World Occult User Guide

Chapter 34 Newcomer Training Speedy Edition

[Name]: Sariel, Suriel, Zeraciel, Sarakiel

[Rating]: Myth C level

[Radiation value]: 19.6%

[Pollution level]: 48.5%

[Media]: Lord of Dreams

A system notification sounded in Lin An's mind.

Sariel, listed as one of the seven archangels in the Book of Enoch, is both a holy angel and a fallen angel.

Mysticism believes that he is one of the nine angels of the Summer Equinox, a barrier against the evil eye, and in charge of Aries, the constellation of the zodiac. Sariel also taught the forbidden knowledge of the movement of the moon, and was called the "Angel of the Moon."

All in all, Sariel is an angel who has experienced changes in times, beliefs, and a rather complicated identity.

The medium is the "Lord of Dreams"...

Simon is the mysterious person with the highest rating that Lin An has encountered so far, and his radiation value is as high as 19.6%, which means that his "Comuth" guilt is quite high, and the whole world may have changed in his eyes.

He should have seen my [Elementary Amulet] at that time.

Do you want me to be honest and tell him my mysterious name after so straightforwardly announcing my family name?

After pondering for a long time, Lin An felt that there was no need to keep hiding it. Just as he was about to speak, the door was opened again, and a nervous orange-haired woman appeared outside.

"Oh, Lin! That's great, I went to the right place." Mi Xi greeted, and in a blink of an eye she saw Simon. His handsome appearance and big fluttering wings made her stunned, "You, you are... a model. ?"

Victoria's Secret catwalk, right?

"I am Simon Lloyd, your future captain." Simon pointed to the seat in front of the desk calmly, "Welcome to join the third team of the St. Annilov Foundation, Melissa Slane."

As if struck by lightning, Mi Xi stammered and apologized.

During this period, Barry also came to report. As expected, he was shocked by Simon's appearance. The latter greeted the three of them politely, took out three cylindrical devices from the drawer, and distributed them to the newlyweds who were sitting in danger.

"What is this, Captain?" Mi Xi asked curiously.

"Please look, there is a card slot here." Simon picked up a cylinder, "Can you lend me your black card, Melissa?"

Mi Xi quickly put her hands up and said hesitantly: "Just call me Mi Xi, captain."

Simon inserted her black card, and the device lit up with fluorescence, and then a clear three-dimensional image was projected from the side seam, showing a form with signatures and clock-in, which said "Newcomer Training Completion Status."

"If you want to advance to the formal level, you need to complete this form. The training is divided into four parts."

"Captain, I can't see clearly." Mi Xi said honestly.

Simon leaned forward, because he was still not close enough, so he simply sat cross-legged on the desk, with his wings supporting his body, and introduced the process to the three of them.

"The first is occult knowledge. After completing the 120-hour introductory, basic, advanced and complete courses in the Civilian Ministry, passing four stages of examinations and the final test, the Civilian Minister will insert his black card into the device. The word 'qualified' appears in one column."

"The second is the foundation's code of conduct. Please go to the logistics department to participate in training, which will last about 2 to 5 days. Once you are familiar with the requirements of the "Employee Handbook", the logistics director will conduct random inspections to check whether you are qualified."

"After passing the first two tests, you are already qualified to work with me. The third column is the report of the research department. It has nothing to do with the test. They will conduct several tests. After finally determining your mystery and medium, they will let you qualified'."

"The fourth column." Simon smiled faintly, "It's for my approval. Only when you complete this form can you be considered a formal member of the foundation."

The three people took the cylinder device and looked at each other, trying to gain each other's approval. Unfortunately, everyone had different ideas.

Lin An's eyes shone with excitement and amusement; Mi Xi found it difficult and wanted to cry; Barry seemed confident, hiding his true emotions.

After bidding farewell to Captain Simon, the three of them took the elevator and walked to the civilian department in unison.

It's just that Mi Xi and Barry joined the army of newcomers waiting to start the course, while Lin An went straight to the minister's office and slapped the cylinder device on his desk.

"Let me pass!"

The minister turned his head while he was busy and gave him an extremely contemptuous look.

"Lin, as a newcomer, you not only did not participate in the training courses, but also spoke rudely to your boss. I want to apply to the president to deduct your points."

"Excuse me, please let me pass the first part of the newcomer training, Mr. Minister."

"Go out of the course center and turn left to the second conference room."

"Minister, do you really think I need to make up for my occult knowledge?" Lin An pushed the device in front of him, "I heard that you almost had a heart attack just watching me pass the interview questions. I'm really heartbroken. No. I can’t bear to let you go through torture again!”

That's right.

The minister thought for a while, then pulled out a piece of the final test question and threw it to Lin An. After letting him be quiet for fifteen minutes, the minister picked up the perfect answer sheet and had to swipe the black card.

"Go away and torture the logistics director next door."

"The minister I torture will always be you, only you~"


The logistics director looked like the chairman of a listed company. He wore a square hat and had gold-rimmed eyes on the bridge of his nose. He looked suspiciously at Lin An who rushed into the office.

"I don't see anyone without an appointment. Didn't my secretary stop you?"

"Sir, take another look at your calendar."

The logistics director clicked on today's to-do list, and his little eyes widened immediately. It showed that the item he was currently handling was "receiving Lin An."

"On Saturday night, I sent the appointment email to the secretary." Lin An smiled and put down the device, "And I arrived at your office ten minutes early. It was exactly as written in the "Employee Handbook."

"I can't let newcomers pass without training." The logistics director pushed up his glasses.

"The liability for compensation should be borne by the individual responsible for the consequences of the production, and the assets of the person under the fixed fund must be properly maintained."

"What language is this?"

"I'm memorizing paragraph 37, section 18 of the Employee Handbook backwards." Lin An said, "To prove my sincerity, please check a few more items."


Twenty minutes later, Lin An arrived at the research department on the first floor, where the procedures were more cumbersome.

Although the members of the research department were surprised by Lin An's speed, they didn't say much and put a bunch of instruments connected to wires on him.

"We're going to do a test, sir."


The foundation analyzed the video of Lin An's battle with the "Treasure Guard Fairy" when he joined the company, and confirmed that he had awakened, but there was no time to interrogate the specific mystery of his awakening.

Lin An was already prepared for this.

Legendary C-level, seeker medium, mysterious name [Baopuzi].

"Is it really okay?" Lin An asked the system again.

"They are trying to use Titan's technology to calculate the radiation of 'Comes'. With a little manipulation, they can modify the displayed data." The system responded domineeringly, "I will handle this situation in the future, you don't have to worry."

Wow, Brother Tongzi!

The alchemy of Taoist alchemists is similar to that of Xizhou alchemy. The research department conducted several tests on radiation values ​​and pollution levels, and obtained the data written in the system.

The radiation value is 0.5% and the pollution level is 1.2%.

The last item of newcomer training was approved by Simon Lloyd.

Lin An was a little unsure of his judgment criteria. He thought he was going to undergo a lecture or even a battle, but to his surprise, Simon took out the black card without saying a word.

"Captain, am I qualified?" Lin An asked in surprise.

"It's easy to judge a man's character by how he treats those who can't do anything to him, and from the moment you're willing to step up to the plate, I know it's worth at least a try in your case."

Simon holds a gold rose bone china coffee mug in one hand and twirls his black card with the other.

"Go to the Civil Service Department now and change your black card status."

Lin An hesitated and said, "Then what tasks do I have next?"

"After your two colleagues pass the newcomer training, we will start our first deployment. During this period, you will have no additional tasks except to live a good life."

"So...I have nothing to do?"

Simon took a sip of coffee and smiled: "Enjoy this time, Lin. After all, the best part of the holiday is not letting yourself rest, but seeing other people busy working."

This time, the boss took the lead in fishing.

"By the way, Lin." Simon called to Lin An, who was standing up, and pointed to the black box on the table, "Take it. I know you want this."

Lin An recognized that what was inside was the "Ouroboros".


Four days later, Lin An was kicked out of the St. Annilov Foundation by the civilian minister.

In order to implement Captain Simon's motto, Lin An played Tai Chi on the lawn of the courtyard in the morning, went to the recreation room to play billiards at noon, and shot darts and played table tennis with others in the evening. Every day, he could not get through anything, just like an old leader inspecting young people. .

"Lin, you're making it difficult for me," the minister said.

"Do you want to join too? We will play Baduanjin today."

Looking at the row of employees on the lawn who were doing Tai Chi with Lin An, the minister tremblingly touched the pistol at his waist and resisted the urge to kill.

"Mr. Lin, as a formal employee of the direct-facing department, you should not always be visible in the facility. This makes other employees lose awe of the direct-facing department."

"Oh, dear minister, feel the interaction of qi. They are operating in the universe, yin and yang are flowing, and life is endless. The key principle of Tai Chi is to use softness to overcome hardness, to use softness to overcome hardness, and pay attention to the rule of inaction."

Lin An slowly pushed out a palm, turned his body, raised his knees, and a group of people behind him followed suit.

"I never pretend to be cool, but when the time comes, the cool will naturally come from all directions."

In the afternoon of that day, the civilian minister wrote an email to the president, asking Lin An to "go home for vacation" as soon as possible.

The smell of burnt cedar and new leather shoes lingers in the air, neon lights sparkle like jewels in the dazzling city, almost every house blinks, and huge dark green trees are hung with brightly colored decorations.

The bustling street scene in the city center passed by outside the window, and the happy winter festival song came to Lin An's ears. He got out of the taxi and rubbed his hands.

The dense white air rose slowly in the cold wind of Ditli City, and was blown away by a gust of wind with the aroma of food, disappearing into the red paint plaque among the stone lions.

I still have to make a trip myself.

Lin An opened his legs and walked into the busy Chinatown.

A new author is like a cactus. Without water, it will gradually wither.

If you only have to choose one day a week to take care of him, make it Tuesday!

On Tuesday, I will catch up on the PK related to the recommended position. Regardless of whether you are a big fan of reading or not, please open this book for thirty seconds on this day and read the latest chapter. I am very grateful ()

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