World Occult User Guide

Chapter 41 The Ghost Reappears

Adelia Hughes…

This is a name that haunts Lin An.

From an early age, Lin An realized that he was different from the people around him in some ways.

That is a root and essential difference.

For the child, this is very painful because when he has done nothing and has no ability to do it, he cannot prove that his ideas are harmful or just inconsistent with the mainstream and idiosyncratic. Walk alone.

If there was a trustworthy, loving, and equally unique adult by his side, Lin An's confused life might be somewhat comforted, but he did not meet such a person.

His father gave Lin An unconditional love, but Lin Hainan did not have such painful worries. He could always quickly integrate into the environment and mingle with everyone.

He couldn't tell Lin An how to spend his future life.

One day, Lin Hainan mentioned Lin An's mother, Adelia Hughes. He said that Lin An was very much like her, a steadfast mystic, a woman not recognized by the mainstream.

So Lin An began to understand the occult, initially to please his mother, and then gradually became addicted to it.

When he was five years old, his father left the Dragon Kingdom. For some reason, he chose to cut off contact with Lin An and send a sum of money to Lin An's sister-in-law every year. Relatives said that he had established a new family in Nanzhou; his mother took on the responsibility of raising him. Responsibilities.

Lin An thought he could finally talk to his mother about his troubles, but Adelia told him:

She is very busy at work and cannot stay in one place for too long, and she has no intention of cooperating with Lin An's naivety. If she wants to be recognized, he must find a way to keep up with her.

A few words touched a certain emotion deep in Lin An's heart, echoing repeatedly in a secret place.

In any case, Lin An was deeply disappointed at that moment.

When he was growing up, Lin An thought he had forgotten the role his parents played in his life. Unexpectedly, as soon as his mother sent a message, he could no longer pretend and his hands were shaking.

After a while, he wrote a line of angry and evasive reply.

Cabin in the Woods: Sorry, Mom, I got a part-time job. In order to facilitate commuting, I just live in the company recently.

Cabin in the Woods: What date did you buy the ticket for? I left the keys under the carpet in the apartment ahead of time.

I don’t know if Adelia noticed Lin An’s resistance, but her tone was still so self-centered and indifferent, even a little happy.

Adelia: It's such a shame, Xiao An. Mom will be staying in Detli for a month. Come back and get together when you have time.

Adelia: Have you read those ancient books? How does it feel?

Cabin in the Woods: Very good. Except for ancient books, I put all other ordinary books in the bank's safe. There is a stack of stamped documents proving the storage in the apartment.

Adelia: Yes, you are great, dear child.

Adelia: Your great-grandfather was an extraordinary Romanian noble. His connections and status allowed him to master unknown secrets. After my verification, "The Encyclopedia of Magic" is the only unique handwritten copy in the world.

Adelia: I will also talk about the content when I give lectures at Ann Arbor University. I will send the lecture schedule to your email shortly. Remember to find free time to attend.

Adelia: Mom looks forward to having real academic exchanges with you, Xiao An.

Cabin in the Woods: Okay.

Turning away the phone screen and facing Ruan Ruyun, who was full of gossip, Lin An took a deep breath and returned to normal.

"It's my mother."

Ruan Ruyun widened his eyes slightly and said in a nervous tone: "Remember to say hello to auntie for me and wish her a happy Winter Festival!"

"Let's settle the bill, schoolgirl." Lin An changed the subject, "The main course and tip are AA, and you can take the dessert."

"No, no, no, I'll pay this time, and next time I'll treat the seniors instead." Ruan Ruyun hinted playfully, "When you are free, send me an invitation at Green Bubble."

The cold wind of winter was blowing in the noisy city of Ditry. Lin An said goodbye to his school girl and walked to the bus station.

Pedestrians passed by him. In this lively winter festival, Lin An was isolated. Titan exiled him, and he allowed himself to stay away from the center of society.

Lin An looked at the night sky at the end of the neon lights. A bright moon hung above New Babylon, its soft light shining on the shadowy pine forests of neighboring countries.

The moon has risen.

A kind and touching warmth surged in his heart.

The moonlight was dim and the neon was bright, but he knew that this beam of light had been mixed with the shadows cast from that world.

"Comes" embraced Lin An, and the favor of the divine medium replaced the identity of Titan, filling the empty corner of his heart and making him think wildly.

What if radiation destroyed the existing laws of physics...

If the star path of "Comuth" overlaps with that of Titan...

Just be fine forever...

This unrealistic idea crossed his mind, and Lin An quickly shook his head and threw it away.

After returning to the apartment, he took out the third ancient book in the series from the outside of the bookcase. Lin An's goal in the near future is to translate this book and then include it in the system.

"Encyclopedia of Magic III: Playing Pan's Flute - Nature Worship for Those Who Are Familiar with Oak Trees".

A few days later, Lin An leaned on the sofa, logged into the World Tree Forum through the cloud, browsed a few posts at random, changed the location to Ditli City, and browsed through recent interesting posts.

While waiting for the other two team members to pass the newcomer assessment, in addition to collecting documents, Lin An also wanted to find an opportunity to test the newly collected Tuting secrets.

The "Prophet" medium is too mysterious, and there is no exact explanation of its effects from the system.

Only practice can lead to true knowledge.

A headline caught his attention.

[Mirage or reality? Recording my experience of encountering ‘orcs’ near the International Bridge]


The four members of the Foundation looked at the unrecognizable dojo and didn't know how to evaluate it for a while.

The police department received a report from a mother and daughter. The moment they arrived at the scene, they knew this was no ordinary crime and quickly notified the St. Annelov Foundation in Michigan to report this apparent and "paranormal phenomenon." "related incidents.

It was already noon of the next day when the foursome, who were far away in other cities dealing with the aftermath, arrived by helicopter overnight.

The captain read the file.

"The deceased's name is Jin Zhien, a native of Althea and an international student at Ann Arbor University. He bought this place about six months ago and transformed it into an Aikido education and training base. During his studies, he occasionally did divination business."

"According to the eyewitnesses' oral accounts, they met Jin Zhien through the Aikido recruitment advertisement. They accidentally heard him reveal his divination skills, so they tried to calculate a few fortunes. Due to the extremely high accuracy, they almost hit the target with 100% accuracy. Mother believed it."

"She didn't want to go into detail about the process. In short, Jin Zhien tricked her into performing evil rituals on her daughter. The mother flatly refused - here the daughter said she was interrupted - Jin Zhien became so angry that he locked them in the office and let 'zombie' bite them. .”

"Zombies?" Caroline asked.

"Exact words of the eyewitness. Maybe Kim Zhien's puppet, if he is the medium of the 'War Emperor'."

"No, Jin Zhien is a mysterious 'prophet'." Vanessa retracted her big crimson hand floating in the air. "This medium has weak combat effectiveness, but it is good at blending in with the crowd, observing people's words, and playing both sides."

"Well, fortunately, they escaped." Caroline concluded, "And they didn't recognize the mysterious person's true identity, which means they have no radiation value and only need to carry out 'level five control'."

"He is the 'weirdo' Lin mentioned." Hector interrupted.

"Yeah, I think this name sounds familiar." Caroline suddenly realized.

"Don't you think there is something a little bit wrong with the second incident this month surrounding Ann Arbor University students..."

"Vanessa, you also understand the cunningness of the 'Prophet' mysterious person. We were too negligent and did not go there to investigate in person." The captain interrupted, "This situation will improve when Mr. Lloyd's control team starts going on duty. "

"I hope so." Vanessa was noncommittal, "The cause of Jin Zhien's death was 'soul crushing'. The method of killing was exactly the same as the previous killings. It was done by a 'ghost'."

Caroline looked around. The dojo was in a mess, and the concrete floor was lifted up. She also saw a few pieces of dry soil, as if invisible hands fell from the sky, digging three feet into the ground, and she couldn't help but take a breath.

"We haven't seen each other for a week, and the 'ghost' is getting stronger and stronger, but we still can't find any clues about this person. We don't even know whether he is a man, a woman, a human...or maybe he mutated into a monster."

"It's not like Ghost's work." Vanessa stamped her high heels on the ground, "It's not about killing people, it's about destroying the scene."

"Do you think there are two mysterious people who deal with Jin Zhien?"

"Just a guess. The traces tearing the earth like wheels, and the strips of dust distribution, don't you think of a mysterious person who follows [The Witch of Bavomet]?" Vanessa said cautiously, "A bird-headed snake body Basilisk."

The control team shivered suddenly, and after a while, the captain sighed.

“Did ‘Ghost’ join the camp of the Free Mystics?”

The report came back to St. Annelov, and less than three hours later Doris lazily picked up the ringing phone.


"Kim is dead."

Doris was startled, playing with a small tumbler with her fingers, and said casually: "At that time, I took a look at the 'Holy Grail'. Could it be that the moment he lost the protective spell, he was eaten by the basilisk? What a coincidence, he Aren’t you very lucky?”

"No, miss, the body was left behind. It was not caused by the basilisk." The processed voice buzzed, "But I don't have enough authority to know the specific situation."


The roly-poly's head was pressed against the table by fingers, then bounced back in a circle.

"Understood, I asked the witch about the situation. As for you..." Doris said lightly, "You did a good job, Cardenas, but I think you can do better."

The voice on the other end paused and answered respectfully.

"Yes, Miss Esther, no investigator in the field, past, present or future, will have access to your information - never."

Thanks to Mr. Miaosheng, I can’t think of a good name for my monthly ticket. Thank you everyone for your recommendation and follow-up reading~

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