World Occult User Guide

Chapter 33 Eight-character numerology

twelve_reganr: I met an Althea Chinese who opened a fortune telling shop in Chinatown and said he could predict the future direction 100% of the time.

twelve_reganr: [Picture] Do you know what kind of divination this is?

[Picture] is a picture Lin An pulled from Jin Zhien's social software. Xiao Xiba is sitting at the square table pretending to be solemn, wearing nondescript bright Hanfu and holding a colorful folding fan.

There are colorful flags on the table, painted with various images of gods and goddesses. There is a hexagram and a dark wooden barrel with the hexagram sticks on it. There are brushes and ink next to it.

As soon as the title was posted, it certainly attracted a lot of replies.

Napjerk_8: Poster, are you fucking kidding me?

Napjerk_8: Tarot cards and astrology have a history of a thousand years. If you think other divination is more effective than this, you can go to hell.

keriksson: Hibiscus flower country, it’s not surprising anymore.

: It doesn’t have to be so extreme... There are many types of divination in the world.

Downvote123: Why should I agree with you? Because I’m afraid that the next moment you’ll have both tarot cards and astrology inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list!

Big_longjoke: The poster is a clickbait guy.

Rotatingruhnama: Why has the administrator stopped working recently? The forum environment is getting worse and worse.

ThatsWhatyouMean: So, what’s on the picture? I only recognized the pattern of the yin and yang fish, and whether the color was too bright, a bit like the voodoo of South Central Continent.

Ancala: South Central Continent is not a trash can. Just pour it into it if you don’t understand it...


Hyeon-U-: Then let me answer the poster’s question.


Hyeon-U-: The divination technique in the picture above is called "saju". The fortune-telling method of the Hibiscus Flower Kingdom is rooted in ancient tribal religions and can predict a person's destiny based on the tradition of the peninsula thousands of years ago.


Hyeon-U-: First, the fortune teller will ask you for the month and year of your birth, and once he obtains these dates, he will analyze the cosmic energy based on astrological texts and the lunar calendar. The four pillars are very accurate and can predict the destiny of a human being throughout his life.

MimeOutOfTime: Wow, I learned it, like it.

JeffreyJtea_222: I have a question. Since it is the traditional culture of the peninsula, why is there a Taoist yin and yang pattern?

Влaдиmир: They may be expressing that they are happy to be a subject of the Ming Dynasty, just like a dog likes to show off its owner's clothes in its mouth.

DaoFaZiRan: Please calm down, let’s focus on discussing occultism. World Tree Forum is not Bluebird Media.

DaoFaZiRan: The four pillars refer to the year pillar, month pillar, day pillar, and hour pillar when a person was born. They are also called the four pillars that support destiny. The five elements theory is used to calculate the direction of everyone's future fortune.

DaoFaZiRan: The most obvious difference from the Dragon Kingdom Bagua is that the results inferred by the Four Pillars are "irreversible"; destiny can only be changed through marriage.

DaoFaZiRan: Although the heaven, earth, sun and moon are important, I believe that the remaining four hexagrams of Zhenlei, Genshan, Xunfeng and Duize are also indispensable. The harmony of yin and yang, me in you and you in me, is the way to describe the world. The secret of the nature of the universe lies in its fluidity.

DaoFaZiRan: There is yang in yin, and yin in yang, so that life can continue. It would be too arbitrary to use four pillars to determine destiny. Just like the Tai Chi diagram behind this person, although there are yin and yang, it has no eyes or beads, cutting off the way back, which is a taboo.

Jae-Jeong: Please, the ancestral culture of the Althea Kingdom doesn’t need you to dictate.

DaoFaZiRan: Not to mention that this fortune-telling method is derived from the eight-character numerology. Youdao is the great road of fifty, and the evolution of the sky is forty-nine. It is because of the escape of one that the heaven and the earth evolve. But the four pillars capture the flow of Qi and talk about the destiny of destiny... Alas, it is difficult to do, it is difficult to do!

Toddysuer: Every sentence is in English, but why can’t I understand it...

FiFS1294S: Hey, I've seen the person in the picture. Once he turned into a lane while chatting and laughing with a young woman. They talked about love, luck, disaster relief, etc. I stepped forward and asked, but the man drove me away rudely.

SilverTeeth: I just checked and found out that this person has neither a divination qualification certificate nor a business license. I'm afraid he's not a liar.

FiFS1294S: If I remember correctly, he seemed to have turned into the third intersection from the front in Chinatown, in the gap between the Althea Chinese Restaurant and the Lotus Chinese Restaurant. Has anyone else seen him like me?

It's a pity that no one provided useful information anymore. Lin An was scrolling through the post when a red dot suddenly popped up in the background.

MusicalCity: Hello, is the content of your post true?

Lin An raised his eyebrows after looking at the account name.

Oh, Chief Vanessa, you really can’t see me when I look up.

twelve_reganr: I also heard about it from a friend. You can check this person’s social media account. He has posted a lot of related content.

MusicalCity: If it’s convenient, could you provide your friend’s contact information?

twelve_reganr: No, she is sick and hospitalized.

twelve_reganr: If you want to find this Chinese Althea Chinese fortune teller, you might as well try your luck at the end of the alley between the Althea Chinese Restaurant and the Lotus Chinese Restaurant at the third intersection of Chinatown. It is said that he will set up a stall there on weekends.

MusicalCity: I get it. Thanks for the clue.

Withdrawing her floating hand, Vanessa leaned out half of her body and said to her companions: "I found a person suspected of being a free mystic in the World Tree Forum."

"What do you say?" asked the captain.

"He claimed to have discovered a 'fortune teller' in Chinatown who was extremely accurate in divination, and he was suspected to be a mysterious person with the medium of 'prophet'." Vanessa said, "Moreover, this person only appeared on weekends. If the news is true, we We have to go now.”

"Show Caroline."

"It's always when I'm about to get off work... Huh?"

Caroline glanced at Vanessa's unclosed interface and blinked her red eyes in surprise.

"twelve_reganr? Isn't this Lin An's ID in World Tree?"


Vanessa was stunned. Caroline used her device to open the "Fortune Teller's" social media and pointed to the personal profile on it.

"As expected, he is a student at Ann Arbor University. The so-called friend who provided the information is probably [Lana Rona] April Hernandez."

"This university hides so many mysterious people? Why can't our intelligence network always find relevant information? Is it inside the university, or..." Vanessa murmured to herself, her voice gradually became softer, "St. Ann Nilovli…”

"His current position is in the university, not Chinatown." Caroline scrolled through Jin Zhien's tweets.

"Caroline, does he look normal?" The captain moved to the two ladies like a ghost and stood with his hands behind his back.

Caroline zoomed in on the tweet image and shook her head.

"There is no sign of any abnormality. In my opinion, he is either a smooth talker or a mysterious person with a high rating who uses his abilities every day without increasing the level of pollution."

"Then, you might as well send a few investigators to test his tone." The captain said, "Currently, the agency only has one control team, and the manpower is tight. Don't rush out for low-priority rumors, lest you miss the real danger."

"When Lin An and the others graduate from the rookie training and form the second control team with Mr. Lloyd, it will be easier!" Caroline stretched herself, "It's really too much to work around every day!"

As if to confirm the captain's words, sharp alarms of "wuwuwu" suddenly sounded all around.

This means that a new danger has emerged in the city of Detli.

The foursome looked at each other and leaned together in a well-trained manner. The captain spread his shadow to cover everyone, and disappeared into the night with a "sizzling" sound.



Lin An unlocked the updated black card with his fingerprint, and the data appeared on the palm-sized screen.

Name: Lin An

Level: New member

Permissions: Orange

Department: Face to face

Points: 0

As expected of a core department, newcomers have orange permissions.

Using a black card to open the basement stairs, Lin An pressed the button for the third floor. It was similar to the first floor, with the same simple white corridor and the X projection that was quickly taking shape.

"Good morning, Mr. Lin An. According to your black card schedule record, there is a task to be done on the negative third floor today: starting newcomer training. The check-in has been completed, and the verification system that controls the 3rd team office is being opened."

With Vanessa's demonstration, Lin An walked to the special instrument rising from the wall, entered the code, iris verification and swiped the card all at once.

The code to enter the room has already been sent to his mailbox.

The door was opened, and the interior was dark with no windows. The cables on the surrounding walls were particularly clear, and the mechanical light flashed like breathing. Lin An seemed to have entered a metal ventricle.

He fumbled with the button to no avail, so he cleared his throat.

"Mr. Lloyd, are you in there?"

"Good morning, Lin An. I'll turn on the light for you right away."

The signal was transmitted to the central control system, and the circuits flowing like streams on the wall glowed brightly, converging on the instructions. The neon-colored light gathered into huge light spots, and then exploded into countless brilliantly colored fragments.

A pair of dark silver-grey wings extended like bridges from the dead ashes, and lights appeared.

Lin An narrowed his eyes, and the young man who had met him once turned around, with a kind smile on his handsome face.

"Welcome to St. Annilov's third team, Lin. I will be your captain from now on."

"Yes, sir."

"Call me Captain Simon." The young man looked like he had stepped out of a church dome painting, which was incompatible with the high-tech decoration. "While waiting for the other two colleagues, if you want to drink something, the coffee machine is over there. "

The angel's way of speaking is so social...

After making a cup of mocha, Lin An sat at Simon's desk and randomly picked up topics.

"Captain Simon, you look young."

Although the vocal cords are developing in a hurry.

"Thank you for your concern." Simon's silver eyes looked at Lin An deeply, "I am already 48 years old."

Lin An almost spit a sip of coffee into the other person's face.

After calming down, he asked half puzzled and half tentatively: "Captain Simon, how do you achieve...the art of keeping your appearance?"

"Levels of contamination."


Simon supported his chin with both hands and said calmly: "My mystery is called [Sariye]. The higher the degree of pollution, the more like the legendary moon angel."

Thank you for your spontaneous reward ~ Thank you readers for your recommendation votes and comments (“)

Today is Tuesday, please read it later, thank you~

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