World Occult User Guide

Chapter 43 Welcome to the land of bliss

【Name】: Wendigo

[Rating]: Disaster D level

[Radiation value]: 21.4%

[Pollution level]: 37.2%

[Media]: Lord of the Earth

The Wendigo is a monster that haunts the Algonquian tribes in the winter and feeds on humans.

Legend describes the Wendigo as a scrawny, gray-skinned humanoid creature with sunken glowing eyes, sharp fangs and claws, and pointed deer-like ears or horns that smelled of carrion.

The Wendigo is a natural hunter. It has extremely sharp eyesight, hearing and smell. It is extremely powerful and can come and go like the wind. It can even walk on open water without sinking, and can easily track and subdue its victims.

The modern theory is that the Wendigo originated from the fear of people in the north of Maple Leaf Country and Eagle Country about food shortages and snow-covered winters. Some people believe that the idea of ​​being possessed by a Wendigo is actually an outbreak of a cannibalistic virus. Makes you delirious and pain-free.

The "Wendigo" picked up the top hat that had fallen to the ground, patted the dust on it, and put it back on his head, covering his two conspicuous antlers.

His nails and teeth retracted, and he became almost like a normal person.

This reminded Lin An of Hector from the Foundation. The two may also belong to the "transformation category".

Wendigo's pollution level is not high. After leaving the fighting state, in the eyes of ordinary people, he is just a gloomy-looking, thin and tall man whose dressing style does not keep up with the trend.

He dragged the bodies on the ground, lined them up, and kicked them off the bridge one by one.


The black water rippled outward, and a string of bubbles and dirty blood emerged from below. Several heads floated in the waves for a few times, and were washed away by the river water.

After walking for two minutes, the man arrived at the center of the International Bridge. He stopped at the edge of the railing and looked around to make sure there were no peepers or stalkers.

Finally, the Wendigo closed his hands, lowered his head, and muttered something.

His voice was very soft, and Lin An had to listen attentively. The pronunciation of the words was weird, like a string of out-of-order, messy English. Until the man's self-talk ended, Lin An suddenly reacted.

Brother, are you speaking Latin?

This dead language has no standard pronunciation, so Wendigo used his own eagle pronunciation, but Lin An didn't understand half of the sentence.

But it didn't matter whether he understood it or not, because after Wendigo finished saying this prayer, weird energy surged, and the real space was distorted, like an hallucination caused by overheating.

At that moment, Lin An seemed to see a series of luminous, rotating, downward stairs.


The Wendigo climbed over the railing and jumped straight off the International Bridge.

He did not fall into the river like those corpses, but landed on a dilapidated fishing boat below. Lin An felt dizzy again with the constantly changing vision and the shaking hull.

An old... fishing boat?


This is where?

Fighting back the nausea of ​​vomiting, Lin An couldn't believe his eyes. He saw that the fishing boat suddenly turned into a fairyland-like place, with the colors of dawn and dusk intertwined, covering the facilities that had been abandoned for many years.

In radiant joy, a place of incomparable beauty appeared before my eyes.

The ground is paved with gold and silver mosaic bricks, with musk-scented mortar and pearls alternately inlaid in the gaps between the bricks. The sapphire-like swimming pool trickles with warm steam, and three or four figures of strange shapes can be vaguely seen swimming in the pool. move.

In addition to the hot spring in the center, the splendid hall is surrounded by high mosaic walls, with a thin layer of gold foil wrapped between cubes of various colors and layers of clear glass.

Endless light shot from the semicircular dome, making it difficult for Lin An to distinguish between reality and illusion.

Everything is moving ecstatically, the scenery is shining in all directions like stars, even Lin An himself is spinning, and his senses are being bombarded virtually.

He tried to keep his eyes wide open, and from the corners of the double shadow in the hall, the dilapidated walls of the fishing boats appeared from time to time. These illusions seemed to have grown on a solid basis, or they seemed to have broken away from reality and become some kind of special space.

Lin An couldn't help but think of a spiritual medium.


Wendigo had long regarded this paradise as reality, and was not as uncomfortable as Lin An. He said hello to the people in the swimming pool and walked to the raised terrace.

There is an ivory white piano on the circular high platform. White fingers touch the keys, and beautiful notes flow out. The shape of a tail grows from the reflection of the pianist. In addition, there is a pair of furry pointed ears.

However, the female body does not have the characteristics of these animals, and she is the complete opposite of the shadow.

She wears modern long-sleeved trousers and a smart high ponytail, but her sleeves are wide, her skirts are fluttering, her long hair hangs down like a waterfall, and her black hair reaches her waist.

That figure...

Inexplicable emotions flowed through Lin An's eyes.

Beside the pianist, a thick python was coiled up and resting. Its snake body was connected to a rooster-like head, and its flat leaves trembled up and down with its breathing.


The pianist pressed the keys with both hands and played discordant scales. The huge noise made the Wendigo stop in his tracks.

"Don't wake him, Wendigo, it's so easy for him to sleep like a human."

"What is the 'world'?"

"Well, it's just that he gets up during the day and goes to bed at night. The Basilisk goes to bed at five o'clock every day and wakes up at seven o'clock. The King of Hell praises him for his good health." The pianist turned around and showed a delicate face, "You are so late. I think everyone is late. Are they all homeless like you?"

The Wendigo stuck out its long tongue, awkwardly licked the corners of its eyes, and explained slowly.

"Sorry, Fox Fairy, I got drunk while watching the NBC talk show... Where is the witch?"

"She also went to watch the New Year's Eve show."


"Jenny Lopez, she said she has something important to announce, and she can't start until everyone is here."

The pianist stood up, put one hand on his hip, and made an action that Lin An felt very familiar.

Senior sister...

You are indeed a "liberal" mystic.

On the second day after the mysterious awakening, Lin An suspected his senior sister, but he never made it clear.

She always reminded Lin An not to stay in the city center, and was even a little overly sensitive. Now that she thought about it, as a mysterious person, she had heard about the "mystical person activities" in Ditli City, and she was afraid that Lin An would be in danger.

According to the foundation's records, the Witch and Free Mystics factions are a group of "extremely evil" people who commit murder, arson, and all kinds of evil. However, personal experience tells Lin An that both Wendigo and Senior Sister have an independent set of principles for doing things.

The senior sister tries her best to keep ordinary people away from the struggles of the mysterious people, but she will not stop the plots planned by other mysterious people.

Although the Wendigo is a man-eating monster, at least in these dozens of minutes, he did not kill innocent people indiscriminately, and the reason for his attack was because the other party shot first.

Of course, this doesn't mean the Free Mystics are any good people.

If the Foundation had not fabricated the facts, the Witch's followers had committed many crimes, including several murders of whole families and blood sacrifice rituals.

The biggest difference between free mystics and foundations and aristocratic families is their attitude towards mystery.

The St. Annilov Foundation regards "Comuth" radiation as a scourge and the culprit that destroys social order and disrupts existing laws. They control the mysterious people and use the useful ones as employees and the useless ones as "patients." , those who disobey will be treated as prisoners.

As for the aristocratic family, at present, they are centered on the family and use their advanced knowledge to attract mysterious people to work for their lives.

Only when "Comes" and Titan overlap can the family be on the stage of the times. It is not difficult to guess that they fanatically worship the radiation of "Comes" and try their best to use this decade to plan the most for themselves. Interests.

The free mystics seem to be "strange and free-spirited". They seem to be open to the possibility of all changes.

At least that's what Lin An saw.

The atmosphere in the fantasy world is relaxed, casual, and cordial. The relationship between the mystics is not that of superiors or subordinates, nor of colleagues and interests, but more like friends with common topics.

[The Witch of Bavomet], what kind of existence is you?

As if to fulfill Lin An's wish, a seductive and hoarse female voice sounded.

"There you are, Wendigo."


[Always on target] The ten-minute countdown ended and reached zero. Lin An blinked, and the dizzying bliss was replaced by an empty coffee shop.

The sky was filled with stars outside the window, fine snow was drifting, the International Bridge was quiet, and occasionally a few cars whizzed past.

That's the Free Mystic.

That is... the witch.

Lin An, who had escaped from the illusion, was still immersed in the pure land of bliss where the light was flowing, and his mood could not be calmed for a long time.

It turns out that one of the witch's abilities is to create "different spaces", and she has set up her base at the border of the Eagle Kingdom and the Maple Leaf Kingdom. No wonder the Foundation can never find the whereabouts of the Free Mystic.

In the early morning, Lin An returned to the apartment, eating breakfast and sorting out emails. She unconsciously opened the new email page with her fingers and stared at the blank space in deep thought.

Should information about the Free Mystics be given to the Foundation?

After thinking about it, Lin An gave up the idea.

This is not necessary at the moment.

"You have remained neutral; your wait and see on the situation has attracted the medium 'God of Truth' x1."

Lin An raised his eyebrows as the system's voice sounded in his mind.

Originally, he wanted to test the mysterious technique of Tuting's secret book on the mystic, but found that the other party was acting suspiciously, and then he found the base camp of the free mystic.

It turns out that the God of Truth will be attracted by the "neutral wait-and-see mentality"?

"Due to the radiation from the God of Truth, your contamination level increased by 1.5%."


Fortunately, the degree of contamination this time was less than that of the "Presiding Judge", and the "God of Truth" medium was more useful to Lin An.

"Ding dong."

The new email lit up, Lin An clicked on the red dot, and the seal and electronic signature of the St. Annilov Foundation appeared.

Dear Lin,

The other two members of the team are expected to complete the first two rookie trainings in three days. Please report to the foundation within 48 hours. We will perform our first visit next Monday.

I'm looking forward to your performance.

your captain,

Simon Lloyd.

Thanks to Qiuhushan, Truth and Exploration for your monthly tickets, thanks to Shrike and Tieji for your rewards, and thanks to all the book friends for your recommendation votes~

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