World Occult User Guide

Chapter 196 Two people in action

The witch's attitude towards mysterious objects is interesting.

She believes that the meaning of the dead is given by the living. Rather than letting mysterious items sit in the foundation's exchange warehouse for a long time, it is better to take them out for people to use, as if those whose pollution value reaches 100% death are still alive.

So, she distributed the mystical items to the free mystics who wanted them, leaving only a few behind.

"When humans don't express themselves, they might as well die. What do you think, Ghost?" the witch said, "We should live in this world from a freer and more personal perspective."

"What my former captain told me is completely opposite to yours. He believes that the law is the last threshold to restrain human nature."

Lin An tested the witch's thoughts, which was closely related to his next course of action.

Hearing his comments, the witch laughed, the occult symbols all over her body swaying, and a black and white moon pendant hung on her horn, which was the legendary symbol of good and evil.

"Let me answer with a story! Just talk about the robber who was crucified with the Messiah but cried bitterly before he died. How ridiculous! God knows what mistakes that criminal has committed, but he wanted to change his mind when he was about to die. !”

"What's the use of regretting this kind of person who has one foot in the grave, don't you think? It's a classic self-impression; but this is the persistence of the foundation and their persistence."

"For them, God is a complete combination of goodness, nobility, and love. Yes! However, there are other contents in the world. These are attributed to the devil by the Foundation, and they ignore their origins and avoid talking about them. , not even accepting the possibility of their existence.”

"As for me, I would only choose another gangster as a friend. He is a person with backbone and personality. In this case, regret is just hypocrisy, so he went his own way to the end without betraying his heart at the last moment."

Lin An was thoughtful and roughly understood the witch's thinking logic.

In other words, she hopes that everyone can follow their heart, that everyone can be their own judge, find themselves, stick to themselves, and move forward along their own path, no matter where it leads.

Even entering death is a piece of the puzzle that sublimates life.

They are worthy of being called "visionaries". They despise reality and are full-fledged anarchists.

No wonder the Witch has not killed many people in total, but is listed as the number one enemy by the Foundation. The fundamental reason lies in the conflict of ideas between the two.

"I don't object to people worshiping God, not at all. But in addition to walking in the way of God, you also have to walk in the way of the devil. Only God who tolerates the devil will not turn a blind eye to the most natural things in the world. "

The witch chuckled and reached out to push open the door to the captain's cabin. The old and harsh sound echoed in the glorious illusion.


The familiar black boxes were lined up, and Lin An opened them one by one. The system's panel data was pasted on top, with green fluorescent lights flashing.

[Ghost Lamp], [Devil's Dice] and [Haunted Box].

Lin An had seen these three items in the foundation's exchange system and was no stranger to them.

The ghost lamp is a ghost-level item. Its function is similar to a "nuclear flashlight". It can provide illumination and inject a "god of farming" medium into a range that can spread the light.

The Devil's Dice is a mysterious item with a disaster-level "prophet" medium. This divination tool has two sides, "right" and "wrong". Injecting a "prophet" medium can get the answer to the question.

Lin An thinks this thing is very useful. It can counter the "prophet" ability - he is really fed up with the bunch of bullshit behind the scenes.

The last item is the ghost-possessed box, a disaster-level "Mother of Desire" mysterious item.

It was suspected to be a subordinate who was abandoned by Doris during its lifetime. It contained a ghost inside and was opened by injecting a "Mother of Desire" medium. It would possess the first person who opened it, causing continuous mental trauma.

Seeing that the witch didn't care, Lin An took away three items.

This is the last zero-dollar purchase.

"Iseul, if I remember correctly, you took something from the foundation back then." Lin An put the [Devil's Dice] into his jacket pocket, ready to use it at any time, "[Invisible Candle]."

In the introduction of the foundation, it was said that it would continuously absorb souls and was the only mysterious item with only side effects and no positive effects, which impressed Lin An deeply.

In the magic book "Little Albert", candles are a symbol of the underworld, which can summon the spirits of the dead. They also represent all aspects of elements and concepts in sacrificial rituals in the Middle Ages and even older eras.

In the painting "Baphomet of Mendes", Baphomet also has a candle between its two corners, which means that it can travel back and forth between the earth and the underworld.

The witch tilted her head, her long brown hair covering the side of her face: "Because it always absorbs the vitality of the people around it without distinguishing between friend and foe, I put it alone in a warehouse."

"Do you still have a warehouse?"

"Yes, but that is my secret stronghold." The witch put her hand on Lin An's thick black hair, "Are you curious? When we get closer, I will take you there, okay?"

Lin An nodded. The witch abides by her true feelings and can only treat her with emotion, not force. Even logic and reason are of no use.

At present, the relationship between the two does not have unreserved trust, so she will inevitably hide something.

After writing the candle matter next to the fourth point in the note, Lin An returned to the first point, "collecting more divine mediums as reserves", which was the most critical preparation before the decisive battle.

Lin An turned around and opened the door to the captain's cabin, and there was a muffled sound accompanied by a groan.


Anna who was peeking was knocked to the ground with a bang. She covered her forehead with a big red bump and her eyes were filled with tears. Lin An quickly made a shushing gesture and turned the Philosopher's Stone to help her heal the wound.

Anna blinked her big eyes and listened to Lin An speak.

"Little Anna, can you get the coordinates of a certain place based on the description?"

"Sorry, Lord Ghost, I can only use a specific 'person' as a clue..."

"It's okay, I guessed it."

Lin An was not surprised. The lower the rating, the more restrictions the ability has. In the end, this "Daughter of Enoch" is just a disaster-level mystic.


The city hall bell rang in the distance, telling the tired sailors that it was time to leave work.

Lin An estimated that the ship had drifted near the International Bridge again, and calculated that the time was about the same. He turned to the yawning witch.

"Isol, can you get the coordinates of [White Pigeon]?"

"Of course, what's wrong?"

"I just asked him to go to my apartment to sort out some... old things." Lin An licked the corner of his mouth, "I promise this is the last time I'm asking you for help today!"

My complete set of "Encyclopedia of Magic" is still there!

"Help is mutual, Ghost." The witch smiled casually, "It can even be said that 'helping' is an important part of establishing friendship. Let's go."


The cold current from the maple leaf country blew through the villas in the wealthy areas, and the sycamore trees roared.

This mansion that once held countless parties is now surprisingly deserted. Bodyguards in black are standing guard everywhere with their hands behind their backs, but they still can't stop the troublemakers from poking their heads at the door.

"Why is Miss Wood so low-key lately? It's not like her usual style."

"I'm also looking forward to the grand party on Easter and April Fool's Day on April 1 this year."

"I heard that Wood Group has recently withdrawn its capital everywhere, terminated cooperative relationships with many companies, breached contracts, and even sold a large number of original shares, causing a lot of listed companies to be in dire straits. Is there some financial problem?"

"Hmph, I didn't expect that this behemoth that started out by money trading and loan sharking would fall down one day. The eldest lady's family is bankrupt, and maybe even the house will be sold soon!"

"I'm afraid you're not joking. Even if the Wood Group has a problem with its capital chain recently, a villa in a wealthy area of ​​Ditry City is just a piece of butter on their breakfast bread. Buy it if you want!"

The long floor-to-ceiling windows cast a weak natural light.

It was obviously a beautiful scene in spring, but due to the rainy weather, the clouds were low and the wind was cold.

The marble swimming pool in the garden has not been used for too long, and the water has been drained by the servants. At this moment, only the remains of the filth and evil are left, relying on constant cleaning to maintain its original state.

Doris was lying on her back on the bed. Her short hair was as hard as a stone, forming a fiery red cloak. Her light golden skin was covered with a dazzling array of gems.

These priceless protrusions of lapis lazuli, emerald, and agate were like tumors, tormenting her body.

Not only that, but the most painful thing for Doris was the bursts of corruption coming from the depths of her soul.

The aura of death that surged like a tide tortured her spirit. Although Doris used Canaanite magic to protect her soul every moment and prevent it from spreading, it was still difficult to completely suppress the decline caused by the [Philosopher's Stone]. The pain goes deep into my bones.

That damn ghost!

After a long time, she opened a pair of ruby ​​eyes.

"Life doesn't just work out, the future has to be earned. Esther, you have to stand up and say: I don't care how hard this is, I don't care how disappointed I am. I'm not going to let this beat me, and I'm going to continue writing what's right. My destiny."

Doris dragged her stiff body and waved to call the loyal servant.

They knew nothing about Xion and the Holy Grail Project, but they were the only ones she had available to her.

"Purchase 2 million dollars for this personality test questionnaire. The target users are the entire state of Michigan. If you don't have enough money, ask me again."

"But Miss, there is not much property left in your name, and we are still burdened with some bank debts." The housekeeper said hesitantly, "How about asking Mr. Wood...

"Don't contact him! Or anyone in the Wood Group." Doris covered her throbbing temples with a hint of impatience in her tone, "Just do it, I don't want to repeat myself!"

"Okay, miss." The housekeeper bowed respectfully, "There is one more thing about the new 'guest' in our basement, Professor Adelia Hughes..."

"What's up with her?"

“She asked you if you could exchange the bagels for breakfast with baguettes.”

Doris felt a wave of nausea and dizziness rising up her throat, and her vision blurred. She was so annoyed by this unsatisfactory problem that she pounded the sheets hard and resisted the urge to curse.

Trying her best to maintain an elegant and proud posture, she said coldly: "Whatever she wants."

"I understand, miss."

After the housekeeper left, Doris endured it alone for a while, and the tidal pain deep in her soul was thrown down from the top of a wave.

Although this was not the end of the torture, she exhaled and looked at her statue-like face in the dressing table mirror, like the goddess enshrined in the Mesobrada statue, a puppet revered by all.

Gritting her teeth, Doris looked away, put on her coat and walked out of the bedroom.

The maid in the corridor passed her and walked towards the basement with two bags of fragrant baguettes. Doris watched her disappear with a slight frown.

Adelia Hughes…

That "ordinary person" with extraordinary bearing and indifferent emotions.

"I always feel that there is a memory that is not coherent...Did I forget something?" Doris murmured to herself. (End of chapter)

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