World Occult User Guide

Chapter 40 New Tower of Babel

"Crackling... crackling..."

Sasaki stuck his head out and looked at Lin An, who wished he could grow eight hands, and couldn't help but remind him.

"Take it easy, Lin Sang, don't break my keyboard."

"Don't worry, I have my own sense of proportion." Lin An used the mouse in his left hand and the keyboard in his right hand, pulling one World Tree Forum user after another into the permanent ban list, and continued unaffected, "I haven't been a dog manager for a week, it's time to deal with it severely It’s a wave.”

"You're holding me back a lot." Sasaki clicked the battle button, and the beautiful girl paper figurine shook her staff and rushed towards the monster, "So, when will you re-activate your 'Two Ravens' account?" ?”

"Is the media still spreading rumors about my affair with Doris?"

"Traffic password."

"I even have to dress up as a hooded person when entering and exiting the university to prevent the eldest lady's fanatic fans from swarming over me." Lin An clicked the left button of the mouse, "Once they dig out the dark web like the World Tree Forum, it will be easy to re-read, and more serious. Take a break from school. Sasaki, you don’t want to have no friends in college.”

"Actually, I don't care." Sasaki blinked innocently, "Lin Sang, my ultimate goal in life is to be an oyster. I will be corrupted by my peers, and I will sleep when the world is destroyed."

"...Do you have a second wish?"

"Be a sea cucumber." Sasaki pulled out Lin An's mobile phone from the drawer, "I've installed it for you, remember to pay. I only ate 15 big guarantees during the winter festival, and I was going to die of poverty. Really, every time I live Let me finish, did you go pick up girls again all afternoon?"


Lin An pressed the last key and turned around the computer chair.

The troops were divided into two groups. Lin An handed his cell phone to Fatty in the morning and claimed that he was going to Chinatown to buy some winter festival souvenirs. After walking out of the dojo, he grabbed a few bags of tonkotsu ramen and Demae Nicho and returned to Ann Arbor University.

"Thank you. The reward has been credited to your bank card."

"It will take two hours for the payment to arrive." Sasaki said gloomily, "Knowing that you will be kicked out of school, you still persist in trying to get your vest. As expected, people who stand at the top of the world cannot have any fear."

Sasaki added a new "remote cloud login" function to Lin An to prevent the foundation from tracking his World Tree Forum speech records. The risk of logging in to the administrator account is still too great. Lin An can only use this method to support trumpets. .

At the same time, Lin An added a new code.

"When an account is reported by more than 50 users for 'these three' reasons, it will be automatically and permanently banned."

Taking his hands off the keyboard, Lin An opened the lock screen and scrolled through various social media. When he opened the green bubble, he found that there were a few more messages in the private chat.

A cloud made of rain: Senior, how have you been lately? I should have finished the exam.

A cloud made of rain: I also finished the exam, hehe. Senior, do you want to go out for dinner together? As promised, I'll treat you. Senior, are you free today?

A cloud made of rain: [Sending address]

A Cloud Made of Rain: This is this restaurant. I heard people say it is very delicious. There is also a big promotion during the winter festival, and the second dessert set is half price! We can order four!

A cloud made of rain: Senior, please reply if you see it.

Ruan Ruyun?

The message was sent not long ago. After clicking on the note on the avatar, Lin An suddenly realized that studying the shadow of "Comos" was so exciting that he almost forgot about this school girl who owed him a piece of chestnut cake.

After thinking for a moment, he wrote a reply.

The Cabin in the Woods: Is it still too late to make an appointment?

A cloud made of rain:! ! ! Senior, you are alive!

A cloud made of rain: Of course, of course, we will make an appointment and meet at the restaurant in an hour and a half. How about half past six?

Cabin in the woods: [OK][thumbs up]

As soon as he removed the phone with the screen turned off, Sasaki's face full of resentment appeared, posing at the same angle as Sadako.

"Sure enough, you went to pick up girls."

"You eat the instant noodles first, I'm leaving." Lin An brushed away this obstructive face, logged out of the administrator account, and put on his shoulder bag, "Happy Winter Festival, Fatty Wang."

"Who is that!"

"I just made a single 648 for you."

"Fatty Wang is me, I am Fatty Wang."


The streets of Detli were bustling with activity and the noise was deafening.

The main road was crowded with vehicles, ranging from gleaming luxury cars to dusty diesel trucks, and pedestrians of all kinds kept flowing. In the crowded narrow alleys, Lin An's senses were bombarded with all kinds of customs and smells, almost numbing them.

The peaceful forests of neighboring countries become a distant backdrop.

Beneath the bright neon lights, countless brands compete for space on Detli City's frenzied billboards, and various stores are making flashy sales pitches where people can buy anything from state-of-the-art computer technology to handmade soap.

Perhaps the most peculiar thing about Eagle Country is that all of its contrasting features coexist so harmoniously.

When one part of a group is always at war with another, and when outsiders far outnumber locals, sense of self-identity evaporates.

But there is Calvinism lurking in the souls of Eagle Country people: a love of change, even a desire to make the impossible possible.

They may be extremely arrogant, complaining endlessly about everything about themselves, but they are reborn every moment, becoming different, unknown and suspicious. They are fused by the same name into a dozen countries with different beliefs, all enjoying together With a name.

This is a decadent utopia.

Lin An straightened his clothes and walked into a restaurant on the main road.

"Hello, sir, do you have an appointment?" the usher stepped forward and asked.

"I came to dine with my friends." Lin An happened to see Ruan Ruyun waving, and motioned to the usher, "She's over there."

The usher smiled knowingly.

"Have a nice evening, sir, and happy Winter's Day."

The heating was turned on in the room, and Ruan Ruyun took off her thick down jacket. She wore a side braid, a white shirt, a leather buckle belt and an apple green skirt, which complemented her fair complexion.

"Senior, you are here!"

Lin An pulled out a chair and sat down. The table was located next to the window. Sweet music was flowing, the lights were dimmed just right, and electronic candles and aromatherapy were used to enhance the atmosphere.

"Xuemei Ruan, long time no see. How was your final paper?"

"You said this, I have to sit at the next table." Ruan Ruyun handed over a menu card, "I have never written a paper that relied entirely on my own research. If Senior Zhou hadn't been willing to guide me, I would have stayed the entire winter vacation. Make up a lesson."

"At least it passed." Lin An gave her a thumbs up.

"Senior, did you fail the class for the first time?"

"No, but I crammed in several knowledge points all night long." Lin An couldn't bear to look back on the past, remembering the bitter memories and thinking sweetly, "I'll order an Eggs Benedict."

"What's your major, senior?" Ruan Ruyun glanced at Lin An's face from the corner of his eye while reading the menu.


"hold head high?"

“In the first semester, I was given a lot of professional knowledge about repairing cultural relics and digging tombs. Later, the course switched to customs and prehistoric anthropology, and my grades improved.”

Ruan Ruyun never expected that Lin An was actually an archaeologist. She thought he was studying language, philosophy or social history in the School of Humanities!

"Why?" she asked in disbelief, "Senior, do you like "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"?"

"My family helped me choose it."

At this time, the waiter came to take the order. Ruan Ruyun ordered a cream soup and four desserts, claiming that one person would eat three portions, and he proved himself afterwards.

Lin An knew why she gained weight.

Good guy, Dwayne Johnson wouldn’t dare to eat like this.

As night falls, towering buildings change the skyline. The windows of the skyscrapers are lit up, and the reflections shine on the windows. Lin An carelessly pokes the dripping Eggs Benedict and watches Dietrich. City landmark building.

——New Tower of Babel.

It was once a church bell tower. The exterior walls are made of rose-red bricks and stones. The angular buttresses are surrounded by six-light windows. The open arch is superimposed on a slightly shorter molded arch, and the dim leaf-like capitals are carved. letter.

Novus ordo seclorum. (Latin: New Age).

Eagle Country renovated a museum and tourism center on the basis of the bell tower. Scaffolding covered the ancient walls, leaving reinforced concrete supports. The church turned into a skyscraper that illuminates the city and has stood firm for hundreds of years.

After eating and drinking, Ruan Ruyun sipped the sparkling water and chatted with Lin An.

"It's winter vacation, senior, what are your plans?"

"I found a part-time job."

"Hey, what's it like?"

"It's hard to comment. It's considered a service industry. I deal with accommodation and warehousing every day." Lin An curled his lips.

"Senior, aren't you going back to China? I'm planning to fly tomorrow. Although the Spring Festival coincides with the start of school, at least I can still see my parents. Won't you go back and tell them that you are safe?" Ruan Ruyun said with her chin.

"My parents...are quite generous."

"Senior, you are in your third year of college. Are your uncles and aunts used to you staying outside? Hahaha, my parents send me messages every day to confirm that I am still alive."

Lin An was silent for a moment and said, "My dad and I haven't been in contact for more than ten years. As for my mom...she usually only forwards some papers to my email and doesn't talk much about life."

As soon as he finished speaking, his cell phone rang.

"Your special attention sends a message."

Ruan Ruyun's eyes widened.

"Special attention? Senior, is she your girlfriend? Is she Senior Sister Zhou - could it be Doris Wood!"

"Don't make wild guesses, I'm purely single."

Lin An turned sideways to avoid the curious Ruan Ruyun, only to see a message pop up on the top chat.

Adelia: Happy Winter Festival, Xiao An! Although I can’t spend this holiday with you, the good news is that we can spend the Spring Festival together this year.

Adelia: I have finished settling the family legacy, and I have received an invitation to be a guest lecturer at Ann Arbor University, so I happen to be spending some time in Dietrich.

Adelia: Xiao An, don’t you expect your mother to come over?

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