World Tree Forum.

Atmaninravi: Everyone should know the famous "International Bridge" in Detli City, the cross-border bridge extending from Eagle Country to Maple Leaf Country.

Atmaninravi: I am a Maple Leaf native, but I come to Detli City to work every day. I work as a programmer, so I will inevitably work overtime occasionally. I worked overtime until 2 a.m. last night. I originally wanted to live in the company, but my brain twitched and I decided to go home.

Atmaninravi: When I was riding across the International Bridge, I seemed to catch a glimpse of a huge black shadow passing by in the distance. I stopped curiously and looked at it for a long time, but found nothing. Now that I think about it, it's probably a ship? Anyway, when I turned around, something strange happened.

Atmaninravi: I swear the bridge was empty—a few cars, but no pedestrians—but suddenly a dark-haired woman appeared in front of me. The light lengthened her shadow, and a tail swung from side to side—yes, a furry tail!

Atmaninravi: When I was riding by, she stared at me secretly and watched me leave the bridge. I didn't see her "behind" until the end. By the way, she didn't lead the dog, so it was her own shadow.

Gildorrat_5: Free control of ecstasy.

Naturalnumbers: Brother, do you really have a tail? What color? What does it feel like?

Atmaninravi: I am not a free control! ! ! As I said, I could only see a shadow. The woman turned her body according to my perspective, and her back was not exposed at all.

Phil_Tornado: I know you are not a Furui control, but is there a possibility that she is wearing a doll costume?

Shmyfe: Alas, the master's task.

01/Tater: Oh, shaking M.

Atmaninravi: I told you that the Yggdrasil Forum is the base camp of occultism... Can anyone give me a serious answer? That tail is very flexible and sways around. I think it is a limb growing on a living creature, not a prop.

Nim-opet: Apart from the fact that the poster stayed up late and had hallucinations, maybe it was really an 'orc'. The question now is - what kind? Since it is the border between Eagle Country and Maple Leaf Country, I bet on werewolves or beavers.

thematrix1234: Then I guess it’s the classic cat girl.

Фeдoр: Change it for me quickly.

Heviaaaa: I thought of the story of the nine-tailed fox. I happened to be watching "The Romance of the Gods" recently. Maybe you met Daji~

_jeremybear_: Poster, besides the shadow of her tail, is there anything unusual about that woman?

Atmaninravi: There are several blue light spots surrounding her. Well, it may be the reflection of neon lights on the water. I didn't see it clearly.

_jeremybear_: Will-o'-the-wisp?

Atmaninravi: Alas, you guys have made me doubt life. Maybe my eyesight is really dazzled. Next time I ask my boss if he can work less overtime, which makes me hallucinate.

Gil-Blond: Workers cry.

There were no photos, and the poster’s oral account was rather vague. There were few serious replies, and in the end the poster’s mentality collapsed and he stopped replying. The post slowly sank.

But compared to some eye-catching posts, this is actually the most realistic ghost story encounter in recent times.

After searching for the location of the International Bridge, Lin An set his destination at a nearby cafe.


"There's never been a worse time than now!"

Curly-haired hippies drank drinks, danced and complained to their neighbors.

“Where would my heart be heading if I hadn’t walked so many unknown roads?”

"2037 has passed, happy New Year. Who knows what the world will look like tomorrow."

The person who answered was a young man with black hair and black eyes. He was handsome and had a friendly attitude. Hippies always felt that he had an indifferent and mysterious temperament, just like a wizard in a novel.

"For good measure," sighed the hippie, "but everything and everyone is the same; this is the mystery and the ending."

"It's already past 3 o'clock in the morning. You should go home quickly." The young man persuaded him nicely. "I heard that there have been 'orcs' on the International Bridge recently. And you are not suitable for running on the streets at any time. Wander around.”

"No, man, I'm going to visit the Maple Leaf Country... One of the joys of life is adventure." The hippie stood up unsteadily, rubbed his hazy eyes and pushed out the door. "The real spiritual journey is better than guided tours." The reason we move toward it is even stronger!”

Don't talk about being willing to fall so confidently!

The young man is Lin An.

In order to verify the post on the World Tree Forum, he sat in a coffee shop near the International Bridge all night. There were fewer and fewer customers in the shop, and eventually only he and this hippie were left. The latter seemed homeless and caught Lin An talks about empty ideals.

Finally, he saw a black car parked on the side of the bridge. Lin An thought that the person walking out would be the legendary mysterious person with a tail, but it turned out to be a herbal medicine merchant from the Maple Leaf Kingdom.

The hippie on the side waited until he reached the goal he had longed for, said goodbye to Lin An, and ran out with empty steps.

Alas, not every exploration is rewarding.

One hour had passed the time mentioned in the forum post, and Lin An was about to leave. Just as he was about to get up, the doorbell of the coffee shop rang.

Lin An sat down again.

This location is very good, next to the window, in the corner, and you can see the front desk through a grid of decorations.

It's so late and there are still guests?

Is it the female 'orc' with a tail?

Through the narrow line of sight of the grid, Lin An saw a very haggard tall man. He wore an outdated top hat and a thick woolen coat, revealing gray and dry cheeks.


The waiter was lying on the table, soundly asleep. The man did not wake him up. He took off the key hanging by him, opened the counter door, and went inside to make a cup of espresso.

His bloodless hands stretched out from his cuffs. They were so skinny that they looked like a skeleton recently dug out of a grave. His movements were clean and neat. He changed his sluggish look and skillfully operated the coffee machine and poured water. You can get water and coffee at the touch of a button.

The man drank the espresso black coffee in one gulp, took out his change, put it on the waiter's counter, and left the coffee shop.

Mysterious person?

Lin An narrowed his eyes slightly, intuitively thinking that the man was a mysterious person, and the radiation level was not low.

Such a powerful mystic either belongs to the foundation, works for a noble family, or surrenders to the witch. There are only these three factions in Detli City.

Counting the "female orc" who is both real and fake, two mysterious people have appeared near the bridge. If the black figure witnessed by user Atmaninravi is also a mysterious person...

Could this be a gathering place?

Lin An hid in a hidden corner and watched from the window as the man walked straight from the sidewalk toward the International Bridge. His back was tall and thin, his walking posture was straight and his steps were long.

It was a cold, gray, foggy day on the first day of the new year, with a fine dust of snow falling over Detli.

A black Stella was parked on the side of the road. Three Maple Leaf countrymen were leaning against the railing of the bridge, chatting for a while. When they saw the hippie approaching, they whistled to him.

"Yo, man!"

At this time, the man gradually faded out of Lin An's field of vision. He used [Always Hit] to adjust to a sniper field of view, only to hear the hippie's voice ringing again.

"How's business going, man?"

"It's not bad. I have a new batch of weeds, you will like this thing." The Maple Leaf Countryman took out a package and handed it to him, "We call it Purple Smoke."

"Really?" The hippie opened the package and sniffed it greedily, "It smells good."

"500 dollars for fun."

Before the hippie could pay, the man approached a group of people. As he walked, he spoke in a hoarse, metal-colliding voice.

"Please leave this place."

"Ha, where are you from?" the Maple Leaf Country businessman said unhappily, "Son of a bitch, don't hinder our business!"

"Actually, I like being provoked by marginalized people like you the most, because no personal friend or relative in the world knows or cares whether you are dead or alive." The man kept walking and unbuttoned his collar with one hand. One button, "For the last time, get out!"

When the Maple Leaf Country businessmen realized that the visitor was evil, they all pulled out their pistols and pointed them at the man who was approaching them step by step.

"Damn it, it's you who should get out! I count to three——"


A brass-sheathed lead bullet flew at supersonic speed, hitting the man in a spinning motion like a flying drill, followed by continuous gunshots. The smell of gunpowder filled the air, and the smoke was thick.

The hippie hugged his head and hid by the railing shivering.

"do you died?"

"Serve you with more than a dozen peanuts. If you don't die, you will be a ghost."

Scarier than a ghost, man.

Lin An was surprised when he saw the whole process clearly.

A few seconds before the businessmen opened fire, the man threw off the obstructive coat, and his figure instantly became transparent and completely disappeared from Lin An's sight!

Invisibility? !

The next moment, the perspective kept jumping with the invisible man, it was like riding a roller coaster at eight times speed, sometimes on the ground, sometimes in mid-air, sometimes looking down, sometimes looking up.

Lin An was caught off guard and had no time to adjust. His stomach suddenly turned upside down, and he almost fainted from the 3D perspective.

When the camera stabilized again, everyone was lying in a pool of blood, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.


Under the illumination of the light, the man appeared again.

The old-fashioned top hat fell to the ground, revealing two white bones protruding from the hair like antlers.

On the man's gray-white face are a pair of sparkling eyes, long yellow fangs, and lips with almost no flesh, revealing small and sharp teeth with some fresh flesh remaining on them.


The hippie fell to the ground, his hands clutching his tangled hair. The pain from the tearing wound must have been so severe that he let out high-pitched cries and growls from his chest like a pit bull suffering from a stroke.

"Let's send you on your way."

The man stretched out his hand and made a "swipe" sound. His nails grew like branches and pierced the hippie's trembling chest, piercing his heart accurately.

The fingers moved gracefully, cutting off the surrounding blood vessels and nerves, and hooked out of the ribs with a pop.

The corpse stopped struggling. The man stretched out his curved tongue, rolled up the piece of meat and put it into his mouth, with a look of intoxication on his face.

"Ah, the sweet and delicious taste."

Man-eating monster...

With almost no hesitation, Lin An recognized the mystery of this man.


Thanks to Gluttony_G7la for the monthly ticket, and thank you to all the book friends for your recommendation~

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