World Occult User Guide

Chapter 195 Fantasy Combination

Anna took out a white cloth and covered her eyes.

"Where are the coordinates of Vanessa Miller..." She whispered softly in Enochian language, "Angel, please tell me through the gate of the fifth element."

Just like last time, Lin An saw small keys floating next to the girl, like golden fairies with wings. This time, there were no more and no less, exactly 32 keys.

As Anna's energy fluctuates, the crystal ball emerges, and the angel's etheric body emits a small hum, whispering to this descendant of Dee of enlightenment from the spirit world.

At the end of the conversation, the etheric body pointed the stick in its hand at the remaining golden keys, and the written word emerged.

Just when Anna was about to check, a fishing net suddenly fell from the sky and caught all the keys with a clatter. They fell to the ground like captured sparrows, struggled violently for a few times, and then disappeared without moving.


Anna tentatively looked at the Witch and Lin An. The former yawned and flicked his short sheep tail nonchalantly, while the latter frowned and looked at the shadow of the fishing net.

The embodiment of this energy comes from the naughty president.

As early as when he first logged into the black ship, Lin An saw a fly with purple eyes disappear in a flash, and then all the foundation's communication equipment lost its function. Now that he thinks about it, maybe it was the president's fault.

What does this guy want to do?

"I'm sorry, Lord Ghost, I failed." Anna said dejectedly, "Something like a barrier has been opened over there. The spirit body cannot convey the most critical answer to me."

"It doesn't matter, little Anna." Lin An smiled gently, "Then you check the other person, Reagan Modirich."


Anna quickly turned on remote viewing and checked the location of Captain Reagan. As expected, the shadow of the fishing net reappeared and captured all her keys.

"Well..." She swallowed, "Master Ghost, he, he has a barrier!"

Lin An asked her to check the locations of Caroline and Hector again, but the failed process was repeated without exception.

"It seems that the president has shrouded the entire foundation's facilities with mystery, blocking out the prying eyes of visionaries." Lin An suddenly had a flash of inspiration, "No wonder you specially chose a day when the president was on a business trip to invade the foundation, Aesop. you."

"Haha, you are very smart, Ghost." The witch came back from her wild fantasy, "Before he leaves, you can only enter the facility over there through the gate."

"I don't want to fall into the trap of the 'prophet' again." Lin An saw that Anna was about to cry again and put his arm around her slender shoulders. "Don't be afraid. In fact, I'm just an ordinary college student."

Only a ghost can believe it! Anna secretly thought.

The black-haired young man in front of me is the ghost of the legendary Detli City!

An existence at the top of the mystic!

The place he touched was like a fire, and her whole body trembled even more violently. She sniffed and answered hesitantly.

"Master Ghost, it's so funny, hahaha."

"I'm not joking. But forget it, please do me one last favor." Lin An took back his hand, "Can you see a person named 'Jordan Benowitz' with your remote viewing?"

"Who is that?" Anna finished speaking and hurriedly added, "I mean, what are the characteristics of this person?"

"A man in his early thirties, over 1.9 meters tall, relatively thin, with eyes as bright as amber, and handsome appearance." Lin An recalled Joshua's appearance, "unshaven and untidyly dressed."

As a source-level mystic, the former leader of the Foundation's inspection team, and the ceiling of Eagle Country's combat effectiveness, Lin An did not believe that Joshua would die at the hands of Doris.

"Well, I'll give it a try."

Anna clenched her fists, thinking that she would succeed this time!

Contrary to expectations, she found four wrong people in a row, and the location of one even deviated from Michigan. When she arrived in Ehiea, Anna kept busy adjusting the keys and Enochian characters.

Lin An looked at it and thought to himself: The range of influence of the Dreamer's Mystical Technique is really large. Compared with some "close range" media, the range is very advantageous.

The combat effectiveness seems to be average, at least Anna and the Witch have never shown lethal means.

"found it!"

Anna screamed excitedly. Among the 12 keys flying in the sky, the Enochian language was faintly visible. She immersed herself in it and read out the location of Joshua.

"He's under a blue bridge."

"If I remember correctly, there are eight blue bridges in Ditri City. I used my mobile phone to navigate - Isol, do you have WiFi here?"

"No need! I just know the coordinates." The witch turned her head, her brown curly hair fell down, and the two fake heads made of metal and wood swayed. "Want to take a ride, ghost."

By now, Lin An had long recognized the mysterious prototype of the witch.

The system attached a row of panels to the body of the half-human, half-goat woman, like a bra made of data codes, covering her bohemian, white breasts and lower abdomen.

[Name]: Baphomet, Baphomet, Baphomet, Mendes Goat, Black Goat, Judah Goat

[Rating]: Myth C level

[Radiation value]: 28.6%

[Pollution level]: 53.2%

[Medium]: Visionary

Baphomet, the symbol of the Satanic Goat, appears in popular culture as the most typical goat-headed, half-human, half-goat demon image, and is often misunderstood as a symbol of witchcraft.

The origin of this term is unclear, but some research says it comes from the Crusades that brought pagan culture.

Montague Summers, the mythical historian of the Lion Kingdom, believes that Baphomet is a combination of the Greek words baphe and metis, meaning "to absorb knowledge", and that it is derived from the Gnostic god Mete, or "wisdom" The pagan gods came and were then stigmatized.

In the Middle Ages, Baphomet was a heretical idol whose followers often made statues of it out of human skulls, stuffed heads, or metal or wooden objects with black curls.

The Knights Templar considered Baphomet to be a source of fertility and wealth, and they were later accused of idolatry by Philip IV.

What pushed the image of Baphomet's demon to the top was a painting called "The Baphomet of Mendes" by the 19th-century Dove Country artist Eliphas Levi.

Combining elements of the Tarot's Devil deck with the ancient Egyptian cult of Mendes, he painted an androgynous, winged figure with the head and feet of a goat, dotted with esoteric symbols, including a five-pointed star on its forehead and two figures on top of its skull. The corners are decorated with torches.

These occult symbols are the sum total of the universe - wisdom, the four elements, divine revelation, sex, sin and redemption, with the white and black crescents on either side of the figure representing good and evil.

The Satanic Temple that emerged in San Francisco in 1996 also adopted Baphomet as a symbol, which is synonymous with "resistance to authority, resistance to law, and resistance to restraint."

It's very similar to what the witch is doing now.

It is said that Isol does not have a noble family background, how can she awaken the mythical archetype?

Did anyone perform a ceremony for her?

"Anna's mysterious technique allows you to get the coordinates?" Lin An suppressed his doubts and pondered, "In this way, if you two 'visionaries' cooperate, you can teleport to any place in the entire state of Michigan at will? "

"Indeed!" The witch suddenly realized, "Ghost, you are so smart."

Lin An was ashamed, thinking that the witch said "you are very smart" was just a joke, but she didn't expect that the other party was really praising him!

It's probably because the witch's pollution value is too high, and sometimes her brain can't turn around.

After all, how could Beta-001, the leader of the Free Mystics faction and the black goat who symbolizes "wisdom", be a fool!

The witch kept her charming smile, but since she said what she just said, her originally sexy and beautiful face seemed to Lin An for some reason like a silly lady from the countryside of Pigeon Country.

It must be my imagination.

Lin An took a step closer to the witch.

The next moment, the space is moving and the boundaries between reality and illusion are blurred.

Unlike Zomo's "speeding without regard to matter", the mythical "Dreamer" achieves true teleportation and teleportation.

In the blink of an eye, Lin An arrived at the location Anna had checked.

The man was leaning against the wall in a daze, his eyes full of confusion and confusion. When he saw Lin An and the witch suddenly appeared, his emotions gradually turned into shock and joy.


Joshua rushed forward, grabbed Lin An's arm with both hands, confirmed repeatedly, and then murmured in awe.

"What kind of substitute ability is this? It actually allows you to appear from the void..."

"Steve, do you still remember me?" Lin An said in surprise.

"I will never forget my savior." Joshua glanced at the witch, "Is she... the member of the organization you mentioned?"

No amnesia?

Lin An was originally prepared to put on another show for Joshua and abduct him, but he didn't expect that this guy retained his memory.

It's really strange. When leaving the warehouse, Lin An deliberately glanced back. Joshua covered the fatal wound in his throat and knelt down. The fire of life was extinguished. The brass-colored snake tattoos were wandering around, and the breath of recovery filled the air. .

Isn’t the price of Joshua’s resurrection “amnesia”?

How did he lose his memory before?

On the surface, Lin An nodded calmly and had a brief conversation with Joshua.

It turns out that the resurrected Joshua killed Doris' men, stumbled out of the warehouse, and then wandered around until now.

"Very good, the headquarters has judged that you have passed the newcomer test." Lin An nodded and said, "I am [Ghost], this is [Witch], Steve, what code name do you want to give yourself?"

"Let's call it [White Dove]. I hope for world peace." Joshua adopted the name of the inspection team system, which made Lin An look slightly sideways.

Human nature is indeed difficult to change.

"Welcome to join us." The witch smiled happily.

Looking at her exposed upper body, Joshua said with a little pity: "Can't you afford clothes you can wear?"

"There is an eternal flame burning in my body, this is how to cool yourself down!"

"Why don't you turn on the air conditioner?"

"That would be too cold."

"If it's cold, you can turn on the outdoor air conditioner."


Let me go, what a retarded selection.

It must be because their pollution value is too high!

Sure enough, the radiation from "Comes" is very dangerous, and it can actually turn the leaders of the two forces into fools.

Lin An's mouth twitched, and he returned to the blissful realm with the two of them. While trying not to pay attention to the shocking conversation between Joshua and the witch, he crossed out the third item in his notes.

"Looking for Steve."

Next is the fourth point.

"Iseul, you once 'ransacked' the foundation's warehouse once." He said, "If you don't mind, can you tell me the whereabouts of those items?"

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