World Occult User Guide

Chapter 36 Demonic Doll


Jin Zhien's brush fell and a circle of ink spread out. He suddenly raised his head and looked around, his vision becoming cold.

Someone assassinated me?

There is no one around. Could it be that this person is using long-distance mysticism?

Is it a foundation? Or the witch's men?

"Master, what's wrong?" the older woman asked doubtfully.

"A visitor is here. An uninvited guest." Jin Zhien said with a smile, "Aunt, I have to receive him and then solve the problem for you. Please come to my office and wait for a moment."

"oh oh……"

After closing the office door, Jin Zhien locked it from the outside.

The next moment, there was a loud "bang"!

The closed front door of the dojo was kicked open.

Jin Zhien turned around and saw a young man with black hair wearing sunglasses standing with his hands behind his back.

"A heartbroken song, where can I find a close friend in the world!"

Lin An looked around and found that the mother and daughter were gone.

"Where are the two people following you?"

Jin Zhien sat back at the fortune telling table, smoothed the rice paper annotation chart, and spoke unkindly.

"Who are you?"

"A wandering alchemist is not worth mentioning." Lin An adjusted his sunglasses, "I see that your forehead and hair are black, and you will inevitably suffer a bloody disaster today."

Jin Zhien sneered: "On the contrary, I am sitting at the anode, and you are at the cathode. You should be the unlucky one! Although I don't know who you are, whoever breaks the secret of this place will die!"

Looking down, the cushions under Lin An's feet were dark blue, and the place where Jin Zhien sat was covered with red cushions.

This is the magic modified Tai Chi Yin Yang Taegeuk.

The nondescript patterns made Lin An shake her head sadly: "Tai Chi, Tai Chi, but you turned it into Wuji! Stealing culture and tampering with history, you are a bunch of morons!"

"shut up!"

Like a cat whose tail was stepped on, Jin Zhien jumped up and defended himself with a blushing face.

"Just because the envoys from the Dragon Kingdom brought some traditions to the Althea Kingdom does not mean plagiarism. Besides, that was a long time ago. The most important thing is innovation. If the Althea Kingdom had not exported film and television works, who would have heard of your films? Old antique!"

"You only know what it is, but you don't know why. What you do is simply laughable!"

"Even the Dragon Kingdom stole Buddhist scriptures from the Li Chawei Dynasty? What qualifications do you have to criticize?" Jin Zhien raised a slate and said confidently, "Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with people like you, go to hell Bar!"

Just after hearing the sound of "swipe", the floor-length mirrors all around flipped over, and there were more than ten clay dolls half as tall as a man hidden inside.

At the same time, several rapid conversations with the system flashed through Lin An's mind.

"Can I activate the [Hittite Ritual] now?"

"The target has been selected, but..." the system loaded for a moment and said, "The individual is surrounded by long-term protective spells, which come from a higher-level mystic, and the energy movement trajectory is similar to the Hittite ritual."

"Canaanite magic?"

"Even if the mysterious spell is selected and used successfully, there is a small chance that it will not cause death immediately. Do you still want to use it?"

"No, use [Ballad from the Other Side of the Mountain]!"

There was no time to stop Jin Zhien from launching the Canaan magic. The six-pointed star turned, and the holy and noble light fell on a group of puppets that seemed to be made of clay. Their dark mouths made a "quacking" sound, and they moved slowly, heavily and awkwardly. .

As time passed, their speed increased rapidly. Lin An only hesitated for a few seconds. The life-size clay puppets had the skills of normal people and rushed towards him from all directions.

Train to Busan?

No, it's Golem!

Lin An immediately recognized this group of things, and the system panel appeared.

[Name]: Golem, puppet

[Rating]: Disaster C level

[Radiation value]: /

[Pollution level]: 100%

[Medium]: Mother of Desire

Radiation values ​​vary, and the only thing they have in common is 100% contamination.

The human body dies, the "Comes" radiation bird takes over the dove's nest, and the remains of the mysterious person turn into legendary creatures.

A golem is a golem fashioned from dust or clay that a spellcaster brings to life using ritual incantations and sequences of Hebrew letters.

Psalm 139:16 uses the word golmi, which means "original material." Later generations believed that golems are humans whose gods have not yet been completed. The Mishnah also uses this word to describe people whose wisdom has not yet been enlightened.

There is also an interpretation that the golems are called "soulless chrysalis". Unless they get a new soul, they are just a group of puppets waiting for their master's orders.

Golems themselves also long for spiritual wisdom, which is probably the source of their "mother of desire" medium.

The demon statue at the front waved its big hand as hard as stone, raised it high, and slammed it down on Lin An.


A big hole was made on the floor of the dojo, and broken wooden boards were arched under the soft cushions. Lin An rolled on the spot, and the strong wind blew past his ears, making a whooshing sound.

Before he could stand up, another demon blocked the way, raised its big foot and stepped on Lin An's chest.

The sunglasses reflected the golem's emotionless eyes and Jin Zhien's arrogant smile.

"I don't know how high the sky is, how dare you challenge me! No matter who you are, you will definitely die here today - huh?!"

Before he finished speaking, all the golems seemed to be stared at by Medusa, and they all stood stunned on the spot.

With an uncontrollable sleepiness in his heart, Jin Zhien covered his forehead with bulging veins, picked up a slate and hit it hard on the back of his hand. The pain made him finally come back to his senses.

Pishtaco's ability, area-of-effect hypnosis!

Both are disaster-level mysteries. Since Lin An's radiation value is higher, [The Ballad on the Side of the Mountain] successfully hypnotized the golem.

The melodious and passionate notes of "Dreamer" spread outwards, and when they were about to swallow Jin Zhien, a layer of armor surrounding him suddenly burst into light, and ancient words emerged. The ultimate light was like a flawless mirror, guarding Jin Zhien's whole body.

“Unclean spirits and spirits from the other side, in the name of the Lord, I command you to retreat!”

It is indeed Canaanite magic!

The difference from Carmen's time is that the "Source B-level" Canaan magic has been activated and is firmly attached to Jin Zhien's soul, making it difficult to distinguish one from the other.

However, this protective shield is inseparable from Jin Zhien. Sometimes it is a perfect fit, and sometimes there are frequent loopholes.

The effect is unstable?

There is only one "God of Truth" medium left, and Lin An has only one chance to break the guard and kill Jin Zhien.

Although Jin Zhien is not the controller, the right "fluctuation" of the protective shield is inseparable from his mystery. The fluctuation of energy is like the waxing and waning moon, which seems to be closely related to the mysterious destiny.

Prophet medium... fortune telling...

Through the vision of sunglasses, Lin An looked at Jin Zhien, whose face was ashen, with deep eyes.

"This, how is this possible..."

Jin Zhien, who had just been strategizing, had pale lips and pointed at Lin An tremblingly.

It was clear that he had the upper hand a second ago, using the magic stone to control the powerful golem, but Lin An was cornered by him and had to flee in panic.

Jin Zhien had even thought about how Lin An would kneel on the ground, begging for mercy, and how he would mock, pity, and revive his last glimmer of hope before trampling him to death.

Unexpectedly, after recovering from dizziness, all the golems lost their ability to move.

Who is he?

Why do you have to kill me!

By the way, he asked when he entered, could it be...


A weak voice sounded, and Jin Zhien, who was frightened and angry, looked at the still demon statues. Their joints moved imperceptibly, and the stone slabs at his fingertips sent back an electric message.

Within a few minutes, the golems will be completely free from hypnosis.

Very good!

Jin Zhien let out a breath and clutched the stone slab with a ferocious expression, as if grasping a life-saving straw, only to hear Lin An's voice.

"Are all the disappearances in the past few months your work?"

"Hahaha, are you here to find someone?" Jin Zhien said sarcastically, "What a pity, they have already become them! It's these golems! Which one are you looking for? It doesn't matter, you won't be here soon I will become one of them too!”

It turns out that these golems are the ones who have disappeared in recent months!

Bewitched by Jin Zhien, they voluntarily became regular visitors to this dojo. Under his guidance and certain rituals, these people somehow awakened into "golems."

They were at a loss at first, and even didn't know what to do. Due to improper control, the pollution level soared, and they gradually lost their consciousness and memory. They took to the streets and wandered in a daze.

The deformation changed their appearance, voice, and figure, and they became unclaimed homeless people.

Even if you pass by an acquaintance, you won't be able to recognize that these ugly and weird guys were once an important part of your life.

The homeless man is not wandering aimlessly, the owner of the golem is calling to them.

Eventually, they disappeared into the bustling city center of Detri and were sealed within the walls of this dojo.

Weeping people ran around, posting missing notices, until they despaired and had no choice but to pray that their relatives still breathed the same air as them and lived an ordinary life somewhere.

The source of all tragedies is Jin Zhien... and the family behind him.

"No, I have no connection with them, but what you did is against the right path and will be punished by God!"

Using dialogue to divert Jin Zhien's attention, Lin An hid a broken wooden board behind his back. Its end was sharp and suitable for use as a murder weapon.

"It's all in vain, you can't kill me today!" Jin Zhien laughed wildly.

"How will you know if you don't try."

Lin An, who was pretending to ask, suddenly dropped his center of gravity, aimed at Jin Zhien behind the square table, and threw the wooden board with lightning speed.


Then, he watched helplessly as Jin Zhien bent down "by chance" and picked up the remote control at his feet. The wooden board flew past his head and fell to the ground weakly.

He just didn't realize my intention!

But he perfectly dodged the sneak attack!

Damn it, is this the "luck" of the prophet? !

Glancing at the deflected board, Jin Zhien snorted coldly and turned on the TV above the two of them with a beep, and the screen showed the surveillance footage of the dojo.

In the office, the mother and daughter hugged each other shivering.

What they were hiding——was a golem!

"People of the Dragon Kingdom, why don't we compare who is the cultural orthodoxy." Jin Zhien shook the fortune stick, "From now on, the fate of these two women is in your and my hands."

Thanks to Realspirit and the monthly ticket for starting a new life, and thanks to Soul Stranded for the reward~

As well as the comments, recommendation votes and likes from all readers~!

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