World Occult User Guide

Chapter 194 New camp

Lin An took the herbal tea handed by Zhou Qingqing and took a sip, the bitter taste rushed straight into his nose.

"Senior, do you want to poison [Ghost]?"

"Hey, you, why are you, I'm still making trouble." Zhou Qingqing put one hand on her hips, "Xiao Lin, Xiao Li told me the whole story, you are so brave!"

The witch's name is Eulalie Isol, a name from the pigeon country.

After she brought Lin An back, she introduced his codename - [Ghost] to everyone.

Unlike the Foundation, the Free Mystics faction is a loose organization with no rules and regulations. Anyone who agrees with the Witch's ideals can be protected.

The witch released Lin An into the illusion and went to rest regardless. The other free mystics whispered and discussed this famous new companion.

Suddenly attacked by [Ghosts], the foundation's plan to hunt down the witch came to an end, and the Free Mystics didn't even know that they were being encircled and suppressed.

There were only five people inside the illusion, and two others left the paradise and returned home in the middle of the night.

Most of the free mystics are still wandering around Michigan, contacting the witch through coordinates, and using "Dreamers" to travel to and from paradise, without any sense of crisis.

Not long ago, Zhou Qingqing came from Chinatown carrying two large boxes of takeaways after receiving the news.

My junior is actually the famous [Ghost]!

Zhou Qingqing, who lives in Ditry City, has naturally heard of the foundation's most wanted criminal, but the witch told him that Lin An was not the butcher who killed women. He came here only because of a conflict with the foundation's ideas.

While shocked, two thoughts flashed through Zhou Qingqing's mind.

The radiation of "Comes" only lasts for ten years. Once the time passes, all extraordinary things will be in vain, and nothing will be left. Everyone is still doing what they should do - so why can't we live peacefully now?

Then, the junior fellow student actually didn’t eat for a whole day. Isn’t he hungry?

"Do you still remember the 'Prophet' of the Althea Kingdom who opened a gym opposite your restaurant?" Lin An held his chin, "I may have met a high-end version, but unfortunately he overturned."

"You often walk by the river, and your shoes don't get wet. You said you joined the St. Annilov Foundation. An international student works for the Eagle Country government. What the hell!"

Zhou Qingqing put her finger against the cup and pushed it towards Lin An's mouth.

"Drink more herbal tea, the heat will make you irritable."

"Gudong, Gudong..."

Lin An was forced to swallow the herbal tea with a strong medicinal taste, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

Ever since she entered Ann Arbor University, her senior sister has been Lin An's protector. The latter is accustomed to her tough attitude and cares about him, and feels a bit vaguely friendly.

It's as if nothing about "Comes" has happened yet. He is still an ordinary college student. He goes to school on weekdays, works part-time at his senior sister's Cantonese restaurant on Fridays, and sorts out posts on the World Tree Forum on weekends. Day after day, year after year. Year after year.

However, Lin An was sure that he did not miss that boring life, nor did he regret the journey he had taken.

After thinking about it, Lin An discovered a subtle sense of inconsistency from past memories.

That's where Zomo Rabbit comes in.

Moreover, Lin An brought it into Doris's warehouse very smoothly, without any transmission errors like before when it got stuck in the ventilation duct.

Because that place is not only the stop of "Domundo's Dream", but also "due to the expansion of the Ditry City branch, the new facilities built by Saint Annilov in the city, and Lin An's new office as the leader of the advisory team." ".

It is the "prophetic place" of the "President" in that letter!

In other words, no matter what Lin An did on the way, the moment he saw the letter, the "prophet" had already been activated, allowing him to arrive at Doris's warehouse and start a battle with her anyway.

The president had already expected that he would ambush there with Vanessa.

That guy... planned a good show, but in the end it ended hastily, without further stopping Lin An from leaving, and without even leaving any tracers behind.

What on earth does he want to do?

Any information related to the "president" was very vague, except for the "dead kid" mentioned by Doris in her notes, which made Lin An feel that the mysterious person who replaced the president seemed young, maybe only about ten years old.

A naughty kid, right?

Lin An licked his lips. This kid had better pray not to be caught.

Zhou Qingqing patted the dust on Lin An's shoulder, sighed, turned around, picked up a bag of breakfast, and threw it in front of him.

"Have a meal!"

"Thank you, senior." Lin An ate the fried dough sticks and soy milk one after another. "It tastes a bit like the crispy ones in the pancakes of my guy downstairs. He often gives me a glass of soy milk to relieve my tiredness."

"Drop it! I feel like vomiting when I hear the word bean juice."

"It's just a regional specialty. If you eat it often, that's all."

Zhou Qingqing did not pick up the fight. She had seen Lin An like this many times when the two were forced to go on a blind date.

He seemed to be having a conversation with someone, but he actually used his own "chatting mechanism", which showed that Lin An was no longer interested in the content or object of the conversation.

Rolling his eyes, Zhou Qingqing turned and left.

Lin An sipped the soy milk and checked the two newly included entries.

The entries "The 72 Pillars of Solomon III: The Fallen Angel Keim", and "First Principles of Natural Magic IV: Book 1 of the Celestial Wise Ones".

Both are disaster-level entries and contain offensive mystical spells.

The first volume of Heavenly Wisdom has two abilities similar to "missiles". By calling different stars, missiles are summoned to attack the enemy. The power and effect are the same. The only difference is the trajectory.

When Venus is summoned, missiles are fired at the target from the front; when Mars is summoned, missiles are fired from behind.

They respectively require a "War Emperor", a "Natural Sacrifice" or a "Lord of the Earth".

Catastrophic level items consume less and can be useful occasionally. Lin An thought.

As the "War Emperor", Kaim has two abilities related to summoning the Blackbird Hell Legion. The first is to let them attack the enemy, and the second is to let them catch him.

The latter function overlaps with the effect of the Philosopher's Stone's airflow spell. It is a flying mystery, just like the [Introduction to Herbalism] in "Story Thorn" overlaps with the healing gem.

Speaking of Storb, Lin An asked about the system.

"Brother Tongzi, these two entries can be traced, right. But one of them is II and the other is III... What exactly is the result of tracing it?"

"There is a probability of getting the I of the entry, and there is also a probability of resetting the II of the entry and gaining one or two new abilities." The system answered, "Would you use the 'source tracing' function to merge the two entries?"


Anyway, "Story" and "Kain" both have the same ability as the Philosopher's Stone. There is no need to keep it. You can also brush off [Stars in Me], a scam option that induces Lin An to commit suicide every time. .

"The traceability has been completed. With your witness, the entry "King Solomon's 72 Pillars of Demons I: Barbatos" has been included."

Golden legend!

Lin An quickly brought up its panel.

The last time I traced the source of "Research on Cryptozoology" I only got the second-rate "Ghost Deer", but Lin An's luck could not have been bad all the time. This time he got "King Solomon's 72 Pillars of Demons I".

Barbatos is the eighth demon among the 72 demons in "Solomon's Little Key". It is said that he holds the title of a duke and will answer the caller when the sun is in Sagittarius.

In the occult book "The Great Grimoire", or "The Red Dragon", Barbatos, Pruslas and Amon were commanded by Satanakia, with a total of 30 legions under his command.

Legend has it that Barbatos has a way to dispel hidden magic and reveal the secrets of the past and future to people. He has a higher level of "see-through" than Caroline's Mothman.

Before, Lin An thought that Caroline's prototype was interesting, but unfortunately it was only a ghost story. Now she traced it back to its source, the demon Barbatos.

This is a legendary "God of Truth" entry, which contains two abilities. They consume 1 "God of Truth" and 2 "God of Farming" [21 words], allowing people to become proficient in a language immediately. , and even learn how animals communicate.

The second item is called [A Pair and a Half of Red Eyes], which consumes 2 "God of Truth" and 1 "Seeker of Knowledge" to see through the status of an individual for ten days before and after.

It’s a pity that the God of truth is needed…

This kind of media was too rare. Lin An looked at the status of the system. After the battle with Doris, the media inventory had bottomed out.

[Name]: Mysterious Encyclopedia

[Rating]: Source Grade B

[Radiation value]: 9.6%

[Pollution level]: 21.5%

[Medium]: Seekers of knowledge

[Inventory]: Seeker x5, Visionary x1, Seer x3, Judge x6, Nature Sacrifice x6, Mother of Desire x6, War Emperor x4, Lord of the Earth x4, God of Farming x4, Lord of Dreams x1, Visionary x1

Originally, my radiation value had reached 10%, but after making the little man in the bottle, it decreased by 1%, returning to 9.6%.

However, 5 seekers can basically be regarded as receiving 1% of the radiation in advance.

Lin An recorded the status and fell into deep thought.

The Foundation knew his identity, which led to some changes in the future, but it still did not deviate from the planned trajectory. He was going to leave that place anyway.

His number one enemy is still Doris Wood, and getting her entries into the system and improving the rating of the Encyclopedia of Magic itself is the first priority.

Secondly, the path of the Dawn Association is generally dead, and Lin An's next destination can only be the Golden Kingdom in Lower East Continent.

As for the mother...

Lin An pressed her temples and shook her eyes out of her mind.

During last night's battle, Doris's [Holy Grail] ritual was completely destroyed, and the level of contamination rose to dangerous levels due to the various diseases caused by the "Mother of Desire" and the Philosopher's Stone.

At this moment, Doris is probably searching for ordinary people who can awaken the "Mother of Desire" medium, using the principle of "awakening adsorption" to reduce their own pollution value, collecting materials again, and holding the next ritual as soon as possible.

According to her notes, Xion’s ultimatum to Doris was the end of March.

At that time, she must return to her home in Maple Leaf Country.

At this moment, Doris probably has no intention of caring about Lin An and the Hittites. She is focused on the Holy Grail ceremony and completely escaping from her fate has always been her obsession.

Compared to the [Ghost], the behemoth Xion is obviously much more terrifying. It is the Sword of Damocles hanging above Doris' head, closing in on her as time goes by.

However, she didn't achieve her goal that easily.

The power that Doris established in Ditli City was basically destroyed by Lin An. Almost all of the mysterious man's men were dead. I was at my weakest moment. That naughty president would not let this excellent thing go. opportunity, it is indispensable to stumble her secretly.

He and Doris were not of the same mind.

As long as she has not completed the ritual, the mother may still be alive. Lin An thought, I can't think randomly, I have to focus on the matter in front of me.

After calming down, he wrote down his preparations for the final battle with Doris.

First, collect more divine mediums as reserves, especially "Seekers of Knowledge" and "God of Truth" for use in the decisive battle.

Second, complete the creation of the little man in the bottle, used to separate the two mysterious archetypes of the Mother of Desire.

Third and fourth...

Lin An looked back, and they were all related to his new "companions".

"Da da da……"

The sound of sheep's hooves came along with the seductive fragrance, and the witch walked over with three heads shaking. Her sexy upper body was almost naked, openly showing the ultimate female temptation, and spoke with a slightly hoarse voice.

"Ghost, [Angel Whisperer] is very timid, you have to be gentle with her."

The girl known as [Angel Whisperer] was a member of the control team that the Foundation had previously captured [Deer Girl]. At this moment, she was sitting on the back of the witch, timidly sticking out half of her head.

The girl took off the white cloth that blindfolded her. Her small face was extremely delicate, and her long blond hair was so white that it reflected light, like a docile and well-behaved baby bird.

"Hello, I'm Ghost." Lin An greeted with a smile, "What should I call you?"

"Annabel Di, please call me Anna." The girl blinked her big eyes in a submissive manner, "Nice to meet you, Lord Ghost..."

"Dear little Anna, I hope you can divine the location of a person for me." Lin An snapped his fingers, "Vanasha Miller. You should know her, right?"

"What are you going to do to her?"

"Haha..." Lin An sneered at the corner of his mouth, "This respected lady is determined to create a [ghost]. Now that the imaginary enemy she has been thinking about has become a reality, she cannot help but want to meet her creator."

In the beginning, it was Vanessa who insisted that "the murderer is an evil guy", which aroused the vigilance of the other three people. Later, it was likely to add fuel to the fire, so that the Foundation kept conjuring up the image of the ghost and got out of control.

For the sake of Simon and others, Lin An wanted to leave St. Annelov quietly and break up peacefully with this organization that he had stayed with for several months, but now it was so unpleasant.

He had no emotions towards other colleagues. After all, they were just following orders and only wanted to "meet" Vanessa.

It just so happens that she is also a seeker of knowledge...

This black-haired young man had a mysterious and indifferent temperament, and Anna felt that his magician-like eyes narrowed, looking at her as if he were reading a functional book.

He, he is a ghost!

too horrible!

The girl was shaking uncontrollably and almost cried.

"I will find the coordinates for you right now. Dear Lord Ghost, please don't kill me."

It's not that big of a deal, girl...

Lin An looked away helplessly: "By the way, you don't mind if I do this, Ms. Isol?"

"You can do whatever you want, because my dream is to let anyone do whatever they want." The witch raised her red lips and suddenly pinched Lin An's nose, "But you can't make her cry. My companion."

"Sorry, little Anna, I didn't mean to." Lin An spread his hands, "Please help me, if you are willing." (End of Chapter)

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