World Occult User Guide

Chapter 45 The Town of Farmington

The branches groaned under the weight of the snow, snapping and falling like sudden explosions as the car moved through the forest.

Otherwise, the forest was eerily quiet.

Lin An looked out the car window at the ghostly white winter moon through the fine snow. The sky was a broad gray, the horizon was surrounded by purple-red hues, and circles of smoke rose from the sleeping town.

"Captain, is Farmington just ahead?"

"Yes." Simon, who was driving, replied, "We will go to the police station later. After completing the formalities, you will follow the police to investigate, search and interrogate the suspects in the town. If you feel something is wrong, please use the device to contact me."

In addition to weapons and protective gear, the "equipment gift package" sent by the foundation also has a small Bluetooth headset-type device. After inserting the black card, X's voice will sound, introducing the functions of the device in a smooth manner.

There are generally three usages, positioning, internal communication, and self-destruct alarm.

"What exactly is wrong?" Barry asked.

"People who have been radiated by 'Comos' are always incompatible with this world." Simon said, "I will stay at the police station to analyze the clues of the supernatural part of the incident. I will inform you of any progress."

Simon, who is carrying a pair of big wings, cannot move freely. The control team 2 always sends Caroline, who has the lowest pollution level, to come forward, and the other three members are hidden behind the scenes.

The town came closer, the cocoon of silence broken by screams, and early children in their boots playing on the frozen pond.

From Lin An's perspective, the ice surface is like a polished glass tray, and the zero-degree temperature wraps the water in a silver prison.

The sun rose behind the children, casting colorful rings of shards, revealing wonderful streaks of yellow, pink and orange in the flint-gray sky.

The noise of the crowd became louder and louder. From the scattered huts in the distance to the rows of houses, the group arrived at the small town of Farmington.

Simon parked his car inside the police station and went straight to the sergeant to complete the relevant procedures.

About ten minutes later, his instructions came from the device, asking Lin An and the others to follow the two policemen at the door and start their duties. They introduced each other and got into a spacious van.

The fat policeman headed by him introduced the ins and outs of the matter while driving.

"In chronological order, the first report occurred 2 weeks ago. The bakery owner discovered that her gemstone ring was missing. She had kept it in the safe in the attic. Strangely, we checked the attic window and the safe. But there are no signs of being picked.”

"The second person who reported the crime was a teacher from a primary school in the town. He claimed that he had lost a limited edition signed album. He kept the album in the storage room. After hearing about the situation of the bakery owner, he opened it on a whim and found that He also had a valuable item stolen."

"Again, let alone the storage room, his house showed no signs of being broken into," the thin cop added.

"This report was only 2 days later than the first one. From then on, everyone in Farmington was in danger, fearing that thieves would visit. This was in vain. Three more cases with similar circumstances occurred within a week, and the suspect was still not there. Leave clues."

The fat policeman sighed, feeling helpless.

"This thief was really cunning, and he came and went like an invisible man. In the end, we all suspected that this might be some kind of supernatural event, and we had no choice but to try to contact St. Annilov."

"Are there any suspects?" Barry asked in a deep voice.

"There are a few, but... let's go find the first victim first."


The bakery owner poked her face half out of the crack in the door, and when she saw the fat and thin policeman, she screamed in a sharp voice.

"Here we go again! You tax worms have made no progress at all in two weeks, and you still have the nerve to harass me!"

"Oh, please cooperate. I promise to give you an explanation soon." The fat policeman said with a smile on his face.

The woman came out cursing and leaned against the door frame.

“I’ve told you everything I can tell you five times,” she said. “I suspect it was the jealous bitch next door who did it, and her house hasn’t been robbed yet. Why don’t you go investigate her? "

"Yes, yes." The fat policeman laughed and pointed at Lin An and the others, "This is the special investigation team from Ditry City."

The woman looked at the three of them and her expression softened slightly.

"My son is studying at Ann Arbor University. I hope the people over there will be more useful than you."

"Can you recount your experience at that time?" Mi Xi took out his tablet in a dignified manner, preparing to record it.

"There's not much to say. On the day of the theft, I repeated my daily life, baking bread, selling bread, closing the shop and going upstairs to sleep. Before going to bed, I suddenly thought of my grandmother, and then I thought of the ring she passed on to me. I just want to go upstairs and have a look.”

She clapped her hands in frustration.

"Everything is in the safe, only the ring is missing!"

"Ma'am, have you seen anyone suspicious wandering outside your house lately?"

"There are only a few thousand people in our town. We have lived here for a long time and have some impressions of each other. Outsiders can recognize each other at a glance. I dare to swear that I haven't seen a new face in almost a year, and this town basically doesn't. There have been cases, and the police are all idle."

"Ahem." The fat policeman coughed a few times, "Everyone from the special investigation team is still here."

"So what, let the facts speak for themselves. A theft case has left you helpless. To be honest, I'm very disappointed." The woman frowned, "Don't even think about getting donuts from my store for free in the future."

"Oh my god..."

"Could it be an acquaintance who committed the crime?" Mi Xi frowned, "Madam, do you have anyone to suspect?"

"The bitch next door must be her." The woman vowed, "She is jealous that my son did better than her son in the exam, jealous that my store's business is more prosperous than hers, jealous that my husband is younger than hers - well, She must have done it!”

To be on the safe side, the group knocked on the door next door, but found nothing out of the ordinary.

"I have lived here for thirty years. If you ask anyone in the town, you will know what kind of person I am! I care more about my reputation than the money!" the woman next door said angrily, " Why don't you check all the travelers in Farmington!"


She slammed the door.

"Actually, we searched the tourists immediately. They were a young man and woman on their honeymoon. Well, the alibi is very sufficient." The fat policeman rubbed his nose awkwardly, "Other than them, there is no one in Farmington Town recently. Records of other people’s frequent visits.”

"Since the crime took up to two weeks, we had to suspect the local townspeople." The thin policeman said, "Tourists from other places come and go, and no one stays in the town for a long time."

"Well, could it be some ex-convicts?"

"We have also thought of this. The interrogation route includes their residences. However, although these suspects have dirty hands and are frequent visitors to the police station, they only engage in petty theft and do not dare to take valuables."

Unfortunately, after running all afternoon, I gained nothing.

"Should we go door to door to check for the mysterious person?" Mi Xi was so tired that she stretched out on the seat of the van. "By the way, we shouldn't have missed any abnormalities, right?"

After saying that, the two of them looked at Lin An in unison.

"No, there were no mysterious people just now." Lin An confirmed her regretfully, "They are all normal ordinary people."

"By the way, have you ever thought that this is...a self-directed and self-acted drama?" Mi Xi lowered her voice.

"How to say?"

Mi Xi Void grabbed two microphones.

"'Sir, how did you solve the case this time?' 'Of course it's because I'm very capable, unlike the Special Investigation Team of Detli City.' Wow, the sense of security as a town citizen has improved." ''Please continue to support me in the next election.''

"If such a thing really happens, I will make them walk around without food."

A low voice sounded from the Bluetooth device.

"Captain!" Mi Xi's eyes widened, "Sorry, we found nothing. How are you doing there?"

"There are some vague clues. I will discuss them with you tomorrow." Simon said, "This notice is to tell you that you will get off work at that time. You have worked hard for the first time, so take a good rest."

"Great!" Mi Xi cheered, "The boss who never lets his employees work overtime is the most handsome!"

"Let's go have dinner."

Simon hung up the communication, and the group discussed their next destination with great interest. Lin An casually chatted for a few words and said goodbye.

"I want to go to the library in town and meet you at the motel tonight."


"Yes, I glanced at the bulletin board in the library when I was on duty. There was a new book among them that seemed quite interesting. I just borrowed it to pass the time."

"What kind of shabby place are you doing? I'm going to take you to the best local restaurant." The fat policeman lifted up his waistband.

"Thank you for your kindness, just pack me a sandwich." Lin An smiled slightly, "I wish you a good appetite."

Saying goodbye to everyone, Lin An relied on his memory and walked to the door of the small town library.

This is a building that has been in disrepair for a long time. White paper lights flickering like arrears illuminate the aging space. The paint on the walls is peeling off. The tables and chairs have only been cleaned to a minimum, and dust is clogged in the corners.

The nearly sixty-year-old librarian was napping behind the counter. Lin An's eyes scanned the books in his hand, but he couldn't find the one advertised on the bulletin board.

Walking from one bookcase to another, Lin An caressed these worn-out title pages. No one had cared to organize them with initials. The books were arranged in disorder, as if they came from disordered chaos.

"What are you looking for?"

Suddenly, a pleasant voice sounded from the front. Lin An pulled out a thick book and looked into a pair of black eyes.

"The Hanging Invisible Man. I saw the announcement of this book posted on the bulletin board in the library."

"There was a body hanging from the lamppost and no one cared but me."

"Yes, this is it."

The bright eyes curved up.

"I wrote the novel, and I also posted the notice. I didn't expect anyone to pay attention to the abandoned notice board at the door." He said, "Go around, I have the book."

Thanks to Hungry Dragon for the reward, thanks to the confused Xianyu, Gluttony_Gula, and Yinzu for their monthly passes, and thanks to all the book friends for their recommendation votes~

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