World Occult User Guide

Chapter 336 Ms. Noon

Looking back at the bizarre memories, Lin An came to a general conclusion.

[Alfonso III] Jacob used a press conference to spread the rumors of [Wanderer] to an audience from half a planet.

Therefore, when he was in a trance, he saw the reflections of many gods. Due to the increased attention, the measurement value exceeded the threshold, and the degree of fusion increased, so that Lin An experienced an experience similar to that during Adelia's ceremony.

Anhuis's spirit got closer and closer. Due to the mutual connection between the two, Lin An was almost swallowed by it and lost himself.

Fortunately, Lin An is not so easily bewitched now, and the rumors started by Jacob are not enough to keep him in an ethereal state for a long time. Lin An estimates that the trance only lasted a few seconds.

Immediately afterwards, reporter Edward successfully reported the news that the Chamber of Commerce discharged radioactive waste into the Kuba River, diverting the public's attention and making them forget the [Forester].

In the hearts of most Westerners, the famous Jacob van Hoofwegen deserves more attention than an unknown Southerner.

The bridge of gods breaks and Lin An regains consciousness.

The system placed the panel in front of him, with the green data just a few centimeters from the tip of his nose.

[Letter Name]: Forester, Bantu Tyrant, Developer of World Tree, Archon of Kinshasa, Ghost of Ditli City

[Personality]: patron saint

[Integration Process]: 5.3%

[Measurement value]: 352.5

[Deviation value]: 62.2%

Bantu tyrant…

The corner of Lin An's mouth twitched. Rumors spread so fast. As soon as Jacob finished speaking, he had a new letter name with high weight.

However, what the president of the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce did not expect was that the "notoriety" actually lowered Lin An's deviation value, so that his integration process increased a lot.

And, he gained some new insights.

If I remember correctly, those thoughts shaped "me" in disguise.

Lin An meditated for a moment and could not feel any changes in his mind and emotions for a short period of time, but he was convinced that the illusion just now caused subtle changes in his spirit.

The fusion of "Goddess with the Lamp" media seems to be much more than what it seems...

"Dobry (Polish: ok), you have regained your consciousness." A woman's voice interrupted Lin An's meditation, "To celebrate, do you want to sing a song from "Three Crows" with me?"

"Mrs. Adamek, thank you for the invitation, but I would like to maintain social distance because you are blinding me."

"Haha, Mr. Rigel, I am not a woman you can get rid of if you want."

The woman in front of her was the real Mrs. Adamek, who had not been misled by the "prophet". She looked less sad and more sinister.

Fluctuations that were incompatible with the real world came, Lin An made several guesses, and a line of panels appeared.

[Name]: Psipolnitsa, Noon Lady, Noon Demon, Noon Spirit

[Rating]: Disaster Level E

[Radiation value]: 0.2%

[Pollution level]: 8.2%

[Media]: Chief Judge

This time the system responded quickly.

Then when facing the voodoo priest, why has it been so difficult to bring up the panel of the known prototype...

Lin An suppressed his thoughts and looked at the translucent Mrs. Adamek.

When [Imprint of Thoughts on the Road to Taichu] was activated, the lady's physical body was dead, leaving only her soul. Lin An originally wanted to make it into a spiritual portrait.

When he took action, the soul suddenly trembled, attracting the divine medium, and simultaneously escaped from his control.

Although Lin An was forced to complete the production of the spiritual portrait, he and Mrs. Adamek had no grievances. Secondly, he was also a little curious about the mysterious prototype in the Slavic region, so he allowed her to awaken as a mystic.

Poudnica, one of the folklore figures in Slavic mythology, this image is called Полознича in Slavic and translated as "Lady Midday" in English.

The root word Polder or poluden means "noon", and nica means lady.

According to the legend of the eastern Slavic region, she is a young woman dressed in white, walking in the fields with a whip and a sickle; in the west, she is an old woman with thick curly hair and thin clothing.

In any case, both regions believe that Psipolnica is an agricultural guardian similar to a scarecrow. She is an invisible elf most of the time, silently blessing the growth of crops. Only at noon does she come out to patrol.

Armed with a sickle and a whip, Pusipolny would punish farmers who worked in the fields at noon, as this was her prescribed rest time.

It is said that she is derived from the Slavic demon Meridianus, symbolizing all "diseases that may destroy the body at noon", warning people not to work during the hottest time of the day to prevent heat stroke and other diseases.

What a mystery of labor law compliance.

Lin An glanced at the light spot behind Mrs. Adamek's head. It was like a small sun, following her like a shadow. The light outlined the woman's figure through the interweaving of light and dark.

In just a few minutes, the light grew brighter, making her more clearly visible.

It is now around ten o'clock in the morning, and Lin An estimates that Mrs. Adamek's power will reach its peak soon with the arrival of noon.

But according to legend, once removed from the midday sun, Psipolnica will fall into a deep sleep.

Does this mean the Lady can only use Mystery when the sun is at its hottest?

Thanks to her living at the equator, where it feels like summer all year round, if she went back to the northern hemisphere winter with freezing winds, continuous rain, and weak sunlight, Mrs. Adamek would be awake for about an hour a day.

What may be even more unfortunate is that Mrs. Adamek is only conscious at noon, and is in a "sleeping" state at other times.

After all, she had already died at the hands of Lin An.

But he would not admit to killing the other party. He cleared his throat, briefly explained the ins and outs, and put all the blame on the voodoo priest.

"I see, this guy made me a bait to plot against you..." Mrs. Adamek narrowed her eyes, "One has been lying to me since half a year ago, and the other has manipulated my mind."

"Unfortunately, it is true." Lin An replied, "If nothing else, how much do you know about the Noon Lady [Psipolnica] in Slavic stories?"

"Haha, if nothing else, they fooled the Gielgud family." Madam's left hand went deep into the hem of her skirt, pinched a folding fan between her fingers, and unfolded it, "Mr. Rigel, the biggest problem now is ——How should I retaliate?”


Lin An raised his head, and the light spot representing [Alfonso III] disappeared. The president of the Red Poppy Merchant realized that something was wrong and ran away immediately.

At the same time, the light spots that showed the "Little Good Angel" changed from twinkling like stars to deathly silence, like a walking corpse without any emotion.

The "Mother of Desire" removed the little souls that protected the spirits, and now that the voodoo priests are dead, the last line of defense guarding these people's souls is shattered.

In other words, any voodoo loa can be on them anytime, anywhere without paying a price.

To return to normal, unless they become Mysterious like Lady Adamek...

But they are completely confused and numb, how can they wake up?

Not only that, Lin An sighed as he looked at the skyrocketing pollution levels in these people's panels.

This group of hapless and innocent reporters is hopeless and is facing death.

Either the pollution is extreme, or someone kills them.

Just the legendary "Mother of Desire" is so dangerous.

Fortunately, this kind of medium is very rare. In the past, Lin An had only heard of a mysterious person called the "Mother of Desire" - the Lord of Xion. He or she caused Doris Wood's madness in Dietrich City. .

I really don’t know how terrible the highly rated “Mother of Desire” is.

Lin An couldn't help but think of the mastermind who killed President Tshisekedi in disguise, at least the "Mother of Desire" whose source was C-level or above.

This person has an inexplicable hatred for me. He thought that hope was just an illusion, and perhaps that person's energy itself was full of malice.

Mrs. Adamek moved the unfolded folding fan towards Lin An, who wiped a handful of uncoagulated blood on the ground and wrote "Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce" with his fingers.

"Brush it."

The lady retracted the folding fan, rolled her eyes and frowned.

"Mrs. Adamek, I have trouble with the president of the Chamber of Commerce." Lin An hinted, "Can I leave you here alone?"

"Go ahead, I'm going to cry for my husband here for five minutes, and then I'll come to the door in person and use Gielgud's method to talk some sense to them." Mrs. Adamek smiled, "If you want to interrogate, you'd better hurry up and Grab some food before sunset."

"Including Generals Kapender Kumasi and Roang Lubabasi?"

Lin An inadvertently mentioned the two hot candidates in Abishan City. They were obviously lackeys of Jacob and [Heidu].

"Well, for us, democracy is a good thing; for you, this wonderful word may have a different meaning." The lady said ambiguously.

She did not want the presidential election to end hastily. The Gielgud family was the largest smuggler and arms dealer on the west coast of South China. As long as the war was not extinguished, they held crucial power and connections.

Lin An had no choice but to do this for the time being.

"See you tomorrow at noon."

"There are three crows resting on the tree, downe a downe... Where is their breakfast? In the field over there, lies a fallen knight wearing a shield, hahaha..."

Mrs. Adamek floated past Lin An, singing a creepy ballad. With a flick of her wrist, the folding fan turned into a long whip, and the crackling sound of whipping the air gradually faded away.

"The reddish-red hind came slowly, lifted the bloody head, and kissed the wound, which was still so bright red. She buried him in the morning, and did not kill herself when the evening prayers approached. May God accept the soul of every gentleman, devil Bless the crows who are dying tonight.”

"Compared to the devil, the stars tonight will probably bless that crow."

Lin An took a deep breath and flashed through his thoughts.

"System, use the entry of [Ged Nibo] - [Mediator of Life and Death]."

Benin's language crawled onto his lips, and the smoke of burning herbs was thick. A hollow face like a skull appeared, with a high hat on his head, biting a pipe filled with hemp and puffing away the smoke.

Body hunter Ged Nibo.

Lin An's pupils turned into mirrors, showing the Gede people's figures that were completely opposite to those of normal people.

His thumb was where his little finger was, and his heart was beating loudly in his right chest.

"Whose body? Are you looking for? Summoning? I heard it!" Ged Nibo grinned, showing a mouthful of yellow and black rotten teeth, and asked in reverse order.

"Tell me the whereabouts of Lin Xile." Lin An said. (End of chapter)

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