World Occult User Guide

Chapter 44 Before going to work for the first time

"Lin, Happy New Year!"

"Lin, welcome back to the facility. Do you want to play pool tonight?"

"Lin, when are you free to take us to play Baduanjin?"


Entering the St. Annelov Foundation, Lin An was constantly greeted by staff along the way. The familiar figures disappeared in a flash. Lin An's eyes lit up and he stepped forward.

"Good morning, Minister."

"Oh, my God."

"Just be flat, it's just me." Lin An said. "As flattering as it is that you recognize the similarities between me and God."

"Mr. Lin, turn left on the right side of the corridor and take the elevator leading to the direct department. Thank you for your cooperation." The minister made a "this way please" gesture with a smile on his face.

Lin An took two steps forward and then paused again.

"Minister, is there an employee named 'Cardenas' in the foundation?"

"Cardenas? What do you want from the director of the logistics department?" The director frowned, "Even if you have something to do, he won't see anyone outside of the appointment. You'd better send an email to his secretary a few days in advance."

"Well, I understand." Lin An pondered for a moment, "Thank you, minister. If you become an artificial intelligence, it will be much easier to use than X."

"Please get out of here, I'm going to have a heart attack just by looking at your face."

"Don't worry, when technology develops, only the brain can continue to create value."


"Happy 2038, Minister."

Saying goodbye to the unhappy civilian minister, Lin An walked into the office directly facing the department through the familiar X and card swiping mechanism.

He arrived just in time. The other two people in the team had just arrived. When Lin An came in, Mi Xi waved enthusiastically.

"Hey Lin! What kind of coffee would you like?"

"Mocha, thank you." Lin An greeted the two with a smile, "Where is Captain Simon?"

"He said that the president has something to do with him and will meet us in about fifteen minutes." Barry replied.

Lin An chatted with two colleagues about recent developments. The door moved up, the handsome face of the young angel appeared, and Simon's low and gentle voice sounded.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time. Lin, you are here."

"Hello, Captain."

"Would you like some coffee?" Mi Xi rushed to the coffee machine eagerly.

"Double concentration, thank you. We will carry out the first attendance mission next Monday, that is, two days later. Before that, I will first introduce the division of labor of the direct-to-face department."

Simon sat cross-legged on his desk. Contrary to the gentleness he showed, he was very used to this arrogant posture.

"There are five teams in the direct contact department, 21 Mystics. Three of the control teams are divided into 'Four-Four' groups. The first is the 'Control Team 1' responsible for south of Michigan. They are almost not in this facility and are called 'field operations'. squad'."

"The second is the Control Team 2, which is responsible for the north of Michigan. Since the most incidents occur in Detli City in the north of Michigan, they are stationed in facilities all year round and are also called the 'local team'. You must have heard of them more or less in the past few days. name."

"Oh, their captain is Regan Modirich, and there is a very beautiful lady named Caroline Jones." Mixie said, "Although I have not seen them in person."

"You are good at digging information out of other people's mouths." Simon praised, "It's very important to watch people's emotions."

"I used to work in a newspaper and had to practice interpersonal communication skills." Mixie handed him the double espresso, "Captain, your coffee."

"Thank you for your hard work." Simon took the mug, "The third one is our control team 3, which is temporarily regarded as a 'replacement team', sharing some easier tasks with lower risk levels and unclear clues for the two official control teams. .”

Mi Xi and Barry visibly breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing this, Simon added calmly.

"You are all newcomers with great potential. The president has high hopes for my team. Once you and Barry pass the remaining two assessments and become official members, the Foundation will have a difficult task for the Control Team 3."

"How difficult is it?"

"Search for one of the most mysterious and ruthless free mystics in Ditry City, the 'ghost' who controls the Beta level." Simon said seriously.

The three of them looked at each other. Finally, Lin An concluded: "This guy sounds so scary."

"Not only horrific, but cruel."

"Do you really want us to play?" Mi Xi blinked quickly, "This is the rhythm of fighting the BOSS just after leaving the Novice Village!"

"Haha, let me tell you in advance so that you can be mentally prepared." Simon took a sip of coffee. "Currently, the 'Control Team 2' is responsible for tracking the whereabouts of the 'Ghost'. In addition, the 'Punishment Team' is also constantly paying attention to this person's whereabouts when patrolling. whereabouts."

"Punishment squad?"

"The second type branch team of the direct confrontation department has a total of 6 people. Punishment Team 1 and 2 are different from the control team. They are a 'killing team' responsible for killing those mysterious persons who act viciously."

"Like 'Ghost'?"

"The Foundation is unable to determine the identity of the 'Ghost', and the investigation is still the responsibility of the control team." Simon said, "Recent cases show that he has taken refuge with the most wanted criminal in Ditry City - [The Witch of Bavomet]. "

Does the witch have such people under her command? Lin An raised his eyebrows.

"The two punishment teams, like the control team, are also responsible for one south and one north." Simon continued.

"Then what should we do?" Mi Xi looked worried.

Simon twitched his lips subtly: "Request additional troops according to the location where the enemy is found."

"Is the third branch a 'Defense Team', Captain?"

"You are very sharp, Lin." Simon said approvingly, "Yes, the last three employees belong to the 'Defense Team' and are stationed in this facility all year round to deal with the mysterious beings controlled in the facility."

"I always feel that there are too few people who directly face the department." Mi Xi whispered, "With the three of us, there are only 21 employees, and we have to 'serve' the entire state of Michigan. Normally we wouldn't be directly 007."

"Originally, the number of people was smaller than this, but it was more than enough to deal with mysterious incidents. However, mysterious incidents have occurred frequently recently, far exceeding the capacity. Therefore, the foundation recently added a punishment team and recently established a new control team."

"You mean, there are more and more mysterious people?" Barry rarely said.

Simon nodded and said: "A year ago, data from the state of Michigan showed that there was one mysterious person among about 200,000 people. However, the data kept soaring. After compilation, the ratio of mysterious people to ordinary people reached about 1 to 10,000 in December last year."

"According to the population of Michigan, there are a thousand Mystics?"

"Deducting the number of people killed by us and adding the number that have not yet been discovered and recorded, it is almost the same." Simon said, "There are some mystics who are not aware of the awakening of their abilities and are 'potential mystics', just like the two of you."

Mi Xi and Barry were silent. They were still defenseless in the face of a powerful enemy, which made them a little anxious. However, St. Annilov signed the "Overlord Clause" with them, and the two could not refuse the foundation's arrangement.

"Take your time." Simon comforted him warmly, "Sometimes, activating the mystery requires a little stimulation - of course, I try not to put you in danger. This time I deliberately chose a simpler task to make it easier for you to familiarize yourself with the attendance process."

"What's the mission?"

"A few dozen kilometers away from the city of Ditri, there was a small town where thefts were frequent. The police in the town were dispatched but could not find any traces of the thieves. Therefore, they suspected that a supernatural event had occurred and notified the St. Annilov Foundation."

Phantom thief?

Lin An became interested and said, "Captain, is there anything else you need to prepare?"

“Saint Annelov will distribute a set of self-defense equipment, which I remember includes a fully automatic pistol, magazines, rifles and bulletproof vests, as well as some miscellaneous items.” Simon explained, “Do you all know how to use these two guns? "


"I've known it since I was a kid."

"Uh, this..." Lin An hesitated, "Report to the captain, I'm not that skilled..."

"It doesn't matter. It's just a deterrent. We are usually accompanied by the police when we perform tasks."

Lin An thought of his recent experience. The energy of "Comes" distorted the laws of physics. It was difficult to hurt the mysterious man with bullets alone. The two did not belong to the same dimension.

"It's okay, Lin, we'll teach you these two days." Mi Xi touched him with her elbow.

"You are the second mystic besides the captain. I have to ask you what it feels like to use 'mysticism'." Barry said pointedly.

"No, there are special coaches to train you. As for the technical points, I don't insist on overnight success. It's more important for you to communicate more emotionally." Simon smiled slightly, "We will set off on time at 9 o'clock in the morning on Monday."

"President, we are taking a helicopter or riding..."

The four members of the Foundation quickly arrived at their destination via helicopter, relying on the captain's "shadow teleportation" to teleport over short distances. They made a domineering appearance, and Lin An was filled with imagination.

Our captain doesn't have the ability to teleport, but he has a pair of big wings.

How many people did the angel carry on his back?

Feeling Lin An's probing gaze, Simon couldn't laugh or cry.

"You have such a rich imagination, Lin. We have a special car on duty. This matter is not that urgent. There is no need to use a helicopter. It is easy to attract attention and cause unnecessary commotion."

Thanks to Li Shuangxu for the reward~Thank you to all book friends for your recommendation votes and continued reading~

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