World Occult User Guide

Chapter 35 Chinatown

Lin An's stay at the facility was not just for a vacation, but to await the results of the foundation's investigation into the "Chinatown Fortune Teller."

A few days passed, and there was no movement from the direct-to-face department.

After many inquiries, Lin An heard that investigators had found Jin Zhien at the university. During the conversation, the other party behaved without any abnormalities. Those accurate and confusing divination skills were just luck, eloquence, and a little observation of words.

Since the foundation said so, Lin An must... want to investigate it personally.

Seeing is believing.

He was not in the habit of blindly following public institutions.

It's still early, and Chinatown, which is also immersed in the atmosphere of the winter festival, is decorated with lights and colorful decorations. The melody of "Jasmine" plays on the streets, and the smells of sweat, cigarettes, spices and food are mixed together and hit your face.

Speaking of Chinatown, many people think that they can see the pure charm of Dragon Kingdom, but the fact is completely opposite.

The eye is filled with stitched-up buildings, some old and new, concession stands with broken signs standing next to shiny new convenience stores, futuristic high-rise apartment buildings rising from the ground, and narrow retro streets lined with spices and rare fruits. wholesaler.

The entrance of the hotel is decorated with fire-breathing dragons and characters with teeth and claws. The arrangement and combination of words such as "Golden Dragon", "Dongfanghong" and "Shangri-La" have long deviated from traditional culture and appear vulgar, but also full of enthusiasm.

The streets were crowded with people coming and going, almost all of them had faces from Zhongzhou.

Some of them are immigrants, and some are local residents. People from all over the world stay in Eagle Country for various strange reasons. Some are completely integrated, some are unwilling to leave, and some are eager to return.

No one is idle, and buying and selling is commonplace.

From clothing, household items, gifts to other souvenirs, there are various small shops in an endless stream. Among them, the most prosperous ones are Cantonese restaurants, including the one owned by my senior sister.

Identity is based on culture. People think that they have escaped their hometown, but their innate beliefs are deeply rooted in their blood. The ties unite the residents of this street into different communities, just like a microscopic Eagle Country city.

Lin An was sitting in an acupuncture shop opposite the "Third Intersection of Chinatown". He was drinking green tea and observing the suspicious gap between the two restaurants through the glass.

The bustling crowd kept flowing, and he added more and more tea, changing from thick to light, and finally lost all taste, just a pot of warm water.


When the wormwood pillar burned out, the boss added more wormwood while turning his half-bald head to the side and asked Lin An.

"Young man, besides drinking two liters of my water and staring, you have done nothing all afternoon. Why are you sitting in my shop?"

He was wearing sunglasses, with a map of human acupuncture points and an illustrated book of medicinal herbs hanging behind him. There was a golden toad and a bucket of divination sticks on the table. He didn't look like a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, but more like someone who ran a foot bath shop.

"Waiting for my girlfriend." Lin An said casually.

"Young man, she's either not coming, or she's busy." The boss clicked his tongue, "Here, can I lend you my cell phone to give her a call?"

Just as Lin An was about to take action, suddenly, he caught a glimpse of a gaudy figure from the corner of his eye.

The young man has short hair and narrow eyes, wearing a short jacket, jeans, and sneakers, but carrying a heavy package on his back.

Lin An recognized this face. It was Jin Zhien.

"Hey, do you still want your mobile phone?" the boss asked slightly impatiently.

"Hold on."

"Pull an egg, you treat it like a donkey's liver and lungs with good intentions." The boss cursed and sat back at the front desk and picked up the newspaper.

Lin An's eyes were fixed on Jin Zhien, who kept calling. About three or four minutes later, two people came.

The older one is in his forties, with slightly white temples and a sallow complexion; the younger one is twelve or thirteen years old, wearing headphones and shaking his head, with a face full of irritation. He seems to be a mother and daughter.

As soon as the older woman saw Jin Zhien, her desire to talk was immediately overflowing. She burst into accusations, became emotional and spitted.

The girl poked at the earphones hard, feeling uncomfortable all over.

Lin An thought for a while, and activated the Magic Bullet Shooter's [100 Shots, 100 Hits] to lock onto Jin Zhien.

As soon as the field of vision changed, the breaking news hit the soul directly.

"Master, I really have no choice. This child has been bathing, praying, and meditating according to the hexagrams step by step, and his grades have improved! Who knows what happened to him recently? He runs out every day and is really worried!"

The girl pulled off one of her earphones and retorted angrily: "You force me every day! In addition to doing papers, I also do papers! There is also a transfer ceremony at night! You want to force me to death!"

"The daughter of the aunt next door studies during the day and practices piano at night. She won first place in Ditrie City in the Mathematical Olympiad competition and scored 800 on the SAT math. Look at other people, and then look at yourself. Other children are studying hard, why are you the only one? Too many things?"

"Then you go and be her mother!"

"You kid, why are you talking? I can't help it, I have to take care of everything." The older woman put her hands on her hips menacingly, "Master, look at this kid!"

"He is a real master, and I am still Qin Shihuang. You just want to play a double act with him, one forcing me to learn, and the other forcing me to 'act', so that I have no energy to do what I want to do." The girl curled her lips and stuffed it back earphone.

Seeing this, the older woman had no choice but to say to Jin Zhien.

"Master, what should we do now?"

Jin Zhien touched his chin enigmatically and said: "The prediction I gave you is very clear. Your daughter is destined to be a wandering singer. Even if she is asked to perform the ritual according to the calculation of the auspicious day of the zodiac, the destined result is difficult to achieve. Change."

"Destined? Mariachi?! This can't be done!" the older woman hissed.

"Mom, I think it's pretty cool." The girl interjected.

"What do you know! A girl can't be a singer. Such a precarious career has no future at all! Oh, if only I had sent you to learn the Mathematical Olympiad when you were a child. You wouldn't have to play games every day and your eyes would be damaged."

"It's so annoying! I only play for two hours a week! Even if I'm short-sighted, I still have to do papers!"

"You are so ignorant. My parents are all doing this for your own good. If you are strict with me now, you will understand in the future and no one will care about you then! My parents have learned from their mistakes. Please listen more to the older generation." If you do, otherwise you will suffer a loss in front of you!"

The girl sneered and simply shut her mouth.

"In your case, unless..."

Sensing the older woman's pleading look, Jin Zhien hesitated to speak.

"What? Master, is there any way to remedy this?" the older woman asked quickly. Seeing Jin Zhien's hesitation, she added sharply, "Money is easy to talk about! I am willing to pay any amount of money for this child!"

"This is not a matter of money. Let me think about it carefully... Let's talk in the dojo first."

"Okay, Master!" The older woman grabbed the girl's arm, "Hurry up and go, I'm too lazy at home and procrastinate outside! What will you do when you grow up!"

The view enters the dark alley. The interior is a bit narrow, but it is not messy and dirty. It is obviously cleaned frequently.


Jin Zhien opened a door and passed the room where he changed shoes. Lin An's eyes suddenly opened up.

Behind the alley is an Aikido dojo, covering an area of ​​about ten square meters. There are floor-length mirrors and national flags hanging on all sides. The floor is covered with two-color cushions, one red and one basket, like the shape of a Yin-Yang diagram. , but without eyes.

Jin Zhien turned on the light, and the entire space was visible.

After vaguely seeing the opening time, Lin An discovered that the dojo happened to be closed on weekend afternoons, so it was empty during this period.

"Without further ado, please take a seat, both of you."

Jin Zhien walked to the table in the north of the dojo, and the mother and daughter followed him. They saw him opening the box on his back and taking out many fortune-telling tools.

There are four-column diagrams, pen, ink, paper and inkstones, annotated diagrams of the twelve zodiac signs, a disc with the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth, and a jar of yellow hexagram sticks that are very similar to those in acupuncture shops.

Putting away the tools, Jin Zhien picked up the brush and wrote the girl's birthday and horoscope on the white paper.

"Has her fate not changed yet?"

Jin Zhien shook his head and looked at him.

"Have you asked her to read the book I gave you seriously?"

"Read it, read it! Every day I force her to read it once in the morning, once at noon, and once before going to bed. No matter how sleepy she is, she must read it!" The older woman said taking credit, "Master, isn't it enough? I can make her read it. Read it a few more times!”

"No, just read it." Jin Zhien smiled slightly, "Aunt, the date of birth determines a person's destiny, but it's not that I can't change her four-pillar zodiac sign."

Hearing this, the older woman was so excited that she almost swallowed him. Even Jin Zhien couldn't bear it and moved back.

"This method is difficult to say, but simple to say." He took out a strange clay doll from the bottom of the box, "Just carve your daughter's name and birth date on the clay doll, and let her worship this statue every night, and keep it deep in her heart. Say silently 'Thy eyes see my unformed substance...'"

Lin An's pupils narrowed.

Because the moment Jin Zhien picked up the clay doll, the six-pointed star pattern disappeared in a flash.

Canaanite magic?

Is Jin Zhien from a noble family? !

The countdown was about to end, and Lin An immediately aimed at Jin Zhien's forehead.

"System, use [Always hit]!"

"The current target cannot be selected."


Lin An was stunned. The moment his shooting vision disappeared, he discovered that Jin Zhien was vaguely surrounded by an armor-like shield, protecting him tightly.

Hexagrams, aura, divination...prophet medium!

And the mystery rating exceeds the ghost story!

With thoughts flying, Lin An stood up and walked to the front desk.

"Bill, please."

"Hey, your girlfriend is here?" The boss took the hundred-yuan move and fumbled for change.

"There's no need to look for it, uncle." Lin An picked up the fortune stick tube on the table and said, "Lend me this thing."

"Yes, yes, this thing is not valuable. It only costs a few cents to wholesale. If my business hadn't been bad and I haven't bought any goods for a long time, I would have given it to you for free——"

Lin An suddenly reached out to take off his sunglasses and put them on himself. The chattering boss was petrified on the spot.

"Uncle, the remaining money will be used as I bought this pair of sunglasses."

When the young man pushed open the door and walked out, the boss recovered from the shock, cursed "crazy", and picked up the newspaper again.

There is only one update today, please pat TT

Polish the plot and text, and I will resume daily updates tomorrow~

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