World Occult User Guide

Chapter 197 A Farewell

After experiencing the witch's teleportation again, Lin Anxin counted for three seconds and immediately opened his eyes.

The rental house I had lived in for a full year appeared. The neglected room had accumulated dust, rolling around like little hairballs. The trash can was still stuffed with takeout boxes from the previous few days.

Joshua was reading the flyer placed on Lin An's table. When he heard a strange noise, he turned around and saw that it was Lin An and the witch who smiled.

"Teacher, is this the book you asked me to find?"

"That's the rental advertisement sent to me by the housing agency a few days ago." Lin An waved his hand, "Thank you for your hard work, Baige. There are various canned fruits and pizzas in the refrigerator. You can eat whatever you want when you are hungry."

"thank you teacher."

"Canned fruit and pizza go very well together." The witch on the side said with interest, "What do you think, White Pigeon?"

"Great idea, did you come up with it, witch?"

"This is the recipe for Harvey's pizza. But your point is interesting, before Harvey's pizza was invented, what did people call pineapple pizza?"

"Maybe it's called 'Meat Scones.'" Joshua opened the refrigerator. "Teacher, you still have half a bottle of Nutella left. Can I put it on the side of the pizza? It tastes like donuts. .”

"Take it, take it, take it."

What's going on with these two people?

Scattered is the wisdom of many stars, gathered is the Deyun Society?

After dismissing the Wolong and Phoenix combination, Lin An used the key to open the door of the storage room.

The book spines written in Carolingian calligraphy are neatly arranged, and the ancient and magical twelve-volume "Encyclopedia of Magic" lies quietly on the bookshelf, exuding a strange atmosphere.

Lin An activated the Philosopher's Stone, and ancient books flew out of the bookshelf one after another, surrounding him, as if elves were surrounding their owner.

With a thought in his mind, Lin Anrang flew over with the fifth volume of "Encyclopedia of Magic IV: The Wind of Darkness - Black Witch, White Witch, Scarlet Witch and Their Allies".

Studying ancient books seemed to consume Lin An's mental energy, causing him to repeatedly enter the same absurd and disorderly nightmare that night. They shone with bizarre and weird colors, beyond the limits of human imagination, and could not be recorded.

Hazy mist, reeds, sailing boats...

Lin An was certain that this was not the first time he had been exposed to these weird images, but he could not remember where he had experienced similar scenes.

The more I study the Encyclopedia of Magic, the more serious the influence of this suspected "goddess with the lamp" becomes.

With a gentle breath, Lin An held the fifth ancient book and stroked its slightly dented title: "Encyclopedia of Magic V: Halfway to Divinity - Wanderers Ask the World."

This is an article about prophets.

After what happened with the president, Lin An felt that countermeasures against the "prophet" were too important, and such subtle psychological hints were impossible to guard against.

He decided to finish reading the fifth volume of "The Encyclopedia of Magic" in the near future to prevent him from encountering the naughty president again during the battle with Doris.

After leaving the storage room with twelve ancient books, Lin An was just about to go back with the two people outside when he suddenly heard a "dong dong dong" knock on the door.

"Do you have guests?" The witch looked at the door suspiciously.

Lin An frowned, kept a certain distance, and threw the devil's dice in his pocket on the table.

"Are there people out there who carry the 'prophet' mystery?"

The dice rolled "Gurgling" and stopped on the "wrong" side.

Lin An was relieved and looked through the peephole. He saw a man and a woman standing outside his apartment. To be precise, it was a half-man and half-woman.

"Lin Dou, are you at home?"

Sangsang shouted at the top of her lungs, and the echoes echoed. She and Mike looked at each other in confusion.

"Didn't the Foundation send an email yesterday saying that he was missing? Why did you come to find him yourself, Mike?"

"Fart, it's impossible for a big living person to just disappear without seeing you! The Foundation is just a handful of organizations. They kidnapped April without saying a word, and it didn't get better after half a year of treatment. What a bunch of trash."

"You don't want the map cannon. At least Lindou is a nice person."

"Unless I confirm it myself, I don't believe the report they give!" Mike clicked his tongue, "There must be something wrong! I swear on our two years of roommate experience! Lin used to stay up all night to avoid parties."

"Don't lie to me, I skipped work to accompany you crazy."

"That nerd usually stays here in isolation. If he's not here, let's go to the fourth floor of the library to have a look. I've written a bunch of plans for our team, and we just have to wait for him to come back!"

Mike said as he slammed the door harder.

"Lin! Where is his grandma's person!"

"If you break the door like this, it won't open even if he is here." Sangsang was so angry that he yelled, "Lin Dou, Professor Emmett asked me to send you study materials!"

"Who will open the door for study materials!" Mike said unwillingly, "Open the door, stripper!"

"Open the door, a basket of kittens!"

When the two were arguing, Lin An signaled to Joshua and the Witch to rest in the bedroom, and turned the doorknob before Sangsang and Mike became more and more outrageous.

"I hid at that time because you held the party in the common area of ​​the dormitory. Mike, you don't want to think about how disturbing you are, and your quality is extremely poor."

"Damn, you're actually alive!" Mike, who took the initiative to smash the door, looked shocked.

"Hello, Lin Dou!" Sangsang gave Lin An a hug without saying a word, "Didn't you come back with the others yesterday? Mike and I thought you were dead."

Lin An spread his hands and said, "I'm not dead, nor missing. I just resigned voluntarily."

"You quit?" Mike was shocked. "What about my plan? I worked on it for a whole month!"

"Don't worry about the plan. Just change into your slippers first."

"It's okay, I wear these shoes to bed every day." Mike sat on the sofa in the living room and crossed his legs. "What's wrong, boss? The foundation salary is not high enough? Didn't you pay the insurance? Are you forced to work overtime every day?"

Don't they know I'm a [ghost]?

It seems that the foundation did not explain the truth to everyone in the direct contact department and concealed Lin An's identity, probably to prevent internal panic.

Lin An fell into deep thought, and Sangsang quickly smoothed things over.

"Don't say it if you don't want to. There are thousands of reasons for resigning. By the way, Lin Dou, I want to ask you something."

On the sofa in the apartment, Mike crossed his arms and Sangsang took out his mobile phone to click around. Lin An couldn't help but feel a little dazed, as if he had returned to the scene when the male and female investigators first asked him to join the foundation.

Sangsang raised the screen, motioned Lin An to sit between the two of them, and showed him an email.

"I just received it. Let me take your place and join the third control team." She said enthusiastically, "Lin Dou, what do they like? I'll buy some gifts and build a good relationship with my new friends."

Lin An was stunned when he heard her words.

Speaking of which, he didn't know the interests and hobbies of his three companions.

Searching for memories, Lin An hesitantly said: "Coffee beans?"

"Please, how is this possible?" Sangsang laughed loudly, "Be serious! I'll go to Walmart to pick a few in a moment. Do you want to go together? Let's share an online ride-hailing ride."

"Well, I do know their mysterious prototypes and abilities."

"How can something like this kind of data bring people closer together?" Sangsang shook his head, "Then you must have photos. Let me see."


"He has always looked like this." Mike snorted. "I suspect that he is not from the Dragon Kingdom, but from an alien planet. Maybe he is a 'Comes' planet, and he is more interested in mysticism than real people."

"You are not allowed to slander my idol!" Sangsang hit him hard on the shoulder, "I will find it myself! The Internet is omnipotent."

As soon as I entered the name and searched, Mishy and Barry's social media popped up.

"I feel like this girl likes board games or game peripherals." Sangsang pointed at Mi Xi, "Her T-shirt is a limited edition of Steam's 30th anniversary."

Lin An thought for a moment and found that Mi Xi often came up with some game terms, but she didn't expect Sangsang to see through them at a glance.

"This uncle is the type that I am not good at dealing with." Sangsang enlarged the picture of Barry. "The hair and beard are so thick, I might as well buy him a basket of conditioner."

As the pollution level deepens, Barry, who is prototyped as a "dog man", really needs twice as much conditioner as others. Lin An thought to himself.

"As for Simon Lloyd..." Sangsang had an idea, "How about giving him a 'World's Best Captain' mug?"

"I think it's OK, because it's the truth." Lin An patted her shoulder, "Get along well with them, Sangsang."

"Oh, I'm not as good as Lin Dou. I'm popular everywhere - you are the star of Ann Arbor University!" Sangsang scratched his head nervously, "Speaking of university, you were absent from class again yesterday. Professor Emmett gave me Sent an angry email to Mike.”


Lin An turned around and took out his computer. Sure enough, the school mailbox was filled with the professor's visible anger.

After thinking for a moment, he created a new email and copied the professor and counselor.

"Due to personal reasons... I need to apply for a gap year?" Sangsang read the content, "Lin, I am not gossiping, you resigned and suspended school... what happened during this time?"

"Is it some old guy from the Foundation who is trying to make things difficult for you?" Mike rolled up his sleeves, "I'll beat him up for you! Although I haven't awakened the mystery, I may have entered the state after beating him! Grandma's one-month plan for me. Written in vain.”

"I am preparing to leave Eagle Country." Lin An said calmly, "It is best for you to stay in the foundation in the near future, especially not to sneak out of the facility like today."


"Because, a ghost is wandering the city of Detli."

Lin An sent the email and turned off the computer screen. The young man's expressionless face was reflected on the pure black screen, like a floating holographic projection, ghostly and unpredictable.

He grabbed their hands, held them firmly, and then let them go.

At this moment, although they didn't know the whole story, Sangsang and Mike suddenly understood.

Lin An was saying goodbye to them. (End of chapter)

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