World Occult User Guide

Chapter 192 Bless you, child

Not only Lin An, Doris, who was calm, glanced at the foundation and escaped into the hidden space.

Everyone was stunned, confused by the sudden disappearance of the target, and only heard Vanessa yell.

"Aim at the green figure! He is the real ghost!"

In an instant, energy attacks hit Lin An from all directions on the ground, but they were only disaster-level at most.

Normally, he might carefully study the abilities of these people, praise or criticize them, and express his feelings about the magic of "Comes" and the special nature of the medium.

Now seeing with his own eyes that they were coming one after another with the confidence that they wanted to kill him, Lin An only felt funny.

Although he was a little confused, it was clear that Deval had been buried as a [ghost], but Vanessa still insisted that he was a ghost.

Let’s just assume that the foundation’s traditional brain-boosting capabilities are being used stably.

After working with the direct-to-face department for so long, Lin An already knew everyone's prototype. The system attached the panel to their heads, allowing them to choose from as if they were on a supermarket sale.

Just what I need is some "seeker" and "god of truth".

Lin An looked around and quickly targeted one person.

He was the captain of the southern Michigan control team, and he had hunted down the "Deer Lady" with the descendant of John Dee. He was standing on his knees on a speeding ship, holding a candlelight in his hand and reciting a poem in a sacred tone, The missile hit Lin An's vitals.

Magus, an early 19th-century manual of celestial and ritual magic written by the occultist Francis Barrett.

The content is collected and compiled by the author from older manuals. Most of the materials come from Agrippa's "Three Books of Mystical Philosophy" and Pietro D'Albano's "Seven Days". After modern interpretation, it is analyzed in detail. Renaissance Occultism.

This person was only Catastrophe Level E. Lin An used the airflow to dodge past, avoiding the attacks of everyone in the Foundation, and dived into the river with a "plop", speeding all the way inside, leaving a splash of water, and suddenly appeared in front of the wise man.

Shadows fell, and the erratic green data was reflected in the pupils of the wise man. In the unknown face that could not be seen clearly, the terrifying human form seemed to be smiling with interest.

"Ghost!" He turned pale and screamed miserably, "Don't come here! Spare your life!"

Immediately afterwards, strange black runes climbed up on the wise man's face like ants, making a "chichi" sound as if a layer of sulfuric acid had been splashed on him, and the burnt-smelling white gas rose up. Before he could let out a second scream, it was already there. It spread to the heart, causing it to stop suddenly.

"Encyclopedia of Magic IV: The Wind of Darkness - Black Witch, White Witch, Scarlet Witch and Their Allies", black witchcraft, [Devil's Medicine].

The system's beep sounded in Lin An's mind.

"The entry "First Principles of Natural Magic IV: The Celestial Wise Man Volume One" has been included. You have obtained the medium 'Seeker' x4, 'Natural Sacrifice' x1, and 'Imaginary' x1."

The relatively powerful comrade was instantly killed by the ghost with one move. Everyone in the foundation who was still attacking Lin An suddenly felt their scalps numb. Many of them were already fighting with each other, and the dead souls were emerging.

Vanessa is right, this is the real ghost!

A genuine Alpha-level mystic!

Unlike the previous [Thunderbird], [Ghost] is not a good person!

Desperation penetrated deep into the bones. In just a few seconds, the Foundation fully realized how stupid their self-righteous pursuit over the past few months had been.

Catching ghosts?


Surviving from his hands is a problem!

Why did they dare to track down Ghost without overestimating their capabilities, and even had the illusion that the Foundation had the means to put him in an isolation room?

The newly hired members wanted to turn around and run away, while the more senior members gritted their teeth to suppress the sudden fear.

The ghost's free will is not a provocation at all, he just doesn't care what anyone thinks!

If he wanted to, he might be able to kill everyone and escape unscathed!

The St. Aniloff Foundation is not a hunter at all, but the prey of [Ghost]!

Lin An changed direction and hugged the fallen Adelia. His mother's opal-like blue eyes swept over the group of shouting people, thoughtfully.

For her who cannot see the energy of "Comoth", this situation is probably very scary. Lin An thought, Doris is still looking at her from somewhere, and she can't be greedy anymore.


There was a heart-rending roar behind him, and complex emotions were mixed in it. In a blink of an eye, the teleported light lit up, and Simon raised his sword and stabbed Lin An in the air.

Activating the Philosopher's Stone, Lin An avoided the blow and flew into the air with Adelia in his arms.

The ratings of everyone in the Foundation were generally not high, and they could not fly as freely as he did. Moreover, they were so frightened by Lin An's thunder blow that they did not even dare to shout slogans, let alone chasing him.

This is exactly what Lin An wants. As long as he sends the captain away, he can get away.

Simon was not at all frightened by the name "Ghost". He flapped his wings and rushed towards Lin An, his dark silver eyes burning with all kinds of emotions.

This made him unclear for a moment. He only felt that Sariel was like a light in the clouds, illuminating Lin An unable to open his eyes.

As a mythical angel and the medium of the "Lord of Dreams", the captain has powerful abilities, various methods, and high radiation and pollution levels. If you swim too much, you will easily get killed.

When Lin An was still thinking about what kind of terms he should use to repel Simon without harming his life, Simon suddenly paused in mid-air and pointed his sword at his throat.

"Don't move! Surrender." Angel stared at Lin An closely, "Surrender to me, this is not surrender."


Lin An was startled, what he said was so strange.

Seeing that he was indifferent, Simon turned the sword and pointed it at his chest.

"I once used this sword to make an oath of honesty to you. Now I have obviously failed, so this sword has been tainted. From now on, it will no longer have any other scabbard except my heart or your heart." .I will chase you forever, ghost, until the day I die.”

A chill came over Lin An's heart. After thinking for a moment, he immediately understood the meaning behind Simon's words.

Captain knows I'm a ghost?


I clearly didn't show any obvious characteristics!

Suddenly, a fly with purple eyes flew by and turned into an adult man not far away. He smiled mischievously at Lin An, as if he was watching a popular show.

Who is that person?

Guessing crossed his mind and Lin An's pupils narrowed - he might be President Emmanuel!

Transformation, hiding, prophecy... The prototype of the president is completely different from the report from the headquarters, at least it is above the myth level!

Before Lin An could think about it, the president opened his arms and covered Lin An with a fishing net that covered the sky. At the same time, Doris's chuckle sounded in his ears.

"Thanks, Foundation!"

Doris and the president...are in the same group?

No, it should just be a transactional relationship!

In an instant, Lin An figured out the president's plan. He did not stop his men from sinking Bennett's ship, and took Vanessa to destroy the ghost's true body, causing him to be surrounded and suppressed by the foundation. To rip off Doris right now!

What is the origin of the president?

At least it is certain that this person is definitely not the Avia Emmanuel mentioned in Lord Arthur’s email! ——"He" replaced the original person at some point in time!

The fatal crisis forced Lin An to a dead end. At the critical moment, Adelia in his arms suddenly spoke.

"I know who you are. Although I don't understand the ins and outs, you seem to be in deep trouble, dear child."

Like a bolt from the blue, Lin An was so shocked that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear.

He just wanted to understand how the captain recognized him, and how even Adelia figured out his identity!

She is obviously just an ordinary person!

"No matter what you become, a mother can always see through her son at a glance." Adelia held Lin An's hand tenderly, "And we are not only mother and son, but also accomplices in loneliness."

She and Lin An looked at each other. At this moment, Lin An caught the faint love flashing in her eyes, so everything was no longer important. Lin An believed her words and believed that she, as a mother, was secretly there. The earth recognized her son.

"Goodbye, please think of me." Adelia kissed the back of Lin An's hand, and then jumped towards the tip of Simon's sword, "Bless you, child."

The Canaan magic cast by Doris suddenly turned and headed towards Simon, who was unable to retreat.

In the balance of hunting down ghosts and perfecting the [Holy Grail] ritual, the latter has an overwhelming advantage. As long as she can regain her life, she will not bother to care about the entangled past affairs of Xion and Hittite.

"Hey, you hit the wrong person! Stop!"

Seeing this, the president grabbed the fishing net and threw it on Simon.

The angel sword and the five-pointed star collided with the fishing net, and the energy spread along the grid from the initial impact point, weakening endlessly, and finally turned into extremely weak fluctuations, and the place of "collision" disappeared.


The city hall bell rang six o'clock in the evening, and the sound echoed dullly.

The sunset completely disappeared into the horizon, and darkness fell.

The colors faded and the surrounding scenery turned into black and white photos. Lin An wanted to hold Adelia with her eyes closed, but he knew in his heart that this was no longer possible.

The only correct answer to the mother's decision was that she was always so clear-headed and rational. This wisdom had never been presented in the form of love, so when it suddenly pressed on Lin An's shoulders at this moment, he only felt fear, melancholy, sadness, and... Extremely confused.

Adelia had indeed abandoned him for 21 years, but now she dedicated herself to him...

Speaking of which, I never understood her...

Is the mother really the selfish and indifferent woman she imagined? Is there any secret behind what the mother did? Adelia Hughes...loved me as a mother?

Doubts filled Lin An's heart, causing the image of Adelia he had built up in his mind since childhood to gradually collapse into shapeless fragments.

But he held back his emotions because he couldn't let his mother's sacrifice be in vain.

The three parties shifted their attention, and the energy surrounding Lin An dissipated.

Just as he was about to turn the Philosopher's Stone, the next moment, the space here suddenly shattered.

The magnificent fragrance filled the air, blurring the boundaries of reality. A woman with a sexy and gorgeous upper body, three heads, and a deformed lower body transformed into a black goat appeared.


The witch of Bavomet smiled seductively.

"Let's go! Ghost, come with me, I will be your destination!"

Lin An stared at her for a few seconds and nodded expressionlessly. The "Dreamer" mysterious technique was activated, and he and the witch escaped into an unreachable realm of bliss.


Simon's long sword cut across Lin An's afterimage, and the green code dissipated like a bug. All that was left to him was the blowing evening breeze, which was slightly cool, as if he was crying.

And Doris hugged the fallen Adelia, Hebrew words were flying in the sky, the pentagram extended, and the two of them moved to the hidden space in full view of the public.

The electric battle came to an end, leaving only the rippling and trembling river water, describing the thrilling battle just now.


The president folded the scattered fishing nets, floated over, patted Simon, and spoke enthusiastically.

"It seems that this operation to capture [Witch] will not end so easily." (End of Chapter)

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