World Occult User Guide

Chapter 193 New Trends of the Three Major Factions

Concrete and steel buildings stand tall, lights dispelling the darkness.


Horns blared, cars spewed thick gray smoke, and tires left black marks and the smell of rubber.

The streets of Detli City at night are crowded with unthinking pedestrians who don't care how the world spins because their only focus is when they will get their next paycheck, or what they will eat now.

This city is too cold, everyone is in a hurry, the pressure is high, and the pace is fast. Many strange habits are bred like the rot that breeds in the night, which are reflected in Doris's eyes behind the car window.

There was a clicking sound beside her, and Adelia was fiddling with the air freshener in the back seat with her fingers.

"I don't like this half-dead smell." She smiled at Doris, "Since it's perfume, it's better to make it stronger."

"Professor Hughes, I'm surprised you're not surprised at all." Doris thought for a moment and added, "You have a natural confidence, are full of interest in everything, and are aloof with a hint of ridicule."

"It just so happens that I carry the new Hermès Earth Garden perfume in my lady's handbag." Adelia propped up the seat between the two of them with one arm and leaned close to Doris, "Try it, Miss Wood. .”

A strong sense of oppression accompanied the shadow cast. Doris looked at the enlarging, noble face, her heart pounding.

Although Adelia is an ordinary person, it brings uncontrollable fear to her, a source-level mystic.

"Why don't you panic?"

"I just witnessed a fight among children in the 21st century. Nothing to be surprised about." Adelia couldn't help but roll up Doris's sleeves and lightly sprayed her wrists with perfume a few times. "Does it smell good?"

"Children's...playing?" Doris' eyes widened suddenly, "You are indeed related to the famous Lost Paradise - [Black City], Professor Hughes!"


Adelia held Doris' pale wrist with her slender fingers. The blood vessels flowed slowly under the almost transparent skin, and their owners were clearly visible in her blue eyes.

"The Hughes family is a branch of the blood clan under [Black Capital]. Due to the disputes between the Demon Party and the Secret Party, it declined and eventually perished... This is the information you investigated, right? After all, the rumors about the Duke are easy to associate with To the immortal vampire.”

"You mean Duke Vasilika Hughes?"

Doris was so shocked that she lost her honorific and tried to withdraw her arm, but found that she could no longer do it.

"The cute little white rabbit, [Black City] is just a group of grooms, servants and housekeepers who look after the Hughes family. As for the vampires, they are just one of the failed products of the Duke's 'writing' centuries ago."

"What's the meaning?"

Adelia took Doris' trembling wrist in her hands, brought it to her lips and kissed it. An electric shock-like feeling immediately spread throughout the short-haired girl's body, making her mind go blank.

"Want to know why the 'last vampire', Duke Hughes, lives so long? It's not because of the dirty trick of 'blood-sucking', but because of an ancient curse and inheritance, in order to protect an unknown secret. "

"What the founder of the Hughes family can manipulate is - 'memory'. When the time is right, he will pass his memory to his eldest son and achieve immortality in this way."

"Therefore, that Duke is not a relative of the Impaler at all. He... came from more than four thousand years ago."

Adelia kissed Doris' beating pulse, like a she-wolf licking a lamb, revealing her ambitious fangs at this moment.

"And I killed him and became the heir to the 'secret'."


"There is no doubt that [Ghost] is the most dangerous, terrifying, and cruel free mystic that the St. Annilov Foundation has encountered in the past two years."

Reagan stamped the information in his hand and announced the focus of the meeting to all his colleagues.

"Based on the experience of fighting him last time, even if the entire direct contact department of Michigan is assembled, not only will it be impossible to control him, but he will even be slaughtered to pieces by him. Therefore, I applied to the inspection team at the San Francisco headquarters for personnel transfer .”

"What's the result?" Caroline asked curiously.

"I got an email saying 'your suggestion is being actively considered'."

"Uh, what does this mean... there will be additional personnel soon?" A southern punishment team member twitched his mouth, and a bad premonition came to his mind.

Reagan smiled bitterly: "No, it means that the headquarters will have to wait 7 working days before processing our request. Until then, we can only rely on ourselves."

"This is ridiculous!" Caroline couldn't help shouting, "[Ghost] is the most powerful mysterious person I have ever seen! And he is very evil! But the headquarters told us to keep waiting and let him be in the dark. Are you wandering around Terry City and causing trouble to everyone?"

"Although the new inspection team no longer restricts our freedom, and has also opened up the Mysterious Person Act... but the work efficiency is too low!"

“The former team leader Joshua could give the results in less than half an hour!”

"I heard that the new leader of the inspection team has shortened the working hours from 12 hours a day to 5 hours."

"Everyone, please calm down." Vanessa interrupted calmly, "The headquarters is implementing a new bill and is indeed facing a shortage of manpower. Lord Arthur Williams did not let this matter go unchecked. He stated in the letter An analysis is presented.”

"Why didn't I see it?"

Reagan flipped the printing paper in his hand, Vanessa sighed helplessly and continued.

"[Ghost] will never harm ordinary people. As long as we stay in the facility during this period, with the protection of the President and Mr. Lloyd, [Ghost] will not pose a danger to the foundation, and can even help us clean up other hidden Free Mystic—if they offend him."

"But isn't he the leader of the mysterious free faction and a companion of [The Witch of Bavomet]? How could he take action against the free mystics?"

"They have just cooperated. With [Ghost]'s character, they might part ways with the Witch due to the massacre of the mysterious man in the future." Vanessa paused and said, "This is what the president told me."

"Even the [Witch] can't control the [Ghost]..." Caroline took a breath, "What a terrifying guy! Fortunately, we have President Emanuel and Mr. Lloyd sitting in!"

"Speaking of Simon Lloyd." Reagan's eyes fell on the two empty seats next to Mixie and Barry, "Since Captain Lin's whereabouts were unknown, he has been staying in seclusion and refused to receive psychological treatment from the foundation. Do you know what’s going on?”

Mi Xi shook her head silently, and Barry spoke.

"I'm not sure, but I think it's better not to disturb him for the time being."


Their attitude was ambiguous and the matter was left to nothing.

After the meeting, Vanessa sorted out the information files and walked to Simon's office.

Mixie and Barry quickly followed her.

"Are you afraid that I will irritate your captain?" Vanessa noticed the two men's intentions, "I have worked with Mr. Lloyd for nearly 20 years, and I know how to deal with him very well."

"Really, really?" Mi Xi swallowed, "But unlike before, the captain is no longer young. Does the Foundation really want to force him to confront Lin—— and [Ghost] again?"

"You should give him a break," Barry added.

"Don't worry, he won't collapse because of this. His work will keep him alive. It used to be the DEA, but now it's the Foundation."

Vanessa said slightly ruthlessly, then raised her hand and knocked on the door.

"Mr. Lloyd, this is the new plan."

After a while, under the nervous eyes of Mi Xi and Barry, the door was opened.

The young angel stood in a room with no lights on. He was still as handsome, but his body was bent; he was still as serious, but his eyes looked sad; his expression was calm, but he walked unsteadily.

"Excuse me, Ms. Miller." Simon took the heavy plan, "Is this the next move against [Ghost]?"

"Yes, Mr. Lloyd, I hope you will cooperate."

"It's always been like this."

Vanessa confirmed a few things with him, turned around and left.

While Simon was processing the information in an orderly manner, Mixie and Barry took the opportunity to sneak into the office, turn on the lights, pour coffee and play music, making the place lively.

Simon had frightened them very much these past few days. He often leaned on his chair alone without falling asleep or taking any unnecessary actions. He remained silent and unconsciously meditating for several hours.

Simon put the file on the desk and looked up to see two team members sitting at the critical moment. The latter immediately gave him an unnatural smile, trying to dispel the oppressive atmosphere between the three.

"I-I made you double concentrate, captain." Mi Xi raised the mug in a flattering manner.

"The coffee machine is filled with Colombian coffee beans today." Barry continued.

"Thank you." Simon took the scalding coffee, "You don't need to be so cautious. After a person has had youth, love, honor, wealth and friendship, and lost them, only faith is left to support him moving forward. "

He took a sip of coffee and spoke in a low and gentle voice.

"Always move forward until death. Then God will graciously tell me, as He has said to others: 'You used everything I gave you.'"


Lin An sat on the edge of the cabin.

The five-star hotel-like lobby is filled with the smell of incense, the floor is paved with gold and silver mosaic tiles, warm steam rises from the clean and clear swimming pool, and the magnificent walls are wrapped with light golden lines.

A sun that is both illusory and real hangs in the already night sky, casting endless light from the semicircular dome, bringing spring-like warmth and eternal daylight all year round.

He closed his eyes and opened them again.

The ecstatic scene disappeared in an instant, leaving only a dilapidated and abandoned ship, with paint peeling off, wooden boards creaking due to moisture, slowly drifting on the river.

This is a space created by "visionaries".


Familiar footsteps came from behind, and someone punched Lin An's back unceremoniously and shouted impatiently.

"Street boy, are you deaf? It's so hard to ask you for a meal."

"I want to drink Ice Eagle, senpai."

"I don't have the Ice Eagle style, but do I need the Ice Cantonese style?" Zhou Qingqing put a cup of herbal tea close to Lin An's hot cheek, "Oh, I told you to go home early after get off work." (End of Chapter)

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