World Occult User Guide

Chapter 52 Wanted List

On the way to the team's office, Barry took it upon himself to bring up his mystery, the Michigan Dogman.

[Name]: Michigan Dogman

[Rating]: Disaster Level E

[Radiation value]: 5.2%

[Pollution level]: 2.5%

[Media]: Lord of the Earth

This is a kind of "werewolf" native to Eagle Country, a creature that haunts Michigan, a canine with blue eyes and standing on two legs.

Werwulf is a human individual who can transform into a wolf. There are some clues as early as ancient Greek literature.

Herodotus wrote in the Histories that the Neuri people in northeastern Scythia would transform into wolves every year for a few days before reverting to human form.

In the Middle Ages, Augustine of Hippo defined werewolves and witches in "City of God": "Anyone who believes that anything has the ability to transform into another species, except God...can undoubtedly be regarded as a heretic." deal with."

Werewolf rumors spread to the New World with the conquerors and were part of the folk "witch hunt" phenomenon.

Different from the pagan theories of the Western continent, the native people of the Eastern continent, such as the Naskapi people in the Maple Leaf Country and the northern part of the Eagle Country, believe that giant wolves are the guardians of the reindeer souls and the messengers of the forest. They will kill those who are not skilled in skills. Careless hunter.

When the people from Xizhou migrated to Lower East China, the pioneers brought their own image of werewolves, and under the influence of the indigenous people, they formed their own "werewolf legend".

Now it seems that the "werewolves" may be warriors from the ancient dynasty during the last "Comes" radiation. A group of mysterious people with shape-shifting abilities were recorded and passed on by word of mouth, developing into different versions of legends in various places.

Disaster E level...

The development potential of the rating is not high. Lin An thought.

In addition to urban legends, immigrants from various places, and natives, the people of Eagle Country only have one extremely crazy pantheon.

"Cthulhu Mythos".

This modern mysterious novel is probably inspired by the texts of aristocratic families left behind in modern times, and is full of wild thoughts and speculations about the power of "Comes".

According to the records of the Foundation, the mystics of the Awakened Cthulhu series have extremely high first ratings and extremely low second ratings, such as "Legendary E-Level", "Mythical E-Level", and even "Source E-Level".

This is undoubtedly very dangerous, because their upper limit of radiation value is low, but the upper limit of pollution level is extremely high.

Once awakened, most of these mysterious people quickly enter the high-speed pollution and turn into indescribable monsters, killing the people around them indiscriminately.

Therefore, the appearance of each Cthulhu Mystic means a difficult control battle.

Fortunately, there are not many Cthulhu-based materials included in the Fund Road. This is probably because the star path of "Comoth" will be completely close in another five years. In short, there are not many high-rated mystics who have awakened at present.

However, star paths will eventually overlap.

It’s hard to imagine what kind of chaos the Eagle Kingdom will become in five years.

What a hell-level national copy...

Pushing open the door of the office, Simon was operating the computer and drinking black coffee. When he saw the two people coming in, he nodded to them.

"Mixi hasn't arrived yet. New Colombian beans came in today, you might as well try them while you wait for her."

Lin An made a cup of cappuccino and sat across from the captain's desk.

In fact, they now have their own desks, but the "onboarding" time is too short. There are no other furnishings except computers and basic equipment, and it is very boring to sit there.

Lin An tentatively pointed to the information on Simon's desk.

"Captain, can I see these?"

"Those are the Foundation's 'Wanted List'." Simon turned around halfway and said, "You can read it if you want. Some of them will be our mission targets in the future."

Lin An picked up a pile of information, and the first one was the Beta level [The Witch of Bavomet].

Codenamed Beta-001, a female mystic operating within the city of Detli, the mysterious prototype "Baphomet" or an unknown type of goat demon, the media guessed 80% of the "Dreamer" and 20% of the "Mother of Desire".

Strong leadership and appeal, strong ability, high rating, and high radiation value.

It is basically locked that her stronghold is located near the transnational river, but the specific entrance location is not yet known.

Her purpose is to gather all the mystics in Detli City to form a rebel force against the authorities.

The first crime was committed on April 20, 2037, when a mental hospital was massacred. According to the missing list, the witch's real name was "Eulalie Ada Isol". One of the patients in the hospital was diagnosed with delusional disorder. , histrionic personality disorder, and substance withdrawal disorder.

It was first witnessed on April 23, 2037, planning a large-scale mysterious incident in a bar in the city center. A total of three people awakened after experiencing the incident.

One of the bartenders, Carolyn Jones, has been recruited as a Foundation employee, and the whereabouts of the latter two are unknown.

On April 28, 2037, he committed the second crime. He attacked an ordinary family in Detli City and slaughtered all five members of the family, cutting their bodies into thousands of pieces. The method was cruel.

After verification, the victims were Beta-001's stepfather, biological mother and two stepbrothers.

The third crime committed on April 31, 2037... The Foundation officially classified him as a wanted criminal at the Beta level.

May 2037…

Since June, the witch has seldom personally participated in mysterious incidents. Basically, her subordinates who are bewitched by her commit crimes everywhere. Since their killing methods are similar to the witch, and they are protected by the witch afterwards, the foundation attributes them all to her instructions.

After learning more information about the witch, Lin An was thoughtful.

According to the description, she seems to want to create a world where "everyone is a mystic and everyone can do whatever they want." In her ideal country, everyone has equal freedom and any unified rules will be abolished.

Obviously, this is contrary to the foundation's philosophy.

Continuing to flip through the wanted list, Lin An saw many mysterious people who were not active in Detli City, such as the Deer Lady, Bigfoot, the Tooth Fairy, and the Navajo Skinwalker...

Just when Lin An thought these were all the wanted criminals in Michigan, another Beta rating came into view.

Codename Beta-003, [Ghost], a mysterious person operating within the city of Detli. The gender has not yet been confirmed. The mystery is unknown. The media speculates that "Lord of Dreams 50%", "Mother of Desire 20%", "Judge 20%" %", "War Emperor 10%".

The villain Cap mentioned last time?

With curiosity in mind, Lin An continued to read.

The first crime was committed on December 6, 2037. In a slum in the city center, he killed the [Dwarf Demon] being traced by the Foundation, shattered his soul with thunder, and then left without anyone noticing.

Wait, why does this record look familiar...

On December 14, 2037, he committed the second crime, killing a mysterious mother of desire on the streets in the city center, tortured her soul with cruel means, and toyed her to death in extreme pain. The Foundation officially designated it as Beta level.

Damn it, isn’t this me?

On December 25, 2037, he committed the third crime, killing a prophet and medium mystic in Chinatown. He also tore his soul into pieces in a weird and unpredictable way, causing the deceased to suffer great pain during his lifetime.

Based on the traces on the scene, it is inferred that [Ghost] is suspected of cooperating with [Witch].

Lin An raised his head expressionlessly.

"Captain, I have a question, why is [Ghost] listed as Beta level? I feel that he - or her and [Witch]'s files are not at the same level at all."

I am so evil!

Where have I lost my conscience!

You say this is me? This is not me at all!

"In terms of the number of murders, many wanted criminals have been responsible for far more lives than [Ghost]." Simon said solemnly, "However, the Foundation mainly considered one thing for classifying it as a Beta - its mysterious ability. It can directly crush the soul."

"Is it...dangerous?" Lin An gritted his teeth.

"Yes, except for [Ghost], none of the currently recorded mystics can do this - they may be able to affect the soul, but they cannot directly crush it."

Just based on this nonsense conclusion, give me the title of Beta level wanted criminal? !

What’s wrong with being stronger? Is it my fault that I’m strong?

If you want to incriminate yourself, why bother?

At first, he heard the four people shouting through the wall to list themselves as Beta level. Lin An thought that Beta was a relatively low wanted level. Later, after learning about the foundation's operating model, he felt that those people were just joking at first.

I didn’t expect you to come here for real!

Seeing Lin An's expression of confusion, Simon pondered for a moment.

"Lin, you may not understand how terrifying the soul killer is. Regardless of the fact that soul fragmentation is the most extreme torture in the world... the soul killer not only acts secretly, but also only needs one move to determine the outcome. From encounters to mysterious killings Less than a few seconds.”

Uh, can't argue with that.

Lin An probably understood the reason for assigning him to the Beta level. It was not that he was "killing people like crazy", but that his mystery was too terrifying and uncontrollable, making the foundation feel a great threat.

"The research department unanimously believes that the nature of the mysterious person who crushes the soul must be evil, otherwise he would not be able to awaken such an anti-human mystery." Simon supported his chin with one hand, "In the future, when we trace [ghosts], we must be more careful. .”

I scratch myself, right?

[Ghost] feels that there will be no day when we face each other.

Lin An read his bounty information again and raised his eyebrows.

Even if [Dwarf Demon] is the subject of investigation by the quartet, why does the foundation assume that Carmen and Jin Zhien are also innocent "new mysteries"?

Even if the family had a way to hide their identity, Jin Zhien’s dojo left many demon statues, didn’t they pay attention?

And why do you think I cooperated with the witch?

Because Carmen and Kim Ji-eun behave differently from the witches? Then why didn't they suspect that besides the witch, why didn't the Foundation, another faction in Ditry City, investigate the family?

Could it be that they are internal...

Suppressing the chaotic thoughts, Lin An turned to the last page, and a name jumped out on the page.

Codename Alpha-001, [Thunderbird].

Thanks to Time Whispers and Book Friends 20170819133739475 for your monthly votes, and to everyone for your recommendation votes and follow-up reading~

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