World Occult User Guide

Chapter 30 Exchange Warehouse

"Ding dong."

The elevator door opened wide, revealing a deep corridor.

As soon as Lin An walked in, he heard a "pop" sound, the white lights on the ceiling lit up, and a familiar AI synthesized voice sounded.

"Scanning completed, identification in progress... matching completed. Welcome, Mr. Lin An."


The equipment crossed the track on the ceiling and gathered above Lin An's head. The genderless 3D body of the artificial intelligence was projected, and X had a stylized expression on his face.

"Good morning. According to your black card schedule, there is a to-do task on the first floor today: enter the authorized warehouse to select items. The check-in is completed and the relevant personnel are being contacted for you. Please wait for 5 to 10 minutes."

Lin An listened intently, and there was silence everywhere, but there was a faint vibration of footsteps on the ground.

Although the corridor seemed to be unobstructed, there were no doors with handles along the way. When Lin An tentatively touched the wall, he found that its material was uneven, grainy, and slightly hot, and there was a whining sound like a CPU running at high speed.

Probably similar to the interview room, this corridor hides multiple secret rooms.

Glancing at X on standby, Lin An probably guessed the operating mode of the negative floor.

In order to take the special elevator leading to the basement, he had already swiped his black card three times, and once he passed the information to X.

When a visitor enters, X uses face recognition and other means to identify the visitor. After passing the verification, it will open the hidden door in the corridor based on data such as authority level or agency affairs.

This kind of confidentiality is a good way to prevent intruders.

Even if the door is forcibly broken in, it will be difficult for the intruder to find the target for a while. Even if a hidden door is found, the multi-layered wall can delay time until the "defense team" arrives.

While admiring St. Annelov's advanced anti-theft system, a "ding-dong" sound came from the elevator door behind Lin An.

The door opened and a pair of metal boots walked in.

The woman wore a heavy cloak that covered her body from the chin down. A titanium eyepatch surrounded her eyes, revealing thin blue lips, and her thick reddish-brown curly hair was scattered.

Isn’t this a high-tech fireproof girl?

"Hello, Lin An, nice to meet you."

Sure enough, it was the coroner's voice.

Lin An greeted politely: "Hello, sir. What should I call you?"

Without waiting for the coroner's answer, X called her name first.

"Scanning completed, identification in progress... matching completed. Welcome, Ms. Vanessa Miller."

"Good morning, according to your black card schedule record, there are three to-do tasks on the first floor today, and the one with the highest priority has been locked: leading Lin An into the authorized warehouse. The check-in is completed, and the warehouse verification system is opening."

Vanessa waited quietly for the artificial intelligence to finish speaking, with a faint smile on her blue lips.

"Just call me Vanessa."

As she approached Lin An, the temperature around her quickly increased.

Based on the information collected previously, Lin An thought that the coroner's ability was related to the world of the dead and that it should be cold. Unexpectedly, she did not expect that the huge amount of heat was constantly being released from her body.

If the temperature controller hadn't been running at high speed, Lin An would have been sweating profusely due to the heat.

Vanessa stretched out an angular hand from her cloak, her fingers twisted like dead wood. She motioned to Lin An to hold her hand.

He reluctantly held the weird hand, and Vanessa immediately applied force. A burning heat flowed upward from the place where the woman touched, hitting Lin An's nerves directly.

This is not a fire girl at all, this is a fire girl!

He jerked his hand away.


The next moment, Lin An found that he had grasped a solitary palm, with crimson flowing across its cross section.

broken? !

No, where's your arm?

"Your black card status has not been changed, and you cannot enter the points redemption system alone, so I am here to help." Vanessa said calmly.

Lin An had no choice but to let go of her "hand", and it drew an arc and floated beside the coroner. The two seemed to be connected by a thin, undulating line.

That line was like... electricity.

With Lin An's radiation level, he could only see so much. After exhaling, he pretended to complain and said, "Sir Vanessa, you scared me."

"Sorry, just kidding. Please follow me."

After X's program was run, a wall on the left side of the corridor folded and changed, and a special instrument rose.

Vanessa entered a string of codes, lowered her head, pressed the eye mask switch with her floating hand, and the machine opened "now", revealing two beating fireballs inside.

Her eyes are burning!

Something to do with death…something to do with fire and lightning…

No, it’s not necessarily just the dead. Vanessa once “read” April’s information, so maybe she has a mystery similar to “extraction analysis”?

When she held my hand just now, was she reading my mysterious message?

Is it snooping under the auspices of the Foundation, or is it her personal behavior?

Different from my "recognition", she needs to activate the mystery of identification type through touch.

In any case, Lin An is not worried about being seen as weird. Rating 1 determines the priority when the mystery is in effect.

Unless Vanessa is at the source or statue level, she cannot detect the specific data of the source level [Mysterious Encyclopedia].

If Vanessa really had such a high rating, she would not be willing to be a member of the team, and St. Annilov would not waste her potential and let her sit in a corner.

Although she didn't get any feedback, Vanessa didn't say anything, and she wasn't going to tell Lin An about her "peeping" just now.

After the identity verification was passed, she closed her blindfold and completed the assigned tasks step by step.


The instrument showed a green hook, the dent of a door emerged from the wall, and about five or six layers of door panels were rolled up layer by layer.

A cold wave blew in my face, colder than the winter evening breeze in Detli City.

The lights came on, illuminating the circular room.

Facing Lin An was a computer, with dense cables extending from below, climbing up the surrounding grids that resembled bookcases.

The line snakes up to the vaulted ceiling, which is three stories high.

According to the building structure, is this going to puncture the office of the civilian staff?

By the way, the corridor!

When passing the office yesterday, Lin An passed through a circular corridor. Although there was no sunken gap, it was close to the load-bearing wall, and only one side was equipped with circular glass.

It turns out that the corridor is next to the warehouse on the first floor.

Vanessa walked to the computer, and another hand floated out from under her cloak, typing on the keyboard quickly. The screen flashed and stopped at a page.

"Okay, Lin, let's choose an item."

She turned around and nodded to Lin An, her hands still on the keyboard.

"your hands……"

"Are you scared again?"

Pulling open the cloak with ten fingers, Vanessa stretched out her "hands" and beckoned the other two hands to get back in again.

I'll go and get another couple.

Lin An's mouth twitched and he replied.

"That's not the case. I'm about to join the direct-to-face department, so I should have excellent psychological quality. Otherwise, how can I deal with the mysterious person who is even more out of control."

Vanessa nodded in approval and turned sideways to let him pass. The warmth continued to dispel the coldness of the warehouse. Lin An looked at the computer screen.

When the screen opens, a series of pictures of "submachine guns, automatic rifles, revolvers, and assault rifles" come into view.

It is indeed a country that is known to have shootings every day.

This is so freeing!

Although Lin An also had the dream of "Thomson Ripple Run", through the battle between the minister and the treasure-hunting goblin, he finally understood that Titan's weapons could not deal with individuals radiated by "Comuth".

The rules are different on both planets.

The points system was all-encompassing. Lin An scrolled the page and his eyes stayed at the bottom.

There are no pictures of these redemption items, and there is a concise introduction written after the name.

【Ghost Light】: It provides eternal light.

[Devil's Dice]: A tool for divination and prediction, which can always ensure accuracy.

[Dybbuk]: A box containing the evil spirit of the deceased that will possess the first person who opens it. Traces of Canaanite magic remain.

[Invisible Candle]: A symbol of the underworld, the soul is its fuel.

Sealed object?

Lin An couldn't help but think of the stone slab that Carmen used to perform Canaan magic. It was lifeless, but it could release the invisible energy of "Comes".

In addition to humans, inorganic objects are also affected by radiation?

"The direct-to-face department watched the entire process of your interview, from when you sat down to when you confronted Spriggan." Vanessa said with a hint of awareness, "We think you are a person who is very interested in the occult."

Lin An was thinking about how to respond when Vanessa continued.

"Don't be nervous, it's normal. Only if you 'understand', if you 'believe', if you 'desire', then 'Comos' will come to you and give you the self-righteous favor of another world - this is true for all mysteries, more or less."


"What you worship is what you worship."

Vanessa took a step forward and stood side by side with Lin An.

"We guessed that you wanted to ask for the exchange items to release the mystery. But, how do you know these things about the foundation?"

"Oh, if you save enough sect contribution, you can go to the Treasure Pavilion to exchange for spiritual weapons... That's what the novels say."

Lin An didn't lie, he really guessed.

Since the family distributes mysterious items to their subordinates, with the scale of the foundation, it is impossible that they have not been "picked up". The manual also mentions that there are four levels in the points system, and the highest authority is the direct contact department.

Combining the two, Lin An made a bold hypothesis.

"Interesting reason, but we are overthinking it." Vanessa kept smiling, "I have also read novels about cultivating immortals in the Dragon Kingdom. It is really a world full of exotic customs. But unfortunately, these are not 'spiritual treasures'. But the mystics, or a part of them.”

"Mysterious person?" Lin An's brain was spinning wildly and he couldn't help being stunned. "You mean, these items that can be exchanged, used, and released for mystical magic were once human beings?"

"To be precise, they are people whose pollution level reaches 100%."

Vanessa nodded.

"It's unclear what will happen if the radiation level is 100%, but if the pollution level breaks through the limit, the individual will completely lose the vital signs of Titan and become something in the 'legend', goblins, monsters, fairies... Some of the mysterious sources are... item."

"For example, a sword, a slate, or a book."

"When their pollution level reaches 100%, they will turn into corresponding items. Injecting the energy of 'Comes' can activate their mysterious techniques." Vanessa observed Lin An's unpredictable expression, "Then , do you still want to continue redeeming?"

"What you worship is what you worship."

——Neil Gaiman, "American Gods"

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