World Occult User Guide

Chapter 48 Zomo Rabbit

"Dong dong dong!"

The sound of knocking woke up Lin An, who was sleeping soundly. He blinked his sleepy eyes, and Mi Xi's face appeared outside the window of the hotel room.

As soon as she opened the window, she said fiercely: "Lin An, Barry betrayed us!"


There was a lightning strike at the opening, and Lin An suddenly lost all sleep. He grabbed his coat and weapons and pushed out the door, only to listen to Mi Xi's explanation of the situation.

"I was woken up by a strange noise just now. I looked out the window curiously, and I happened to see Barry leaving! When I rushed out the door, he was gone. The next room was empty, and James had also escaped!"

"So, they just left at the same time." Lin An corrected, "You can't confirm that Barry is really a traitor."

"Uh..." Mi Xi nodded awkwardly, "I mainly want to attract your attention."

What a good guy, he is worthy of being a newspaper worker, and he is a clickbait.

Seeing Lin An pouting, Mi Xi quickly added: "But the captain said that James couldn't break free of the restraints alone. If Barry hadn't let him go, how could he have escaped?"

"Have you contacted the captain?" Lin An didn't want to argue with her, and adjusted the Bluetooth device, "X, call Simon Lloyd."

"Sorry, the user you dialed is offline."

"I tried it, but the device couldn't be contacted and there was no one in the room." Mi Xi pointed to the distance, "James and Barry ran in that direction. Lin, maybe this is the captain's trial, and we can only Catch them on your own!"

She pulled out a black restraint and her car keys.

"Found it in Barry's room. I'll drive."

The town of Farmington was silent in the early morning. The darkened houses were left behind by the speeding cars. The moonlight illuminated their still silhouettes. Except for the owls that cooed across the sky, the streets were empty.

"Are you sure it's this direction?" Lin An asked, "As a mysterious person, James is fine, but how can Barry run faster than a car?

"Barry is probably the Mysterious One, Lin." Michie turned the steering wheel and turned into the street on the left. "At that time, I saw his eyes emitting a creepy green light, as if he wanted to eat people. Similar."

"It's just a little bit further out of town."

"Huh?" Mi Xi stepped on the brakes, and the tracks screamed. "This place looks familiar. It's the place where the captain asked us to stay tomorrow... This is the home of James Natchell!"

No matter how cynical and eloquent he may appear on the surface, Jim is still a child, and once he encounters danger, his first reaction is to run home.

Unfortunately, Nacher's family had already been transferred to the police station, and the house was empty.

"It makes our movements easier."

Lin An and Mi Xi got out of the car together, the door was open, and two muddy footprints moved forward, and they ran straight to the backyard.

The moonlight was dim and the grass was wet. Barry was standing next to a cedar tree rising from the ground, punching the trunk of the tree frantically.

"Bump, bump, bump!"

Above the cedar tree, Jim was hugging the branches tightly. His face was pale, and his hair was soaked with dew or sweat, sticking to his scalp and cheeks, making him look particularly embarrassed.

Mi Xi and Lin An walked around to the side and took a look. At this moment, Barry's eyes were shining, his muscles were swollen several times more than usual, and his hair and beard became thicker and stronger.

"Barry Fenton!" Mishy yelled, "What the hell happened!"

"I'm going to kill this little bastard!" Barry, who has always been calm and collected, said viciously, "He deserves to die!"

"Calm down, incorrect use of the energy of 'Comes' will lead to an increase in the level of pollution! You don't even know what mystery you have awakened!" Mi Xi shouted, "Don't use your power indiscriminately!"

Barry ignored it and punched the tree trunk hard.

"You little bastard, get down here!"

The heart-wrenching creaking sound that echoed inside the wood suddenly changed its tone and became the sound of breaking. The interior of the wood was shattered by Barry, and finally could no longer bear the weight from above.


Snow fell, tree trunks shook and collapsed.

"Mixi, this way!"

In a flash of lightning, Jim slipped down from the tree trunk nimbly, passed by Barry's fierce fist, and quickly passed by Mi Xi and Lin An, leaving only an afterimage.

"Fuck it, Melissa, get out of the way!"

Lin An predicted the direction in which the cedar tree would collapse and waved to Mi Xi from a safe place. Unfortunately, the latter was focused on stopping Barry and did not hear the cry at all.

A huge shadow enveloped Mi Xi, and she thought of running away, but it was too late.

Barry had no choice but to give up chasing Jim, who was running away, and grabbed her arm. The two of them rolled to one side, barely staying away from the falling tree, and survived.

"Give up, you can't catch me." Jim's laughter came from the tree.

He was seen standing at the door of a tree house with his arms folded. After not seeing him for just a few hours, the boy's figure had some strange distortions. Lin An blinked and found a pair of slender ears suddenly growing out of Jim's head.

Like bunny ears?

Deception, escape, cunning, delusion...

Jim's mystery is Anansi's companion - Zomo!

"After your testimony, [Zomo]'s illustrated book has been unlocked." The system prompts sounded in my mind at the same time.

[Name]: Zomo

[Rating]: Ghost Story C-level

[Radiation value]: 7.8%

[Pollution level]: 31.5%

[Medium]: Fantasyr

Anansi is the southern god of deception, insight and wisdom. He usually appears in oral folklore as a human or spider. He is good at planning puzzles, fooling others, and getting what he wants.

In the animal faith of South Africa, rabbits are also popular tricksters and are also known as followers of Anansi.

One of the rabbits, named Zomo, sought wisdom from the sky god and used trickery to complete three nearly impossible tasks.

Get scales from the big fish, milk from the bison, teeth from the leopard.

Therefore, the sky god gave Zomo the ability to "run", and he could escape death from predators and avengers every time.

Visionary Medium…

Based on the experience in the last paradise, the dreamer's medium should be related to "imagination". Combined with Jim's stealing technique that came and went without a trace in the town, Lin An suspected that his mysterious technique was similar to "retrieving objects from the air."

If he wants to steal an item, Jim must confirm its "location" in advance, use mysticism to create some kind of illusion that ignores space, and take the item directly.

Jim has a cunning character and is eloquent. He can tell the other person's words with just a few words. What's more, he grew up in this small town and has a thorough understanding of the characters of the townspeople.

Through persistent side tapping, he also talked Barry out of his words and stole his stuff.

Jim doesn't seem to need to "know" too accurately, though.

According to the testimony of the bakery owner, she had a sudden impulse to identify her heirloom ring that day, probably because she accidentally mentioned it in a conversation with Jim during the day.

If the store owner and Jim had clearly talked about the ring and the attic safe, she would have mentioned it to the police at some point, even if she wanted nothing to do with Jim.

So, Jim "fantasy" about the location of things through verbal fragments, and then starts the "phantom of stealing"?

After all, he is a dreamer and most likely does not need logic and evidence.

At this point, Lin An basically confirmed that Jim could steal unknowingly and ignore the distance of space through guessing and conjecture.

I wonder what he took to make Barry so furious?

Moreover, Jim's own pollution levels increased dramatically.

Barry walked towards the tree house silently, his hands clenched into fists, his muscles bulged, and his veins popped out. Mixie followed him, pulling out a pistol and pointing it at Jim.

"Put your hands up and be honest!"

"Wait, let's not hurt him." Lin An said suddenly.

"Lin, he must die. If you don't support me, get out of my way immediately." Barry's tone suppressed the mad and desperate rage, "Otherwise, I will force you to make way."

"I'm not asking you to let him go, Barry, just don't 'hurt' him." Lin An explained, "When he escaped from your pursuit just now, his speed was as fast as the wind, but when you fell to the ground, he stayed still. Are we here just to laugh at our incompetence?"

Barry's brows were knotted into a tight knot, hot air blew out from his nostrils, and he took a step forward.

"It has nothing to do with me. I just want to kill him."

"Don't get close to him again!" Lin An stretched out his arms. "Since he has the ability to escape, why doesn't Jim run into the forest and disappear from our sight forever? Because this kind of 'escape speed' can only be used when 'being chased' It will take effect under the preconditions!”

"What did you say?"

"His speed bonus is pure fantasy." Lin An gently pressed Barry's arm, "As long as we have murderous intentions, we will never be able to catch him."

Zomo, like all the Southern gods who migrated to the Eagle Kingdom, only when faced with "oppression and power", the animals showed cunning, intelligence and unexpected power.

In so many days of whipping, roasting, and abuse, so many nights of being shackled, so many separations and pains, hatred has scabbed over, and there is an urgent need for a trace of treatment, even if it is illusory and unrealistic.

At this time, "fantasy" gave them a tongue to lick their wounds and escape reality.

Lin An pointed to the tree house and said to the two of them.

"We divided into three groups and climbed up to the tree house. We kept calm during the process, but Jim became a slightly thinner teenager. He lost the speed of the wind and couldn't run away at all."

"I probably... understand." Barry suppressed the trembling of his body and pushed away the restraints handed over by Mi Xi, "However, I can't calm down - as long as I see that face of his, I will I can’t control my murderous intent!”

"Why?" Mishi asked.

"I also... have a child." Barry's voice suddenly became very low, "James asked me for help, and I couldn't help but think of my child... I wanted to free him, at least let him live in the foundation. It got better, and then he smiled.”

Jim's voice broke in eagerly, eager to express himself.

"Lack of self-control is the same as giving power to others. He wanted to put shackles on my mind, just like he sent his children to authoritative institutions to learn, brainwash, and lose the freedom of their souls!"

The young man held his head and pulled his two rabbit ears fiercely.

"How do I know... the 'authority' you worship is really a hospital! I didn't know it was your child's ventilator mask! I thought... I thought I was just rebelling against the mainstream, against authority, against the constraints that bind us. Think outside the box!”

"Ventilator?" Lin An was stunned.

Judging from Jim's reaction, it seemed like he didn't know what he was going to steal?

It's really "fantasy"...

"James doesn't know what means he used to take away his breathing - that poor child's lifeline!" Barry covered his cheeks in annoyance, resisting the urge to run away, "I begged him to return the things to the hospital quickly, he He asked me to let him go, so I..."

"Zomo has no ability to 'return'." Lin An said, "This is another of his scams."

"Am I wrong?" Jim screamed in retort, "Simon, my friend, you understand me! I wish to confuse everyone, I wish to prove... to untie every worldly yoke!"

"Shackles, you know shit about shackles!" Barry shouted angrily, "I need money, I need professional institutions! I don't care about human rights, blind obedience, and shitty souls! I just want my children to live! Little bastard, Your great principles have made everything come to nothing!”

Lin An and Mi Xi exchanged glances, and the former held Barry's shoulder to prevent him from approaching the tree house. Jim felt the fear of being "hunted" and activated the mystery to escape again.

Zomo's perception range is limited.

"What can they give you? Can your mystery be controlled? Has your child been cured? These fears are just the voices arranged by the highest power in your body. Once they take over, we will completely lose our freedom!"

"If I didn't believe in this possibility, I might go crazy with despair!"

Jim shook his head, as if heartbroken by the reality.


While Lin An stopped Barry from rushing towards Jim, she observed Mi Xi's movements with her peripheral vision. She had climbed from another tree to the back of the tree house, and tentatively stepped on the wooden board with her toes.


The harsh sound made Jim turn around suddenly, and what he saw was Mi Xi's harmless smile.

"Kid, don't run away, let my sister teach you."

"You're a liar who is a compulsive liar!"

Jim wants to escape, but there is no dramatic "chase", his mystery fails, and he moves awkwardly to the other side.

Mishy jumped up onto the platform of the treehouse, hands gripping the restraints.

"Okay, just think of me as a liar." She said happily, "I'm pretty sure that no matter what happens, the sun will rise again tomorrow, and neither of us will find freedom. But after catching you, I have 2,000 Bonus and 3 points for Daole.”

"Damn it! You ugly adults!"

Jim retreated to the edge of the platform, and the wooden board made a warning "creak" sound. He looked down and unexpectedly ran into Lin An's black eyes.

this person……

I had a good chat with him before!

It shows that they have similar experiences and personalities!

Jim had an idea. If he stole one of Lin An's things now and threatened him as usual to make him betray his companions, he might be able to get a chance of survival!

"You understand me, right?"

Jim shouted to Lin An in a hissing voice, and the totem pattern of Nanzhou climbed onto his dark cheeks.

"Like me, you regard superpowers as the most important thing in life! Please, let me go! Otherwise, I will steal the thing you value most! Destroy it the moment I get it! Let you lose it forever!"

Lin An rolled his eyes and was too lazy to continue.

"Am I wrong, my friend! Why don't you speak up! Answer me! Question me! Debate with me!"


damn it!

Jim was completely helpless now, and Mixie forced him to a corner, still maintaining a passionate smile on her face.

His only hope is Lin An!

As long as Lin An and his companions turn against each other and stand by his side, Jim thinks he still has hope of escaping!

I want to take a gamble!

Where will Lin An put his "treasure"?

Safe? Storage room? bookshelf?

Box—inside the box? !

Endless fantasies passed through his mind, until an unusual and subtle fluctuation came from somewhere. Jim was overjoyed and immediately activated the mysterious technique.

The next moment, the whole world fell into chaos.

Candles illuminate the mist, wooden boats cut through the long river, and the scepter taps on the door. The atmosphere of life and death is so ethereal and romantic.


The ripples are broken in the endless sea of ​​the dead, and the sparkling water reflects a strange and familiar face, the faces of babies, teenagers, young people, middle-aged and old people intertwined and changed.

This is where?

Rustling reeds, endless ocean, twelve eternally burning candles, and...

Why do "Lin An" things appear here!

No, let me leave!

I can't face this image!

Jim's body trembled and his feet were unstable, and he immediately fell towards the bottom of the tree house. At the critical moment, Mi Xi, with quick eyes and quick hands, picked up the restraints and wrapped them around his feet.


However, a sudden change occurred!

The panel given by the system floated in the air, and Lin An watched in surprise as Jim's pollution level skyrocketed, rising rapidly from 31.5% to 100% in just one second!

What happened? !


The rabbit's soft feet slipped out of the restraints easily, and Jim's body hit the ground like a fallen leaf in the autumn wind. In the severe pain, his consciousness gradually left him.

He vaguely felt eyes from all directions surrounding him, and the crowd was whispering about his death.

They finally noticed a man hanging from a lamppost.

But the body had long since rotted.

"O God of the sky...take my soul away..."

He looked at the picturesque night sky, as if muttering to himself, or speaking softly to the unknown distance.

Thanks to NovaPigeon, Book Friends 20230626110034034, Half Moon Knight, Huhuhahaha, Reader 1655823857265487872, The Inscribed Cube of the Ball, Yunshan Youyin’s monthly pass, Raziel, Dragon Squirrel for the rewards, and everyone’s recommendation votes~

Some readers reported that the two chapters were published at two separate times, and the reading experience was not very good, so this time the two chapters were combined into one and published together. I hope that all readers will feel that the reading experience is better~

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