World Occult User Guide

Chapter 190 The real ghost

"A real ghost?"

Simon frowned, and Vanessa's words gave him an ominous premonition.

"Ms. Miller, what are you talking about? [Ghost] was killed by us a few days ago, and even the body was sent to the research department for preservation."

"Don't you think it's strange?" Vanessa said, "At first [Ghost] only attacked mysterious people, but the [Ghost] we caught used all means to kill ordinary women."

"You want to say...there are two ghosts in total?"

"Perhaps there are more than two. But I can confirm that the ghost that the Foundation witnessed for the first time and the ghost that was captured later are not the same person." Vanessa ended the topic, "Mr. Lloyd, the evidence is that I saw the real ghost. Port G-92 in the bay."

"What?!" Simon said in shock.

"Not only that, there is also bad news." Vanessa sighed lightly, "That ghost... is most likely your team member, Mr. An Lin."

Like a thunder on the ground, not only Simon, but also Mi Xi and Barry who were listening to the scene screamed.

"This is impossible!" Mi Xi shouted, and Barry then added, "According to records, Lin is an alchemist from the Dragon Kingdom. His mysterious skills mainly include [Sword Flying] and [Elixir]. How can it be combined with crushing the soul?" Is it related to [Ghost]?"

"It was our negligence." Vanessa explained, "Because Lin's rating... is definitely not a legend. He at least started as a myth, and is most likely... the source."

Her words were choppy and she was obviously not confident.

How could an "excellent employee" who had been reviewed by the Foundation, worked conscientiously for two months in Ditry City and the headquarters, and solved countless mysterious incidents be the legendary ghost?

However, logic tells Vanessa that this conclusion is 90% correct.

"Yuan, Yuan?!" Mi Xi shouted almost breaking her voice, "Has Lin been deceiving us all along?"

If Lin An was really a ghost, wouldn't they be working with the Alpha-001 wanted criminal while talking in front of him about their plans on how to hunt him down?

"Only this can explain all the doubts." Vanessa gradually calmed down and returned to her usual calmness. "Let me analyze it from the beginning first."

"Ms. Miller, I trust your judgment, but this time, I think you are wrong - terribly wrong." Simon's tone was cold, "He swore to my sword, to death, to live honestly; and you But he told me that our oaths were worthless."

"I don't believe in the sincerity of the heart, I believe in the thing itself." Vanessa listened to the sound of the communication equipment, "Are you rushing over? Very good, you can see the truth with your own eyes."

Simon stopped talking and she analyzed mercilessly.

"[Ghost] - I mean the original one - commits crimes once a week, concentrated on weekends, which happens to coincide with the class schedule of college students."

"You tell me, teenagers and college students all over the city of Detli are going to suffer."

"The first corpse discovered was the mysterious prototype of [Dwarf Demon]. The time was 9 pm on December 6, 2037, very close to Chinatown where Lin used to work every Friday."

"You might as well put the whole of Chinatown in jail and keep the students company."

Vanessa used to be a medical examiner in Ditry City and had collaborated with Simon from time to time. She knew that some of his sarcastic and careless habits were due to his undercover career, so she didn't take it seriously.

"Let's talk about the second victim. A woman who smuggled herself from Lower Dongzhou and engaged in the flesh business died on December 13, 2037, an unlucky day. The death was extremely miserable, which confirmed the ruthlessness of [Ghost] and brutality.”

"Besides me, there are many people rushing to the port... Have you notified everyone in the direct contact department, Ms. Miller?"

"President Emmanuel is with me." Vanessa continued in an orderly manner, blocking Simon's hope of changing the subject. "Then, [Ghost] did not move for ten days, until December 25th. Winterfest.”

"The deceased was a native of Althea. There were traces of [Basilisk] at the gymnasium. The foundation determined that [Ghost] and [Witch] were connected, but the clues were broken afterwards and nothing was done."

"Lin had already joined the foundation by that time!" Simon couldn't help but interrupt, "He has been staying in the facility and teaching people Tai Chi!"

"Except between the Winter Festival and the New Year." Vanessa said, "Lin completed the newcomer training ahead of schedule. While waiting, he applied to leave and was approved."

"The Foundation has been closely monitoring the location of his mobile phone!"

"Due to the collapse of

Vanessa paused, waiting for Simon's rebuttal, but there was a long silence on the other side.

“Since 2038, [Ghost]’s activities have ceased, and the Foundation suspects that he has left Detli City and moved to other states or countries. In fact, he was trapped by the tasks and attendance of the direct department and could not help himself. "

"After Lin joined the foundation, the [ghost] disappeared. It was not until early February that a new [ghost] appeared - I called it an 'imitator'. Since the souls of the deceased were damaged to varying degrees, the imitator became a member of the foundation. The most wanted criminal."

"Mr. Lloyd, I'm not sure about Lin's true rating, but please recall carefully. During the process of transporting the [Thunderbird], did some unexplainable strange things happen to him? And the branch's 'Seeker of Knowledge' 'But you can't find out who the murderer is?"


Simon immediately thought of the deaths of Colette and Lysia in New York, and of the "third mystic" mentioned by the remaining believers in Lady Ava's séances.

"Your current inferences can all be explained by coincidence." He still insisted.

"So, Mr. Lloyd, where are your team members at this moment?"

"He... accidentally fell into the water."

Vanessa did not comment and said calmly: "Finally, I have to mention the key incriminating evidence. Remember when you went to Farmington Town for work in January and brought back the [Zomo Rabbit]."

"The few 'visionaries'."

"This mysterious object has a strange characteristic. It is extremely close to Lin, and as long as it breaks free, it will definitely run towards him." Vanessa concluded, "And just now, next to [Ghost], Zomo's shadow Gone in a blink of an eye.”

Simon caught the point: "So you saw [Ghost] with Lin's face?"

"No, he has no facial features."

"Ms. Miller!"

"That is a human figure surrounded by green data." Vanessa said, "Please believe me, Mr. Lloyd, as long as you see him, you will believe it - that is the ghost wandering in Detli City, the original Ghosts, real ghosts.”

Simon's pupils shrank, and the feathers on his body almost exploded.

Green code surround?

This is exactly the mysterious figure he witnessed at the headquarters!

The source-level light shining in the sky, the terrifying existence that almost destroyed the San Francisco headquarters...

But before getting involved in the battle, the figure bent down and healed his wounds, causing Simon to toss and turn for a while, full of doubts.

If [Ghost] is Lin An...

That makes sense!

"Your team is one of the few insiders." Vanessa broke the silence, "The president and I don't want to cause panic to other colleagues. Even if [Ghost] is Lin, we have decided to temporarily block the news and wait. We will announce it when he is arrested."

"Why did you tell me specifically?"

"The president thinks you have the right to know the truth." Vanessa thought for a while and advised, "At least you didn't lose your life, Mr. Lloyd, you have been with [Ghost] for so long."

Simon chuckled softly: "I only lost my dignity."

Ah, poor! Vanessa thought, this gentle, restrained, upright and pure guy is full of passion for a goal, and is prone to indulge in sorrow with all his enthusiasm, while people with mediocre personalities will use this kind of emotion to have fun. of.

Putting aside distracting thoughts, she reminded: "We are going to capture [Ghost]. Mr. Lloyd, this is the mission of the St. Annilov Foundation, no matter how unpredictable and confusing the opponent is."

"We will." Of course we will. Simon thought.

The salty wind blew through the angel's dark silver hair, and something disappeared from his body.

He no longer had the glowing eyes he once had, the centerpiece of his ever-bright gaze that was constantly rekindled, now nothing more than tired ashes.

Balancing on its wings, these tired eyes looked into the distance.

Dusk came earlier than expected, the last rays of sunlight were obscured by clouds, and the international port took on the look of an old photo, with all familiar things cast in shadows of gray.

Above the river, two light spots, one green and one blue, chase each other and are entangled endlessly.

Different languages ​​and illusions collided, and strong aftershocks spread outward. The energy of "Comes" was like an independent star, casting a sparkling reflection.


The space turned into colors that quickly faded backwards, and Zomo rushed out of the cargo hold warehouse with Lin An.

He heard a "boom" explosion behind him, and the furious Doris was like a wildfire, biting into his back.


Zomo let out a high-pitched cry, and his movement without regard to matter suddenly stopped.

Lin An was imprisoned in a bubble barrier like a wall of air, the Hebrew words floated up and down, and the five-pointed star turned into a carpet, spreading all the way under his feet.

The magic of hidden space...

Zomo is only a Kaidan-level mystic and cannot teleport through coordinates like a witch. As long as it is stopped by a blocking barrier in the middle, its ability will be ineffective.

The river water under his feet made a splash. Lin An activated the Philosopher's Stone, and the air current supported his body. He raised his head and met Doris' eyes.

The code resurfaced, obscuring his appearance.

"Ghost, I will kill you today!" Doris said through gritted teeth.

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