World Occult User Guide

Chapter 54 Cardenas is an unlucky guy

Lin An was a little concerned about this logistics minister before, especially when he found out that his surname was Cardenas.

Kim Ji-eun’s dojo once belonged to his family group.

Lin An specifically checked the information on the Internet. Cardenas is a family-owned company in Detli City with some history. The founder started it from scratch and developed it from a manual workshop into a world-class equipment manufacturer. It was finally listed on New Yorker.

In its glory days, there were five factories and more than a dozen ancillary industries in the entire Eagle Country.

This was more than forty years ago, and Joel Cardenas inherited the group owned by his grandfather and father. He wanted to take shortcuts while also trying to expand the size of the company.

A few years later, his company fell into a debt crisis and mortgaged several projects. His stock positions continued to decrease, causing investors to withdraw their capital.

Coincidentally, at this time, the chief engineer of Cardenas Group left overseas, taking a group of core technical talents with him. The group was also dragged down by intellectual property lawsuits and eventually went bankrupt.

Although the chairman made many wrong decisions, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. After his bankruptcy, the foundation absorbed Cardenas and became the logistics director of the Ditry City branch, responsible for raising funds for "research on superpowers". "donations.

After instructing the system, the energy turned into a connected five-pointed star and landed from above Cardenas' head.

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth were placed at the five ends of the five-pointed star respectively. They rotated counterclockwise and wrapped around his neck like a chain. They continued to rotate and tighten, and finally turned into the word "fierce", which held him tightly. A prison envelope enveloped Foreign Affairs Minister Cárdenas.

He was unaware, chatted with the security guard for a while, and left the elevator with the two investigators.

There seems to be no immediate effect...

Lin An followed Cardenas. He passed through the hall smoothly and disappeared into another elevator.

I was not tripped by an employee who was walking with a limp, nor was I splashed by an employee holding coffee. I even avoided an employee who was talking on the phone and holding a stack of documents.

It feels pretty much the same as usual.

Lin An recalled the battle in the dojo. Jin Zhien did use [Blood Disaster] on him, but the initial hexagram he threw was still the middle hexagram, indicating that this mysterious technique can make people's luck drop below the average line little by little.

As a long-term effective mysterious spell, the longer the [Blood Disaster] lasts, the worse the individual's luck will be.

No effect will be seen in the short term, and Cardenas still maintains the luck of ordinary people at the moment.

"Your passion for occult knowledge and practice attracted medium 'Seeker' x1."

The voice of the system sounded in my mind.

Lin An pondered for a moment, and left the building with Mi Xi.

The reason why Cardenas was experimented with [Bloodlight Catastrophe] was because Lin An suspected that he seemed to be hiding something. The foundation's intelligence system was so weird that it could accurately bypass or ignore the family's clues every time and get a clue. seemingly reasonable records.

The logistics department is the bridge between the Foundation and the outside world and is responsible for the investigation of incidents.

Whenever a mysterious person under the aristocratic family is involved, there always seems to be a mole investigator who deliberately confuses the situation, handing false reports to the civilian department and blocking relevant clues.

As for who this person is, Lin An dare not make a conclusion for the time being, but there is something wrong with the logistics minister who let the traitor go.

As long as he accidentally reveals something, the Foundation might be able to discover something on its own.

Lin An believed that some internal members might have noticed the suspicion of the field department and did not want to alert others for the time being.

It's not for the foundation's sake, it's just that I don't want the family to live too comfortably.


Jonah Cárdenas believed that God was being unfair to him.

Otherwise, why would he fail in everything he does and have bad luck no matter what he invests in?

He asked the rabbi of his family for help, and the wise man told him that Cardenas was not unlucky, because what he had and received had already exceeded what most ordinary people would spend their entire lives, but he never took it seriously.

Cardenas was dismissive.

With just a little luck, anyone can make a lot of money in modern society, Cardenas has always thought so, and his failure can only be attributed to lack of luck.

Why is he always so unlucky?

It’s so frustrating…

"Jingle Bell."

A special phone rang, Cardenas connected the wire to a special device, and a processed, sizzling female voice came from the sound generator.

"Is everything ready?"

"Yes, ma'am, the order has been carried out."

"Whatever your job asks you to do tonight, you can do it. Don't worry about the 'prison robbery plan' that affects the group of free mystics. I said hello to the witch. Her men know who you are and will be in the melee. Bypass you, as long as you don’t provoke them.”

Wait, something's wrong.

Listening to the fuzzy electronic sound on the other end of the phone, Cardenas felt a chill in his heart.


"That's right, on the day of the Winter Festival, the witch told me that she moved the 'prison robbery plan' forward by one day and will execute it tonight." The fuzzy electronic music became a bit cold, "I sent you an email that day."

"Oh, the mail..."

On the day of the Winter Festival, Cardenas remembered that he and his secretaries had gone to the hot springs, and before leaving, he set up automatic updates for the private email system.

Did the automatic update swallow this email?

"Haha, I received your reply very quickly." The voice was mixed with a bit of schadenfreude, "Wish me a happy Winter Festival."

Damn autoresponders!

Artificial retardation!

"Miss, did we discuss the progress later?" Cardenas asked with the last glimmer of hope.

"I made two calls a few days ago, and you told me there was nothing missing."

"Well..." Cardenas felt guilty.

Memories came to mind. I wonder if the civilian department wanted to improve their performance in the New Year. Recently, they suddenly set the monitoring level to a very high level, making it difficult to connect to special equipment. Cardenas could only hear a rough idea.

He thought everything was safe and confidently answered the questions about poor and intermittent connections. He didn't even notice that the lady had advanced her plan by a day.

"Listening to your tone, is there any difficulty?" The gloating voice was mixed with some soft warmth. However, Cardenas knew that this was the most terrifying side of the young lady. "If you can't do it, you don't have to force it anymore. Myself."

Five thunders struck.

Cardenas got goosebumps all over his body, as if he saw the gallows waving to him, and said quickly: "No problem, miss, I promise to complete the order."

"Awaiting good news from you, my loyal subordinate."


After hanging up the phone, Cardenas sat at his desk and thought quietly.

He has basically finished the preparations that need to be made, and has just gone to the second floor to complete the last process.

There is no problem with the operation tonight, but my identity is easily exposed to the Foundation.

Cardenas entered the second floor of the basement in the name of "collecting information" today and did not avoid any surveillance cameras. If a collective loss of control occurs tonight, there is no guarantee that the civilian department will not suspect him.

Originally, the device would automatically activate when the time came, but the current situation meant that he had to find someone temporarily...

Go in person.

An idea flashed across his mind, and Cardenas quickly pushed it out of his mind. However, as he continued to think about the candidates for investigators, the idea became clearer.

Do you want me to go to the negative second floor to activate it in person?

Well, it makes sense. After all, there is a day difference from the plan. It is more accurate for me to operate those devices.

At least make sure your plan is sound.

If I can't get rid of the suspicion and the mission goes awry, not only will I be hunted by the Foundation, but I may not even be welcomed by the Free Mystics faction and the lady.

Although he didn't understand why he had such an idea of ​​risking his life, the more Cardenas thought about it, the more reasonable it became.

I’ll go to the second floor in person later!

I don’t believe the bad luck will continue!

As night fell, the foundation building gradually became empty except for the members of the night shift team. Cardenas put on his coat, picked up the black card, and left his office.

Akae Oath.

Putting his two index fingers together, the energy of "Comes" surrounded Cardenas' whole body. As he passed through the tea room, his figure disappeared into the physical space and could not be captured by the naked eye.

Except for the direct contact department, the other three major departments of the foundation are all ordinary people. Once someone awakens, he will be sent to the direct contact department for screening, then to the research department to enter files, and finally become a member of the three major types of teams.

However, no one in St. Annelov discovered that Cardenas was a mystic!

He stood in front of the security guard, the gun pointed at his Adam's apple.


Blood spurted onto Cardenas' face, and the other security guard was shot to death with his second pistol before he could react.

Cardenas raised his hand and wiped the blood. He put his index finger on the trigger and fired with both guns. Glass was scattered everywhere, and the surrounding surveillance probes were scrapped one after another.


The siren suddenly sounded throughout the building.

However, Cárdenas ignored it and the ministerial authority allowed him a clear path.

The elevator door opens and X appears simultaneously.

"Hello, welcome back. Scanning completed, identification...recognition failed, second identification is in progress..."

Maintaining the gesture of holding his index and middle fingers together, Cardenas glanced past the projection of X. The artificial intelligence stood there and kept identifying the empty elevator.

Holy white light spread from Cardenas' fingertips.


A hidden stone slab that only he could see shone brightly, with the pattern of a faint blue hexagram looming, and invisible energy like a tsunami suddenly spread outward.

In an instant, all the mysterious people controlled by the foundation opened their eyes.

"Crackling, crackling..."

This is not firecrackers, but the sound of breaking restraints, one after another, endless.

Immediately afterwards, there was a muffled sound of crazy banging on every wall.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Like a typhoon or earthquake, the foundation building shook violently. The siren became louder and louder. Cardenas picked up the stone slab and ran away.

The Witch's followers recognize him, and these out-of-control mystics are not so kind!

Unexpectedly, just a few meters away from the elevator, the doors suddenly closed from both sides.

The numbers on the display jumped to the first floor below.


Cardenas slammed his fist down on the button.

"Who the hell is occupying the elevator at this time?" he shouted desperately.

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