similar appearance to him.

【Name】: Hallmonks

[Rating]: Myth C level

[Radiation value]: 5.0%

[Pollution level]: 0%

[Medium]: Seekers of knowledge

Looking at the tiny embryo, Lin An couldn't help but curl up his lips.

There is another legend about Holmonks. The Gospel of John writes, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Then the Word became flesh and dwelt among us."

Therefore, some people believe that the alchemical concept of the little man in the bottle is actually mankind's attempt to play the role of God and create life from scratch.

Its steps imitate God's creation of the body of the Messiah and the presence of the Holy Spirit in him, trinity revealing the mysteries of heaven to all mankind.

In a sense, my little man in the bottle is also a virgin. Lin An thought to himself.

After admiring it for a moment, he put it into the [Philosopher's Stone].

The little man in the bottle is held by a statue with male and female characteristics in his left hand, floating up and down. The other hand of the statue holds a double snake staff, standing on the back of the Ouroboros in the posture of Hermes, with an extraordinary and heroic posture.

The sun and moon release the light that maintains the balance of the universe. Statues and figurines bathe in it. The stars of the seven metals circulate, and the atmosphere of metal and life flows mysteriously.

If Lin An is willing, he can put the man in the bottle back into reality at any time.

Now it is still an imperfect embryo, no larger than an adult's fist, and very fragile. But as time goes by, the little person in the bottle will become more and more active and strong, and become a real life.

"Kaka, kakaka..."

The slight vibrations of the container became louder and louder, and the pressure of the space shrinking inward suddenly increased, causing the empty dining table to shake up and down, and the silver tableware and silver cutlery to jingle.

Mysterious inscriptions are flying all over the sky, and the hidden space gradually collapses from the four corners.

If the hidden space were a book, Lin An was standing inside its title page, while Doris was forcibly closing it outside.

However, Doris was just forcing Lin An to leave her hiding space, not wanting to destroy the ritual scene that had been prepared so easily - although she didn't know that Lin An had already destroyed her 12 teenage disciples in just a few minutes.


There was a loud explosion and smoke filled the air.

Doris saw a man kicking open the door of the container and striding out of it. His whole body was surrounded by green codes. He couldn't see the specific facial features and physical characteristics, but she could tell at a glance——

This person is the ghost of Detli City! (End of chapter)

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