World Occult User Guide

Chapter 38 The road is never far away

After saying this, Jin Zhien wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and clenched the slate with both hands.

In addition to waiting for the golem to wake up, he felt that he had to confirm Lin An's death date before taking action!

I always feel that this guy is too calm!

"These patchwork divination methods are not worthy of calculating my fate." Lin An gave this answer.

"Hmph, it turns out that the old traditions of the Dragon Kingdom have long been outdated." Jin Zhien suppressed his inner anger and said coldly, "If you dare to refuse, believe it or not, I will immediately activate the golem and kill those two A woman! You can't stop me anymore!"

The golem in the surveillance video moved its clumsy body, while the mother and daughter hiding under the desk were unconscious, while the other was sobbing and losing the ability to move.

After a long silence, Lin An sighed.

"You're a remote guy, and your methods of doing things are really despicable."

As soon as he took a step forward, Jin Zhien's back grew cold and he quickly stopped him.

"If you have something to say, don't come near me!"

"With this little courage, I wonder what the 'Aristocratic Family' sees in you. Could it be that you are loyal enough?" Lin An stretched out his hand, "Good dog, good dog, throw the pen and paper over."

"Write down your date of birth and birth date for me! No petty tricks, did you hear me!" Jin Zhien grabbed the paper and pen, threw them into a pile and threw them at each other, shouting angrily, "Otherwise, the lives of these two women will not be guaranteed!"

With his back to Jin Zhien, Lin An held the brush, spread rice paper on the ground, and wrote his birthday eloquently.

"Jin Zhien, I can agree to your request, but there are two conditions."

"……you say."

"One, I also want your birthday and horoscope."

Jin Zhien was stunned for a moment, his thoughts kept flickering, and he weighed the pros and cons in his heart, and then his expression returned to normal.

Although he didn't know what Lin An's mystery was, the other party was definitely not a "prophet" medium. Otherwise, he would have activated his abilities and made changes in fortune in the divination battle just now.

In this case, he has no means to fight against my "destiny".

The so-called "divination" was probably just a bluff, trying to buy time for the mother and daughter to escape.

Moreover, as long as I figure out his death divination, no matter how Lin An "becomes a monster" in the future, he will never be able to escape the ending set by the "prophet".

After calming down his breathing, Jin Zhien said bitterly: "Okay, what's the second one?"

"Your fancy bamboo sticks are only worthy of being used as tourist souvenirs and are not worthy of being considered elegant." Lin An folded the white paper with his birth date written on it. "After you calculated it, I will cast my own. In the same way, I calculated it well." From now on, you can also use your own unfashionable things."

Veins popped out on Jin Zhien's forehead. He clenched his fists and squeezed out words through his teeth.


"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and write me your birthday and horoscope."

"Why should I be the first? How do I know you won't go back on your word and refuse to acknowledge what you've taken?"

Lin An shrugged: "First of all, based on your recent performance, this sentence is completely a self-introduction; secondly, you climbed up the pole to ask for my fortune telling, right?"

"I'm begging you...ah?"

Jin Zhien was surrounded. After hesitating for a long time, he had to write down his birth date.

"Is this okay? Let's throw it to each other at the same time." He raised the rice paper impatiently, "Move quickly, Longguo people!"

"The rice paper is too light, and your sincerity is not strong enough." Lin An took out a thick electronic card from his pocket, "We all put our ID cards in it, otherwise I won't be able to believe what you write."

"Okay!" Jin Zhien gritted his teeth.

Two parabolas crossed the air. The two of them opened the paper at the same time, threw it aside, picked up the ID card to check the authenticity, then looked at the date of birth, and silently calculated the time on the lunar calendar.

"...Lin An?" Jin Zhien shouted in surprise, "Are you Lin An?"


As he hesitated to speak, Jin Zhien thought of the woman's figure, and thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind, including doubts, hesitations, jealousy and other emotions, which eventually turned into a more determined murderous intention.

That was a joke made by the young lady, it was nothing!

As long as it is done cleanly and neatly, the lady will not know who killed Lin An!

Besides, I'm one of the lady's most capable subordinates, and she won't blame me for an outsider!

The two wrote each other's birthdays and stood opposite each other. Jin Zhien crossed his legs and sat steadily on the bright red anode color, while Lin An held a yellow cheap wooden barrel and stepped on the dark blue cathode cushion, standing tall and straight. , The corners of clothes made a hunting sound.

The cold wind blew over the golem's fingers, and their pure black eyes lit up with a faint blue light.

"Please, Lin from the Dragon Kingdom!"

Jin Zhien signaled Lin An to draw a lot from the hexagram lot tube.


The bamboo sticks collided with each other, making a crisp sound. Lin An pinched one of them and slowly moved it to his eyes.

When Chongyin is reversed, it is in the southwest of Kun, which is a bad sign.

A gloomy air suddenly climbed up his back, and Lin An felt that his body had become as heavy as a thousand stones, and his keen senses seemed to be covered by a veil, making him confused.

His arms and legs were as heavy as lead, and every muscle was inoperable.

"Hahaha, death sign! You will definitely die, Lin An!" Jin Zhien saw the lottery he drew from a distance, and immediately stood up from his chair with excitement, "Golem, kill him!"

"Uh uh..."

Heavy footsteps stepped on the dojo, causing the ground to rumble. A dozen sleeping demons all came to life. Under Jin Zhien's control, they stood in a semicircle, far apart from each other, and their invulnerable bodies blocked Kill Lin An's every way out.

Different from the last time's mindless charge, the golems formed their formations in a very organized manner.

"Even if you use a range of hypnosis again, you won't be able to escape!" Jin Zhien stepped on the zodiac annotation chart with a ferocious look on his face. "Your hypnosis will take time, but during this period, you still have the strength." Avoid the golem's attack?"

Lin An raised his heavy eyelids.

"Jin Zhien, why don't you take a look at the fortune I made for you?"

"You damn duck has a tough mouth! Lin An, my mystery has brought my luck to its peak. In a few seconds, these demons will smash you into a puddle of flesh!"

"Sure enough, your ability is to improve your own luck and reduce the opponent's luck."

Lin An didn't seem surprised, the corners of his mouth widened, and Jin Zhien could feel his pleasure from a distance.

Wait, pleasure?

Shouldn't it be fear? !

"So, I let the 'Ouroboros' connect our destiny cycles together." Lin An said, "Once you hit my 'death divination', it means that you are not far from death."


“I’ve already said it—see your fate with your own eyes, Kim Ji-eun!”

"If you're about to die, why don't you kneel down and beg for mercy! Are these your last words, Lin An!"

Jin Zhien wanted to look up to the sky and smile, but Lin Anfeng's calm and calm appearance made him feel chilled in his heart. He shuddered and his knees tilted, knocking over the hanging sign holder on the table.

The bright red "death" fell out, and Jin Zhien's pupils suddenly shrank to the smallest size.

"Is this... my signature?"

He looked at the result with eyes wide open and his voice trembled.

As a "prophet" medium, he understands the importance of divination better than anyone else!

Especially your own destiny!

The "prophet" gives the ability to predict, and the future predicted by the mystic is correct. Once they change their destiny through prediction, it means that all their previous predictions are wrong, and it proves that their own abilities are ineffective. .

In this paradox, as long as they foresee death, they have no choice but to accept it willingly!

"Why is it the death divination! Today is obviously my auspicious day!" Jin Zhien was almost mentally broken, scratching his hair with both hands, "I deserve to get the shangshang divination! Blessed by the strongest luck! No, I can't foresee myself Death!"

Ouroboros...connected by fate?

No wonder the more I use my powers, the worse my hexagrams become!

But in this case, we are all dead!

"Xiba, you idiot! Bastard! Madman! What benefits can you get!" Jin Zhien, who had lost his mind, kicked the square table over and raised the stone slab high. The demon roared fiercely and rushed towards Lin An from all directions, "Then Let’s fight until both sides suffer!”

"No, Jin Zhien, you are the only one who died."


"All things carry yin and embrace yang. However, the way of heaven damages more than makes up for the deficiency, so it escapes one of them. Just because one escapes, yin and yang flow, endless, which is the basis for the evolution of all things in the universe, and is also the universe of the Dragon Kingdom for thousands of years. Avenue.”

Lin An held the bamboo stick between his fingers and pointed it directly between the opponent's eyebrows.

"The way of heaven is ruthless, but there is always a glimmer of hope. Therefore, Bagua emphasizes that nothing is absolute, but your four pillars blinded your eyes and turned you into a pool of stagnant water."

Cold floating energy fell from the sky, and Jin Zhien raised his head in shock. The Hittite ritual transformed into the dim light of the underworld, covering him like a cage.

In normal times, Canaan's magical light would be strong at this time, and the holy light would dispel all dangerous mysteries.

However, at this moment, Jin Zhien's fortune fell to the bottom!

"Miss, this is the time!" he shouted desperately.

The protective shield - broken!

The extreme pain crawled up his limbs and bones. Jin Zhien let out a sharp scream and fell to the ground. He huddled up on the bright red carpet of the anode, twitching and rolling constantly, with tears streaming down his face.

"Woo... Wuwu..." He clutched his dry throat in pain, but he couldn't scream at all.

The distorted vision was clear in black and white. Jin Zhien suddenly discovered that an eye had appeared on the cathode under Lin An's feet. It was a dent made by the demon. There was also a spot on his anode, but it was the projection of the surveillance equipment.

The finishing touch makes the entire yin-yang fish come alive in an instant.

It turns out that Tai Chi has always been about life within death, and death within life——

He is the only one who is obsessed with it!

"Jin Zhien, you falsely claim that destiny is destined, but you don't know that the Great Dao is fifty, the Heavenly Evolution is forty-nine, and humans can escape even one!"


A clear roar seemed to shatter Jin Zhien's soul, and the slate in his hand fell heavily to the ground.

"Your hexagrams are meant to cut off your own future!"

Explain the big question of readers in the previous chapter: why didn't Lin An kill Jin Zhien directly?

1. "Comoth" is a high-dimensional planet whose rules are superior to those of Titan's physics (see the treasure-keeping fairies). "Mysterious" is just a reference to this energy. When the "Prophet" protects Jin Zhien, even if someone shoots, he will miss due to unexpected situations such as bullet jamming, miss, being dodged, or even Parkinson's disease.

2. Individuals cannot take Foundation equipment and weapons out of the facility unless redeemed with points.

Other answers will be written in the text of the next chapter~

Thanks to the monthly ticket of Xiaogushan Orangutan King, as well as all readers for your great support and comments. I will come up with more reasonable and interesting plots, and I hope you will like them (.)

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