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Chapter 191 Canaan Hittite

At this moment, Doris was disheveled, her expensive dress was torn by protruding gemstones and turned into tattered fabric, and her short hair hung as heavy as a stone statue on the side of her face.

Her pale skin glowed with an abnormal golden color, like a statue from an ancient temple.

Lin An has come to a conclusion about her combat power. Although Doris's radiation value is comparable to that of Thunderbird and Little Fang, due to the "Mother of Desire" endowment and forced modification of the original mysterious relationship, the energy displayed is not as good as the first two. By.

The "Asherah" technique she forcibly activated was more in line with the actual strength of the panel. Unfortunately, Doris was restrained by her family and could not control it freely.

Moreover, unlike normal mystics, the higher the pollution value of Doris, the power of mysticism decreases.

What are the disadvantages of the mother of desire...

"You are becoming more and more charming, Lili." Lin An threw out a line of code, "Why not take a truce for a while? After all, your condition seems not to be good."

"Who allows you to call me Lili! Ghost, go to hell!"

Doris shouted angrily, her index and middle fingers together, her ring and little fingers together, and separated from each other in this order. In an instant, a huge blue pentagram appeared.

Her body suddenly became ethereal, like a paper silhouette.

This is the Hebrew vowel, the "Shin" gesture.

The faint blue light condensed, and the short-haired girl held a long brass knife. The sacred light that was more magnificent than anything else filled the air, making the face with outstanding temperament become even more inviolable.

Angels with hundreds of eyes, hundreds of mouths, and hundreds of pairs of wings of different colors followed closely behind, like a golden mosaic mural on the dome falling from Hagia Sophia.

Immediately afterwards, the painting attacked Lin An.

Brilliant images bring an overload of impact, the movement of light is endless; smell - the fragrance of flowers, branches, incense clouds; hearing - singing hymns, chanting and applause; touch - the sharp pain and burning of the soul .

The hot temperatures caused the water to boil and bubble.

Lin An seemed to be thrown into a separate spatial dimension, enveloped by this colorful beauty and unparalleled holiness, and smelled the breath of death in front of his eyes.


At the critical moment, he blocked Zomo in front of Adelia, and the black rabbit let out a miserable cry.

Just being affected by Doris's energy, this strange-level mysterious object couldn't withstand it and cracked instantly.

A scar tore apart the exotic patterns on its black fur, followed by spiderweb-like cracks all over the black rabbit's body, and the soul of James Natchell left in the world completely disappeared.

Lin An swallowed his groan, and when Doris' long knife was less than thirty centimeters away from him, he suddenly curled his fingers.

"According to the entry "Encyclopedia of Magic I: Undead, Fertility and Dark Earth - Hittite Worship Ritual", a plan that meets the conditions was found - [Nine Pits of the Sun Goddess]."

"Whether to consume the medium 'Seeker' x1, 'God of Truth' x1, 'Judge' x2, 'Lord of the Earth' x2, 'Mother of Desire' x1, 'God of Farming' x1, 'Prophet' x1, 'Natural Sacrifice' x1 to use?"

Lin An flashed the idea of ​​using it, and the ancient words drifted away, rushing towards Doris's most sacred mural.

I, a human being, am here now!

I am a descendant of Hannahannah, the Mother Goddess!

I came up from the river bank to summon the primordial god on the river bank!

The exorcist Aduntarri, the dream interpreter Zulki, the love god Irpitiga, the animal god Inara, the ocean god Namara, the underworld guardian Minki, and the weather god Amonki Amunki, the earth god Apipi!

I shaped them into the image of clay figures and then he lined them up along the water's edge!

Let the Sun Goddess open the door and let the Prime God rise from the ground up!

This is the most complicated Hittite ritual and the one that consumes the most media.

After the radiation value increased, Lin An gradually realized the effect of this ultimate Hittite ritual from the systematic description.

Like [Sacrifice to Hades], it can also summon the great sun goddess. This time she no longer punishes the enemy, but opens the way to the gods of the underworld as a door to accept sacrifices.

At first, he did not accumulate all the media. Later, when the inventory was abundant, the opponents Lin An encountered were either too strong to match, or they could be killed with items that consumed less media, such as the Presiding Judge or the [Hades Priest], so that he could not Opportunity to use this entry.

The shadow of a pig appeared, opening its mouth wide and inhaling Doris's glittering, holy and noble images.

The silver jewelry fell off, and nine pits surrounded Doris. Each of them contained a different kind of bird. The body was cut into pieces, and blood was smeared all over the bottom of the pits. A strange atmosphere faintly emerged.

The energy turned into a shekel of silver. Lin An snapped his fingers and threw it into the bottomless pit.

"Ding Dong!"

Lyrics from more than 3,000 years ago were chanted slowly from her mouth, and a melodious melody used in rituals by the dark stream echoed in Doris's ears.

"Oh, Sun Goddess, please ascend the throne of purification and inspect the sacrificial utensils."

What's this? !

Doris was trembling with fright, because the energies of her and the ghost were in perfect harmony at this moment, greedily demanding each other, as if their souls were suddenly shared and they became one intimate body!

The Hebrew text cracked, and the five-pointed star was run over by the dark river, dimming.

The nine pits leading to Hades erupted with powerful gravity, encircling Doris's soul, and wanted to send her into eternal sleep without refusal. Even the angels betrayed her, choosing the entrances by category, and all of them together. Push her towards the darkness.

In fact, Lin An's radiation was a full 10% lower than Doris's, which was an insurmountable gap in the source rating.

Hittite and Canaanite origins are from the same source. As a result, at this moment, Doris's attack actually backfired on her, helping Lin An execute the [Nine Pitfalls of the Sun Goddess].


Doris's eyes widened, and Ruby almost wanted to shed substantial blood.

No wonder the ghost keeps targeting her!

This guy is actually the Hittite nation that was extinct for nearly three thousand years in the legend of Xion!

Although the two are split from the same supreme god, Doris found that the knowledge she possessed was not as "complete" as the ghost's.

When he used the original sacrificial ritual and shouted for her to fall into death, Doris's energy was instantly "incited" and could be used by the ghost!

Just as Doris's soul was about to fall into the eternal Hades, the angels' eyes flashed with blue scriptures, and their bodies suddenly turned into pure light, blocking the dark hole.


Lin An frowned, the suction power of the nine pits gradually escaped his control, and was chopped into pieces by the angels at the cost of sacrifice.

Although the Hittite ritual could assimilate Doris' original mysterious energy, it could not counterbalance the Torah grafted onto her by the "Mother of Desire", which allowed her to tenaciously break free and save herself from death.

The Mother of Desire is different from other media in that it has both "active" energy and "passive" characteristics.

Joshua could only restrain Doris' Torah, and I could only block her Asherah...

It seems like the next step is to find a way to separate her two archetypes.

Lin An suppressed his disappointment and turned the Philosopher's Stone.

The blood-red pollution followed the passage connecting Hittite and Canaan, hitting Doris' soul with a "ping" that was struggling and about to be freed from restraint.


Doris exclaimed, feeling some unknown particles crawling towards her, like tarsal maggots, sinking into the depths of her soul.

This is the [Worm Curtain] gem that the wand used to have, which transformed into a blue and red planet during the transformation process. As long as a person is hit by it, a person will be wiped out in three days.

The mythical Philosopher's Stone originally could not affect Doris, or could be easily erased by her, but at this moment, the bright red energy did not hit her body, but penetrated deep into her body through the gravity of the gate of Hades. soul.

It is difficult for Doris to get rid of the influence of the Philosopher's Stone unscathed just like she had just eliminated the [mental illusion].

The best outcome is that Doris dies after three days; the next best outcome is that she falls into the torment of all kinds of diseases, the pollution is further increased, and the magic effect becomes weaker and weaker.

At this point, the duel between the two old enemies has come to an end.

This time I got to know Doris' true identity, ruined her ritual, and left incurable damage to her soul.

It's time to use the big tree to attract the wind, the St. Anilov Foundation, to hide itself, and wait for the next time to go all out, completely end her life, and include the entries of Canaanite magic. Lin An thought.

He has no medium to perform more Hittite rituals, and with the existing means, it is temporarily impossible to separate the two prototypes of Doris.

Driving the airflow, Lin An prepared to drag Adelia away.

But the next moment, the moonlight suddenly appeared!

The cold swishing arrow drew a graceful arc and shot toward Lin An's shoulder.


He used his airflow technique to dodge the arrow, which was flashing with purple flames. It hit the water with a blast, splashing water columns dozens of meters high, and the cold river water splashed everywhere.


Lin An turned his head suddenly. The angel was floating not far away, maintaining the posture of bow and arrow just now, and the sharp moon condensed again.

He is indeed the captain!

Looking around, he saw familiar faces from the direct department coming from all directions, all brewing up mystical techniques and aiming at Lin An.

The battle with Doris made so much noise that it actually attracted the attention of the Foundation.

However, this group of mysterious people has long been unable to pose a threat to Lin An now. He just doesn't want to attack Simon, Mi Xi and Barry.

The opposite side happened to be the Maple Leaf Country. Lin An calculated the route and decided to escape to a neighboring country first and then come back by sea.

"You... are the real [Ghost] in Ditry City." Simon's eyes seemed to see through the code, seeing the true appearance of the young man, "Alpha-002, the St. Annilov Foundation will launch a campaign against you. Super control!"

Thank you gyyyyyyyy for the tip, thank you for the monthly passes of Crazy Mountains and Reading the World in Dreams, and thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions ~

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