World Occult User Guide

Chapter 50 Rabbit likes Lin An

Simon picked up the black rabbit with a restraint belt. It twisted its fat body covered with patterns, looking extremely unwilling.

"Captain, why did James suddenly become like this at the last moment?" Mi Xi asked doubtfully.

"According to common sense, the 'Dreamer' medium selects people, but it is not dangerous to use. Even an immature teenager like James did not have many changes after awakening for two weeks without the help of professional knowledge. "

Simon frowned slightly as he looked at the black rabbit kicking his legs.

"I can't answer your question either. The only certainty is that this 'Dreamer' rabbit can provide valuable information to the research department."

The rabbit kept grinding the restraints with his front teeth.

"I always feel like it..."

Lin An tentatively moved a step to the left. Zomo immediately looked over and started jumping left and right. Zomo kept staring at him and his head kept turning.

No matter which way Lin An goes, it struggles in that direction.

"Captain, this rabbit seems to have fallen in love with me." He said expressionlessly.


"Zomo can't hurt me, right?" Lin An asked.

"The legendary [Zomo] is a wise, cunning, and fast-running southern hare. It is relatively harmless." Simon explained, "The purpose of binding it with a restraint is to prevent it from escaping, and then we will have to work hard. Catch it back."

"Then...can you give me a hug?"


Simon said as he handed the rabbit to Lin An.

"However, the mysterious person with a pollution level of 100% is just a remains controlled by the energy of 'Comes', and has no self-awareness. Lin, the gaze you feel may be a mistake-"

Before he finished speaking, the frantically struggling rabbit just touched Lin An's finger and fell silent instantly.

Simon was stunned and took it back.

Rabbit immediately punched and kicked him.

He handed it to Lin An again. The rabbit lowered its two big ears raised high and remained motionless.

"This..." Simon was stunned, "I have never encountered such a situation. The mysterious person with a pollution level of 100% is obviously dead. How can he still retain the love he had during his lifetime..."

"Ahem, cough, cough." Lin An quickly reminded, "Captain, first of all, I just made fun of myself, secondly, it was a male rabbit, and lastly, Jim and I have only known each other for less than a few hours!"

"Shocked that a male college student in Ann Arbor did this to an underage child!"

"Go away with the clickbait!"

Lin An took Zomo from Simon's hand. It was soft and fluffy, but very cold. There was almost no warmth in the body, and there was no sound of organ activity. It was as soft as a cloud.

Zomo nestled docilely on Lin An's chest, clinging to him like an octopus. Not to mention the restraint belt, even if Simon pulled its tail, it would be difficult to pull it out of Lin An's arms.

Lin An stroked the rabbit's black fur.

Jim died due to the medium of the "Goddess with the Lamp", and I attracted the medium of the "Goddess with the Lamp", causing the mysterious remains he left behind to get close to me?

Is this also the special feature of the "Goddess with the Lamp"?

"That's weird..." Simon pondered for a moment, "Lin, did you feel anything unusual?"

"No, I'm fine."

"It seems that with our current understanding of 'Comoth', we cannot explain this situation." Simon shook his head, "Back at the St. Annilov Foundation, we will hand over this rabbit to the research department as a reward , each of you has an extra 5 points."

"Give my points to Lin." Barry said after a long silence, "I'm not eligible for the reward."

"In any case, you still have a guaranteed 3 points." Simon glanced at him, "Remember to go to the foundation's research department and let them check the mystery of your recent awakening."

"Then can I get 10 points?" Lin An said.

"Yes, you can get 20 points by controlling a mysterious person. We each get 5 points."

"I see."

The sharp siren of the police car interrupted the conversation of several people. Lin An looked into the distance and saw a fish belly white color in the corner of the sky. It was already early morning.

The matter ended successfully, and the mayor thanked the group and bid them farewell.

The town of Farmington remains as peaceful and warm as ever. Only the librarian noticed that a black ghost disappeared forever from the corner of the bookcase.


That night, Lin An read the third magic encyclopedia for a while. Just as he was about to turn off the lights and get into the space capsule to sleep, he suddenly noticed a strange look coming from somewhere.

He turned around suddenly, and there was a baby-sized black rabbit standing in the doorway.

It twitches its inverted triangular pink nose and blinks a pair of large, innocent eyes. If you ignore the exotic plaid pattern on its body, it looks like an ordinary pet rabbit.

Zomo? !

Isn't it in the research department?

Without waiting for Lin An's reaction, the rabbit's hind legs used strength, jumped up from the ground, and threw itself into Lin An's arms.

Lin An was shocked at first. Lin An stroked the harmless Zomo and gradually calmed down, only countless bad things echoed.

Hey, the Foundation, didn’t you say that there have been almost no out-of-control incidents since its establishment?

A mysterious person ran into my bedroom!

Is it really just "we control, we make mistakes, we run away"!

I am very disappointed in you!

Holding Zomo Rabbit in his arms, Lin An just approached the institution building from the dormitory building, only to hear the siren sounding "Woo-Woo" incessantly. He passed through the flow of people, caught an employee wearing the uniform of the Research Department from the stairs, and showed his arms rabbit.

"Is this what you're looking for?"

The employees' expressions changed drastically and they reported the news non-stop. About two minutes later, the alarm stopped. The head of the research department made a pot of black tea and handed it to Lin An.

"I'm very sorry. It was our mismanagement this time."

The head of the research department is a woman in her forties, with an elegant temperament, wearing thick black-rimmed glasses and long, sparse golden brown hair. There are internal rumors that she is the wife of the president.

"I'm curious, why can't you even watch Zomo?" Lin An said tactfully.

"That's right, Mr. Lin, for the sake of test results, we untied Zeta-027's restraints. Unexpectedly, at the same time as we obtained the data, Zeta-027 suddenly disappeared from the isolation room."

The research director clasped his hands and explained in a formulaic manner.

"After our research, we confirmed that this is an ability similar to 'walking through walls', which means that Zeta-027 can ignore space and come and go freely in the isolation room. Since the employees of the research department were not mysterious and could not catch up with it, they were negligent. Let it escape.”

No wonder it entered my room silently, without even opening the door.

Lin An's mouth twitched: "Okay..."

"We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. As compensation, please submit Zeta-027, and we will reward you with 20 points in accordance with the regulations."

Acceptable compensation.

Lin An handed Zomo to the defense team, who wrapped a restraint around the rabbit and took it back to the research department.

The next day, Lin An had just finished lunch.

Turning around, the black rabbit stood silently in the corridor, his big eyes blinking expectantly. The moment he met Lin An's eyes, Zomo jumped into his arms with a "pop".

The familiar black tea, the familiar head of the research department, and the familiar speaking skills.

"I'm very sorry that we mismanaged this time."

"Sometimes I feel like a time traveler, otherwise why would I experience the same thing twice in just 24 hours?"

Lin An looked at the dignified research director.

"Why can't you control the experimental subjects? Is it because you don't want to?"

There were faint cracks in the research director's standardized smile.

"That's right, Mr. Lin, this time we asked members of the defense team to supervise, but after all, they belong to the direct-facing department and cannot stay in the research department 24 hours a day. After the experiment, they left."

"Did you remember to put the restraints back on?"

"That's for sure. But for some reason, it escaped the isolation room again." The Research Minister supported his chin, "We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. As compensation, please submit Epsilon-027, and we will give it to you in accordance with the regulations. 20 points.”

Deja Vu Yan Returns.

Just when Lin An thought that the same thing would not happen a third time, he was brushing his teeth in the morning and looked up to see a black rabbit appearing in the reflection of the mirror.

Lin An spat out the mouthwash as usual and opened his arms.


Zomo Rabbit deftly jumped into his arms.

"We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused by our improper management this time. As compensation, please submit Delta-027 and we will give you 20 points in accordance with the regulations."

After listening to the director of the research department's light-speed chant, Lin An asked tentatively.

"What's the reason again?"

"This is the first time we have restrained this mysterious person who is too small and has too smooth fur. As a result, the size of the restraint belt does not match. It is difficult to completely restrain Delta-027. Late at night, it kept chewing the restraint belt with its front teeth. , leading to a decline in effectiveness.”

“Can’t you make a new batch?”

"Only the president can make this kind of prop, and he recently went on a business trip to the headquarters, so the existing restraints cannot be replenished or upgraded for the time being."

It turns out that the restraint belt is the president's mysterious technique.

"Is there no other way? The experimental subjects keep escaping, which is not good for the institution's credibility." Lin An said insinuatingly.

"There are two ways now. The first is to directly eliminate Delta-027, but the mystics of the Fantasy medium are very rare, and we want to get as much information as possible."

"What about the second one?"

"For some reason, Delta-027 always runs to you. Once Delta-027 escapes again, we have decided not to sound the alarm. We hope you will cooperate with the research department and send it back."

Even the head of the research department looked a little nervous at the moment.

"This is the temporary solution we discussed, is it acceptable to you, Mr. Lin?"

"Do you get points every time?"

"Yes, thank you for your understanding and support, Mr. Lin."

"I mentioned this to the Minister of Civil Affairs once before." Lin An leaned back in his chair, "I would have been fine if I had just made a zero-yuan purchase in the points system, and there were so many detours."


Thanks to Silent Owl for the reward, thanks to you and me, the senior Leeks, and Erlkonig for your monthly votes, and thanks to everyone for your recommendation votes and follow-up reading~

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