Everyone stared at the rabbit in surprise.

Almost in an instant, it replaced Jim's form and fell to the ground.

Under the gaze of the three people, the rabbit turned over and sat up, jumping up and down.

The rabbit is all black, about the size of a newborn baby, with green and black square patterns all over its body, and its ears are surrounded by bright gold diamond patterns, which is quite strange.

"What is this?" Barry slowly put down his clenched hands.

"After the pollution level reaches 100%, it turns from a human being into a mysterious prototype." Lin An subconsciously stayed away from the rabbit, "But why did Jim's pollution level suddenly soar? Could it be that some of his last actions attracted someone Special medium?”

According to Lin An's understanding, there is also compatibility between media.

For example, when the "Knowledge Seeker" attracts the "Presiding Judge", the pollution level increases by as much as 3%, but when it attracts the "God of Truth", the pollution level only increases by 1.5%, which is only half of the "Presiding Judge".

Could it be that Jim ended up attracting a medium that was the exact opposite of the "visionary"?

Even so, his pollution level has risen too quickly...

Directly from 30% to 100%, what medium has such danger?

For some reason, the rabbit kept approaching Lin An. He retreated behind Barry, keeping a safe distance from it. His thoughts were flowing and he couldn't help but cast his eyes on the rabbit again.

On its exotic cheeks, some kind of pale film covered its eyes, like a cataract patient or a long-dead fish.

However, something unexpected happened.

The moment the rabbit turned his head, the voice of the system suddenly sounded in Lin An's mind.

"By observing [Mystery], the radiation value of [Mysterious Encyclopedia] increases by 1%. Your gaze on [Mystery] attracts the medium 'Lamp Goddess' x1."

"Due to the radiation from the Lady with the Lamp, your pollution level has increased by 0%."

Wait, Lady with the Lamp! ?

Lin An couldn't help but widen his eyes and was shocked.

Looking at Zomo Rabbit's eyes again, the pale film faded away, and it turned out that it had a pair of big eyes with yellow whites and dark pupils.

Opening your own panel, the radiation value of [Mysterious Encyclopedia] has become 2.2%.

Lin An used the mysterious technique several times, and each "knowledge seeker" medium consumed could only increase the radiation value by 0.2%. Just now he just glanced at the rabbit's eyes, and the radiation value inexplicably increased by a full 1%!

I also got the medium of a "Goddess with the Lamp"...

Lin An frowned. Does this mean that Jim's last behavior attracted the "Lamp Lady", but it was too inappropriate for the "Dreamer", causing his pollution level to soar and turn into a Zomo Rabbit?

But when it comes to my side, the pollution level has not increased at all?

Are "The Seeker" and "The Lady with the Lamp" a good match?

Just inferring from the names of these two media, the functions do not look like "synonyms".

And the system only mentioned [Mystery] but did not say the name. The situation was similar to when it introduced itself for the first time and deliberately harmonized its real name.

Is the illusory white film covering Zomo Rabbit's eyes some kind of mystery that I haven't recognized yet?

In order to solicit ideas, Lin An used his consciousness to ask.

"System, is my guess correct?"

"Yes." The system's emotionless voice responded.

"But if it's a mystery that I haven't recognized yet, wouldn't you be able to even create an 'illustrated book', let alone include it?"

"The medium of the 'Goddess with the Lamp' is special. Contact with the mysterious items related to it can increase its radiation value and obtain the corresponding medium."

"Contact?" Lin An suddenly remembered another mysterious item, "The un-unlocked ability of 'Ouroboros' is related to the 'Goddess of the Lantern'. Can I gaze and observe it through some means to increase the radiation value?"

"It's a good idea." The system did not deny it.

Lin An probably understood that the "Goddess with the Lamp", a medium that had barely been recorded, was related to increasing the radiation value, but there was still a big problem left.

"Why did Jim's pollution level instantly reach 100% when he attracted the 'Lamp Lady', and he died directly? Moreover, in the cases of the 'Lamp Lady' mysterious people recorded by the Foundation, most of those people died quickly due to the soaring pollution level. ?”


"What kind of behavior can attract the 'Lamp Lady'? Jim is just on the run. Is it because his 'Dreamer' medium took him to a strange illusion? What did he 'see', and therefore was affected by the 'Lamp Lady' 's favor?"


"Are you dead?"

"This encyclopedia has not yet included the relevant entries of the 'Twelve Gods of Komus'." The system said a familiar prompt.

There is no relevant record...

Lin An's eyes flashed with a dark luster.

I can only confirm one thing at the moment. I don’t know if it’s due to the particularity of the [Mysterious Encyclopedia] or the system’s ability to “include and identify”. In short, I can absorb the “Goddess with the Lamp” medium without worrying about the degree of contamination.

Strange energy fell from the sky, and then Lin An felt the cold wind rolling up the corners of his clothes.

He raised his head, and the angel with wings descended.

Simon was holding a sword in his hand. Lin An could only vaguely recognize the outline of the sword before. Now he squinted his eyes. The sword body reflected the luster of the moonlight. The guard was shaped like a pair of angel wings, and its handle was shaped like a pair of angel wings. Spiral-shaped, extending to the end of the crystal ball.

This is the energy of "Comes"...

As the radiation value increased, it became increasingly clear in my field of vision.

"Captain...!" Mi Xi unconsciously hid the black restraint behind her back, "Jay, James, he turned into a rabbit!"

"I saw it."

The energy trembled, the sword disappeared, Simon's silver eyes stopped on Zomo Rabbit for a long time, and his deep voice echoed in the night.

"You're not injured, right?"

"It's okay, Captain, it's just Barry..."

Mi Xi stopped talking sadly, while Barry lowered his head and stared at the lively black rabbit aimlessly, as if he could see a very far away place through it.

"I was worried about you being in the same room with the Mysterious Man, Barry, so I kept watching the surveillance. When I found James using the Mysterious Technique and pulling out a breathing mask from the Void, I immediately notified that person. hospital, let them provide timely rescue."

Simon blocked Barry's view and gave him a gentle smile.

"Your child is safe."

Barry was stunned for a long time, and finally his whole body relaxed. His legs softened, and he sat down on the ground, breathing heavily in relief.

"I was indeed negligent this time. I didn't expect James Nachel's mysterious scope to be so wide. Not only the town of Farmington, but he could even steal from private clinics dozens of miles away." Simon shook his head, "' The Visionary's medium is really hard to guard against."

Mi Xi climbed back to the ground along the steps of the tree house and dusted herself off: "Captain, why did you take the initiative to cut off the communication equipment at that time?"

Simon smiled slightly and said generously: "Firstly, I have to deal with hospital affairs, and secondly, I also want to see how you perform in action."

"It's really a classic newcomer trial..." Mi Xi touched her chest with lingering fear.

"If you are in danger, or if James escapes, I will intervene immediately."

Simon chatted with her for a few words and then turned to Lin An.

"Lin, your action this time was outstanding. Your calm observation, methodical leadership and organizational skills, and empathy to protect your companions can be said to be a model for facing the department head-on."

"Captain, you're overestimating me." Lin An showed a clear smile, "Mixi is no less good."

"Without your dissuasion, we would definitely let him go!" Mi Xi flattened her lips, "Lin, if the captain plays idle mode in the future, I will decide to follow you."

"What is 'hanging up'?" Simon asked doubtfully.

"Is it AFK?"


"Generation gap..." Mi Xi raised her forehead and said, "Although it is difficult to accept it, now I truly feel that there is a whole generation gap between us."

Simon patted her shoulder kindly, and the atmosphere fell into silence. Just as Mi Xi was about to say something more to divert attention, the captain spoke by name.


"I'm sorry, Captain..."

"Obviously I have warned you that James's theft mystery is related to 'conversation'. Try not to talk to him, but you are still not cautious enough and fell into his trick."

"I'm sorry, Captain," Barry repeated.

"This, you can't blame him." Mi Xi defended him kindly, "Barry offered to share a room with James and gave us a separate room. James is so cunning, no one can help it. Say a few words to him – I don’t think I can help it!”

"This is no excuse, Melissa." Simon's tone suddenly became serious, "Fortunately, James is just a 'visionary' who uses illusions to steal. What if he meets [Bavomet's Witch]? Once in contact, That dreamer won’t let you go easily.”

A drop of sweat dropped from Mi Xi's forehead.

"When dealing with a mysterious person, if you are not careful, you will be doomed." Simon said, "Mixi, at least you must maintain a vigilant and fearful heart."

The witch is indeed a mystic in the "visionary" medium.

Based on the experience of confronting Jim, could the witch pass through a certain "node" and ignore spatial distance to create a blissful illusion anytime and anywhere?

Lin An was thinking and listened to Simon continue to speak.

"'Dreamers' are all fanatical idealists, and their ideas are not recognized by the mainstream public. Next time you are provoked by such people, just keep silent. You see, Lin never takes James's words."

"Why reward him?" Lin An shrugged.

"Haha..." Mi Xi laughed dumbly, "If James knew what you were thinking, I would probably burst into tears. I think he really regards you as a friend."

"This is not a friend I like to make."

"Hey, even his rabbit likes you."


The sound of whipping sounded, and Simon used restraints to tie up the rabbit that persisted in getting closer to Lin An.

It bit the strap with its protruding incisors, twisted its body, and pupated in Lin An's direction.

Thanks to the old trumpet for the reward, thanks to the book friend 20200819145319336 for the monthly pass, and thanks to everyone for the recommendation vote and follow-up reading ~

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