World Occult User Guide

Chapter 53 The Water Monster at the International Bridge

Alpha-001, [Thunderbird], a mysterious person operating within the state of Michigan, gender unknown, mysterious thunderbird, the media speculates that "natural sacrifice is 100%".

Since June 2, 2037, [Thunderbird] began to be sighted across Michigan. The Foundation's direct contact department once went out to control it, but unfortunately it ended in failure.

[Thunderbird] is too powerful, and the entire direct confrontation department is no match for it.

However, [Thunderbird] did not kill the members of the control team and voluntarily signed a peace agreement with the Foundation. It vowed to stay in a rarely visited forest and asked the Foundation not to disturb its life again.

The Foundation had no choice but to agree, but the file stated that as long as there is an opportunity, please control the team to capture the [Thunderbird].

Once subdued, please immediately transport the [Thunderbird] to the research department of the headquarters. As the native god of nature, it is a walking mysterious database that will make a great contribution to the Titans' research on "Comoth".

What kind of Thanksgiving reenactment is this…

Lin An put the information back on Simon's desk.

"Well..." the captain let out an annoyed sigh, "Lin, you are a user of the World Tree Forum, right?"

Founder Lin An remained calm and said: "Yes, what's the matter, captain?"

Simon turned the computer screen to him. The black page with the line "You have been permanently removed from the World Tree Forum:)" was so eye-catching.

Captain, how come you were banned by my automatic settings!

"As you can see, I have been banned by the administrator of this website." Simon seemed a little embarrassed, raising half of his wings to cover his face, "Please follow up and back up the post. This is our next time Destination for attendance.”

"Okay, Captain."

I want to see what outrageous remarks you made on my forum, and they were reported by 50 people.

Lin An took out his mobile phone and clicked on the link sent by Simon.

Toronto_dream: Has anyone from Eagle Country claimed this "ferry" at the International Bridge? [picture]

Toronto_dream: Here’s the thing, I took these photos last night near the International Bridge in Detli. [Picture] Due to the nature of the work, I swear there are no ships of this style in the ports of Maple Leaf Country.

[The picture] shows an elongated shadow in the distance on the water surface, curved in an arc, and connected to an elliptical outline at the end. It cannot be seen clearly under the heavy fog, resembling a chimney, and a bit like some kind of giant eel.

Toronto_dream: If this is not a ship from Eagle Country...then I probably saw a lake monster last night!

Mobile-Vikings: No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a ferry chimney. Obviously, one can only prepare for the worst.

PreNice7043: Are you sure you were awake at the time?

Toronto_dream: You are so high... The camera can't use herbs! Could it be possible that pictures can create synesthesia with their owners?

Malkuth_22: Instead of posting in Yggdrasil, why don't you ask Sister Gu? There are records of ships docked at Eagle Country ports, especially for such a conspicuous ferry. It's easy to find photos of its model.

kbs14415: Speaking of boats, I thought of a possibility - it was a dragon boat from the Dragon Kingdom. They are about to celebrate the Spring Festival, so they are preparing to launch the dragon boat in advance.

Chickentoopretty: Dragon boat racing is for the Dragon Boat Festival, not the Spring Festival. Brother, I beg you to check the information.

Hypericum: We are already on the Yggdrasil Forum. Why are we still discussing the model of the ship seriously? Can't we make some more occult speculations?

Hypericum: Both the Eagle Country and the Maple Leaf Country have legends about water monsters. In the Eagle Country, they seem to be called sea snakes or sea monsters. As for the Maple Leaf Country, don’t we have Ogopogo? I even bought a stuffed toy of it last year.

: Are you referring to the Sea Serpent?

+YuganDali+: If you mention it this way, its outline does look like a sea snake, uh, or a dinosaur.

Birdwatching: What is that, the Loch Ness Monster?

Apainin001: The water monster is an urban legend that extends from the sea snake. The body refers to an ancient, evil giant water snake.

Apainin001: In the Old Testament of Xizhou, ‘Leviathan’ is occasionally used to refer to this monster. Although most of the time it is the title of a dragon, it is undoubtedly the enemy of God. Babylonian texts also record a battle between the god Marduk and the many-headed snake dragon Tiamat.

Apainin001: In Hittite mythology, the weather god defeated the dragon Iluyankas. The Canaanite poems of their relatives also record the battle between the god Baal and the monster named Leviathan.

Apainin001: The image of the water snake has been passed down, playing the role of monster in pantheons around the world. In fact, fear of the giant creatures that inhabit the deep sea is very common, the most famous being the Kraken.

grosbec: Poster, did you stop to confirm?

Toronto_dream: I can’t confirm. As soon as I rolled down the window, the huge black shadow disappeared. I felt like it was either moving out of my visibility range or... sinking.

total-smokeshow: Damn, guys, put your fear on the public screen!

_jeremybear_: That’s weird. If I remember correctly, someone posted a few days ago about seeing a black shadow near the International Bridge. It's just that the poster was obsessed with proving that he was not a free control, so no one took his statement seriously.

MrEHam: So he is a free control?

_jeremybear_: Are the frequency of mysterious incidents on the International Bridge too high recently? There's nothing really weird around there.

BabyAdele: Hey, it makes me afraid to walk alone at night.

Lloyd19890401: Do you still remember the time and address where the photo was taken? The picture only captured the water surface, not which section of the International Bridge you were on.

Toronto_dream: I'm not on the bridge, I sailed across it.

Lloyd19890401: Where was the ship approximately at the International Bridge when you took the photo?

Toronto_dream: So what if you know? Want to solo with me offline? I warn you, the World Tree Forum does not allow users to reveal their true identities!

HunkaHunka: Yes, why do you ask?

Toronto_dream: Looking at that person’s ID, he looks like a wretched middle-aged uncle. Report the matter quickly.

Lloyd19890401: I'm not interested in your personal information. I just want to know your sailing route and the time you encountered the "Dark Shadow".

Toiler: It does feel weird.

Toronto_dream: ...It's no different than opening a box.

Not long after the poster posted this reply, the captain's account was banned.

The corner of Lin An's mouth twitched. The World Tree Forum implements complete anonymity. The three main reasons for banning are personal attacks and advertising, and they are actively or passively exposing one's personal information.

In fact, there is not much problem with the captain's reply. People often wonder where the mysterious incident happened, and most of the posters are willing to answer their doubts.

The poster didn't know what his profession was, but he suddenly felt guilty when he was asked. He led other users to swarm him, slandering Simon as an offline stalker. A bunch of people reported it, and the background automatically decided to ban the account.

Toronto_dream Right, this management will remember you.

By the way, the traffic of the World Tree Forum has increased a lot recently. Before December, there would not be 50 whistleblowers in a short period of time.

At this time, Mi Xi pushed the door open, and Simon and the three introduced the destination of their next mission, which was the International Bridge.

According to the accounts of these World Tree users, the time when mysterious incidents were encountered was concentrated in the early morning. The captain asked a few people to prepare and patrol the vicinity of the bridge starting from tomorrow night to look for suspicious mysterious persons.

Since "The Witch of Bavomet" and her followers have been sighted several times in transnational rivers, Simon believes that this "sea monster" may be a member of the Free Mystics faction.

Although the probability of the lair being discovered was very low, considering that the witch's boat often lingered under the International Bridge, Lin An thought of his senior sister and asked tentatively.

"Captain, can we only kill the free mystics? Can't we absorb them as members of the foundation? I just finished reading the files of the witch and her followers, and I found that there are also some records of punishing scum and criminals. "

"The witch and the Foundation are eternal enemies, not just because their hands are stained with whose blood, but because of a conflict of ideologies." Simon said solemnly, "The witch is synonymous with chaos and disorder, and A foundation is a binding commandment.”

"Is there no compromise between the two?" Lin An asked.

"The Foundation is a place that sets limits on freedom and nature, because we respect the constitution and legality, and believe that 'law' is higher than the country and individuals. This is undoubtedly cruel and stupid. Not all laws are fair, but they are Able to maintain social stability.”

The angel's thick eyelashes covered his silver eyes, and he replied with a blank expression.

"As long as the sword remains in the scabbard, madness will not exceed a certain level. The Eagle Kingdom will maintain its familiar form through it - this is what the president told me originally."

After leaving the captain's office, Mi Xi pulled Lin An into the elevator on the first floor and headed to the exchange warehouse.

To his surprise, Lin An found that the elevator stopped on the second floor.

If I remember correctly, the negative second floor is full of mystics controlled by level one and level two. Why are some people running there?

Is it the defensive line squad?

The two came to the exchange warehouse, Lin An swiped the black card, and X opened the electronic door for them. The high-tech walls and retro murals of the exchange warehouse came into view.

Mi Xi was typing on the computer excitedly, took out her cell phone, hesitated for a moment, and then put it back.

“Forget it, there’s no need to take up memory if you can’t post photos on social media…”

If you live a fulfilling life, you can also awaken into a mysterious person.

Spiritual media are becoming less and less selective.

Looking at her back, Lin An was thinking a lot.

Mi Xi was dazzled by the dazzling array of redemption items. If Lin An hadn't been waiting, she would have been able to browse there for several hours.

Finally, she chirped to Lin An about the items she planned to redeem in the future, and the two of them boarded the elevator together and returned to the front desk on the first floor of the foundation.

The elevator just stopped on the first floor again.

According to the authority level, except for the two ministers, ground personnel cannot take this elevator.

"Ding dong."

Sure enough, when the elevator door opened, Lin An saw a familiar figure saying hello to the security guard, and left the hidden elevator room through the automatic door.

It was the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joel Cardenas.

Lin An remembered the Cardenas family information found online and the suspicious aspects of the foundation's internal files, and made a quick decision.

"System, use [Blood Disaster] on that person."

Thank you for your monthly votes for I Am a Fool 001 and Fengxun Qiqi, and thank you readers for your generous recommendation votes and follow-up reading~

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