World Occult User Guide

Chapter 337 Atlantic Ships

"You will find her, in the box, on the cabin, on the sea and in the sky, going south."

Ged Nibo smoked his pipe, and thick second-hand smoke sprayed out from the skull's mouth, eye sockets and nasal cavity at the same time, like a human humidifier.

Lin An nodded slightly, it was indeed the case.

As the creator of alchemical life, he certainly knew where Lin Xile was, and just wanted to take the opportunity to test the "positioning function" of [Ged Nibo].

After Tshisekedi's death, he searched the entire Kinshasa through the "Hand of Lucifuge Roofkar" in the "Grand Grimoire", but did not find the whereabouts of the other fingers.

During the communication with the devil, Lucifer Rofkar cunningly tried to get Lin An to sign a series of unequal contracts, or to take the initiative to pay extra rewards. He had to confess after being forced to do so.

——He doesn’t know.

The devil reluctantly said that there was nothing Lin An was looking for in Kinshasa or even the entire Bantu. They had been taken far away from this country.

"Grand Grimoire" belongs to the "War Emperor" medium, and its ability radiation range is not large enough. Lin An thought.

Due to the missing finger of the Creator God Enzanbi, his research on [God's One Eye] was forced to stop. While Lin An was considering other materials that could be used to perfect the item, he was still trying to find a way to find the "witch" and "Chief" fingers.

Although [Gold Hunting Hen] is also a medium for finding items, it not only consumes two precious "knowledge seekers", but also requires a physical item to be found - a clucking hen is too conspicuous.

If the finger is taken away by the mysterious person in [Black City], the appearance of the black little hen will most likely make them wary, and even reverse it to target Lin An.

Although the scope of "Mother of Desire" is also small, [Ged Nibo] is better in that it consumes less media.

The most important thing is that the medium looks weird, but is actually very refreshing. Unlike the devil who speaks vaguely, it is easy to fall into his verbal trap and suffer heavy losses if you are not careful.

From now on, just use voodoo to find things.

Just as he was about to embark on his journey, Gerd Nibo suddenly spoke out as the smoke faded.


"What's wrong?" Lin An raised his eyebrows.

This family won't ask for any reward like Luciferji did.

"He has the wisdom of Lucifer, and I have the humor of Samedi." Ged Nibo picked up the pipe between his two fingers and made a "raising glass" gesture, "Always Bet on Black (Always Bet on Black Horse)" )."


What a cold pun.

Lin An let out a breath.

Ged Niebo's words meant that at the moment he summoned the voodoo medium, he had been in Lin An's "body" for a second, knowing that he was weighing the pros and cons of asking himself or Lucifer Rofkar.

Psychic magic.

One of the three wisdoms of the universe, Hermes Trismegistus.

Suppressing the chaotic thoughts, Lin An controlled the Philosopher's Stone to stir up air currents, left the bustling downtown area of ​​Abishan City, and flew straight towards the Ivory Coast.


The weather in the Atlantic Ocean is always hot, and sparse clouds drift past, revealing a pure and flawless blue sky.

The ancient and fine white sand is a shelter for people on the seaside. It is also the port where Lacon O and world trade intersect. The air is filled with a pungent fish smell, mixed with moist sea salt.

All kinds of people walked around, some with red skin and some with tanned skin. When they passed a gorgeous white ship, they all cast strange looks.

Whether it is the bright red poppies on the snow-white hull, the ivory-carved cross on the bow, or the large canvas umbrella held high, as well as the rattan basket overhead, carrying fresh coconuts and avocados, and using straw shells to make "armor" to prevent sunburn. The locals are out of place.

"A disaster."

On the ship, two sailors, one fat and one thin, worked together to carry a suitcase and hid in a remote corner to laze around.

"Not only did the press conference fail to help candidate Lacon O win votes, it also drew attention to the nuclear leak at our Bantu factory." The thin sailor lamented.

"Shh, it's not a big problem." The fat sailor lowered his voice, "Didn't you read the clarification?"


"When the international reporter spoke, the public relations department of the Chamber of Commerce urgently posted the identity information of the legal person of the factory at that time. He was a Bantu citizen, a secret Tutsi, and a private anti-president. He planned everything out of hatred for the Hutus. .”

“What the Chamber of Commerce is saying is that we don’t know about this?”

"Absolutely. Reports indicate that the Chamber of Commerce gave that man a job in order to solve the unemployment and increasingly serious conflict problems in Kinshasa. Who thought he would 'repay' us like this." The fat sailor snorted, "Stupid, stupid Chimpanzees."

"It's heartbreaking."

"The ancestors of Flanders worked hard to learn the language here, bringing faith, reason and knowledge like reclaiming wasteland. Today we are also doing glorious missionary work and extending human civilization."

"I found the announcement from our chamber of commerce." The thin sailor took out his mobile phone and swiped to comment, "It seems that most people who are paying attention to this matter have suspended their criticism of the factory."

"The effect is pretty good."

"Tsk." The thin sailor picked his teeth. "There is a comment that the Flemish people are the first to provoke racial conflicts. They have no position to accuse the Tutsi and Hutu of hatred. They also say that we have fabricated and distorted history."

"Damn! He knows nothing." The fat sailor took the phone and clicked the report in a good-natured manner. "Until the lion has its own historian, the history of hunting will always belong to the hunter."

“What about these comments that mock the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce as the biggest cause of unemployment in Kinshasa?”

"They can't continue to hurt others just because they have been victims - there must be a limit." The fat sailor shook his head, "Otherwise, there is no difference between them and terrorists."

"well said."

"Huh? There are a lot of Lakonao people speaking for us." The fat sailor said quite unexpectedly, "We are both from the South Continent, and we are neighboring countries. Their speeches are much more powerful than any people from the West Continent."

"real or fake?"

"'The Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce has always been cooperating with Nanzhou in a way that benefits people's livelihood. As a Lakonao native, I am proud to say that the Chamber of Commerce has provided a path to promote sustainable economic development. It is a pity that Bantu Let this opportunity slip away.'"

"These people are really trying their best to curry favor with Xizhou." The thin sailor wanted to grab his phone back, "Let me see what else he said."

"I haven't finished it yet! It's so funny that Lakon'o people are uniting to attack Bantu and rant about comments that speak for Bantu. This is so funny!"

The fat sailor dodged without hesitation, and his companion stumbled and tripped over the suitcase.

The lock of the box made a slight sound and opened a gap, casting golden light on the brand new snow-white deck.

"Son of a bitch!"

The thin sailor immediately bent over and grimaced in pain. The fat sailor also put away his cell phone and hurriedly tried to close the suitcase again.

Unexpectedly, the box suddenly failed to close. Sweating profusely, the fat sailor's patience became less and less. He couldn't help but hold the sides of the box with both hands and smashed them hard into the center.

"Praise! Praise! Praise!"

The box made an overwhelming sound, as if the contents inside could no longer fit together tightly once they were displaced.

"What happened? Why can't it be closed all of a sudden?" The fat man was so anxious that he was sweating profusely and his ears were red.

"Open it and you'll find out!" The thin man shouted angrily.

"It's all your damn fault!"

"What's wrong with me?! Who knew it wouldn't close after a kick? Isn't there a fucking gold bar inside? Can it be transformed by my kick?"

The two cursed and pressed the sides of the box, then spread it out.


Thick black hair spread like a carpet, a girl's head with big eyes, a faint smile on the corner of her pale mouth, and looked at the two sailors.

This horrifying scene made time seem to stand still. The sailors' minds went blank, and they were shaking violently uncontrollably as if they were falling into an ice cellar in the middle of summer.

"Excuse me, please help me a little."

The girl's head spoke in a calm and indifferent tone, and the sailors saw that all the neatly arranged gold bars melted, their metal forms were transformed, and they overflowed along the edge of the box like a small river.

"Gululu, Gululu..."

Along the deck, the metallic liquid soaked their shoes, crawled up the trouser legs and onto the bodies of the two sailors, and the cold touch ran along the skin and hit the nerves.

The sailors blinked their dry eyes and looked at the strange place. Thin iron metal rings imprisoned their limbs layer by layer a few centimeters apart. From the widest thigh root to the fingertips, each ring seemed to be measured for them. Tailor-made.

Not only that, the liquid flowed into the hair and trapped their heads.


The sailors could not utter a word, their teeth and tongues clashing up and down like hailstones hitting an awning.

"Carry me to the captain's cabin." The girl smiled slightly, and her head melted again. The golden liquid overflowed the entire box, solidified, and formed gold bars that made every businessman's eyes shine. "Be gentle, otherwise I don't mind doing it on the spot." A frontal lobotomy.”


The metal rings in their hair suddenly tightened, and the sailors groaned.

As employees of the Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce, they have also seen all kinds of strange and mysterious people, but this is the first time in their lives that they have experienced such a strange thing.

However, the sailors understood that as ordinary people, they were defenseless against the mysterious person.

Although the girl came with bad intentions, the two of them had no choice but to pick up the box containing gold and walk towards the captain's cabin where Jacob was with slightly weird, zombie-like steps.

This woman is Lin Xile.

This alchemical life represents the ultimate secret of alchemy. In addition to her powerful strength and sophisticated skills, she can freely transform every part of her body into any form of metal and transform it back at any time.

This is the meaning of the code name Lin An gave her - [Emela].

"For it will represent all that is delicate and penetrate all that is hard."

“That’s how life was created.”

The sailor avoided the members of the Chamber of Commerce coming and going on the ship and went straight to the door located on the upper level of the cabin, with smooth sailing along the way.

"Bang bang bang!"

The knock on the door interrupted Jacob's thoughts. He stopped writing and frowned.

A delicate and beautiful notebook was spread out in front of him, and the pencil squiggles depicted one fate and future possibility after another.

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