The dead bodies fell to the ground, the blue six-pointed star on the stone slab disappeared, and the roaring demons all froze in place, maintaining their original postures, motionless.

Lin An turned sideways to avoid the golem's finger that almost hit him, and the system's beep sounded in his mind.

"The entry "Liuyao VI-Tuting Secret Book" has been included. You have obtained the medium 'Prophet' x6, 'War Emperor' x1, and 'Presiding Judge' x1."

"Through the use of mystery, the radiation value of [Mysterious Encyclopedia] increased by 0.2%."

[Name]: Tuting Secrets

[Rating]: Legend D level

[Radiation value]: 10.5%

[Pollution level]: 12.2%

[Media]: Prophet

[Mysterious Source]: Tuting Secret Book draws on the model of the sixty-four hexagrams of the Book of Changes and the iron plate divine number. It is a prophecy book written in the form of poetry. There are two methods of starting hexagrams, 863 hexagrams, one year Twelve months, each month corresponds to six lines of poetry.

It counts each person's age, birth month, day, and hour as numbers, performs calculations, and draws future conclusions.

Compared with the Six Yao Bagua, this book is actually more biased towards Xizhou's "fatalism". However, fate is full of unpredictable possibilities. Even if God's will is so, it must be done by man.

Consume the medium "Prophet" x2 and use the ability of the Tuting secret book [Auspicious Day of the Zodiac].

[Individual introduction]: He wants to know what it feels like to be one of those people.

They can do whatever they want, they will never be deported, committing serious crimes will get them locked up, but their sovereignty will never be taken away.

Although the news reported that some people suffered pain and suffering for this; but he believed that someone had to suffer pain and suffering somewhere, didn't he?

Consume the medium "Prophet" x2 and use the ability of Tuting's secret book [Bloodlight Disaster].

Lin An looked thoughtfully at the green-lighting panel.

Even in the field of occultism, "fate" is the most unspeakable thing. Since ancient Greek times, destiny is like a gust of wind, sometimes a hurricane, sometimes a breeze, but it blows on Mount Olympus and reveals to the gods A future that cannot be ignored.

Some people believe that fate is a direction that cannot be changed; others believe that fate describes choices that have dramatic consequences.

Therefore, even the "prophet" medium cannot completely control destiny. It is more like giving an individual a strong psychological suggestion.

When your luck is high, the choices you make will bring benefits to you; when your luck is low, any conclusion you draw may have fatal consequences.

In other words, the "seer" is a sixth sense that is correct.

Due to the projection of "Comes", luck is no longer a mysterious and invisible force, but a real radiant energy. It turns into armor and surrounds Jin Zhien, blocking the aim of [100-shot], and integrating perfectly with the Canaan Guardian Talisman.

Lin An initially just wanted to kill Jin Zhien face to face, but suddenly he had an idea and felt that he should get a bag of Bagua lottery tickets in case of emergency.

Thinking about it now, at that time, he had been affected by Jin Zhien's good luck and could not fully control his thinking.

Fortunately, the "Prophet" medium seems to have few attack methods. Although it has the ability to influence others remotely, it is difficult to protect itself.

Even with the protection of Canaan magic, the system is 90% sure to kill the opponent, but Lin An, who has only one "God of Truth" left, dare not bet on the remaining 10% possibility.

Therefore, he used "ouroboros".

The mysterious items provided by the foundation have two abilities. One is to inject the medium "Dream Lord" Used by any two targets.

Another ability is still a mystery, only known to be related to the "Goddess of the Lamp".

During the fortune-telling process, neither Jin Zhien nor Lin An had the ability to "predict". The former only used the ability to influence Lin An's thinking to keep delaying time.

Jin Zhien was waiting for the demon to wake up, but unfortunately, he didn't expect Lin An to use a [Mobius strip] to connect the two people's fortunes.

When the two people's fortunes hit a low point at the same time, the system prompted that Canaan's magical energy was abnormal, and the last possibility of failure disappeared. Lin An immediately activated the mysterious technique.

[Ritual of Ishtar in Nineveh].

Consuming "God of Truth" x1, "Seeker of Knowledge" x1, "Judge" x1 and "Mother of Desire" x1, to perform a ritual of torturing the soul to death was the ancient Hittite method of punishing a foolish king.

They dug up the body of the deceased, opened the belly of a pig or lamb, stuffed its intestines, heart and blood into bread and buried it, praying to the gods to torture the soul of the buried person in the underworld, and finally the people enjoyed the food together. Animals that are only slaughtered.

The harvest was not bad.

This mysterious ability is worth studying, and I wasted an entire afternoon in vain.

As for Jin Zhien’s suspicion that Lin An’s motive was to save people...

Lin An looked up at the surveillance video, which showed that the older woman had regained consciousness and was holding the girl in her arms to comfort her.

"Uh, uh... help... me..."

Losing control of the slate, the office golem no longer had the desire to attack. It waved its hands in confusion and uttered a few broken words in its mouth.

After experiencing the previous "Travel to Busan", the mother and daughter did not dare to get close to the golem. Seeing it wandering aimlessly in the office, always blocking the exit, the girl took out her mobile phone, gritted her teeth, and It was thrown over.


The sound attracted the golem's attention. It walked over tremblingly, knelt on the ground, and held the phone in both hands. The familiar electronic screen illuminated the golem's bloated and ugly face, and two tears fell from its dark eyes. slide.

Facing the locked screen saver, it clumsily pressed the "recording" button on the social software and spoke intermittently unspeakable words.

"Mom and Dad... I'm sorry... I can never... go back... I'm really happy to meet you in this once-in-a-lifetime trip... I'm sorry... don't raise me again in the next life... raise a daughter like this for love... ...You are the people I love the most..."

Seeing this scene, the older woman couldn't help but hold the girl's hand. The two looked at each other speechlessly, and it seemed as if they had said a thousand words.

"Let's go. Mom will make you pork rib soup tonight."

"Shouldn't we go to the police station and the hospital first?" The girl didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Withdrawing his gaze, Lin An looked around. There were stiff golems, broken boards, and flying soil all over the place. The chaotic scene covered up the traces behind Lin An.

Carmen had no time to go to the newsstand to explore again. This time Lin An carefully observed the fallen stone slab in Jin Zhien's hand. The frosted surface was engraved with Hebrew characters, which was a line of scripture from "The Book of Obedience".

“Observe and obey the commandments commanded by your Lord Almighty, that you may enter into the good land which the Spirit of God swore to your fathers.”

Like Ouroboros, is this a mysterious object?

Before Lin An could take a few more glances, the system's loud warning suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Please note that you are about to come into contact with the Canaanite Magic Slate, which is also a 'source level'. The mysterious medium is the 'Mother of Desire'. When you control it, your pollution level will increase."

Did the system proactively prompt you?

This is the first time ever.

Lin An was greatly surprised. This taciturn system usually pushed and moved, completed Lin An's instructions step by step, and answered Lin An's questions without saying anything.

When it attracted the "Presiding Judge" medium and increased the pollution level by 3%, it just told Lin An that if he killed too much, he would be radiated by the "Presiding Judge", and it did not stop Lin An from using mystical techniques. Keep killing people.

Could this slate cause my pollution levels to skyrocket?

"Brother Tongzi, how much do you think it can be increased?" Lin An asked curiously.


Damn, it scared me.

"At the same time, your presence will be noticed by the mysterious person who uses Canaan magic." The system added.

Lin An raised his eyebrows, so that was it.

No wonder the system issued a reminder. With his current radiation value of 1.2%, he would definitely die if he was paid attention to by the family.

Different from the foundation that has just been put into operation for less than a year, the family has been planning for thousands of years, just waiting for the star path of "Comes" to overlap for the second time. They have a far greater understanding of the energy of that world than ordinary people. understand.

Lin An hooked his toes and took back the dropped ID card.

The dust was wiped away, revealing the dim and old small writing on the bottom floor.

“This building is the property of Cardenas Group.”


The name seems familiar, I always feel like I have heard it somewhere.

After recalling for a long time to no avail, Lin An bypassed the numerous demon statues in the dojo and left through the main entrance.

In the surveillance video, the mother and daughter opened the back door and walked out.

The dojo fell into monotonous silence until a "rustling" echoed on the cushioned floor, getting louder and louder. The walls kept shaking, and the TVs and lamps on the ceiling fell to the ground with a "bang" and smashed into pieces. fragments.


The floor bulged, a big hole was completely opened, and a python broke through the sky.

"Hiss, hiss..."

It has the head of a chicken, and its eyes are uniquely cold-blooded. They shine with an emotionless luster and spit out the core from its beak.

"The person who handed dead?" The basilisk absorbed the pheromones in the air in confusion, "Forget it, I have to fulfill the witch's request...carry the golem."

A strange light lit up on the top of its head, and the basilisk opened its huge mouth. Its slightly thick body actually grew to an unlimited size, and it swallowed a demon statue that was the same size as a normal human being.

"One, two," The basilisk muttered to itself, "Where did I count? I want to get 12...but I can only count to three." It poked Jin Zhien's body with its tail. , hissed the letter, "Can I take all the golems."


"You have no objection."


"You are so generous, Miss Esther's messenger."

Thanks to Bingtang A Bit Salty, Elulu, Time 697, and Book Friends 20211020225146303 for their monthly votes~

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