Lin An approached Adelia while observing Joshua's situation.

The five-pointed star fell on his face, cutting his soul like a meat grinder. Joshua supported the ground with one hand in pain, and blood flowed from his seven orifices, dripping to the ground.

The angels of the Old Testament stared with tens of thousands of eyes, and the spinning scripture belts flowed gracefully. The same countless mouths poured out songs and weeping accusations, and blew the horns of killing.

I will hide my face from them,

See what their end is;

Because they are a rebellious generation,

Unfaithful child!

The tattoo of a brass-colored snake hissed and spit out its core, wrapping around Joshua and twisting from one side of the skin to the other, seemingly anxious.

So the next moment, when the pentagram formation touched Joshua's emotional burst of energy, the angel playing the trumpet suddenly changed his rhythm, and the chilling meaning gradually dissipated.

The hymn that was originally full of judgment turned into a song of love and gentleness. The knife that stirred Joshua stopped halfway, and the soft feathers fell on his head.

A faithful person does no wrong,

They are corrupt and not his descendants;

But you are not a twisted generation.

The angel shadows put away their raised swords, took a step back, closed their eyes one after another, and drooped their wings, as if to tell Joshua that there was no need to be afraid, that he was a nation chosen by God.

Joshua was in a daze for a moment. The brass-colored snake healed the gap in his soul, making his eyes sharp again.

Doris was stunned and deeply shocked by this scene.

This magic is a fatal weapon below the source level. Once it hits, even mystics with a similar level as her will have to endure the torture of soul damage and unconsciousness, and must pay the price to escape from the predicament.

However, this ghost's men used some unknown method to "persuad" her to surrender!

How can this be? !

The direction of the situation was pretty much as Lin An expected. The mysterious techniques of the Torah could not harm the prophet who performed them.

In addition, Joshua himself is also a source A-level mystic, with a radiation value of no less than 20%. It is just because of amnesia that he does not know how to use his abilities.

The mysterious archetypes that are connected to each other will indeed produce domino effects such as suppression, combination, or neutralization...

For example, Mi Xi can hear the voice of the cat Sith; for example, Simon's soul is protected by heaven and cannot be crushed by mortal magic. If you want to kill him, you can only start with the physical body.

Since Canaanite magic and Lin An's Hittite rituals have the same origin, they can be detected by each other as long as they are used. The two energies will also be entangled with each other, and sometimes even twist into a common energy.

"What a powerful substitute." Joshua looked at the pale Doris and murmured to himself, "So this is the enemy the teacher faces every day..."

After confirming that Doris could not harm Joshua with mystical magic, Lin An controlled the ghost to create a line of code.

"Steve, kill her with me now!"

"Oh? Okay, teacher."

As the fighting and killing deepened, the image of a wooden staff flashed through Joshua's mind. He held it without thinking, and then a long, curved staff appeared in his hand.

When he raised his staff high, dark clouds spread and electric fans thundered; when he crossed his staff, strong winds blew and bright lights dazzled the eyes.

Immediately afterwards, when Joshua hit the floor of the warehouse with it, a crack spread forward with it as the center, splitting the passing land in half, and the tsunami rolled.

Seeing this scene, Doris's pupils shrank suddenly, and she let out an exclamation.

"Uncle Jordan Benowitz!?"

The two Canaanite factions in the Eagle Country had always been in contact with each other. Lin An had already guessed that Doris and Joshua knew each other, and maybe they had a "I hugged you when you were a child" relationship.

But Joshua's secret has been aimed at Doris and released without reservation. Even if he thinks of something, he can no longer turn back.


The five-pointed stars flying in the sky fell, and the Hebrew text turned stiffly into powder and scattered with a flutter. Canaanite magic had abandoned Doris, and the power of the five stone tablets finally chose to surrender to their contractor on Mount Sinai. .

Excellent opportunity!

Just when Lin An wanted the system to use Hittite rituals to target Doris and give her a fatal blow, a sudden change occurred!

An unusual, yet extremely familiar fluctuation filled the air centered on Doris.

Hebrew transformed into an even older, more distant and strange script, much like Hittite and Assyrian.

Doris's long hair was stained with fiery red color and spread like a shawl. Her skin had a golden color and shone like metal.

What’s even more terrifying is that protruding gemstones sprouted from all over her body. Carnelian, lapis lazuli, alabaster and Babylonian stone appeared one after another on Doris’ white arms, covering every part of her body. skin and organs.

In the system's data, pollution levels have skyrocketed.

The strange patterns of fern branches spread out around Doris's waist, like fleshy tentacle-like wings, deflecting Joshua's attack, and green juice spurted out like a fountain.

But she escaped the fatal blow unscathed.

Then, Doris held a semicircular bronze weapon and threw it at Joshua; at the same time, she held a stone spear in her right hand and struck the code figure left by Lin An.


The bronze weapon was no better than the "mild" pentagram magic. The sharp end directly cut Joshua's throat. The black inscription spread around the wound until the brass snake surrounded it, stopping the erosion.

The spear passed through the empty shell of the code figure and fell to the ground, making a loud "clang" sound.

This is... the power of the ancient Canaanite Kingdom!

It was also the tribe that really parted ways with the Hittites!

Lin An's eyes widened, and in an instant, he roughly understood Doris' situation.

The characteristic of "Mother of Desire" is to forcibly imprint a mysterious prototype on an individual, which prototype cannot exceed their own rating, and these grafted prototypes will replace the individual's original prototype.

The grafted individual can actually still use its original mystery, at the cost of enduring the increased level of contamination.

Despite the grafting of Torah by "Mother of Desire," Doris' original mystery remains unchanged.

In layman's terms, her "active skills" have become the five stone slabs of the sacrificial manual, while her "passive" skills are still the original Canaanite gods and cannot be suppressed by Joshua.

Thinking more deeply, this answered a question that Lin An couldn't figure out.

Because "Torah" is not like the prototype of the mother medium of desire, Lin An thinks it is more like a "seeker" or a "presiding judge".

Not only that, Doris's magic has a bit of pagan polytheism, which is completely different from the six members of the Enochian inspection team, Joshua and Jericho.

Now he finally saw Doris' original mysterious prototype.

Bronze ware, gold powder statues inlaid with precious stones, the powerful female war goddess...

Canaanite goddess?

Thinking of this, the system data suddenly flashed. There was no new panel attached to Doris, but a new title was added to the first sentence of her [Name] column.

"The Asherah Psalms; Torah, Sacrificial Manual."

It seems that the "Mother of Desire" can not only graft the mystery, but also "swallow" the medium and cover the original tendency. Similar to the cultural fusion between ancient tribes and become a new nation, the "Mother of Desire" forcibly gives its own concept to other archetypes. !

This is actually very similar to a seeker of knowledge, but a seeker of knowledge absorbs the ideas of all things and understands them in his own way, while the mother of desire allows her own concepts to cover the ideas of all things.

[Xi Yong] chose the Torah...

I wonder if the mother body can still take back the grafted mysterious prototype?

What can be done after taking it back?

At the cost of 15% of the pollution value, Doris not only severely injured Joshua, but also discovered that Lin An's golden cicada had escaped from its shell and was no longer where it was.

After receiving the new information, Lin An had no way to deal with it for the time being. He grabbed Adelia's arm, snapped his fingers, and Zomo, who heard the call, flew over.

Without any control, the black rabbit was frightened by Doris's anger and ran away. The scene in front of Lin An was spinning.

Glancing at Joshua, who was clutching his throat and bleeding profusely, Doris chased to where Lin An had left without looking back. The magic of the five-pointed star reappeared, and the two distorted ruby ​​eyes were only filled with madness. .


You will die!

The two sides in the fierce battle did not notice that a fly with purple eyes "buzzed" by, and a dark blue floating hand gently wiped away the ashes on the coroner's cheek. They came from the burned Hell's Angel Kane.

The fire spirits whispered, discussing the memory of the deceased's last scene.



A huge splash of water sounded not far away, alerting the attention of the foundation and officials.

"Why did someone jump down! Oh my god, who is that?"

Simon's team, who were chatting and laughing, heard the shouting and looked at Lin An's position with awareness. There was no one in the shadow.

"Oh my god, Lin can't think about it anymore!" Mi Xi shouted, "Why did he suddenly jump into the river?"

"Could it be that something happened to his family..." Barry pondered for a moment, "The only two things that affect this guy's emotions are mysticism and his family."

"No matter what, start the rescue quickly!" Simon rushed to the logistics personnel on the shore. "The river has just melted a lot of powder. Even for a mysterious person, inhaling a large amount can easily cause hallucinations and coma!"

After a period of confusion, the foundation quickly launched a rescue effort to find Lin An, whose whereabouts were unknown.

At first they thought it was just an inconspicuous slip and fall into the water. Unexpectedly, nearly twenty minutes later, there was still no trace of Lin An.

Simon's face became worse and worse, Mi Xi covered her mouth, thoughts racing in her mind.

"It's impossible for Lin to commit suicide." Barry said to stabilize the two of them. "From what I understand, he was most likely attracted by some weird thing under the water and went to explore the secrets. Don't forget, he can control airflow and healing energy to swim around. Swimming away is as easy as a fish.”

I wonder what new fun this guy is looking for. Barry thought.

"It makes sense. Lin will not disappear for no reason." Mi Xi nodded, "Maybe his family is as big and noisy as mine. Occasionally, I will be so annoyed by the nagging of my relatives that I wish I could sink to the bottom of the sea. After a while, It’s a free day of time.”

Simon breathed out softly: "To this day, he still faces everything alone..."

"Ring, ring ring ring!"

Suddenly, a passionate and urgent alarm came out from the communication equipment. After Simon answered the call, he only heard Vanessa's usually calm and steady voice, which had changed her tone with excitement.

"Dear colleagues, I finally found the real [ghost] wandering in Detli City!"

Thanks to book friend 20170623054040958 for the reward, thanks to Taixu Mengyan Zhenyi Miaodao Immortal Lord, Connotation’s Zhang Mou, Tianying

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