World Occult User Guide

Chapter 55 Foundation Riot

According to the team leader, the duty on the International Bridge lasts for about 2 to 3 days, during which time he will stay in a nearby hotel.

Lin An had just finished packing his luggage, and when he turned around, he saw Zomo Rabbit squatting at the door with wide eyes.

Research department, you are paddling again...

Picking up Zomo who was throwing himself into his arms, Lin An pushed the door open and walked out.

Although it's a bit late, 20 points are not earned if you don't earn them.

The moonlight laid a layer of frosty silver light on the garden lawn. Lin An stepped on the gravel road covered with fine snow, and the broken ice crunched under his feet.

He took a deep breath, the fresh evening breeze was refreshing, the fragrance of pines and cypresses, the cold water vapor, and...

The rusty smell of blood.

Immediately afterwards, the fishy stench belonging to aquatic animals filled Lin An's nose, mixed with a pungent and inexplicable smell, similar to the smell often smelled near volcanoes.


Lin An looked at the place where the smell wafted out. A string of gurgling bubbles emerged from the bottom of the central pond, like the navel of the earth, and a pool of stagnant water flowed slowly.

Under the bottomless turbid lake, there seemed to be some kind of creature moving. The scarlet color spread along the buoyancy on the water surface.

A solitary shoe fell on the shore. It didn't take much to figure out that it belonged to the unlucky employee who was eaten.

The "lake monster" has chased the foundation.

No, not just lake monsters!

The outline of a huge python loomed in the starlight of the dark night. It had a thick body and a head that was obviously that of a bird!


The Free Mystics are calling?

Before Lin An could react, Zuo Mo in his arms kicked his hind legs.

The scene was spinning, and Lin An felt like he was on a fast-moving express train, being pulled forward crazily, directly penetrating through several barriers that were enough for him to hit him to death, and arrived at the fund in the blink of an eye. meeting hall.

This is what the research department refers to as "moving through walls"!

Like Jim, Zomo will also activate his abilities and run away whenever he is threatened or maliciously chased.

Only this time it brought Lin An with it.

The hall of St. Annilov was already filled with red light, dozens of warning lights emitted dazzling light, and rapid sirens were heard, making Lin An's eardrums hurt.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Employees swarmed in from outside the door and took refuge in the building, while the mysterious man who faced the department rushed towards the free mysterious man without hesitation. Energy overflowed and the war was about to break out.

There was a dull loud noise, mixed with the shrill siren.

Is this the sound of fighting outside?

Lin An frowned. The sirens and warning lights affected the five senses too much. It was difficult to identify the source of the sound, but he vaguely felt that the muffled sound was coming from underground.


As soon as the idea came to my mind, I saw the familiar four-man Foundation team and the defense team pushing in the door.

"Six first-level controls and 28 second-level controls have lost observation video!" The captain of the defense team pointed at the communication equipment and yelled, "Are you fucking kidding me? Isn't everything out of control?!"

Does it mean that all the mysterious people on the second floor have broken free from their restraints and are now running desperately outside?

It turns out that the vibrations on the ground came from the mysterious person who escaped.

"Protect the research department to evacuate first... I will try my best, but I have to tell you, Minister of Research, I cannot guarantee the number of casualties in this operation!"

"We will suppress this riot without sacrificing more people." The captain of the four-person team seemed relatively calm. "Let us control the remaining third-level mystics first? Okay, I understand."

The control team and the defense team were divided into two groups. Lin An discovered that Simon was not with them. He thought he had joined the punishment team and faced off against the menacing Free Mystics outside.

Surprisingly, the group of four turned into a group of three, and Caroline was not among them.

The defense team rushed towards Lin An and were slightly startled when they saw him.

"Lin, why are you—"

Before he finished speaking, Zuo Mo, who had been thrown to the ground by Lin An, kicked off his legs in shock, jumped on Lin An's back, and fled the scene again with him.

The scene was spinning.

Little thing, don't make trouble!

The first time was fine, but the second time made Lin An a little irritable, especially when he opened his eyes from the dizziness and found himself lying in a ventilation duct.

"Zomo, don't lead me away!"

Regardless of whether the mysterious object could understand human speech or not, Lin An grabbed Zomo's neck and threw it away, and crawled toward the light on hands and feet.

There was a rustling sound from behind, and the rabbit followed again.

In fact, Zomo's "teleport" ability is very practical. It would be great if I could use it.

Lin An thought to himself and stopped caring about it.

The pipe where Zomo took Lin An to hide was not too deep. About a minute later, he saw the exhaust fan, and the red light of the warning light shone through the gap.

Just as he was about to break the window and get out, there was a loud noise and something was hit hard against the exhaust fan.


The crisp sound of bones falling apart disappeared in a flash, and thick blood and fine pieces of meat leaked in through the gaps.

Lin An raised his head, and what was thrown up was the body of a research department employee.

Her body seemed to have been hit with great force by someone, and it flew up from the ground. Her limbs were twisted like a smashed tomato, sticky and sticky on the exhaust fan.

What followed was a loud noise as the entire ground was shattered.


The body slid down with gravity and hit the ground. Lin An followed the reappeared gap to see clearly what was going on outside.

Only 9 mysterious beings were seen emerging from the ground. Just looking at the degree of pollution that they had lost their human form, and their crazy eyes, Lin An understood that they were the mysterious beings who had lost control.

Zomo, are you sure this is a "safe" place?

But for Rabbit, who spends his days in the company of controlled mystics, he may think that these people are harmless.

Lin An squinted his eyes and unexpectedly saw a familiar person among the strange figures. He crawled out from the bottom of the pit and stood with the Free Mystic.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yona Cárdenas?

Unexpectedly... or as expected, St. Annilov's mole was none other than the Minister of Logistics.

Lin An was a little curious as to why the Aristocratic Family was able to infiltrate the foundation's ministers, but he had no time to think about the conspiracy.

A free mystic spoke, his voice dull.

"You told us that this is where the wall is most vulnerable. You proved this statement to be true, which is good. You also claim to be a follower of the Witch, but I don't think you have ever been favored by her. I still... …Can’t trust you.”

Its skin is green, with big horns like a cow, eyes and claws like a wolf, its bare feet have sharp nails, and its body is extremely strong.

A row of spikes protruded from its spine, as ghastly as white bones, with warm blood remaining on them.

Lin An recalled its files, and the system popped up a panel simultaneously.

[Name]: Hodag

[Rating]: Kaitan E-class

[Radiation value]: 29.6%

[Pollution level]: 55.7%

[Medium]: Natural Sacrifice

Legend has it that Hodag is a monster born from the ashes of a cremated cow, the embodiment of mistreated farm animals.

A mysterious man who was much taller than an ordinary person bent down, grabbed a member of the research department from the dug hole with his long arms, and threw him in front of Cardenas.

"If you kill him, we will believe you for now."

"Heh, it's a piece of cake."

The research department employee finally came back to his senses and saw Cardenas loading his pistol, with a group of mysterious people with cold eyes and strange looks standing next to him. He couldn't help but turn blue with fright, and screamed in an almost distorted voice. screamed.

"Minister Jonas Cardenas, you betrayed us! You betrayed the Foundation!!!"

His loud voice reached the research department below, buzzing and echoing in the cave. Everyone heard these words and Cardenas's name.

The logistics minister gritted his teeth, any pretense he had made before was useless.

As long as the elevator is not occupied at that time!

He doesn't have to hang out with this group of free mystics either!

Cardenas' invisibility can only last for 15 minutes. Although it can be used continuously, all the mystics escaped from the isolation room at that time. Except for the guy who lost his mind and went around destroying, others swarmed towards the elevator door and took out the invisible ones. Cardenas was surrounded.

The elevator door didn't open for a long time, and he huddled in a blind corner, trying not to make physical contact with other people.

Such was the situation, the moment the invisibility failed, Cardenas was suddenly exposed to the public eye.

Before he could use the mysterious technique, he immediately had a bloody wound on his body and was tightly entangled by the tentacles of a free mystic.

In order to survive, Cardenas had to compromise and sell intelligence in exchange for a chance to escape.

After being exposed by this employee, he completely broke up with the foundation.

"Damn it, if you make it louder, you might as well shout it so that outer space and 'Comes' know about it!" Cárdenas loaded the "Gada" and pointed it at the employee's head.

"For the sake of working together, please spare my life!" The employee was shocked and angry, moving back on his hands and knees, "For the sake of us swearing to the Eagle Country flag together, we will never betray St. Anne." For Love’s sake!”

"But I never swore how long this loyalty would last." Cardenas smiled coldly, "Loyalty for a lifetime is loyalty. Doesn't loyalty for three minutes count as loyalty?"

"Do not kill me--!"

Before the employee finished speaking, Cardenas decisively pulled the trigger. However, a "Gada" sound was heard and the pistol suddenly jammed.


Cardenas was just about to check the barrel of the gun when he heard a "ping" gunshot from behind.

An ominous premonition came to his mind, and he turned his head sharply, his pupils suddenly shrinking.

A bullet flew out of nowhere and hit Hodag directly between the eyebrows.

Two lines of blood dripped down its cheeks and fell to the ground.

Who fired the shot?

It’s not me anyway!

At this moment, Cardenas just wanted to curse.

The free mystics looked at their fallen companions in disbelief, their eyes suddenly filled with angry blood red, and they all let out earth-shattering roars.

"Cardenas, you betrayed us! You betrayed the witch!!!"

Thanks to QWEASDAA, Book Friends 20200822104144379, and Medieval Fantasy Broker for their monthly votes. Thank you all for your recommendation votes and follow-up reading~

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