World Occult User Guide

Chapter 47 Following in the footsteps of Anansi

Space distorts and energy surges.

From the blurry perspective, Lin An vaguely saw Simon's slender fingers bending like playing a piano, and the light like fragments of stars and moons crossed an arc, covering Jim's entire face.

Violet flames ignited, and he screamed in pain and passed out.

Simon took out the black restraints and tied him up. He held it in his hand and nodded to Lin An.

"Let's meet up at the motel."

After saying that, he flapped his wings and flew away, disappearing into the darkness.

A sharp siren sounded outside the window, awakening the sleeping librarian. The thin policeman rushed in to control him and calm the old man down.

Lin An showed the ID of the Special Investigation Team to a strange middle-aged man in police uniform, who motioned for him to get into his police car.

"I am the Sheriff of Farmington." The middle-aged man told Lin An in the car, "Please feel free to carry out the task of controlling the mysterious man, and we will deal with other troubles."

When they arrived at the motel, Simon and the two team members were already in the room.

"A thief from Farmington?" Mixie looked up and down at the unconscious Jim, "He looks only fourteen or fifteen years old, still a junior high school student."

"Be careful, he is an awakened mystic after all." Barry stopped her.

Lin An squinted his eyes and vaguely felt the energy spreading outward from the black restraints. It was incompatible with Titan and gave people a sense of strictness that could not be disobeyed.

What is this?

Looking away, Lin An stood with the team members, waiting for the captain's next instructions.

"Due to unexpected circumstances, this operation was a bit hasty, so you were not able to truly participate in it and gain practical experience." Simon said in a deep voice.

"Captain, I'm sorry." Lin An said proactively.

"Ah, I don't mean to blame anyone, I'm just repeating the facts. No one would have thought that the mysterious person would happen to appear in the library and bump into you, Lin." Simon said that he didn't need to take it to heart, "Fortunately, it happened. It’s a happy ending.”

"Can we go back to the foundation?" Mi Xi said.

"The matter is not over yet." Simon tugged on the black restraints on Jim's body to confirm the tightness. "I'll give you a task. When he wakes up, ask him about the whereabouts of the lost items."

"Okay, okay!"

Lin An responded and asked at every opportunity: "Captain, I remember you said that Titan's items are difficult to use against the mysterious man. He won't break free from the restraints and run away, right?"

"Don't worry, these restraints are specially made by the research department...well, to be precise, they are a kind of mysterious technique." Simon said, "Lin, turn on the heater at your hand."

Are restraints a occult thing?

This mysterious technique that is materialized, separated from the body, and can be used by others reminds Lin An of the stone tablet in "The Book of Obedience".

The secret book of Tuting has nothing to do with Canaanite magic, but Jin Zhien is able to control the golem through the stone slab and use mysterious techniques that are not his at all.

"Whose mysticism?"

"It does not matter."

Seeing that Simon wanted to brush it off, Lin An interrupted.

"Captain, why can the radiation of 'Comuth' have a physical form on Titan? Aren't the laws of that planet different from the world we live in?"

Simon leaned against the wall and made a motion to take out a cigarette, but found nothing in his pocket.

"You can do it if the radiation value is high." He seemed unwilling to say more, "You just need to know that these restraints can control the mysterious person." After a pause, he added, "At least it's no problem to restrain James."

Lin An narrowed his eyes, and at the edge of the restraint, the blurred words flowed along a specific trajectory, firmly restraining Jim's aura.

Kind of like... some kind of invisible commandment?

Its energy is not too strong, between Carmen and Jin Zhien. This is definitely not the strength of the president when he actually uses the mysterious technique. It can only be said to be his mysterious "fragment".

"The 'pollution level' causes physical changes in people. So, once the radiation value exceeds the threshold, what changes will it bring about?"

Lin An stood up from the bed and walked closer to Simon in the corner.

"Captain, is the world you see through your eyes completely different from ours?"

"It's very normal, except that someone is too close to me." Simon concealed the slight tremor in his voice and pulled up his coat, "Go and turn on the heating, Mi Xi, don't you think it's too cold here?"

Lin An took out a pack of cartons from his arms: "Don't go, captain, you left your cigarette on the bed."

"It contains dark chocolate. I don't smoke." Simon took the carton and said, "Watch this mysterious person. This is your trial task tonight."

He left the motel in a slight hurry.

There was silence for a while, and then Barry patted Lin An on the shoulder.

"Don't embarrass the captain. We don't have enough qualifications and haven't reached the authority level yet. The company naturally has something to hide. He can't violate the contract for us. I believe that when the time comes, the foundation will give us a satisfactory explanation."

Lin An showed an innocent expression: "You are promoting me. I am just an ordinary college student, how can I dare to threaten our captain with an extraordinary background?"

"Simon Lloyd, I seem to have read his name somewhere." Mi Xi pursed his lips hesitantly, "Reports from more than ten years ago... He seems to be a leaf-banning policeman."


No wonder he is more efficient than professional detectives when sorting out evidence. Lin An thought.

"I'm not sure. I can't find relevant information online. I may have accidentally read this report in the abandoned warehouse of the newspaper." Mi Xi shook her head, "Forget it, the captain's past has nothing to do with us. The top priority is to complete the report." His orders.”

The three people's eyes fell on the unconscious Jim. They were thinking about how to wake him up when they heard Jim moaning indistinctly and slowly opened his eyes.

"Where am I...?"

"You have been arrested, James Natchell." Mi Xi moved a stool and sat down. "We are a special investigation team, specially designed to deal with people like you. Tell me honestly, where did you hide the lost items?"

"Sure enough, I'm not the only one with superpowers in the world." Jim struggled tentatively and found himself being tightly tied, and couldn't help but smile bitterly, "And there is an organization that looks exactly like the Avengers."

"Don't change the subject." Mi Xi cleared her throat seriously, "In the past two weeks, the amount of your theft has exceeded 50,000 dollars. If you tell the truth, we can still be lenient and deal with it leniently."

"Do you have this kind of power?" Jim looked at her with sincere black eyes, "Or are you just making up a few lies to fool people in order to achieve your goal?"

"Uh..." Mi Xi was stopped by his question, "Anyway, in short, you are cornered, please cooperate with our investigation."

"I'm sorry, what I wanted to say, but you lied to me with your first sentence, miss." Jim said sadly, "Does this mean that your organization is also full of lies? Or, is it simply that you come from a Home of hypocrites?”

"Don't, stop playing tricks, James, answer the question!"

"I refuse unless you swear not to lie."

"Okay. Can you talk now?"

"What good does this do to me?" Jim tilted his head, "Whether I say it or not, you will lock me up, right? Then why not leave a thought to the people of this town, at least let them remember I've been here before."

"Stealing, stealing is bad behavior."

"Isn't lying different?"

Mi Xi was at a loss and looked at her two companions for help. Jim raised his chin.

"You look very nice, sir over there."

"I can tell you with certainty that if you cooperate with the investigation, this agency may be able to arrange a position for you, allowing you to become an employee managing superpowers like us, James." Barry said solemnly, "You Think about it."

"Does the so-called 'management' mean locking people up and depriving them of the power to live?"

"...Our institution has adopted a robust treatment method." Barry said, "James, this unknown energy is very dangerous and is causing changes in your body. It is impossible to fully study it with your own strength."

"In that case, do you have any cases of cure?"

Barry was stunned and silent.

"That's it..." Jim looked disappointed. "I think only institutions that provide substantial help to society and individuals can be considered legitimate. Otherwise, they are illegal and should be abolished."

"However, without an authoritative organization, the world would be in chaos due to superpowers."

"There are far more examples of deprivation of power through silent influence than violence." Jim looked at Barry with pity. "Is it understandable? You have been brainwashed by your institution, and now you want to take away my freedom. .”

He stopped paying attention to Barry and turned to Lin An.

"I thought we were friends."

"I thought you were an honest young writer." Lin An loaded the pistol with a click and pointed it at Jim's knee. "You will be lenient if you confess, strict if you resist. Tell me the whereabouts of the lost property. I want to sleep."


A drop of cold sweat ran down Jim's forehead.

"I dare you--"


Before he finished speaking, the bullet flew past his trouser leg, tearing the fabric and leaving a hot mark on his skin.

"I'll tell you, I'll tell you right away." Jim gasped in fright, but still refused to give up and said slyly, "Aren't you afraid of having your license revoked if you shoot at the citizens indiscriminately?"

"The only reason they were fired was because of me." Lin An moved the pistol and aimed at Jim's knee again, "I still haven't hit the target so close. It seems I need to practice my accuracy when I go back."

" really want to hit me?" Jim turned pale and quickly told the truth, "The things are in the tree house in my backyard."

"Good night, little thief."

Lin An blew in the smoke, and as soon as he turned around, Jim suddenly spoke quietly.

"Being asked to violate one's soul is a fundamental condition of life. Every living creature must do so, it is the ultimate shadow, the failure of creation, the curse that consumes all life."

His voice echoed through the room like an organ.

"It's everywhere in the universe."

Thanks to you and me, senior leeks, for your monthly pass to Hzzzzz, to Fan Hao for your reward, and to all the book friends for your recommendation votes and continued reading ~

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