World Occult User Guide

Chapter 31 Ouroboros

Vanessa's words shocked Lin An for a few seconds.

That's all.

The concept of a living person turned into an object is certainly mind-numbing, but the moment the mysterious person's contamination level reaches 100%, the person is essentially dead.

The thing that is still active is just their "corpse" left on Titan.

In other words, the process of casting mystical magic through the remains is a bit similar to the process of getting included entries after I kill other mystics?

That being the case, why not take the opportunity to pick up an occult medium of "seeker".

"System, can you check the information of these mysterious people?"

"No, you need to witness the mystery and unlock the corresponding illustrated book." The system's mechanical voice said ruthlessly.

"It's already 2037, and remote information identification has not been implemented yet. Old Antique, do you have the nerve to say that you are the system?"

"...I never call myself a 'system'."

Without the intuitive panel, Lin An had to guess the medium of the exchange items from the name and a few lines of introduction, such as [Ghost Lamp], and the mysterious tool may be the "God of Farming".

[Devil's Dice], judging from the introduction, it is a "prophet" that I have not had much contact with.

[Dybbuk] retains traces of Canaanite magic and is homologous to Hittite rituals, but it does not function like a "seeker" type medium.

[Invisible candle]...burning the soul?

The fact that it only has negative effects shows that the foundation has not researched its usefulness. It only knows that when you carry it, your soul will be continuously absorbed.

Then what?

No results?

Is there really an ability that only has negative effects?

Scammers like the "Lord of Dreams" know how to use powerful power to lure users into a death trap, and then harvest their souls.

After browsing the foundation's collection, Lin An was disappointed.

Just looking at the name and introduction, none of them meet the characteristics of a "knowledge seeker" medium.

Then, he can only choose a mystery that is powerful and does not require the medium of the 'God of Truth'. He cannot always rely on the "Encyclopedia of Magic".

Scrolling to the bottom of the page, Lin An asked tentatively: "Sir Vanessa, can I redeem any of the items in it?"

"That's what the president ordered." Vanessa answered briefly.

"Including 'Ouroboros'?"

At the end of the page, there is an item "Ouroboros" that can be redeemed for 999 points, while its previous item can only be exchanged for 450 points, which is enough to show how precious and powerful it is.

Vanessa was stunned, pondered for a moment, and said: "If the president doesn't specifically prohibit it, of course it is possible. But I would like to remind you that 'Ouroboros' is a mysterious item that is difficult to control. The Foundation... almost no one uses it. Come on."

"Thank you for the reminder, Chief Vanessa. I think I have made my decision."

"I see."

Vanessa pressed the button with her floating hand, and the signal was transmitted from the cable to the terminal. The room was suddenly filled with mechanical light, and only the sound of "chichichichi" was heard as the track slid down. The wall in front of the computer lit up with green light, and a grid moved forward. bulge.

She opened the cabinet door and took out a box.

"For your safety, the Foundation cannot hand it over to you for the time being. Request it from Mr. Lloyd."

"Thank you." Lin An walked over, "Can I take a look? Just take a look."

"I'll turn it on for 10 seconds."

I saw a dull bracelet lying quietly in the pure black, and a snake with lifelike scales curled up, its body showing a perfect circle.

Its abdomen and back are saffron color, its head is dark green, and its four legs are made of four metals, suspected to be lead, copper, tin and iron.

The snake bit its own tail and swallowed most of it.

System prompts sounded in Lin An's mind.

"After your testimony, the illustration of [Fragments of the Philosopher's Stone II - Ouroboros] has been unlocked."

[Name]: Ouroboros

[Rating]: Disaster C level

[Radiation value]: 3.5%

[Pollution level]: 100%

[Media]: Lord of Dreams

Ouroboros' name is derived from the Greek words "oura", meaning "tail", and "boros", meaning "devourer". It represents the eternal cycle of birth, death and rebirth, with origins dating back to ancient times. Moon worship.

The ancients associated the waxing and waning moon with the snake, which constantly sheds its skin and is reborn.

Although there are different legends around the world, this disaster-level mysterious item was obviously the Ouroboros in alchemical culture during its lifetime.

In alchemy, the Ouroboros symbolizes the constant transformation of one thing into another, culminating in the state of "all being one."

The Codex Marcianus writes that the image of the Ouroboros represents the unity of primordial matter.

This substance exists within everything in the world, is the foundation of the Philosopher's Stone, is the carrier of eternal life, and represents the cycle of the alchemical process of union, destruction, resurrection and reunification.

In the Dragon Kingdom culture, the Ouroboros is equivalent to the yin and yang fish, depicting a fusion of opposites.

It turns out to be the "Lord of Dreams", no wonder Vanessa issued a warning.


When ten seconds were up, she closed the lid.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Lin. I look forward to the good news that you have passed the newbie training. If there are no problems, please leave this basement as soon as possible, go home to deal with personal matters, or go to the staff dormitory to rest. We will see you on Monday."

"I won't leave, your conditions are too good."

"If I were you, I would spend more time with my family and friends during this time." Vanessa's tone was a little complicated.

"It's okay, I made an appointment with a friend to meet in the afternoon."

"it's here?"

Lin An blinked and said innocently: "Sir Vanessa, April, who was 'controlled' at the Wood family villa last week, is my classmate."

"Oh, that's right." Vanessa's calm voice was slightly embarrassed, "That girl belongs to the 'Level 3 Control' and is not in the basement, but in the intensive care unit on the first floor. Is there someone to guide you?"

"Yes, another friend of mine."

"...Here too?"

"His name is Mike Smith, and he has joined the logistics department." Lin An spread his hands, "You try to recruit a few more college students from Ann Arbor. It won't be a problem for me to open an alumni association someday."


Vanessa said goodbye to Lin An wordlessly. The door of the warehouse closed and she raised her head.

"You can come down now, Mr. Lloyd."

The cold fluorescence of the machine flowed from the vault, illuminating the mural in the middle. The majestic, bright and straightforward colors penetrated the space of reality and illusion. An upside-down angel opened its silver-gray eyes, flapped its wings and landed on the land.

Feathers were flying in all directions.

"Let's talk about the conclusion first. I didn't find any useful information. Either he hasn't awakened the mystery yet, or his mystery rating is higher than mine." Vanessa took the initiative to speak.

"He has a mystery, but he just doesn't trust us enough and doesn't want to be discovered." The young man said in a mature male voice, "I saw with my own eyes a metal protective shield slowly emerging."

"Metal... He is from the Dragon Kingdom. Is it related to the art of refining weapons?"

"That is an ancient land. Its greatness lies in the fact that it has experienced the ruthless journey of time. Therefore, the people of the Dragon Kingdom do things differently from us, tending to 'hide clumsiness', 'humility' and 'forbearance'... You can hear it understand Chinese?"

"I've read the Tao Te Ching and Confucius."

"I said, 'Other men are clear and bright, But I alone am dim and weak. (The common people are clear and bright, but I alone am dim and weak. The common people observe, but I alone am dim and weak.)', only fools make everything clear, It is enough for a wise man to have the 'Great Way' in his mind."

"You mean, as long as his heart is not bad, we don't need to dwell on his past?"

"'Ouroboros' may be the best test. Once he uses this mysterious item, it means that he has done something to attract the 'Lord of Dreams'. And we all know that that is never a good thing."

Vanessa was silent.


Walking through the hall corridor, Lin An saw a familiar figure leaning against the door frame.


The curly-haired young man turned his head sharply and his eyes lit up.


He gave Lin An a bear hug. In just a few days, Mike looked more mature than when he was in college.

"Brother, I didn't expect you to be absorbed by this organization." His surprise was mixed with a little helplessness, "So when you saw April... sigh!"

"No, I was found afterward and only heard about the whole story of that day." Lin An said, "How is she now?"

"Thank you for your concern. She's fine. I've been worried to death these past few days." Mike scratched his head. "Fortunately, this agency said that as long as she controls her emotions, reads less fairy tales and watches more trashy dramas, the weirdo Symptoms can be stabilized.”

Is this a disguised way of ridiculing Anpur for being too brainless and opinionated?

Foundation, you are very advanced in swearing now.

"When my colleague sent me an email, I couldn't believe that you were the legendary 'Lin An'." Mike said with emotion, "You have come face to face with the department, the core organization of this superpower research institution."

"I am a superpower, and your girlfriend is also a superpower. Mike, you know a lot of superpowers."

"Go, go, you kid, stop laughing at me. When April recovers, I will move to another state with her, and you can save Gotham by yourself, freak."

As Mike spoke, he led Lin An into a clean and bright corridor. Along the way, he passed many doors with nameplates that looked like hospital wards. Mike opened one of them with a black card.

"Remember, don't say something that you have or don't have," he warned.

Lin An made an OK gesture.

The winter sun weakly illuminated the room. The white-haired woman was covered with a quilt that smelled of disinfectant. Her extra thin body was covered by a hospital gown, and she watched "City of Morning Light" on the TV with relish.

When she heard the door knock, she turned her head and raised her hands excitedly.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh!"

The fleshless jaw opened and closed, making strange noises of unknown meaning. Lin An smiled and said hello.

"Long time no see, April."

I can’t figure out the river crab’s huge appetite…sad.

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